Jazz Up Your Posts With Zemanta

Ever wish you had a blogging assistant who helped you write posts that are full of great links, photos, and tags? Wish no more: We’ve partnered with the folks at Zemanta to give you a hand at quickly jazzing up your posts.

Once you’ve activated Zemanta, you’ll see several new widgets on your edit screen that let you quickly add recommended links, photos, tags, and articles. With just a few clicks your post goes from simple to snazzy.

Here’s a quick video overview:

This video doesn’t exist

How to Activate Zemanta

To add Zemanta, go to Users > Personal Settings in your Dashboard. You’ll see a new option near the end of the page that lets you add Zemanta to your posts. Click “Help me find related content (images, links, related articles, and tags) to use in my posts.” Hit “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page. You can turn it off at any time.

How It Works

Here’s how Zemanta looks in your edit window. (In this example, I’ve opened and dragged the Zemanta “Recommendations” widget up next to my text box.) It’s giving me a set of recommended photos, articles, and one link to add to my post.

I then clicked a photo I liked, as well as an article and the recommended link. Zemanta automatically adds them into my post as I click on them.

Here’s how my post looks after it has been spiffed up by Zemanta:

A Few More Details

If you don’t like the results Zemanta is giving you, you can hit “refine” to see a new set of recommendations. And if you’ve changed the topic of your blog post, hitting “update” will give you new choices. You can use as many of the Zemanta recommendations as you like, or you can ignore all of them — totally up to you!

Currently, Zemanta works on English-language blogs and can only be used in the visual editor mode. It’s not available on private blogs. Photos recommended by Zemanta are copyright-cleared, but we urge you to check out the photo’s license if you have any doubts (you can do that by hovering over the photo).

Please see this page for more helpful details on how Zemanta works, as well as our Support document on Zemanta.


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  1. sociosound

    Sounds interesting. I’ll check it out!!


  2. Anne Lessing

    This looks awesome! It’ll make finding images a lot easier!

    Thanks, WordPress!


  3. kkhalifax

    Very, very cool.


  4. Kavita

    WOW!! This is an awesome feature!! Can’t wait to use it! I have some posts ready, and without pictures! Hope I find the right ones using Zemanta!
    This really is a dream come true!

    Thanks for this lovely acquiescence to our silent (or maybe voiced) requests 🙂 Wooohooooo! Me off to try it right away!


  5. Pingback: Are you using Zemanta in Wordpress? « Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog
  6. ireal

    Lets try it.


  7. ylbnoel

    wonderful addition to helpful features ! Kudos Joy !


  8. Vikram

    Looks interesting. Will try out for sure.


  9. Jafar Al-Hassan

    I like it. Although it’s going to take some time to get used to it.


  10. Susan Wright-Boucher

    Wow – you guys keep coming up with great stuff. Can’t wait to try this one.


  11. carsonmatthews

    this looks awesome on paper, or laptop, certainly going to try it out. Thanks WordPress!


  12. Pingback: Jazz Up Your Posts With Zemanta (via WordPress.com News) « Roscoe's Dreams and Random Thoughts
  13. portableatheist

    I like this. WordPress always seems to have new content for us. 🙂 Thank you.


  14. Tom Baker

    This is great. I think it will be better than PicApp and if you can choose your own related articles that makes it even better. Keep ’em coming guys! A Facebook like button next to the Twitter sounds like an idea to think about.


  15. Lee

    I’ve been with Zemanta since the beginning. It’s great!


  16. Brenda Nepomuceno

    That’s so easy! Thanks a lot for making blogging all the more interesting! (I mean, for those who read what I write, ’cause I can be writing a post about how cool the colour white is and still find it exciting.)


  17. ileaneb

    Joy this is great. I’m using Zemanta already as a Chrome extension, but I think this will make it much easier to use. Thanks so much!


  18. pruelpo

    right. i am already using this tool for a long time.


  19. tellthetruth1

    The links ‘thing’ might be a good idea. This blog was definitely welcomed:-)


  20. jysung

    Yes, I love this! This will allow lazy bloggers like me to use awesome themes that are heavily photo-featuring. Thanks!


  21. Kouros

    Fantastic Feature…


  22. Paul

    wow..This is..Amazing..love it..thanks.


  23. kashiffilyas

    Thumbs up,
    Nice to see Zemanta option.


  24. Evelyn Yvonne Theriault

    This is the most terrific innovation for my blogging that I’ve seen in awhile.
    You know ….. it’s great when you give me something I’ve been looking for, but giving me something I didn’t even know I wanted – well, that’s just inspired!
    Evelyn in Montreal


  25. Cooking in Mexico

    Thanks a lot. I always look forward to new features and will try this out.



