New Theme: Andrea

Our newest theme is Andrea, a gorgeously minimal two-column theme with an unusual blue color scheme.

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Though the design may seem simple on the surface, once you try it you will appreciate its flexibility. I love Andrea both for its elegance and for its level of customization, and I think you will, too.

This theme includes two layout choices. The default layout is wide, yet flexible: the main column becomes wider or narrower depending on the size of your browser window. It is smart enough to adapt not only the width of the main column but to also adjust your images to make sure they fit correctly.

The alternate layout option is fixed-width—and narrower—to give your site a controlled, form-fitting feel. To enable this layout option visit Appearance→Theme Options.

Andrea is loaded with customization options, including Custom Menu, Custom Background, and Custom Header.*

Designed by Lucian Marin, Andrea is now available for and, for self-hosted sites, from the Themes Directory.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

  1. Wide, flexible-width layout (default): the site width adjusts between a minimum width of 900 and maximum width of 1280 (the main column limits are 700 and 1000, roughly). Images in the main column have a maximum width of 1000, and the custom header image is 1270 in width.
  2. Narrow, fixed-width layout: the site width is 700 and the main column width is 500. Images in the main column have a maximum width of 500, and the custom header image is 690 in width.

* Andrea allows both title and description text to be hidden completely from the custom header area.

Update: An astute reader noted that maximum size for the flexible width should be 1280 pixels—which is in fact correct. We’ve updated the layout to be 80 pixels wider, which means the main column images can be 1000 pixels wide and your header image should be sized to 1270 x 260 pixels.

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  1. Crist Giménez

    Good Theme! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. carsonmatthews

    That’s pretty, I like the blue and the simplicity.


  3. Milo

    Liking the fact that the scheme can go wide – nice feature! The narrowness of most blogs has long been a bugbear of mine.


  4. cOokie

    Wow… I love blue :D. It’s nice.


  5. Wez

    Good to see themes continue to roll out.
    I looked for the custom feature suggestion box the other day but couldn’t find it (have a thought about an upgrade that could be good to implement). Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.


  6. Sandra Lee

    Gorgeous! I have a preference for elegant themes and really appreciate the style and classy look of many of the recent themes you have released. I would like to see more magazine style themes like Inuit Types with featured thumbnails. My hat’s off to the Theme Team.


  7. Jerry Jacques

    This is not for me, but it is interesting. Will try it out to see what it can do. Keep it coming guys. I’m sure it will be loved by somebody out there.


  8. Mahfooz Hasan

    Love the theme, great job. Although that in white or black probably would’ve been better.


  9. memsaab

    Wow! I am speechless! It’s lovely. 🙂


  10. Flynn

    Great! It’s definitely “gorgeous” and minimal, too!


  11. sgmboro

    I like the look of it, just wish more themes would come out with different colour schemes.


  12. Sara

    The blue is a little too much, but I love the features. This would be a great theme for bloggers with a lot of photos. I really think that this theme would help the photos stand out from the layout. It’s not the theme for me but I hope others enjoy it!
    Thanks :mrgreen:


  13. Ambassador Crab

    Very clean and nice.


  14. Veronica Twizzler

    Very pretty.


  15. starlaschat

    Hot off the press! I’m addicted to WordPress themes! Let’s run the demo. ;+) Thanks for all your hard work! Love you guys.


  16. leocheungblog

    It is a very clean and comfortable theme which makes you feel like you are reading a novel. The only thing I don’t like is the color. Sorry, I am a very honest person!


  17. harwoodd

    I too love this theme.


  18. Lee

    That is awesome! I’m going to try this one out.


  19. harwoodd

    I really like this theme, I think i will apply it.


  20. Rogue|Hero

    Hey there!

    I love simple but elegant themes. I’m definitely ‘gonna try this out. Thanks very much Theme Team!



  21. David W. Boles

    This is a very beautiful theme. I’m so happy to see wide-open themes that allow us to finally fill the empty spaces… or not.



  22. Debbie

    I like it. I love that it is flexible width, and a right side main column, and I LOVE that it has a dividing bar between posts. I am anxious to play with it a little more. But I think you are making very positive changes with the new themes. The only thing I see on this off hand that I don’t like (personally) is I wish the default font was just a tad larger (not much, but enough to make it easier to read).

    And I really really really think the “Leave a Comment” link should always be at the bottom of a post, not at the title. Because many people will not scroll back up to the title to leave a comment. I think that should always be located at the bottom of a post. That way you get the readers first reactions, and more comments/feedback on the post. Also it just makes sense to put it there. You don’t comment before you read something, you comment after. 🙂


    • Lance Willett

      That’s a great point, but in this case we decided to leave it at the top since it’s what the designer intended, and it adds symmetry to short post titles.

      One counter-argument to your point is that many, many visitors to your site will not come via the front page, but will come into a single post via Google or a link. In that situation, the comment area is directly below the post, and invites your visitors to place a comment as soon as they are done reading.


