Theme Friday

Two themes for all of you gorgeous users to play with this weekend: Fleur and Sweet Blossoms. Fleur is very clean, with straight lines and green tones that are pretty professional looking. Sweet Blossoms is the other side of the spectrum, very pink with great flower and butterfly graphics in the header and a very narrow layout with small text.

Pink is seriously growing on me, I think we’ll have more pink themes in the next few weeks. 🙂

Update: Whoops, I actually forgot about one I added in a few days ago. WP-Andreas09 is a very stylish three-column theme with lots of color options for the header. Check it out.

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  1. Andy



  2. mp3s

    Couldn’t you have announced WP-Andreas09 too, since it was added a few days ago? It is, after all, my absolute favorite of all themes… But still, thanks for the new ones!


  3. Livia

    They are lovely!


  4. Ben

    Could it be that pink is the new black?


  5. phasetwo

    Thanks, It’s always nice to have more themes and these two are quite well done!


  6. Ben

    Did you know that the plural of Fleur-de-lis is, in fact, Fleurs de lis? On a similar note the plural of Cul-de-sac is Culs-de-sac.


  7. Stephen

    I love Fleur De Lys. Thanks


  8. judyk

    It just keeps getting better and better. Thank you for the new themes. One I want to suggest is Quentin 1.0. A demo site for that design is at the following link: It’s red toned, clean looking and it has a calendar which very few of the current themes offer. Thanks again.


  9. ansel

    Pnk? Are you serious? You already have the bananna one…



  10. Pingback: » It is official
  11. burns

    I love the new pink theme! I was just complaining thursday that there was no pink themes and then went back today to check and there it was! ME! I love pink! Thank you!


  12. dinesh

    wow. Quentin looks great!


  13. Brandon

    Not bad, not bad.


  14. Livia

    Actually I like better WP-Andreas09, it’s very portal-alike. That would be great if you, guys, could provide layouts with customizable email forms too. Thanxxx


  15. davidputnam

    The more themes the better. Thanks Matt.


  16. lafemme

    could you add more themes that have calenders in em? like what sweet blossoms has? that would actually be awesome really!!
    & ooh, the ‘recent posts’ showing titles of older posts would be cool too. any nice simple ones to add?


  17. Alejandro

    I saw a website where you can browse some themes:


  18. eteraz

    also: any theme with both ‘recent posts’ and ‘recent comments’!!


  19. karthiksn

    Very cool changed to WP-Andreas09 when u had put it. thanks


  20. drhaisook

    Please don’t put more Pink! The banana is enough! 🙂
    I hope to see themes with smaller fonts (like Arial 8pt) and well-organized sidebars. Most of the themes have very badly-organized sidebars! I mean the links are either all put in one list, or the pages are scrambled!

    More hard work please!

    Thanks a lot


  21. swiecki

    I looked at quentin, i really like it, but i will go for a theme that is exactly like contempt except with a search bar + calender.


  22. taraden

    I like the WP-Andreas09, and when I first set it as my theme everything was fine, but then I realized that my “blogroll” was missing. Just a comment, thought it might be a bug in the design maybe. So I have now switched back to the one I was using before.


  23. kat

    Might be just my PC, but Sweet Blossoms and Banana Smoothie look all askewed on Firefox (I’m using version 1.0.7), especially when blockquotes (and images perhaps?) are involved, but similar to the screenshots in IE.

    Anyway, I made a request for a Simplicity theme 2 weeks ago

    Would it be possible to include it for the next Theme Friday? And Quentin, as recced by judyky, looks great too.


  24. talkislam

    beatiful. Fleur looks great


  25. computerpioneer

    Thank you … Could you now add the infamous K2 theme? Please! :p


  26. hengme

    I really like the theme Regulus 2 a lot, being one of the few that allows for “recent posts” and nice header backgrounds…

    However, I can’t seem to change font size of my posts and the rest of the blog for this entire theme. Even with html codes…
    Result my students got to squint their eyes when reading and posting in this blog!!!!

    Is this inherent of the theme template or just a problem for chinese input???
    Please do something abt it???



  27. Amit

    How about updating the Fauna theme Matt? A beta-3 is now available with significant changes, while the one available here is beta-1.


  28. Tina

    Yay, more pink 😀 I’ve tried to pinkify my blog, and I like it. I might change themes if we get some nice pink themes though 😛 This new one was a little too pink…


  29. wank

    ACTUAL PINK! woo!


  30. femsquarter

    Thanks for the Fleur De Lis, was just what I needed! 🙂


  31. crybaby

    as long as we are talking about themes, i would like to have squibble. its one of my absolute favourates! tnx


  32. Amit

    Matt, how about upgrading the Fauna theme? Beta-3 is out & we’ve only Beta-1 available to use!! 🙂


  33. lmx4



  34. dreamscape

    I would love to have another dark background option, the Hemingway is cool, but the photos don’t show on the first page! Thanks, though, I am psyched to be starting my photo blog at last!


  35. pavan

    hmmn I am not into pink, and I like experimenting with new looks. So could we have some more professional looking templates.. like Heming way, Rubrin or Andreas-09?

    And as lafemme suggests (above), calendars and recent posts would be an added treat.


  36. russellreno

    Boy, I really appreciate the choices. Keep it up.


  37. jonskifarms

    Forgive me if I’m overlooking something obvious, but is there an easy way to preview themes without having my entire blog transformed? Sort of like the preview for Quentin, above…


  38. J

    Another vote for Quentin.


  39. M. Liang Liu is blocked in China.


  40. strategit

    Good work! I recently moved to I’m impressed! Where can I post my comments or recomendations?



  41. Andrea

    Thanks for the new themes. I’ll continue hoping for even more three column layouts. And ditto the request for a preview function. I’d like to see how the theme looks on my blog before committing to a new choice…


  42. swartzonmedia

    Good deal…


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