New Historical Post Stats

We’ve added some new features to the stats system. When you got to your blogs stats on your dashboard you’ll notice next to each of the top posts for a given day there is a “stats” link. (We’re going to have a nifty icon for this.)

If you click on that, it will take you to the historical stats for that given post. You can see how the popularity of a post evolved over time. Most posts probably start out with lots of hits and then go down, but some may spike if you get a link from something like Digg. It will also tell you how many views total that post has gotten.

We’ve also brought back the total posts, comments, tags, and Akismet stats as the fourth box on the stats page, so you can now see these stats all in one place again.

Update: We now have a cool stats icon — — care of Bryan.

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  1. engtech

    Pretty cool. I sent you some feedback about some issues I saw.

    How much of a database hit is this? If it isn’t too bad, it would be really nice to see the totals on the Manage Posts pages.

    Thanks Matt.


  2. sytycd

    That is an excellent addition. I was surprised when I went to my stats page to see the change, but I love seeing the trends for particular posts. Thanks for feeding my stats addiction.


  3. Helena

    This is a really good news as I missed the old Stats… When I got to my page today I noticed the change and had my time checking on the spesific posts :-)… Great amendment!


  4. carocat

    I like it. I have noticed lately that some of my posts have been viewed a long time after they were posted and it’s nice to see the stats of them.

    Great job, guys. 🙂


  5. Rado

    First to say THANKS 🙂


  6. nitawriter

    Wow this is absolutely fantastic. As a lot of my pieces are information based they do not really get dated and this is exactly what I wanted. Stats on each piece. Can’t thank you guys enough.


  7. kashmir



  8. kashmir

    The Blog Stats page is awesome now. I noticed that the total hits for posts with long titles are not visible, the post title also comes to an abrupt end.


  9. saniroy

    It`s great! WP goes to a leading scientific blog ;-).


  10. Sperestillan

    Nice, I quite like that.
    At the moment it appears that I can only access the stats of a post if it’s in the Top Posts list, but is it going extend to all posts written?
    Here’s a feature I’d like, but I haven’t got a clue how workable it is though, and that is to be able to see which pages people are viewing as opposed to which posts. At the moment I haven’t a clue if they visit a page unless they leave a comment.


  11. Cem Basman

    Thank you, Matt, for giving us back an even better statistics dashboard. What would be now of real value is a “Personal Top 10 List of Posts”. I (and the others) would like to know which of the own posts where best in the own ecosystem.

    [But then it’s enuff statistics ;)]


  12. screechingcat

    brilliant feature. nice to see the rise and fall of posts.

    but the new dashboard is not that great. i like the old boxes.


  13. micha

    I’ve seen it. Thats a great feature! Thx!


  14. Elehzya

    *checks out* Ooooo – this is groovy! Much appreciated work on setting this up, Matt! 😀


  15. Jano

    wooooooooooooooow 😀


  16. raincoaster

    Outstanding! Been wanting something like this forever…well, ever since Vivian suggested it!


  17. savetheoc

    Thanks Matt….. Good work! Prefer this to the new dashboard, our stats page needed an upgrade anyway. 🙂


  18. sportsunlimited

    Yup, just logged in and checked it out. Looks pretty cool 🙂


  19. mid class



  20. nuytsia

    Wow! That’s pretty darn cool!

    I’ve only been on WordPress for about 4 months and I’m stunned how a great system just seems to get better and better.

    Do you guys ever actually sleep? 😉


  21. comunicati

    it wold be better if there were a list of ALL posts with the relative sub-stat…but it’s a very good beginning, thank you!
    still waiting for out/inbound links stats! 😉


  22. nffc

    That’s awesome! I wish my stats looked even vaguely like that 😀


  23. the forester

    Very cool. Now I’ll have to dig back through my old posts to see how they’ve done. Thank you!


  24. Saawan

    I love it! Kudos to the WP team. 🙂
    Thanks for providing ‘Totals’ in stats. I thought I missed them in my dashboard.


  25. Ruxx

    This is great!


  26. deambulando

    Nice, good feature!!


