RSS in the Clouds

Pretty clouds

Clouds from my trip to WordCamp Dallas

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it’s a way for people to subscribe to updates to your blog using a client like Google Reader or Bloglines. You may not know what RSS is but chances are people are using it to read your blog. We track over 50,000,000 posts read via RSS every week. (Around a 18% addition to our on-site views!)

Today we turned on support for all 7.5 million blogs on something called RSS Cloud, which is basically a way for people to get push notification that your feed has updated.

Why is this important? Right now how most people interact with feeds is by checking that it updated every now and then, usually about once an hour. Can you imagine waiting an hour to get your emails? (The world would probably be more productive.) RSS Cloud is an extra element in your RSS feed that allows subscribers to say “Hey, let me know as soon as you’ve updated, kthx.” has always supported update pings through Ping-o-Matic so folks like Google Reader can get your posts as soon as they’re posted, but getting every ping in the world is a lot of work so not that many people subscribe to Ping-o-Matic. RSS Cloud effectively allows any client to register to get pings for only the stuff they’re interested in.

What does this mean to you? Well probably not too much yet, there’s only one reader so far (River2) that supports RSS cloud, but we expect there to be more in the future. We’re also going to be supporting other ways for people to get push notifications (Jabber, email, pings, SUP, pubsubhubbub, Twitter… who knows what else) so people will be able to find out about and visit your new blog posts as soon as possible, making blogging a more real-time experience. Since RSS Cloud is so easy to add to RSS, it seemed like a good place to start.

You can read a bit more about this on Dave Winer’s blog, ReadWriteWeb, and Techcrunch. If this sort of thing gets your motor running there will be a RSS Cloud meetup in Berkeley this Wednesday, which I’ll be at assuming the Bay Bridge cooperates.

P.S. Happy Labor day!

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  1. Pingback: Enables RSSCloud In Post Feeds
  2. Pingback: RSS Cloud — Matt Mullenweg
  3. arcadata

    Cool – glad to see improvements in WordPress all the time

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Alister Scott

    I look forward to seeing this become more commonplace.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: RSS クラウド « ブログ «
  6. Guy

    The benefit doesn’t strike me as that large, and more about happenstance.

    I mean, if your RSS Reader doesn’t update without stop, does it truly matter that the RSS Feeds don’t?

    The thing this does is that if you check your Reader, and a feed didn’t update yet, this will help.

    Then again, I use IE8’s inbuilt RSS Reader, and it updates when I tell it to (AND once an hour), but it doesn’t seem like there’s a delay between what shows on the feed after I update the reader and what’s on the sites.
    So I wonder who has the one hour delay, the readers, or the feeds? If the readers, then this hardly matters.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Chriss

    great!!!! good job guys, i was waiting for something like this, lets try out!!!

    sendin’ my thanks from México!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. iaoj

    It sounds complicated but I am bright and hope that day will come when I understand RSS in the clouds.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. axewielderx

    I guess it will require time to see just how effective this is.:)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Fran


    greats job!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: WordPress adds 7.5 million blogs to real-time search frenzy |
  12. Jeremy

    Interesting, I wonder this will alter the way people use RSS. I know I view it more as a news-type thing, where I check it once a day or so, just to see what the various sites I follow posted. I don’t feel a need to check it any more often than that, but maybe that’s just me

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Wordpress Blog: RSS in the Clouds « Netweb
  14. Pingback:、記事フィードでRSSCloudをサポート
  15. Pingback: WordPress Just Made Millions of Blogs Real-Time With RSSCloud - Cosmi’s
  16. Pingback: RSSCloud — Sample the Web
  17. katyallgeyer

    I’m on Cloud 9! Thanks, WP!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. myic3site

    I am intrigued with all of this technology and want to stay current as well. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Pingback: It’s All Happening – Educer
  20. Pingback: InBerkeley » Something geeky that happened In Berkeley
  21. Pingback: RSSCloud brought down to earth by — Ben Atlas
  22. Thoth

