Opening it up

As noted in the Red Herring and many other places, we’ve now opened up for the general public. This doesn’t mean we’re resting on our laurels though, we still have a ton of great new features and customizations planned with new ones coming online nearly every day. Stay tuned. 🙂

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  1. fxblader

    Thank you very much! Love it very much! Any chance that we can get a custom WP template on a blog, like Scobleizer? 🙂


  2. Jonathan

    Yes, custom templates would be great!

    And thanks for all your hard work!


  3. Sudhakar

    I am in love with wordpress and would like to see custom templates in place very soon…WP Rocks !


  4. pepitogrillo

    OK, that’s great, and what about a spanish language?
    Congratulations for your service, WP rules!


  5. msnguyen

    I have been using livejournal for a few years but found wordpress to be more innovative and sophisticated to use.



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  7. Pingback: No Shower Family’s first anniversary megapost « Food Photoblog of the No Shower Family

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