VideoPress now on iPhone, iPad, and HTML5 browsers

Back in the middle of 2009, we launched our very own HD video service called VideoPress. Since then we’ve made a bunch of improvements including the ability to natively share videos in Facebook.

Today we are happy to announce a new set of capabilities that we’ve all been eager to see. Starting right now, all those great videos you’ve created and will be embedding in your site will play back on mobile and touch devices including iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and the new Nokia phones.

Our engineer Mike demonstrates Flash performance on Mobile Safari

VideoPress also now supports Apple’s AirPlay streaming technology to share video between supporting locally networked devices such as iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and Apple TV. Videos with associated transcripts, such as WordPress TV, include WebVTT <track> data for display by supporting browsers.

But that’s not all. If you are running any of the new browsers such as Chrome 3.0+, Firefox 3.5+, Internet Explorer 9+, Safari 3.1+, or Opera 10.5+ – and have Flash disabled or not installed – VideoPress videos will automatically fallback to native HTML5 video support and playback without any issues.

Want to see this new capability in action? Here’s the original VideoPress debut video — give it a shot on your HTML5-friendly browser with plugins disabled or iOS device:

For more info check out the support doc for all things VideoPress. And to purchase the VideoPress upgrade, click on the Upgrades panel of your administrative dashboard.

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  1. K

    HTML5 is the way ahead ! Way to go WordPress …


  2. Matt George

    Too cool. I was waiting for this! Now I can post video with confidence that viewers across multiple forms can see my video! This is great! Thanks WordPress Team!


  3. allaboutbasic

    Though all browsers doesn’t support HTML5… but..I do appreciate your work…keep it up.


  4. dreamsburnred

    Awesome! HTML5 is the the future, thank you for finally embracing it.


  5. poberson naibaho

    wow that’s cool..


  6. Sound Works LTD

    Hurray! HTML5 = Winning!


  7. Eric

    So cool! I haven’t used VideoPress before, but this sounds awesome. iPhone user here haha 😛


  8. WanderWoman

    Awesome. What is it? Just kidding. I’ll figure it out like I have everything else. I’ve learned more from WordPress than any other source!


    • Raanan Bar-Cohen

      Until today, if you tried to play a VideoPress powered video on your iPhone or iPad, it wouldn’t work. Same for web browsers without Flash installed. Today for both those cases things work great — so you can enjoy watching these videos from any device or browser that you’d like.


  9. Erlend

    I hope it won’t be long until Flash is the fallback and HTML5 is the default. The VideoPress player gets frequently messed up on my Chrome 9, on Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit.


  10. Tomer Cohen

    Wait a second. Are you saying that HTML5 is used as a fallback to Adobe Flash? Please reverse this order. In modern browsers, there is no any advantages to Flash Video over HTML5 videos, and in case you want to show how advanced you are, Flash should be an option only to people with old or unsupported browser, or to people who change their preferences to use Flash instead of HTML5.


  11. marionsolynes

    very cool, so now i can enjoy watching videos on my ipad, thanks a lot!


  12. ahrengot

    Nice, and frankly kind of obvious, addition to WordPress. The thing that excites me the most, is that I am finally able to watch the videos where it makes the most sense. On my iPad at night when i’m relaxing on the couch.

    Only thing is i think the Play icon could be improved. It’s kind of hard to see on a light background so maybe put a circle around it or whatever makes sense.

    Overall though, very nice 🙂


  13. shamankanowa

    Mike, that was really creepy! I will have that flash in my nightmares now.


  14. Kelly Whitman

    Awesome. Nice photo example !


  15. jandblogger

    I have an iPhone 4 and thank you so much for this. I’m just beginning with WordPress as soon as finals are over…this saturday. Moving my class blog here from that “other sight” with little blog capabilities. Can hardly wait. This just makes it even better.


  16. Admin

    Awesome! HTML5 is the the future


  17. Charlousie

    If I will use an iPhone in future, I may be very glad about this function! 😉


  18. metaglossia

    Yet another positive development from WordPress. Thanks


  19. arlenecorwin

    Looking forward to using the new service.
    Technologically handicapped,
    Arlene Corwin


  20. Pingback: VideoPress now on iPhone, iPad, and HTML5 browsers | One Digital Life
  21. apollodorosh

    Yay for HTML5 🙂


  22. Arun Shanbhag

    Great job Guys!

    now I can switch to an iPhone!


  23. chandrapzm

    great now without flash, we can watch video with html5. 🙂


  24. B.G. Mitchell

    You keep giving (well ‘selling’—but what a price) and changing the wide web world.

    Ta again.


  25. obinnasucks

    Thanks, just watched the debut video on my iPad .Steve jobs was right!


  26. Intelligent Challenge

    You’re awesome. Just awesome.


  27. thf2

    I’d love to embed videos onto my blog, but until now I’ve been
    linking to YouTube…I’ll try and figure it out, I’m sure it’s pretty easy, you guys rock at making things accessible to the bloggers like me! Thanks for all your hard work!!


  28. foreningenrakasparet

    Nice flashing there, Mike!


  29. tobikenobi

    You guys should rather fix the video orientation problems with iphone videos. It sucks…


  30. Buie

    Nice. I’m looking forward to checking it out


  31. Spiller

    Why do I get a LQ version of the video when I’m trying to play it in Opera? Certainly not satisfied with the quality…


  32. localtown

    Very handy indeed. Shall give it a try Videopress.. Thanks .


  33. indie69

    Great news, but the accompanying photo is made of the pure essence of win.


  34. jesperlhansen

    Great work. HTML 5 is the future!


  35. Pingback: VideoPress now on iPhone, iPad, and HTML5 browsers (via News) « arenaremaja
  36. Nostra

    Great development and nice to see that WordPress is going along with the latest developments.


  37. pltprincess

    Wonderful! Now I can get back to the home video making and actually have someone view them! Thanks.


  38. doctorwhofan98

    So cool! No plugins!


  39. NiHAWmA

    Amazing developement. Thanks A Lot. I’ll check it out Have A Nice Day to all wordpress users.


  40. cracknberries

    Awesome! That is such great news. 🙂


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