Tune in to WordPress.tv

Today we’ve switched on WordPress.tv, your visual resource for all things WordPress.

This video doesn’t exist

WordPress.tv helps you get blogging fast and hassle-free with tutorials for both WordPress.com and WordPress.org.

It’s also the place to find all that cool WordCamp footage previously floating around the web without a home. Check out presentations from WordCamps around the world and get a peek at behind-the-scenes action. We call it WordCampTV.

You’ll also find slideshows of presentations made by Automattic employees and other WordPress gurus, as well as interviews I’ve done with the media and fellow bloggers.

We hope you’ll consider WordPress.tv not just a support resource, but a place to hang out and keep up with all the geeky goodness going on in the WordPress community. Tune in regularly for fresh content and updates to the WordPress.tv blog. Lots more is on the way.

As is the case with all of our endeavors, community comes first. You have a say in shaping the future of WordPress.tv. Just drop us a line to let us know what you’d like to see added next.

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  1. straw000

    This is awesome!! WordPress tv!! Another great “geeky” feature!!! Thank you wordpress!! : )


  2. Matt

    Totally COOL! I love it. I’ll certainly be here a lot. Thanks to Matt and the crew at WP.


  3. chaiguy1337

    Lol, love the retro film style! 😀


  4. Vikas Gupta

    This is good development, Ms Heather. Thank you (and the team of course)!


  5. ultimoAdios

    First in line @ wordpress.tv
    Let me watch after this reply.


  6. nickie wang

    wow, this yet another landmark innovation from wordpress!


  7. Will Rhodes

    Just drop us a line to let us know what you’d like to see added next.

    How about a ton of help for us who are STILL on dial up so we can see all these new things?

    A petition to all national governments to get the world on to high-speed as a right? To get all wordpress.com bloggers to help us who are still denied access to high-speed internet because of where we live?

    This could well be political – but yet very interesting, a first maybe from a global blogging host?

    And I don’t mind being the spokesman for that – no matter which nation it is!


  8. nathanwells

    Sweet! A great resource for all of us – thanks!


  9. Darmawan

    how to download video from wordpress tv, i want to watch offline


    • Sheri

      We are working on this, and we’re logging everyone’s ideas for future versions of WordPress.tv. Videos are aggregated from a number of sources, over which we have no control when it comes to downloads.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Automattic launches WordPress TV « Teck~Line
  11. Jennifer

    Thanks for providing us with another WordPress learning resource. You guys are amazing. The only thing which may be confusing to new WordPress users are the “possibly related posts” on WordPress.tv posts since generally they take you off the site.

    PS will WordCamp.tv also host international WordCamp videos not in English? That would be fantastic.


    • Sheri

      Possibly related posts are gone now – thanks for the feedback. We will be hosting video from non-English speaking WordCamps pretty soon – we’ve started getting some non-English submissions and we will be sharing them shortly.


  12. Teck

    Great new feature another great reason why WordPress Rocks!!! 🙂


  13. midclass

    this totally rock! Great!


  14. nickpol

    It would be nice, to have a gadget like this, for our Blogs in wordpress. In this case I could show more than 400 videos, collected with vodpod.


  15. Johan

    wow, nice movin yeah… 😀


  16. Oma Els

    Lol, ‘you suck’. xD


  17. aRuL

    hello matt, nice to saw you at TVOne, Indonesian TV programme.


  18. John-Max Lucio

    Cover more ground on sports…..that would be extreme sports and kiteboarding in particular !

    Congratulations on a well done job,

    Regards, John Lucio


  19. Pingback: WordPress.tv - Fernsehen rund um WordPress » Frank Helmschrott
  20. paralleldivergence

    WordPress TV. Is there anything these guys can’t do?


  21. Kathy Keating

    This sounds like a great idea! Thanks WordPress!


  22. J. Gary Ellison

    Another great idea by WordPress! Congrats!


  23. violetazuggo

    Hi Matt,

    Wow just what the doctor ordered! It’s great!

