Post by Email Wrapup

Since our Post by Email feature opened last year the emails have been coming in fast and furious. Here’s a wrap-up of some of the latest improvements.

Bigger attachments
We like to see photos and video in your posts, so we’ve increased the size of emails that can be sent, now up to 50MB. Anything you can upload to can be sent in an email and will be neatly placed on your post.

Better image handling
In conjunction with this we’ve also improved our image handling so your photos look even better, particularly when teamed up with duotone, a great new photo theme.

Perfect for mobile photo blogging
If you have a camera-enabled mobile phone this makes for a very powerful photo blogging tool. If you need some inspiration check out Matt on his one-man-and-his-phone photo and video journey around the world. We’ll even geotag any posts, if sent from a GPS enabled phone.

Now with polls
Opinions are an important part of any blog and you can now create PollDaddy polls by email. Just include a special shortcode:

Is Post by Email great?
* Absolutely
* Maybe
* I like eggs

We’ll do the rest so you end up with a poll like this:

Tell Twitter and Yahoo
If you’re using our Publicize service to send updates to Twitter or Yahoo you can customize the message in your email, and enable or disable specific targets.

[publicize twitter]check out my latest post[/publicize]

Location enabled
Are you a keen trekker and have a Spot GPS device? Send your emails to and we’ll show them on a map so people can follow your journey.

Details, details, details
Don’t forget that you can also set the post title, tags, and category of any email:

[title Animals I like]
[tags lion,penguin,mole]
[category elephant]

You can find the full list of shortcodes on the Post by Email support page.

On a final open-source note, we’ll be releasing the code for Post by Email soon, so all you users can install it on your own self-hosted sites.

Missing out on the latest developments? Enter your email below to receive future announcements direct to your inbox. An email confirmation will be sent before you will start receiving notifications—please check your spam folder if you don't receive this.

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  1. ileaneb

    We really needed these changes. I appreciate the improvements to image handling and the polls most of all. Thanks for making this feature more attractive now I might make use of it.


  2. jmdepablo

    Pretty good


  3. VIKAS |

    These are great improvements to the post by mail feature! I rarely use it though because I have a sedentary life presently.


  4. spocrep

    I liked the poll shortcode, I needed it so bad!


  5. dhimasln

    good news. i will try it soon. i rarely used to post by email before 🙂


  6. dhavalrajgeera

    I like it.


  7. Tyler

    Those title, tag and category shortcodes are key. Glad to discover they’re available.


  8. Deli Lanoux, Ed.D.

    Cool. Hmm, make that tres cool. Thanks!


  9. happymissy

    Great feature! it really is more convenient to use it more often~ 🙂 thanks!


  10. Louy

    Great features, keep it up! 😉


  11. edwilsonishere

    These are really spiffy! I like how simple it is to use.


  12. phoxis

    Although I do not use post by email, these features are making me think how i can do my postings in one click — making the posts offline, and simply emailing them.


  13. navedz

    Do not use it… but this sounds like a cool feature for people living on emails. Nevertheless guys.. thank you!


  14. shamballa9944

    Sounds good, but before I try sending by email, I’m still trying to get some more basic tools down–like creating a link within one post to another post on my blog. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I’d truly appreciate it!

    Or inserting a video, and actually see the initial you tube image, rather than just a black box…

    Then maybe I can dabble with emailing it in 😉


  15. chappy81

    Sweet! If I’m at a computer already I don’t need to do it by e-mail, why not just log on!?! I guess it’s more for the people posting stuff from their Ipod or something…


    • John

      Email is available to a very large set of people, is understood by most of them, and can be sent from almost everywhere. You may be at work, on holiday, on the move, or at home and just find it easier.


  16. রিয়া

    If I create a poll by email, it will appear inside the post wherever I place the shortcode? Or will it go in the sidebar?


  17. Amyth

    Twitter Update is absoulutely Cool!

    Ach-So! 🙂


  18. Giorgio

    I think that releasing the code as Open Source is really a fantastic thing… Yeah!!!


  19. Lagunatic

    Eggs are good. I like mine scrambled.


  20. Moses

    the temptation to resist…. AHHHH!


  21. MoSop

    WOW! At least I know how to scramble an egg


  22. art predator

    cool–I haven’t used this feature much but seems like some good innovations…

    we like eggs too especially with ketchup


  23. Cachorra

    It seems to me perfect.

    A mi me parece perfecto como está.


  24. sdesigns07080

    these are great updates! i cant wait to get my blog up to connect with everyone!


  25. zacharyreidell

    The integration is great! I’ve used Posterous to post to many blogs/status updates at once, but this provides many more features.


  26. Pingback: メール投稿の機能強化 — ブログ —
  27. RandomizeME

    Very cool – thanks for continuing to make it so easy to blog via WordPress and for FREE!


  28. eeqbalz

    With all these improvements, I wonder why people still use other blog services? I can hear thumping and people shouting “WORDPRESS! WORDPRESS! WORDPRESS!”


  29. adriaanses

    You guys keep amazing me. Keep up the good work!


  30. torobiy

    i like it brother…


  31. 442jasmine

    very cool……….


  32. Ramblinrick

    Thank you for all that you do to make our blogging experience a great one!