  26. the rufus

    Just activated and my posts seem to appear without any action from me 🙂


  27. bishopswife

    Wow, this is great! Thanks!


  28. drheights48127

    I can not find it on the personal page not at the bottom.


    • Joy Victory

      Hi there — make sure you are going to Users -> Personal Settings to find this option. It is located under “Additional Post Content.”


  29. elenaramirez

    You folks are so wonderful, innovative, and creative, to add this as a new feature. I feel so blessed to be here on wordpress.com and I pray God bless you all!!! Thank you.


  30. Olivia Tejeda

    This is fantastic! And thanks for clearing up the copyright question. Zemanta will cut my research time in half or more! Now, if only there was a way to make my writing go faster. I’m heading to my dashboard now to add this feature. Oh, and by the way, could you possibly have picked a cuter puppy?


  31. Gally Lines ~ LestISmiteThee.wordpress.com

    Never heard of Zemanta before, but it seems pretty nifty.


  32. murato

    i am very excited while reading but then the final paragraph made its fatal blow, just for english bloggers. it’s when i’m knocked down. too bad for us, non-english bloggers, 😦


  33. cOokie

    very very very cool !!! 8)


  34. Sarah Baram

    Hm, this has been around for quite some time now as an add – on for Firefox. Weird, it’s just catching on now!


  35. Dan North

    It took me a while to read this – I was totally distracted by the puppies. I’ll give Zemanta a try, though I’m reluctant to give my readers any more excuses to navigate away from my blog!…….


  36. Ljubomir Gatdula

    Now I have a “blogging assistant.” Nice 🙂


  37. Sandra Lee

    This looks so awesome. Can’t wait to try it. WordPress.com is constantly evolving, going from fantastic to super fantastic all the time. Thanks.


  38. Marilyn Grando

    Supergreat addition to the backend of this program. Thanks a bunch! Marilyn


  39. nancysmoments

    This is an awesome function! Cannot wait to try it. This takes us into a whole new dimension of making our posts so much more full of detail.


  40. M Shodiq Mustika

    The recommended photos are beautiful. I will often use them. Thank you.


  41. Red

    Looking forward to see zemanta in indonesian language blogs


  42. RandomizeME

    Thanks! This is a new feature I never really thought of – but I’m off to try it out!


  43. Jennifer Lawrence

    Wow this is amazing and looks so simple to use! Kudos to you guys over at WordPress, you really are working hard to bring us new content almost every day!


  44. Tarah

    This sounds really cool! I like that it recommends links to me. Can’t wait to try it out now!


  45. Aiman Amani

    Wow, this sounds interesting. I think I’ll try it out.


  46. inurbase

    Cool concept, I might have to use it in a day or two


  47. Pingback: Jazz Up Your Posts With Zemanta (via WordPress.com News) « Normanomiblog
  48. mrasherkade

    I’ve never heard of Zemanta, and I am a professional online writer. This sounds interesting…I don’t blog about cute puppies…but if they give me stuff on bizarre, crazy stuff, I might be in love with this thing!


  49. Sara @ Tedious Life

    Wow, this is amazing! I’m going to use this.


  50. Zaeriuraschi (pronounced zay-ree-ooh-ras-chee)

    By the way, shih-tzus are so cute!! 🙂


  51. AbdulBasith

    Sounds great! WordPress is surprising us by lots of features updates. I was spend lots of time to find right pictures for my blog posts. Hope this will reduce my strain.


  52. angry little redhead

    I think I’ll give it a go!


  53. Corra McFeydon

    Love it! You all are coming up with some excellent changes! 😀

    – Corra


  54. darsba

    Great application — thanks for bringing it to us. I especially like that the photos are copyright cleared. I will definitely give this a try!


  55. Pingback: Jazz Up Your Posts With Zemanta (via WordPress.com News) « A Nerd's Life
  56. Michael Horn

    If you are a Windows user, try out Windows Live Writer instead. It’s a blogging program that imports all of your WordPress settings and even your exact theme into the program, so as you’re writing it, you’ll get a good idea of how it will look before it is done (No more need to hit the preview post button a thousand times!). It lets you upload the post with one click of a button and takes you to the finished post on your web browser when it is done (If you want it to take you, that is. If not, simply un-check the box as it is uploading). The preview button on Writer even shows you your other posts and widget settings as well, so you will know how it will look as you are writing it and since that button is just right next to the window that you are writing your post in, switching back and forth between the two is a breeze. I love it and don’t use the cramped WordPress post format anymore (No hard feelings guys!). I highly recommend it (And no, nobody is paying me to say any of this. It is my personal opinion). 🙂


  57. Rohit

    I had been using the Zemanta firefox addon (which is identical to this) for quite some time. Stopped using it cause one couldn’t control its position & on load, it used to push the preview & other buttons/sections down.
    By adding this to the dashboard, that small irritating issue of position ctrl should be resolved now i guess 🙂


  58. Ilakya Spandhanaa

    Wow This is so cool..!!! You guys rock 😀 !!