    I’ll be checking it out! Fantastic! Seeing is believing things can be done and can be easy…

    Thank you,

    Violeta and Jutka Zuggo,
    The English Sisters


  24. Brigitte

    Woah, fancy! I look forward to it!


  25. Asad Ali

    A nice and “Bold” step…


  26. Ayesha

    Wow! Sounds awesome!


  27. navedz

    Hey.. great new feature. I Believe this would give WordPress’s support another extra edge / spark. Way to go!!


  28. teknocu

    good thank you…


  29. dangeroo

    Excellent resource.
    Thanks for all the hard work!


  30. yucano

    thanks you


  31. marquishunt

    Yea baby! Tutorials! Its good to see some people trying to use the .tv domains. I was thinking of one, but it costs like a million dollars.


  32. bentoet

    another inovation. great


  33. exodians.org

    This is great! Thank you guys!


  34. eideard

    Will you be offering a version produced by the Onion?

    OK. Aside from smartass remarks by a cranky old geek, this is terrific. Will this be available as a podcast – by subscription – at iTunes?


  35. Moses

    Wow… will it be only for tutorials? Or should we expect more from wordpress.tv?


  36. Armando Netto

    It’s a very good idea!


  37. meenas17

    Wonderful impression.Useful application.Responsible equation.



    awesome ! I like it !


  39. Gerry

    This is a really, really good idea. I think it will be an even better tool for users if we build a comprehensive index to the materials posted here–on the model of a good textbook.

    This is a good time to start indexing, before there’s so much that it becomes an overwhelming task . . . which will probably be about next month.


  40. David

    Hey, congrats guys. You’re the best


  41. writeasrain

    This is going to be great for those of us who learn visually. Kudos to those who make it possible to keep growing our skills in the blogworld


  42. Rolii

    Looks good. I’ll make sure I subscribe to their feed.


  43. masterclasslady

    This is a very good resource feature, WordPress. Nothing like a video demonstration to clarify any technical issues one may be having as a blogger here on WordPress. Thanks again!


  44. Brent

    Cool! Good stuff Matt!


  45. billcode

    Nice one! look fwd to trying it out…


  46. Venzr

    I’ll definitly have a look at that


  47. iMuslim

    What an amazing coincidence! I launched my own ‘.tv’ this week too, based on a WordPress blog, no less: iMuslim.tv. Great minds think alike, eh? 😉


  48. b*

    I guess you need a faster connection than mine to be able to appreciate this. Alas.


  49. xaapa1

    Awesome Thought…


  50. Computer Hacker

    Awesome, now when anyone needs help they can go to that cool looking website!


  51. marylandonmymind

    WordPress.tv is awesome. Still, it gives me pause about the future of the blogosphere. Not so long ago, the blog phenomena started with words, words, words, typed onto a keyboard directly descended from the typewriter and the Linotype machine.

    Pretty soon, blogs added pictures. (I wrote my WordPress.com blog for more than a year before I finally added my first picture. And everyone agrees that photos really enhance a blog.)

    Now, is video taking over the Web and eclipsing the written word? Will word- and sentense-based blogs turn out to be a flash-in-the-pan, soon to go the way of the dead-tree newspaper and network TV news?

    Stay tuned. I think WordPress.tv will be reporting the revolution in real time! — Bernie Hayden


  52. tememachine

    great idea!


  53. U. Nobody

    I love that you guys used the Bible as your manual example… sure you didn’t mean Immanuel? 😉

    This looks great. You guys are doing a great job. Thank you for your hard work.


  54. peacefulone

    Sounds great. Thanks…I love Word Press. Very progressive!


  55. Pingback: WordPress.tv, A Visual Resource For All Things WordPress
  56. letters2soulmate

    very cool! perhaps a monthly, weekly, or daily live newscast that features top WordPress blogs and posts would be a fun addition and a good way to stay updated. cheers, R


  57. Gyzzard

    Nice. It was the time for something like that…


  58. spinnakerjksc

    I like it. Hope it’s as useful as you guys play it out to be.