  33. Sajib

    Simply awesome.


  34. Moco Scribe

    That is so useful to know and a great improvement!


  35. josesv

    I am new to this and I am loving it already!!!


  36. writerdood

    I’ll try it.


  37. Pingback: Biweekly Links – 01-29-2010 « God, Your Book Is Great !!
  38. joyceandnorm

    I love that we can do polls by email. That’s great!! I just got a smartphone, so it’s great to be able to blog anywhere. Thanks!


  39. Mike Masters

    Very cool, it would be great to post from the road.


  40. ritershivaram

    Occasionally very needful, I will try it


  41. Jennifer

    Would love to have a download-able “Guide to Posting to by Email” so I don’t have to check the online Support Doc like, you know, when I’m offline composing my email. 🙂


  42. loftincr

    Once again, good stuff! Watch out, poll-ers, Here I come! I often work these things out in my head when I’m not in front of my computer, and often don’t have my notes with me or a pen and paper to jot them down with. Now I can work on them anywhere!


  43. johnyelover

    I will learn as I go!


  44. deathgleaner

    Email just got a lot better 🙂


  45. ak4ris

    Eggs are good. I like mine scrambled.


  46. Car



  47. Pingback: Aufgebohrtes posten per Mail « Na Blogo
  48. ever

    whoosh! interesting and informative… thanks!


  49. Pingback: Ruhe « Blinkyblanky's Blog
  50. {JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After


    How could I have been missing this feature? What is wrong with me?

    {Off to go set it up now.}


  51. d0t321

    Thanks guys. Should be really useful.


  52. d0t321

    Thanks, its a really useful feature.


  53. vanihegde

    Thanks, it is an excellent idea


  54. moonmirae



  55. Victor Torres

    Awesome tool, specially with a smartphone!


  56. jeremiah2010

    I’m new at this blog, but find it may be the format I need.


  57. O. Braga

    [category whatever] does not function; the default category is always used. Just for info.


    • John

      I can’t see any issues with the category shortcode. If you are having problems please contact support who will help you resolve them.


  58. Aravind

    Gr8 Feature. for the people on the move..!


  59. maurozz

    well, it’s great posting by email while on the move … or at home from the sofa 🙂


  60. cvs268

    WORDPRESS as always is pioneering in the field of Blogging !!

    Now it even has an APP for blogging directly from ANDROID Devices as well.


  61. sylviahubbard1

    and i do love you!!!


  62. niceartlife

    Very good news. I’ll try it soon.


  63. Aditya

    Oh brilliant. I never knew about this! Looks like blogging from my E63 when I’m not in my computers vicinity has finally come true.


  64. rudrapsarkar

    Careful; with the term WRAPUP dudes—> it freaked me out and I thought this feature was being SHUT DOWN….like “wrapping up a film shoot”?


  65. runitjojo

    i haven’t tried it yet, but sounds good!


  66. fatabelle.f.r.i.d.a.N.

    i’m still new with wordpress, but this one great! only that i prefer my post NOT IN SINGLE LINE. hows dat?


    • John

      Not sure what you mean, but if you have a problem with the formatting please contact support so we can look into it.


  67. lyletteprimell

    I’m new to wordpress and all of this sound pretty exciting can’t wait to get started using these features and tools


  68. ch8nt

    Noob to Post by email. Would a rule or setting that says what email address(es) can post to your blog be a good idea? The thought being you should know what email address(es) you’ll be posting from. I think the downside is someone can spoof your email address. Whereas, with the secret email address you can easily change it if you suspect it has been identified.


  69. fundoobuddy

    Thanks for the Updates !! Great !


  70. filologus

    I’d like to show my regards to the Auttomatic team for making an excellent e-mail address maker in Post-by-E-mail. I mean, those addresses that are generated are nice and easy to remember. How did you do it?


  71. Teh Si Siu Dai

    solid stuff


  72. 3duv

    Great updates


  73. admin

    This is extremely lovely… *Sexy stuff*.
    Recent updates on WordPress have been really cool.
    Good work guys…


  74. karenleamooney

    I’m new to wordpress and totally bamboozled. Didn’t know so much could go on.


  75. savadhan

    good ! keep it up !


  76. abhinav227

    good!!keep it up…


  77. mgcr331jordan

    Does wordpress block post by email posts from CDONTS/CDOSYS?
    I’m working on a project for school that would theoretically post a wordpress blog by email from MS Excel using CDO, but anything that I send to my secret address through this does not show up, but post by email from say gmail does, and I can still receive email sent from my Excel/CDO program normally, and I see the email sent to wordpress in my “sent mail” folder, but no post ever shows up.


  78. cenya95

    woaw… it’s nice


  79. jayantckulkarni

    Hi !

    I am not aware if I can –
    Format the Texts for size, Font, Alignment etc.
    Align pictures or images
    Set Tags from e-mail – otherwise we will have to upload it as draft and that increases the work
    I will try these and revert back.

    But the features are going to help !

    Jayant Kulkarni


  80. Lagunatic

    I still voted eggs.


  81. mpel1810

    well, that’s cool!!!


  82. Hafiz Qasir Abbas

    Post by email is good and i love to do it.


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