  23. leokid

    I love simplistic and minimalistic, but this theme doesn’t really interest me.

    I’ll stick with Vostok.


  24. Anne Lessing

    Wow, what a beautiful shade of blue! It reminds me of the ocean. I might use this instead of Vostok for my haiku blog.

    Thanks for another great theme!


  25. art predator

    Nice! I like the flexibility and the blue is easy on the eyes! I look forward to seeing how people use it!


  26. Keith "Tan" Brown

    Awesome theme thanks! The custom background option is exactly what I was looking for!


  27. LJDyer

    Overall it’s a nice theme but there’s a little to much vlue for me. Nice tree! I still thank you for sharing. Peace.


  28. shamballa9944

    Thank you for offering us another theme with COLOR!


  29. batmonline

    Love it – looks like the perfect theme for our church’s website ( is all blues)!


  30. arali2008

    Fun, beautiful blue.


  31. nawroski

    Looks good to me.


  32. whittmadden

    It is a nice simple theme. Too much blue for me too, though.


  33. belladaze

    Thanks! I am drawn to color and simplistic layout.


  34. VAJRA, South America

    No bad…we will see. Thanks Lance.


  35. NewCo Bargains, Inc.

    Love this, my favorite color is blue, besides that it is perfect at every angle. Thanks.


  36. the daily sloth

    Nice. I would totally use it if it could be the same tone of green or brown. I’m not a big fan of blue.


  37. call2write

    I love the new theme, the beautiful blue color is very classy! The flexible width option is a great feature too.

    Thanks for all the new themes and features you’ve been releasing!


  38. chefhermes

    Yeah, like it would be nice in different colour options. Sorry will probably stick with my Structure for now.


  39. Mary

    Simple and elegant. 🙂


  40. لؤي

    Love the color. 🙂 The themes collection is just getting cooler every day!


  41. bookworm4evr

    Oh. My. God. My name is Andrea. and my favorite color is Blue. You guys are AWESOME! I am so using this!


  42. guard13007

    Looks like everything else, sorry.


  43. Brandon

    I love the width options! I don’t think this will get me away from Neutra, however 🙂


  44. Kojiki

    Very nice elegant theme but too much of blue. Now there is a theme for everyone! I really love the Structure theme. Thanks for all your work!


  45. hopelesslycrushingonyou

    I love the colors… I would like to see WordPress begin to do some really fabulous layout like other blogs I have seen…. give ’em some competition. I’m still looking for something with hearts and cupids for my blog… any thoughts?


  46. andiecandie75

    OMG I’m the same with the girl above my name is Andrea and my fave colour is blue! (And orange 🙂 ) Wow, do all Andreas like blue? lol 😛


  47. megleigh

    Looks nice, but I still like Twenty-Ten.


  48. Pingback: Top Posts —
  49. deathgleaner

    There we go, my new favorite theme. Of course I’ve said this about 30 other themes. 😛


  50. Tom Baker

    Another great theme. Love WordPress.


  51. gbvaz

    Very clean. I think lots of people will start using it.


  52. badkidsgoodgrammar

    As yet another Andrea, I’m flattered. Nice work y’all 🙂


  53. Debbie

    Thanks for the reply above Lance! It’s nice to know you guys listen and care about what people have to say.

    I just noticed a HUGE perk on this theme that I really like. The fact that if you go to “Custom Header” the text for the title of your blog is now *on* the image and not above it. And you have the option to show it or not.
    That is seriously a big improvement. I love the custom header option on some of the other themes. But I really didn’t like that the title showed above them. Especially if you don’t care for that default title font, or if you want to put the title of your blog on the image header that you personally create. So I see that little feature as a really nice improvement. It would be great to have that option (to show or not show the title) on all themes with custom header options.
    Good job! Thanks!


    • Lance Willett

      Yes, that is a commonly requested feature. We try our best to enable it for new themes, but sometimes the design doesn’t allow it—so we make the decision based on the layout.


  54. deepbellylaugh

    Aaw, that is so nice of the WordPress team – I remember in the theme comments a while ago people were asking for a wide column theme. And here it is! This one’s not my style or colour but I have hopes for one to come along that will be. I’m looking for a custom background so that I can finally display my artwork. Keep up the good work!


  55. Atticus

    Finally a cool, colourful, creative theme! I think most users will welcome the width options, the customisation and some of the other gadgets that come with this theme. Great job Lance, simple yet elegant!


  56. Muhammad Joe Sekigawa

    It’s great, brother. 🙂


  57. Kyle Smith

    Love how wide it goes, would love to see some different colors or allow for custom colors. Keep the themes coming!


  58. nancysmoments

    This theme really doesn’t fit for me, but I had to comment anyway just to say thanks again for giving people another choice. Whether people have serious or light reading blogs, we all have fun getting just that right theme to present them.


  59. Yuniar

    It’s simple and elegant… good job.