  59. Pingback: WordPress.tv, For All Things WordPress | weheartwp.com
  60. masalamedia

    thanx! it’s a very good news!


  61. Alvaro_SG

    Great for newbies!


  62. cheshire7

    I will definitely use and refer to this! Thanks!


  63. David Thomas, MD

    I love this concept of video tutuorials. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this. I, for one, do appreciate it.

    David Thomas MD


  64. Poo

    Neat! Finally, a way for me to learn with my limited attention span.


  65. qbit

    WordPress.tv in Spanish, of course.


  66. bradclarkuk


    Im looking forward to learning about the wordpress platform and moving away from the free version online to my own creation….what a great way to start the learning process.

    Keep it up Ladies and Gents.



  67. execoot

    lol television


  68. Pingback: Arriva la televisione di Wordpress. | Appunti e spunti
  69. thebeadden

    Can I have it too? 😉


  70. nicereddy

    lol wierd accent is right 😀
    I’m gonna have to check this out!
    RED OUT :mrgreen:


  71. mimbar

    I heard this news from Indonesia’s Newspaper. They said, competition is inovation. Congratulation.


  72. Lilja

    How cool is that!
    Thanks very much for all your work and innovation 🙂


  73. jaffasoft

    This will be awesome!


  74. chloé

    kudos for the great idea matt!


  75. Brad

    Cool! It’s helpful stuff like this that sets WordPress apart from the other blogging hosts/software.


  76. ELN

    Hmmm, I’ll have to look into this!


  77. art predator

    congrats on WordPress.tv!

    just keep having fun and doing what you’re doing and we’ll be happy too!


  78. darknaruto

    ¡Oh great! That’s pretty cool. I will start to used it xD.

    ¡Ja ne!

    PS: I’m the first -i think- to comment.


  79. wildpen

    I don’t get it.


  80. Pingback: Automattic启用WordPress视频资源站点WordPress TV - 刀客征途
  81. Pingback: ReadWriteWeb: Automattic 启用WordPress TV | 窝棚-WPCMS
  82. دست نوشته / یاسر کمالی نژاد

    It was nice . thanks


  83. V

    Oh, this is awesome! Thanks! It just keeps getting better here at WordPress!!


  84. fransamba

    I see you too in Indonesian TV public…
    If i amn’t false that’s TVONE…. isn’t that?
    Hahha.. nice… YOu still young but you can make something used thing for many people…


  85. n23s

    Thanks very much for all your work


  86. Pingback: ReadWriteWeb: Automattic 启用WordPress TV | 紧跟IT潮流
  87. shbadr

    Found out about this via TheNextWeb yesterday — Congratulations on yet another wonderful new site!


  88. abhishekdaaga

    A nice innovation again.. Thank You Guys.. & Gurlz ofcourse 🙂 who’ve worked for this to happen 🙂


  89. sinac

    Matt this is very exciting, hoping for a day that the launch of TV channel.


  90. Rizal

    yeah , that is cool !
    hi matt , i saw you in tv one , indonesia .
    you look so handsome .
    hha . lol .


  91. Pingback: WordPress.tv, canal oficial de vídeos sobre WorPress
  92. herrywidayat

    oh fantastic i beleave to support every people always follow your inovation


  93. kedaidiamond100

    That’s Great innovation……


  94. krysjez

    How about user-submitted vids of cool things they do with WordPress?


  95. Aminul Islam Sajib

    Really enjoyed this. This will help every wordpresser to blog faster and smarter, I believe.

    By the way, is there any consideration about adsense allowance on wp.com blogs?


  96. Lisa Soulagera

    Oh, I like this.. 😀


  97. Eldon

    This is way too great. WordPress just keeps on surprising us with its new features and support when it comes to blogging. Sure thing, this is so far the best blogging atmosphere there is! I commend you all WordPress geeks! Keep surprising us and we’ll be here to support you all the way!



  98. nai360

    Excellent, love it already 🙂


  99. wintercoatnetlabel

    slick vid. looking forward to more!!!


  100. Pingback: WordPress Television : MAYUonline.com

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