  59. Pingback: Zemanta Joins Wordpress « A Father's Point of View
  60. Pingback: Zemanta now available on Wordpress.com | Zemanta Ltd.
  61. shamballa9944

    Wow! This really IS the coolest! I just HAVE to try this one out!!


  62. worddreams

    Anything to make perfection faster. Thanks.


  63. Nghiatq

    I’ll try it now. Tks so much!


  64. Comfy Cook

    I can’t wait to try this. It looks like it has tremendous potential.


  65. Pingback: Zemanta now available for WordPress.com blogs. Your blog content just got infinitely better.
  66. Miss Mali

    nice job! i think you are saving a lot of ppl from some annoyances 🙂


  67. Pingback: Zemanta Gains Big Integration Partner in WordPress
  68. Jerry Jacques

    It keeps getting better at wordpress!


  69. thebobster

    Fascinating. I only use my own photos, but I suspect it could save me a lot of googling-time for links,


  70. elcafe37

    Nice, I m loving it


  71. something4all

    very nice:)


  72. promotingu

    Me too!


  73. dhenztm

    This is interesting… I’m trying it now 🙂


  74. LindaLou

    I will definitely try this out. I’m looking for ways to add content and jazz up my site. Sounds like just what I need.


  75. Septebrina Situmorang

    Whoaaa…. I’lll try it…. It saves my time searching for pictures…


  76. Regarch

    I’ll give it a try. It sounds and looks like it could be very helpful. Thanks for posting!


  77. Raptor

    This feature is only for blogs in English or it works in all languages


  78. Christopher

    The link to activate Zemanta isn’t coming up on my personal settings page. I even searched the page for the phrase “Help me find” and “Zemanta” and neither showed the link. Am I doing something wrong?


    • Joy Victory

      I found it in your personal settings — it’s activated. So I’m guessing you found it. 🙂

      Now, when you create a new post, scan the page for “recommendations” — that’s Zemanta.


  79. Neo

    Whoa, really nice feature for amateur blogger like me! I’m gonna try this out for sure!


  80. indiahomeschool

    Will it work if I edit earlier published articles? Is it advisable to use with earlier published articles?


  81. Olivia

    Super awesome.. This sounds like a complete package..
    Can’t wait to start up.. Thankyou WP


  82. trinabaker

    Very cool! I am excited to try it on my next post 🙂


  83. myphotoscout

    Yikes. Automatically generated content. Looks a bit spammy.


  84. Exodus

    thanks guys and gals! (;


  85. bloggerani

    I activated this on my blog…it’s gonna take some time for me to get used to this, but it’s sound very interesting.. Will give it a shot!! 🙂


  86. Pearlie

    Very interesting. Thanks!


  87. rvishu

    Excellent idea


  88. barrycyrus

    Lemme give it a try! 🙂


  89. useibert

    Nice add. And it does work in German, too!


  90. Pingback: Zemanta – free stuff for Wordpress. Good or bad? « davidhewson.com
  91. ikiru2009

    Hmm, doesn’t that make all blogs more similar when we’re linking to the top-ten-suggestions by Zemanta? I think it takes away quite some creativity from the blogs and the bloggers. Sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be using it.
    I like the ideas (and the amount of those ideas!) you guys keep coming up with, though!



  92. elmer

    Im trying very hard to resist this new feature coz i’ve promised myself to keep it very very….simple (as possible).


  93. dsusetyo

    when will the version for personal blogs come? I’d love to use it.


  94. mihaisuzuki

    I itried it out and it’s superb! Especially with the related articles! Good job WordPress team! You nailed it bigtime!


  95. Graham

    Just used this for the first time – brilliant! Thank you.


  96. reverendhellfire

    I thought the whole point of doing a blog was to put your own stuff up on the net. Why on earth would I want to use some boring stock photo from Wikpedia.


  97. Pulkit Kaushik

    Trying it out now!


  98. majjood

    Amazing idea! let’s try it.


  99. bestwallpaper

    it seems pretty nifty.


  100. Robbo

    Once again, another unbelievable innovation for us here. I used to have a server based installation on my other blogs but this way is so much better and much less stressful. You guys are saving me heaps of time as well, finding links and tags for my stories on crime. Thanks


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