The Theme Team

I’m super-excited to announce to you today that now has an official Theme Team. In a nutshell, we’re a bunch of people who really care about WordPress Themes and want to see them get better and better—on and for every user. And yes, that means we’re getting more themes, more often. 🙂

You’ll be hearing more from us individually in the coming weeks but I thought, to get started, it’d be a good idea to share a few of the Theme Team goals we’ve been discussing. Just some rough thoughts really. But I’m hoping that by sharing them here you can get a better idea of what we’re up to—and get as excited as we are about it all.

  1. Every user should feel like there’s a theme that fits them perfectly, that is exactly how they want to present themselves to the world, that they’re excited to show to their friends.
  2. We want everyone to feel a sense of momentum and ever-increasing possibilities, and to do so we will present as many perfect-fit WordPress themes to as many users as we can.
  3. We will ensure all of our public work represents the best in coding practices, web standards, and technical excellence.
  4. We will craft all of our themes to have a consistent user experience and meet our users expectations and hopes.
  5. We will teach WordPress developers to become the best theme developers in the world. If you’re a WordPress theme developer—commercial or 100% free—we want to help you be the best.
  6. We will ensure all our improvements make it back to the open source community.

I love the idea of meeting the “expectations and hopes” of everyone here by delivering to you the best in WordPress themes. Pretty, painless, perfect-fit ones that just plain work.

Keep watch here for more announcements—and more new themes!

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  1. yes!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is great great great news!


  2. Stanciu Floryn

    perfect, i need a new theme, i love wordpress!!


  3. Sven Seebeck

    Read this earlier today on Twitter already. I think this is great news and looking forward to find some nice new themes!


  4. Munda Sanichari

    Ya kewl ..waiting for it !!!


  5. sally

    This is fantastic. I look forward to seeing what’s on the horizon!


  6. Adz

    Excellent. Point 5 got my attention the most. I look forward to seeing this in action 🙂


  7. Thema Felix

    Sounds good! Do you think some of the older, less flexible or attractive themes might be retired?


  8. escada0206

    Sounds great! I look forward to seeing more new themes! 🙂


  9. ileaneb

    Congratulations on being part of the team! Looking forward to new themes.


  10. planejaner

    Thanks! I love seeing new themes, and experienced that “a-ha” moment, myself, when coming across the theme I am currently using.
    thanks for all your hard work!


  11. StarSpry

    This sounds great! I’m excited to see all the new themes 🙂


  12. Mika Karhulahti

    Wow, that´s great news! I´m looking forward to seeing more variety on the themes, I like my current theme, but I would also love to have the possibility to add graphic on the header. I also look forward to having more flexible-width choices..


  13. Beanie

    Looking forward to the themes! :3


  14. tiffaneydanielle

    can u make sure u incorporate themese with 3 columns, because I have a lot of widgets


  15. sickr

    You have delivered some brilliant new themes over the past few weeks. Glad to hear that there are even more coming.


  16. Sajib

    Good. I love WordPress and I think forever I will be doing. 😀 is the best free blogging platform in the world with the features that should not be given for free. 😉 And the idea of open-sourcing the entire script on is just awesome.

    WordPress has the greatest contribution for what we have zillions of active blog sites on different niches. Thank you WordPress team.


  17. Mark Penrith

    You guys are so cool, and you make blogging fun. Thanks!

    Keep up the stellar work.


  18. Mary

    What we’ve been waiting for!


  19. DOPE

    Really cool! I hope that with this great team we could possibly see a few upgrades like a integrated Twitter and Facebook share button. Also the ability to place a Facebook Fan Page widget. Thank you for your hard work!


  20. Lee

    “Every user should feel like there’s a theme that fits them perfectly” sadly there isn’t one that fit me.


  21. captainquaker

    This is great!


  22. Jan O'Hara (aka hope101)

    Really appreciate the energy and sense of mission I get from you guys. Awesome!


  23. ChickNamedHermia

    Fantastic!!!! That’s great to hear!!!