  27. sulz

    this is really good, much much better than the stats summary in the old dashboard – that said i still don’t prefer the new dashboard. but the blog stats is excellent now. if only we can know stats for page views next… 😉


  28. gpessia



  29. maique

    love the new features.
    can you please add a ‘today’s visits’ to the static box on the bottom ? sometimes i use linux on ppc and the flash animations don’t work.
    i can see where people came from, total of visits and all of the information but not the number of visitors for the day.
    it’s seems that this information is only available in the flash thing at the top.

    apart from that, it’s very cool.


  30. wunaladreaming


    It will be lovely to take an “All time most viewed posts” just to know which is you star post 🙂

    On the stats page, I think it would be a good idea a way to quickly view how many visits cma from a websearch engine, how many from a reference, and how many directly.

    Congratulations, really great tool WordPress



    nice 🙂


  32. aNtónio

    Great work (this probably sounds repetitive 🙂 )

    One thing that I am hoping to see at some point is those referrals from less known search engines and image searches out of the referrals list.


  33. Tyler

    Awesome feature!!! 😛 Shot!!


  34. satur9

    Nice and useful improvements, thanks 🙂


  35. MCA

    The changes are very nice. I like graphs, so the stats feature is great.


  36. Khalil A.

    This is just so cool.


  37. ninophile

    Awesome. Thanks.


  38. getix

    Good work again, guys!


  39. La spectatrice

    Now I’m happy. 😀


  40. pinoystupid



  41. Nicola

    Pretty nify – I do like the way WordPress is developing all this kind of information – great for dummies like me.


  42. Yaser

    Really cool! Thanks.


  43. blayde

    This is too cool, thanks. btw dont shame us with your own stats 😛


  44. Julie Fleming Brown

    Love this. This helps me to see what topics are most interesting over time to my readers… THANK YOU!


  45. sulemansubhani

    Nice.the stats feature is great.
    And Thanks


  46. icedmocha

    This is great information to have. Thanks!


  47. Rami Nasser

    Cool, good work.


  48. Scott

    Y’all never cease to come up with ways of keeping the dashboard side of the blog fresh and innovative. Yet another reason to blog with Word Press!

    Thanks for the great work and keep it up!


  49. mrmet06

    I love the update. Thanks!!!!


  50. kjenzz

    excellent!! you guys make wp really really easy and nice to use. 😀


  51. Ryan

    Great addition. I think it would be even cooler if you could add, on the page showing how many views for the selected post, how many total views that post has received.


  52. Daniel

    I love stats!


  53. ffextensionguru

    Groovy, all the more reason I am glad I switched over to WordPress a couple months back.


  54. LeisureGuy

    Very cool. Many thanks.


  55. Rahul Razdan

    Cooool!!! This rocks! I had been requesting this for quite some time. And can we have this in a consolidated tabular format too…?


  56. taraden

    Hey… thats pretty cool! Thanks guys! 🙂


  57. Manonatha Dasa

    Great. Thanks.
    It would be nice to have sort of classification, starting from the most read topic down. So we know what type of topics people likes the most.


  58. Sankar Viruthachalam

    This is a nice feature. It is always nice to see the numbers and how your blog is doing


  59. scrunchyy

    Cool! I like it. 🙂


  60. timethief

    Three cheers for Andy and company. I’m truly impressed by the stats improvements. I can almost envision a day when I may give my other meters the boot. 😉


  61. solelyshe

    This is nice.


  62. kIrA`

    perhaps a total hits per post will be much more useful then monitoring the hits of a post over a period.

    just two cents worth of opinion…



  63. gIzmHo

    Nice addon.. thanks!

    can we have the #hits, #post, #comments on a widget? that would be cool.. 🙂


  64. Vish

    Knowing the popularity of my blog, I think I’d rather know why anyone bothers reading it rather than how few do!!! 😀 However, nice work… 😉


  65. Lady Rose and Mama Kelly

    What a great new feature. And such a nice surprise when I came to WP today.

    Mama Kelly


  66. rohan quinby

    This is good, but I think you guys are still missing the boat…

    Looking at the number of hits on a given post over a given period of time is all well and good, but it leaves me unsatisfied. To the point where I am considering migrating to another service.

    Here’s why: If I want to understand why a given post attracts, for example, a spike in hits, the tracking analytics on WordPress do not give me the ability to do so. With WordPress, I can’t see how a person may have linked to one of my posts. I can’t see how what I posted was taken up and commented on by others. And if I can’t do that, then I ‘m not really part of the blogosphere as it’s commonly understood.

