Blogger, Typepad, and MT Import

We’re enabling two experimental importers today. This is to help out the tons of people who have been writing in saying they want to import their content from the systems they were using before, and especially for the brave few who were copying their posts by hand, one by one. (I wish I had that sort of patience!)

First we’ve enabled an importer for Blogger, which is pretty much as simple as we could possibly make it. You simply input your Blogger username and password and it goes and grabs all of your posts and your blogger comments, and brings them into End of story.

Next up we’ve activated the importer that works with the type of files exported by Typepad and Movable Type. (They export the same files.) This is a little bit more complicated, what you’ll need to do is export from their respective interfaces and it’ll give you a nice text file. Our importer will let you upload that file, and then we’ll take it from there, importing posts, trackbacks, and comments, and even allowing you to map authors from your old blog onto authors from your new one.

As I said earlier, this is still a bit of an experiment. If either of the new importers doesn’t work the way you expect it, let us know in the forums or by using the feedback link in your admin.

Enjoy. 🙂

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  1. Nobodyknows

    Awesome! Looks like the importers are disabled for now, but I’m more than happy to wait.

    Thanks guys and gals for the import option!


  2. Matt

    If you reload they should be enabled.


  3. Nobodyknows

    And they were! Woo-hoo!
    Thanks, Matt.


  4. Pingback: Andy C » one less reason
  5. lucacicca

    You are GREAT!
    In two minutes I have imported all posts and comments of my old blog.


  6. sweska

    great work really!!!….love the import

    some suggestions/ pointers:
    1. some pics are not copied properly i think
    2. WordPress don’t allow coloured words?!?!?….all my colourful entires are gone:(
    3. or well flash and videos are gone too…coz i think wordpress doesn’t allow flexible codes in the html editor

    lastly…….THANKX A MILLION!!!!!!!


  7. monopod

    Just submitted some comments via my feedback link, but thought I’d post here too. Have now imported all posts but all my comments are missing. I don’t know whether it’s something on the side or whether it’s got something to do with the file I got from my original blog (which wasn’t a moveable type one but which provided a function for me to export to MT). Hopefully an administrator will be able to help 🙂


  8. penso

    I’ve just imported 3 months of blogger posts and comments and all went pretty well.
    Thanks 🙂

    penso rápido


  9. anonymuis

    very great! How about importing WP from another WP host as, blogsome, etc by doing as how we can do on blogger? i have friends who are really interested in but they are doubting because of their past archives … and have also friends who … want to import their wp host [they’ve installed wp on their host but want to move to due to different reasons they got on their host]


  10. anonymuis

    oh i meant to ask this also: is it possible for them to make use of WP database importer plug-in scripts and then import the entries to ?


  11. Pingback: Free Hogg » Blog Archive » has two excellent new features.
  12. lonemage

    Any chance you guys can get LiveJournal too? ^___^


  13. Pingback: Restricted Vision » Import your blog
  14. Stephen

    Any plans for Livejournal/Greatestjournal or even RSS feeds?


  15. Nobodyknows

    Just in case my thanks went unnoticed, I’d like to drop another “Thank You.” All of my posts and comments (from Blogger) imported cleanly. The images did not, but I really don’t care.

    If the people behind the scenes here at have done the same for you as they did for me (import at least a year’s worth of posts), you’ll be happy.

    It went cleanly and smoothly and took about five minutes.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Matt

    For those people having trouble with images, it’s actually related to the way blogger hosts images. If you had images in Flickr or photobucket or something, they should all be fine. If you had your photos hosted on photos* they will still be embedded but Blogger prevents “hotlinking” images they host from any domain other than

    We’re brainstorming a solution for this.


  17. P. A. Monteiro

    You guys are simply amazing. The import worked beautifully and the feature was so simple to use. Brilliant stuff guys; keep up the good work. Danke!


  18. Pingback: All About Users » Blog Archive » Imported posts from Blogger
  19. bobmorris

    FYI: it is possible to import from Radio UserLand into WP. I did it on my blog. There’s a Radio util that exports to MT format, then you import from that into WP. With a few gotchas, but basically I imported 6,000 entries in about 30 minutes from Radio to WP.

    Here’s how:


  20. fuchsiacow

    you guys are simply the best! Thanks for all the hard work… I’m so glad I came over


  21. kars

    thanks a lot for this feature! i used it already. “,)


  22. Pingback: » Blogger Importer to - [Librarianship with a dash of everything]
  23. martinz

    Great work, wonder if you have got plans for LJ import huh ?


  24. Pingback: Tutorial » Blog Archive » Import Other Blogs Into
  25. Andy

    If your blog says “temporarily out of service, discover a better blogging tool” it means the importer did not finish. Don’t worry, your original posts and comments are still there. All the importer did was change your template to something it could read. It meant to restore the template but was unsuccessful. Go to your Blogger dashboard and restore your template manually. You did make a backup first, didn’t you?