  24. timethief

    What would be great news is the news that has installed an editor that allows us to change fonts and background colors by clicking buttons. Just saying … it’s very hard to fathom why these features aren’t available to us here at when they could be. It’s very difficult to explain why there is such a glaring difference between those who have free hosted blogspot (Blogger) blogs and can do these things free of charge by clicking buttons, butt we can’t do them at without paying for a CSS editing upgrade that must be renewed annually.


  25. ravikaushik

    Great news! please carry on with your awesome work! WordPress rocks!


  26. memsaab

    Great!!!! I would really love to see more themes that give us the ability to add a custom header graphic 😉


  27. helenhudsonhere

    Love this idea! Had a blog now for 2 weeks & already almost 600 hits–but tired of same old tags….file me under: Hopes & Expectations

    ….in other words….



  28. June Malone

    Pinch me! WordPress Dream Team more like!


  29. Kam

    Sounds good !!! :-]> WordPress rocks ^_- Thanks


  30. alex wyler

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! I’m happy!


  31. Tito Salgado

    Awesome! wordpress themes are kickass.


  32. Adam

    Very cool theme team!

    One request in keeping with “Every user should feel like there’s a theme that fits them perfectly,”: could we see more themes with custom headers?

    You guys are doing a great job! Keep up the great work!


  33. Reggie

    I really like that idea, and I look forward to seeing some new themes.

    Although I’m *very* fond of the theme I use on my blog (Mistylook), I do sometimes experiment with using other themes.

    So far, though, I haven’t found any that make me jump up and down with excitement, shouting “Yes, that’s the one I want to make permanent!”

    Regardless, I’m still a HUGE fan of WordPress!


  34. الهام - روح پرتابل

    hey new team, I love you for your goals and hope to love you for your amazing works soon


  35. fotdmike

    Oh yes, excellent news. I’ve tried out quite a few themes and although some have come pretty close I’ve yet to find one that’s “just right”. More choice is definitely the way to go. Well done.


  36. Colleen Young

    I am continually astonished at what WordPress offers all for free – fabulous.

    June is right.

    I love WordPress!

    Now I shall just have to create more blogs so I can have all the beautiful themes!


  37. admin.

    I love this. What I’m using now is soooo close to what I want, but not quite! Thanks for all the work guys!
    I agree w DOPE re: the 3rd party widgets or buttons – please!


  38. thecatsman

    Sounds fantastic to me. I know that my experience here has been a totally positive one and I look forward to seeing what the team comes up with. You people do a fantastic job with this place and you certainly have my most profound thanks …


  39. TheresaZphotography

    AWESOME! Thank You Theme Team!
    As a photographer I would love to see more themes for photo bloggers. That
    would be great.


  40. pbeug

    Wow, this sounds great! I’ve been looking for a theme that I really like. The one I have now is okay, but I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with! I can’t wait…


  41. troy

    I think offering more customization options for existing themes would be a huge help with finding the ‘right’ one.


  42. phrenzy84

    This is amazing news. You guys really know where to focus your efforts. Look forward to your future developments.


  43. Christian

    Great! Hope to see more themes localized too.


  44. cmc0

    Well done Theme Team…well done!


  45. besserEsser

    Thats really great. Thanks Theme Team.


  46. musicofourheart

    I like the “theme” of this initiative. You have me enthusiastic and very interested.

    Please give thought and consideration to WordPress 3.0 themes that are:

    – HTML 5.0 and CSS 3.0 based
    – Complement and enhance an iPad blogging experience 😉

    I would love a theme that incorporates the above suggestions and is ideally suited to a music journalist like myself. I am also interested in a theme that tells people visting my blog that I am an instructional technologist.

    “If you build it they will come – Field of Dreams”


  47. Moses

    Go T – Team!!!! Make us proud! =)


  48. Birdwhisperer

    Wow, this is great! I can’t wait for the new themes!


  49. efratkashat

    Such good news!
    Please give us more customization options! It will be SO great if we can change the background, the text size, the font, the colors etc. And of course – a custom header is a must! I want my blog to look unique and not just the same as lots of other blogs, so more customization options will be really really great.
    Thanks a lot!