    I’d have to say that I find “real time” much less important than “well thought out” – and that’s already scarce enough. Why not work up something like – say – an editing tool that lets you look at a list of your posts and top pages and (1) select a post, (2) select a second post to be linked at the bottom as a “next related post” link, (3) select a third post to be linked at the bottom as “previous related post” and – optionally – a way to insert a link title and an URL to be linked at the bottom? That way a given post could be easily linked to a indexing page or something as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Pingback: RSS in the Clouds | Blog Mixer
  24. Pingback: RSSCloud: When your blog becomes instant « Rockstanding
  25. Pingback: » RSS Cloud: now supports RSS push notification
  26. Pingback: Wordpress RSS feeds Goes Real time with RSSCLOUD
  27. Pingback: WordPress adds 7.5 million blogs to real-time search frenzy
  28. Exodus

    thank you! thank you! i ❤ WP! happy labor day! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Andrew

    Interesting to see where this will lead us.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Vikas Gupta

    Frankly this is the first time I am hearing cloud and RSS in one breath! 😮

    I read the read write web article and also explored the other links and am convinced that WP has again stolen a march on competitors! 🙂

    So thank you; feeling privileged as always! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Pingback: RSS Evolution Cloud Destination |
  32. Moses

    Instant RSS feed… sweet! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Pingback: Cloud Enabled « Derek Gathright's Blog
  34. Jeremy Visser

    Very interesting. I’m not very immersed in this kind of thing, so I’m not sure what the difference between RSS Cloud and PubSubHubbub. Not sure whether either one is incomplete, or the major differences.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. fracas

    It’s always good to know that while we’re slogging away at our thing… you folks are slogging away at yours… making ours less of a slog.


    Liked by 1 person

  36. Pingback: RSSCloud For WordPress @ Joseph Scott
  37. Pingback: WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed
  38. Pingback: WordPress integrates RSSCloud. Are we talking about Real-time Feeds? | Startup Meme - Technology Startup and Latest Tech News
  39. Pingback: WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed | Jack Script
  40. misterclu

    The picture is beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Pingback: SociaListed » WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed
  42. Pingback: For those who hit my Twitter stream on t… | Bonus Round
  43. Pingback: WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed |
  44. Digital Subway

    You track 50 million posts each week? That’s very impressive!!

    In the meantime, I wanted to know how do I insert meta tag into my blog in order to allow it to be listed with Google Blogs. I do not host the wordpress blog, I use the free one through the wordpress. Is it possible to insert meta tags or insert some other html codes, if I want. I know how to do it in blogger.


    Liked by 1 person

  45. ian in hamburg

    Great idea. The humble blog surfer is an excellent reader for blogs, though it doesn’t get much publicity. Updates instantly – or far sooner than my reader, it seems.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Pingback: WordPress is in the RSS Cloud | The Official LexiConn Blog
  47. Pingback: WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed | Increase Targeted Web Site Traffic
  48. Pingback: New Age Marketing News - WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed
  49. Nita

    Hmm, good to know that wordpress is always busy doing something to be on top in technical stuff. Always good to be one of those who start a trend. A service for readers too.

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Pingback: Jaakko Rajaniemi (jaakko) 's status on Tuesday, 08-Sep-09 05:37:25 UTC -
  51. Pingback: A Good Day for RSS and the Open Web « sull is vocally active
  52. Pingback: » – RSS in the Clouds
  53. Pingback: + WordPress. Blogging en Tiempo Real. | - Blog Oficial de Moises Colon
  54. Pingback: Enables RSSCloud In Post Feeds | Filme Gratis Filme Moca
  55. Pingback: RSS in the Clouds | Digital Asset Management
  56. linuxandfriends

    Really cool feature.


    Liked by 1 person

  57. Pingback: RSS Cloud, WordPress en ‘tiempo real’ : Blogografia
  58. Pingback: RSSCloud y la Promesa de los InstaBlogs | arturogoga

    fantastic. I love WP..

