
We just added two new buttons to the recently updated admin bar, both under “Blog Info.”

The first is “Report as Spam.” Occasionally a spam blog (or splog) makes it through our defenses and starts filling WP.com with junk. It’s hard to describe a spam blog, but you’d probably know it if you saw it. We treat these with extreme prejudice. In the past helpful community members like drmike have reported these through the feedback form when they come across them, but this button hopefully streamlines the process.

The second is “Report as Mature.” We try to keep the public areas of WordPress.com family-friendly, so if you come across a blog that primarily deals with adult topics you can report it using this button and someone will take a look at it to properly categorize it.

That’s pretty much it. Each of these systems is human reviewed, so if you’re not sure about something just submit it and we’ll make the final decision. Thanks for your help in keeping WP.com spam-free. 🙂

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  1. Elaine

    I think those are an excellent addition. Thanks for all the work you guys do – it is amazing! I appreciate it!


  2. grhomeboy

    Good Grief! WP is getting us all by surprise and it’s gettin better
    and better all the time! THANK YOU GUYS!


  3. Linh760Li

    nice! but what happen if i report my blog as spam or mature?


  4. Babbler

    I notice a *slight* glich. In Firefox, the highlight doesn’t go the entire menu.

    But that’s a pendatic point – it’s still a great feature.


  5. Moey

    wow! impressive


  6. Matt

    Linh760Li, if you reported your own blog as mature or spam on accident it shouldn’t matter because someone would take a look at it and reviews all submissions.


  7. traya

    That’s really nice, just nice, so anyway that’s nice.


  8. Philocrates

    I could kiss the ground you all walk upon. It is one of the reasons I came here. My previous host had more splogs than a real cherry pie has cherries.


  9. Rui Martins

    the “report as mature” is specially important. I want to let my daughetrs do read my post, and can´t do that if the “next” button or the dashboard shows at the top… that kind of blogs… Goo idea to easy the process of signaling these blogs.


  10. bigstarlet

    Linh760Li Says:
    July 30th, 2006 at 6:06 pm

    nice! but what happen if i report my blog as spam or mature?

    # Matt Says:
    July 30th, 2006 at 6:24 pm

    Linh760Li, if you reported your own blog as mature or spam on accident it shouldn’t matter because someone would take a look at it and reviews all submissions.

    Thanks, I was going to ask that question as well, but more along the lines of someone trying to discredit a blog by labeling it as spam/mature.


  11. eric

    oh please. am i fast enough?



    PS: I am much happier with this new color scheme.

    Everything is now easily readable in the new admin bar.

    Excellent work.


  13. Brian Alexander

    I love this! Awesome!



  14. timethief

    YES! AND THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! [she shouted from the rooftops]. 😀


  15. Brent

    Great work, Matt! 8)


  16. Christian

    big props for this


  17. Paul

    Thats great. It should really help keeping wordpress clean. Especially Splog can ruin the community because I saw (and reported 🙂 some directly from the botd list.


  18. Benny Martini

    Kool !! The top bar is starting to be very usefull !!


  19. NetBandita

    And what is then if you get a report about a blog written in foreign language (other than English)? Well I am Hungarian and if you had problem with my blog it would make your work more difficult. Still it is a good initiation but has its own weakness.


  20. mac

    Yeah, and if we write one or two blog entrys that would be considered “mature” in your eyes, we should be notified and given a certain amount of time to accept that label or make changes such as password protect that post so that we don’t get blocked from “next” or the recent posts and top posts pages.


  21. sorasky`

    yes… stop all spam!!! stop the bad chips amoong the good!


  22. Erasable Ink

    Just gotta say that the new admin bar is flawless. I love the way the blue fades around the WordPress logo. This addition is going to be incredibly useful, and I can’t wait to start browsing WordPress.com blogs without the fear of spam and adult material. You guys are doing some fantastic work.


  23. Qwerty Maniac

    I’ll try to do that while random surfing with /next :]


  24. Pingback: Bloggers Buzz
  25. homesweethome

    What criteria are you using to determine mature? I write about murders and domestic violence. Not subjects I would reccomend for children. And because murders often have two sides of people who support either the victim or the suspect, then someone often disagrees with topic at hand. I know someone will eventually complain about my blog. So I need to know the criteria.


  26. grayle

    awesome stuff; i was wondering why a whole button for “add to blogroll” 😛 now we know it’s other uses… *lol*


  27. dqueen

    you people think of every thing. i find you every impressive.


  28. James

    Wow. The “mark blog as spam” feature got added within 24 hours of my request. 😀


  29. defrostindoors

    You people make me cry. You are SO GOOD. 🙂


  30. Zack

    Great work.

    WP is the greatest!



  31. Denis C

    Not a bad addition. The only problem I would have with such a thing is if it were to get abused, but if you double-check everything that gets flagged to you it seriously cuts down on the likelyhood of that.

    I give this a thumbs up.


  32. raincoaster

    I’m interested in the response/turnaround time for these reports, because my blog got flagged for copyright issues and I was offline while the whole discussion went down. What kind of time do we have to respond to charges of spam/adult content before our blogs get permanently labelled thusly? Certainly I post on adult topics sometimes, but my blog is far from porn.


  33. Yaser

    Thanks, nice options. Thanks again for the hard work.


  34. haken



  35. Rebecca Aguilar

    Akismet does a very good job of keeping up with the splogs visiting my blog.

    But, I like the extra feature, if possible abuse is controlled through human review.

    And, thanks for all the extras WP has been doling out lately!


  36. Thomas

    Thank you guys for your excellent work! This is a really useful feature! Thanks again!


  37. dreamnepal

    good work!!!!


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