  50. miroslodki

    Very Cool Ian

    can i put forward a theme request

    hoping to see a format condusive to longer…and/or more scholarly posts

    akin to a professional publication/magazine where the text on a page is split into two (or three) columns
    to help the reader’s eye traverse shorter horizontal spans.

    another way of expressing it is to achieve the same impact of a word document with a page layout modification from single to multicolumn.

    naturally one would still need a column (or two?) for widgets and with the addition of a customizable header would end up making this a perfect complement to the stable

    hoping someone takes up the challenge
    have seen it rendered by other bloggers using customized CSS



  51. Zeenat

    This is awesome! I am yet to find a theme that fits me best. I am making do the best i can with Vigilance. Which is my fav so far. The most customizable without knowing any css 🙂
    BUt few things i would love to suggest:
    -i love the thesis theme-any 3 column version of that would be great.
    -three column with a customizable header and yes customizable font sizes.
    -I love vigilance…but i wish i could make the font size a bit smaller for thr the posts 🙂
    -a theme thats SEO ready
    But i am so gald you guys are on with a team! Means more fun for us here at!YAY!


  52. Pingback: WordPress Launches Theme Team, Challenges Blogger For Theme Supremacy | The Blog Herald
  53. the rufus

    Dream team – yeeeeeeaaaaaaaah.

    I’d like to have a theme with a costom-header image not too small sized and in some kind of 3:4 or simila aspect ratio … some other details to follow – where can I post this? :mrgreen:


  54. Car

    sorta like the A team but themes


  55. retrovintageantiques

    Cool. Could you do a vintage/retro toys looking theme? But I do like the one I am using now. Thanks!!


  56. jord

    Looking forward to finding my perfect theme! Thanks WP!!


  57. Vanilla Bean Baker

    Thank you and your team for continually working to improve WordPress. I appreciate all your efforts, known and unknown and look forward to seeing new and exciting themes choices.


  58. hannie96

    I’d really like a new theme! That’s great!


  59. Adrienne

    I love to change my themes from time to time to shake things up a bit; it helps me ‘clean house’ periodically, and is a nice change to viewers! Thank you and keep ’em coming! I love 3 column with color options. God Bless!


  60. Rokugatsu

    Finally more themes! Hope I can find something nice for me 🙂


  61. ivankay

    OMG…excited. I hope we have more themes that have more we can do add and do more stuff to our blog(s).


  62. Pingback: Fonts and Background Changes «
  63. rich

    Is it possible to get involved in some way? I love the post and the thoughts but feel it would be good to contribute in whatever way possible.


  64. Joyce

    Awesome news! Kudos.


  65. T3CK

    This is Gr8 news! I am excited to see what the theme team has to offer x 3 🙂


  66. coolponds

    Thank you!! Can’t wait to see them!!


  67. mrasherkade

    oh yea, forgot to mention….FONTS! we nned more fonts!!!!!!!!!!



  68. danny bleed

    Great! We need to see more themes based in media and news lay out!


  69. Hinano

    excellent, i hope more themes also have the custom banner option as well.


  70. the EB duo

    Flexibility rules. Lots of options, epsecially for lesser-minded folks who don’t know how to edit their css scripts (sigh… ): ). – E from EB


  71. George

    More themes to choose from sounds great. I’d like to suggest that it become a firm standard that all themes should allow flexible-width content and custom headers.


  72. aerosol

    Great news indeed!


  73. sylviahubbard1

    Is there a spot for an official cheerleader

    (jumping up in the air)

    GooOOOOOO! Theme TEAM!!! YEAH!!!


  74. Anne Lessing

    Yay WordPress!! You guys are the best! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!! 😀

    It always makes my day when a new theme is released.


  75. Jeremy Irish

    Good deal. I had been hoping more would come along.


  76. 便当小兔儿

    fantastic!!! look forward to more beautiful themes!


  77. mauricio aguirre

    Great news for all of us!!! Thanks!