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Pingback: Auf dem Weg zum SofortWeb —
  61. Pablo Melchor

    Nice! It would now be great to be able to track our number of RSS subscribers (even if approximately, just to see trends) without having to use Feedburner

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Vincent

    Nice! And great that you’re also going to support the likes of pubsubhubbub, I can’t wait for this to become commonplace.

    Liked by 1 person

  63. Pingback: Les flux RSS en temps réel, c’est pour bientôt : Monitoring, web et réseaux sociaux
  64. gwalter

    Good for you! Way to stay out front. Thank you!

    Isn’t Friendfeed supporting this? And isn’t G-Reader using pubsubhubbub?



  65. Pingback: WordPress se enfoca en las suscripciones con RSS Cloud | Bitelia
  66. Yasir Imran

    Thank you for adding another nice feature


  67. Pingback: RSS Cloud
  68. javcasta

    Interesting. I will try it.


  69. Brenda Nepomuceno

    Cool! It sounds really useful! Thanks, again, for being such an amazing team! 🙂


  70. Pingback: RSS Push mit RSSCloud • cloud, push, realtime, rss, wordpress •
  71. Pingback: Wordpress supports RSSCloud! « graphility
  72. Tubbo & Dubba Tubba

    Nice. Our readers can’t get enough of us (it isn’t uncommon for them to wait up all night for an update we said might happen), so this is quite a welcome feature.


  73. Pingback: RSS, Twitter and lifestreaming: Is there an engagement somewhere? —
  74. nickie wang

    cool, everything’s getting better.


  75. Pingback: Hola PO! » RSS Cloud, actualizaciones de feeds en tiempo real
  76. Pingback: RSS Cloud, actualizaciones de feeds en tiempo real : Blogografia
  77. Pingback: RSSCloud | Wicked Rant Comic
  78. Pingback:
  79. Pingback: WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed » Become eVOLVE'd
  80. Pingback: WordPress Just Made Millions of Blogs Real-Time With RSSCloud » Become eVOLVE'd
  81. Mel Ancholy

    This sounds great, thanks WordPress!


  82. Pingback: WordPress Enters Real-Time: 7.5 Million Blogs Reach Twitter Speed 
  83. Pingback: Add RSS Cloud to WordPress: Push Updates to RSS Readers
  84. Pingback: [ e .org] – Il Tuo Blog Pubblica Update in Realtime Grazie a RSSCloud » Francesco Gavello – Blog Marketing Tips, Web & Blogosfera
  85. Pingback: RSS Cloud Is Exciting News |
  86. Pingback: RSS Cloud by Dave Winer: A Boon to WordPress Blogs | Trends Updates
  87. Pingback: The Move to Make RSS Real-Time | Voce Communications
  88. Carlos Jumbo G.

    Good News!! Thanks


  89. Pingback: RSS Cloud: avisos instantáneos de publicación en feeds | Ayuda WordPress
  90. Pingback: The RSS Cloud - Real Time Blogging | Project Roon
  91. Pingback: Raskere oppdateringer over RSS | Misund
  92. alamendah

    I will try it.


  93. Pingback: links for 2009-09-08 | Yostivanich
  94. Pingback: Pay No Attention to the WordPress Hacking Threats; Look at the Shiny rssCloud!
  95. Pingback: Enables RSSCloud In Post Feeds | Submitter
  96. Pingback: Marcosof Informatica y Telecomunicaciones » Blog Archive » RSS Cloud: Nuevo sistema de sindicación para Wordpress en tiempo real
  97. widi

    Just one word, Cool!


  98. Pingback: WordPress adotta RSSCloud | ciaoblog
  99. Pingback: – I’m RSS Cloud-enabled
  100. Pingback: Noticias - Wordpress implementa RSS in the clouds | ENLAZANDOWEB

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