  26. automedusa

    My original blogger blog is in spanish and I imported it really nicely except that it gives me a “?” where there should be a á, í, é, ó, ú or ñ
    is there something that can be done. I wouldn’t want to have to edit 130 posts by hand!!


  27. scudie

    Rockin guys! Worked seamlessly for me! What i really miss is the ability to add code to the sidebar which is the major attraction at blogger. Any chances of that happening?

    Thanks for the importers!


  28. RogerBlogger

    This is awesome, this is exactly what I needed to leave blogger, and it came in the nick of time. Now all we need is the capability to change the template html. Maybe add a chatterbox? 😀


  29. bobmorris

    Just imported my wife’s blogger into WP and it was flawless. Thx!


  30. Pingback: The Relevant Tangent » Blog Archive » one post is last week
  31. the forester

    Any answer yet on importing from another WP host, such as


  32. wank

    [is #4 to ask politely for a livejournal importer]


  33. P

    Impressive, thank you for your efforts. I recently began blogging with WordPress and it has been very enjoyable. The same question of moving from Blogger to WordPress came up, but, as I can see, a solution has already been provided.



  34. Pingback: Lorelle on WordPress » New Features for New Themes, Import, Video Links, and Some Privacy Protection
  35. Pingback: Σπιτάκι » Blog Archive » Denounce Blogger
  36. io... e basta.

    And for Nucleus?


  37. stevenvu

    Sounds silly but an importer for WordPress would be nice. Can’t be hard to hook up can it?


  38. Alejandro

    This might sound stupid, but what about importing from inside


  39. Lohan Gunaweera

    I just used it and it’s working!!! Hurray!!! 😀


  40. Danny Sullivan

    I imported 67 entries. I post to MovableType with HTML markup. The import process inserted whereever MoveableType indicated there was a break even if I didn’t actualy use that code.

    In other words, the text document MovableType generates is putting in a line break. The import process into WordPress converts the line break into a tag. That puts hard breaks into my copy where there wasn’t actually one.

    For those who depend on MovableType to convert line breaks into HTML breaks, this is a non-issue. For me, it’s messing things up. Love to see if that could be changed. Otherwise, I’m going to still have to cut and paste by hand 🙂


  41. blogworkshop

    Some days ago,I managed to import a Blogger blog, with comments and those images that were not hosted by Blogger itself. I think I recall I had a choice of wich posts I would like to I wanted to do the magic again, but no way; there was a server error. As I wanted to show off with this in a workshop about co-blogging, I’d rather wait until the trick is bot bugging me.

    BTW, will my good old Xanga Premium blog have any chance to be imported as wel some day?


  42. Alison

    I haven’t read through all of these comments so I’m not sure if this has been addressed. Anyway, I gave this a try earlier tonight, importing entries from my old Blogger blog. I had mixed success. There are about 169 posts over there, and not too many comments. The first problem was that the import kept timing out. I started it over three times, and thought that it was seeing which posts had already been imported, but it soon became apparent that this was not the case — some were reimported (not too many, but two of them came through six times each!). I’m guessing this is due to starting it over, but I’m not sure how to go about getting Blogger to give me more time. But, the posts & comments that I did import integrated into my WordPress blog seamlessly!


  43. Pingback: Politics in the Zeros » Attention Blogger blogs
  44. Belle

    It worked fine for about half of my blogger posts. now it’s stalling at july 2005. 😦 any ideas?


  45. bybitsandbytes

    I keep getting timeout, and the script imports multiple copies of a post in blogger. Any ideas on how to word around this?


  46. Pingback: Simple Notes » Blog Archive » Import posting entry from to
  47. mój blog

    Fajne … tylko że …

    braukje mi funkcji importu z innej instalacji WordPress.
    Bardzo by się przydała bo mam trochę wpisów na swoim blogu, a ręcznie mi się chce tego wszystkiego przepisywać.


  48. Pingback: ProBlogging How To » Ditch Blogger for …
  49. blondeguy

    What about importing a current WordPress blog into


  50. genevieve

    HI, I’m afraid I can’t find a contact form.
    This import feature is superb, the whole thing has gone beautifully. Thanks heaps.
    All I’d like to know now is whether it’s possible to redirect traffic from old Typepad permalinks to the new ones on the platform.

    I hope to take down the Typepad blog later this year and am concerned about a few links here and there on other people’s blogs (Not many).

    I thought the question might be one others are also interested in.


  51. genevieve

    Someone called Adam at has developed a plug-in for the above (redirection)
    – see here,


  52. timothydiokno

    I Did that once! From Friendster Blogs. It’s powered by Type Pad. It took me for a quarter of an hour to transfer 9 posts,


  53. Pingback: girlfriday talks » Blog Archive » one year old
  54. Irian

    Some means for importing from another WP host, such as Blogsome, would be great.


  55. rachaeleatworld

    I would like to know if there was a way to import my to my wordpress account. I dont want to have to recopy each entry but i guess thats whats going to have to happen.


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