  78. Moon Man Two

    I can’t wait for the new themes. I’ve been switching between Digg 3 Column and Tarski becuase those themes are awesome. Is there some way you can make a theme like Tarski, but with 3 columns?


  79. Denise

    Aaaaahh, weeping with joy over this…FINALLY!

    Big, big, thanks and much gratitude for finally nailing this side of blogging for all of us who enjoy decorating, and re-decorating, our spaces often. For a long time now I’ve wanted to be able to change themes at least each season to reflect the changing colors, energies, moods and attitudes etc.

    Under the hood can totally rock but if the car body is painted a dull grey primer, it just doesn’t catch the eye or heart. Seriously, thank you for this. XOXOXO


  80. Disciple

    You’ve made me a very happy camper with this announcement! And three columns? With custom headers? And more customization? I may swoon! Or maybe just smile really really big. 😀


  81. dom

    sounds amazing! great idea. 🙂


  82. Jennifer

    THANK YOU! I am so excited about this. I always check out the new themes but still haven’t found “the one” yet. I agree with some of the above comments which mention more easily customizable fonts for free. Thanks for everything yall do!


  83. John Hicks

    Hooray! Thank you, WordPress! Now… Please create more themes with customizable headers that users can replace with their own image; Been waiting and waiting, praying each time when a theme is released that it has that option. Much love, and thanks again.


  84. Лита

    Thanks!! Fantastic news 🙂
    I wish all the people of the team good luck with the job 🙂
    Thanks, guys 🙂


  85. Kelly 유켈리

    OMG this is why i love wordpress 😀
    please think about more themes where bloggers can be creative and free to express their own designs. im using vigilance right now and i love having the ability to change colors, adjust columns, etc. THANKS~!


  86. Dan North

    Oh, yeah! I always settle with my theme and then a prettier one catches my eye and I get tempted to stray. I need theme counselling.

    Does the theme team get a uniform?


  87. Jim

    brilliant. can you put together a mozart theme? and how bout a ‘dead sea scrolls’ theme for the biblical scholars among us?


  88. shamballa9944

    I think you guys do an outstanding job of keeping new technologies and options coming! I am always excited to read about new gizmos you guys come up with…especially themes!


  89. danyasteele


    I *LOVE* WordPress.

    Thank you. ❤


  90. Denise Duguay

    More photo themes please, and thanks, ian, for confirming: “More 3-column themes are on the horizon.”


  91. Pingback: WordPress Theme Team
  92. barbara

    singing, dancing happy, happy HAPPY
    Love you people


  93. AA

    I left below comment at your other site.. Here it is and it was meant for the blogs.

    I think it is also important to update/upgrade the themes that’s been in use for long time. It is fine to introduce new themes, but the old ones shouldn’t be left alone and should be updated to reflect the changing trends and new features. If an old theme cannot be updated, than it should be dropped with ample notification. Just a personal suggestion.


  94. Sara

    Fantastic! I’m still looking for my perfect theme. I’m using regulus because I love the theme options and the custom header, but I wish there were more themes like it!
    I hope you guys will create my perfect theme one day! :mrgreen:


  95. joyceandnorm

    Very exciting! Thanks for your hard work.


  96. YesWeCan CamperVan

    Wonderful news.
    How do you guys provide all this for free?


  97. Jones

    You guys need more Three Column themes 🙂


  98. danliew

    That’s more like it. I’ve been barking on my Twitter lamenting the poor collection of themes WP now has. Good job Theme Team for listening to our grouses. 😉


  99. elenaramirez

    Thank you, I love WordPress…..This is an awesome place. May God bless you all. You do a lot for us writers.
    Where else can we find such great and talented, technical people, who give of themselves like you folks do?
    I am telling you, I haven’t found any one, or anything like WordPress. And so I just say thank you….


  100. eruvierda

    It would be great if WP developer bring more great themes to us. I suggest more personalized themes. Like music, art, sport, culture or nationality. We wait your creativity in themes making art… VOILA!


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