    If you don’t want to let people use javascript (and I can understand your issues here) then you should at least provide decent tracking analytics. Your continued failure to do so has me looking for another blog service.


  67. zer0day

    Great job guys. really well done 🙂


  68. cylithria

    Exquisite! Thanks


  69. kk

    ‘Thanks a lot bringing back the stats. How nice it would have been if you could display all the five (or 6, including Akismet protection)stat items right on the top (preferably on blue horizontal strip itself, or just below it in horizontal line, separated by commas)to view them at a glance alonside the graph. These stats are the most important aspect of a blog for any blogger, you will agree. This will also release some of the space on the page. Thanks in anticipation.


  70. britgirl

    Nice one – and very useful. Don’t like the dashboard, but I do like the stats.


  71. DMTigerfly

    I really like the layout and it makes it really convenient to look at it all on one page. Great job guys on constantly improving the use of tools on here!


  72. randramble

    Good stuff!

    But this is also time to make some requests. First one is what many have asked: stats for every post. Second is a All-time Top Posts side-bar widget. Will wait…


  73. sheida

    Great Job again matt


  74. charleslemark

    again, congratulations!
    job well done!


  75. The Eternal Wanderer

    Ooooohhh!!! I love this new stats page, I’m a sucker for numbers. I think this’ll be my favourite feature of WordPress!

    Great job guys! Another reason for me to love WordPress all the more!


  76. dave

    Superb fun. Until now I didn’t really bother with stats, but I can now see why they are addictive! Seriously, though, I am amazed; you seem to be working very hard behind the scenes to take us by surprise like this all the time. You are appreciated.


  77. Jazz Club Argentina

    Just great! I’m stats addicted too. Thanks, guys.


  78. joederbes

    Thanks. This is a great addition to the stats page, and one that I have been wishing for for a long time. I just wish that I could see the totals for posts with longer titles–as it is presently the title cuts off and it doesn’t show the totals.

    I also wish that I could see this information in summary form–just like you have a page that summarizes the top posts for the last 7 days and one that summarizes the top posts for the last 30 days. I wish that you could add a similar page that shows the top posts for all time, with the totals for each post.


  79. aspotofblogger

    Fantastic. I like the simplicity of it. Just been playing around with the stats page and it’s nice to see the breakdown of each post. Once again good work you WordPress boffins you.


  80. vinu

    this is one of the coolest feature ever! Now people know what to write what not to write ha ha 😀


  81. vinu

    quick suggestion – if you could bring the – see stats links neat edit this for each post – it would be really really neat!!


  82. E@zyVG

    Not a bad one … tnx


  83. peterganzon

    i think it would be better if the tracking of hits will be per year.. not just for months.. too ambitious he?.. jowk..

    great addition..


  84. akijinn

    This is a cool one, i quite like it. Although i still prefer the old dashboard…


  85. The Rooster

    Great, two thumbs up… Anything after the dash thing has to be good.

    Nice addition. I like the fact that you can see the total hits for a specific post – something I have been wondering on more popular posts that I have done. Thanks


  86. Pingback: (new) post statitics on « /home/kOoLiNuS
  87. Steve Weintraub

    I say just implement a customized version of Mint, and *everyone* would be happy 🙂


  88. blaze

    This is one thing I have been waiting to see improvements on and well… you guys are just outdoing yourselves. Congrats again.


  89. powx

    Very useful and cool, thanks 😉


  90. nobody

    a good change after dashboard
    goody power state
    thank matty matt !!


  91. Pingback: new historical post stats « Friends Keep Saying I Should Blog…
  92. James

    I like it.


  93. silveira



  94. britgirl

    Qualifying my comment somewhat -I agree with Rohan Quinby above. while I do like the change to the stats as an improvement, I heartily agree that for someone who wants to really analyse their reader stats, wp stats doesn’t really tell you anything. Unless you know they why, the how and the who it’s really just another number.


  95. whymommy

    This is great! Thanks for the continual improvement of the site. I love wordpress!


  96. aawaj

    wow !!!
    Great 🙂



  97. Brian Alexander

    I really like this thing..


  98. Elsie

    I love this! Now I’m going to be even more obssesed with the checking of the stats. Thank you!


  99. hools



  100. liquidat

    Pretty nice, I really like improvements of the statistics area 🙂


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