  60. coretanputri

    I love the blue, so nice.


  61. maryamingty

    I just tried it. It’s cool and fun that you can change the background, header, and also the color with which you want. Love it, thank you Lance Willett. 🙂


  62. Ali Reza

    Enjoying this theme!


  63. Eric

    Simple and sweet. Nice!


  64. thierry

    Wow… great… blue… I’m afraid I didn’t meet a theme like this before with blue color… a new theme new color.


  65. M Shodiq Mustika

    🙂 I like its flexibility: Custom Menu, Custom Background, and Custom Header.


  66. Olivia

    Pretty neat look and options are nice. Cheers!


  67. mesin kasir

    More and more new themes from WordPress.


  68. marilynkaydennis

    Royal Blue. Very regal.


  69. maou

    I am always picky on themes. I have been using WordPress for 4 years but only three themes were picked.

    This one is really gorgeous. I immediately changed the old one after viewing this post and i have to say i have fallen in love with this new theme.

    GOOD JOB 🙂 and thank you!


  70. Tobi-Dawne

    Not a fan of the blue. Nice layout… but bold colours belong as accents on websites – they do not belong under text. Webdesign 101.


  71. Tammy McLeod

    Nice but too blue for me.


  72. Jia Jia

    Nice! Thanks WP admin, you guys always come up with nice themes. Great!


  73. muslimpeduli

    So simple, and maybe needs some final touch in the background (I hope it was not just a blue background, without anything to make it cheerful or something like that) but overall, I’d like to change my theme right now! hope it works.. 😀


  74. kendylau

    Simple yet lovely theme! But it’s actually not my style! Too much blue! Anyways thanks for providing such a quality one. 🙂


  75. Susann

    Naw… To simple/boring for my taste… Looks a lot like many other themes….


  76. neurotype

    Awesome. I’m so there…already. :O


  77. Dhyan (AKA Utopain Fragments)

    The last run of new theme is great and exciting. How about more themes with black backgrounds?


  78. zainura66

    Fantastic and it looks gorgeous to me. Congratulations to the designer and well done. The most of alll I love the layout options which we can use either fixed or flexible width column. I will try this theme….thanks a lot.


  79. caseykins

    You guys are just cranking out the new themes!! Thanks, by the way. 🙂


  80. Alberto

    Great idea to be able to change between wide and fixed but it’s so … blue. But then I’m not a fan of blue. Pretty cool though.


  81. Nishant

    Hmmm… okay…

    Can you possibly give us an all white minimalist theme?


    • Lance Willett

      Glad you asked! We have great options for white and minimal already: Neutra, White as Milk, The Journalist (both versions), Benevolence, Vigilance, Day Dream, Steira, and K2-lite. If you go to Appearance→Themes and click “Feature Filters” (at the far right near the search) you can click on “White” or “Light” and browse through many great themes.


  82. Tiara Calista

    Wow, I like it. 🙂 Thanks !


  83. Sourav Roy

    Great theme!! Thanks 🙂


  84. phio_chan

    Thank you for the new theme. Nice job as usual. I’m considering switching, really.


  85. imcoolyoto

    This is the first time I’ve ever met a theme that meets all the requirements for my Maplestory Guide. Thanks! 🙂 Keep up the good work.


  86. TheNutz

    Felicitari Lucian Marin. Now you’re famous. 🙂


  87. Max Soutter

    Well, you can’t go wrong with blue. Well, you can but YOU didn’t in this case. Thanks for another great theme option!


  88. Inkadia

    I love it! It has everything I’ve been looking for, AND it has the same name as my mother. (I love my mom, so this is good).


  89. BibbyEllen

    Nice! I like that kind of blue!


  90. AndreaM

    It’s beautiful and I love the name 🙂


  91. deepupradeep

    Cute look and nice options too.


  92. Frankie

    This is a new and a nice theme.. Blue is great…!!!


  93. sylviahubbard1

    I LIKE the blue, but I LOVE purple! Still, I do like how you can rework the theme and even the navigation.


  94. illage3

    That’s looking quite good. If possible could you make a darker variation of this theme as I personally am not a fan of blue themes.


  95. susuwan25

    It’s beautiful.


  96. Amit Singh

    I knew this theme would make it here! The best feature of this theme is the flexible width with a maximum limit. Only if it had option to change font color, i could have used it with a white background. Anyways its a wonderful addition.


  97. Mackvaryu

    Really cool, that’s my next theme.


  98. 1000sunny

    More 3 columns themes with both columns on the right, and flexible layout like this one, please! But not in dark, I want it shiny and clean. 🙂


  99. harveer Singh

    I have used many themes to make my blog look like a website but this one is the one i was looking for because when you disable comments in this theme, then it doesn’t appear that the comments are disabled under the post, which is very calming.


  100. Mohammad Elsheimy

    WOW, like it so much. But I think I’m going to change the background to white. 🙂


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