Get more readers by Publicizing on Facebook, Twitter, and now LinkedIn, Too!

Want to share your posts with your LinkedIn connections? Now you can! Today we are happy to announce that our Publicize feature connects with LinkedIn. To activate Publicize for LinkedIn, head to Settings -> Sharing in your dashboard and click Connect to LinkedIn. Please note that you need to have a LinkedIn account before you can connect it with your site.

After you’ve approved the connection, you’ll see LinkedIn listed in the Publish module next to the post editor. Here you can customize the message for the update you’ll send out to LinkedIn and any other sharing services you have connected. You can also opt out of Publicizing a particular post by unchecking the box next to the name of the service. Below is an example of an update shown on LinkedIn.

A LinkedIn sharing button was also recently added to the Sharing feature on, which can be displayed at the bottom of your posts and pages. Visit your Settings -> Sharing panel and you’ll see LinkedIn as one of the Available Services.

We’re always working hard to give you more opportunities to increase the traffic to your blog. If you have questions, read more about how Publicize works. For more information on boosting your readership, check out Getting More Views and Traffic.

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  1. tenbrokenbullets

    Thank you for posting this! I just might have to look into LinkedIn now.
    Keep on rockin’ 😉


  2. Andrew

    Yay LinkedIn!


  3. Mushyrulez

    Haha, it’d be funny if you didn’t need a LinkedIn account to use this feature.


  4. lindsaybradford

    I use this feature, but I’m still luke-warm on it in its current manifestation. What do I really want to do with these connected sites?

    The ability to choose which blog posts goes to which connected site. Not something kludgy like being forced to tag a post “LinkedIn” or “Facebook”, but being able to indicate what things that I typically categorize/tag a blog post with indicate that it’s appropriate for “friends” (like a “hobby” tag, or a “family” category), and what’s appropriate for a professional networking site (like a “work” category, or a “tech tricks” tag).

    The key is to let me decide from how I naturally group my posts, which social site gets what post.


    • Nick Momrik

      You can choose which posts go to which services. Before you click on the Publish button, click Edit next to the Publicize settings in the Publish module and you can make changes.


  5. lindsaybradford

    Sounds overly manual for what I’m looking for, but thanks for the heads-up. I’ll take a look into it.


  6. Stemp

    Where is Google+ ?


  7. Chorwin

    Thinking whether will support Disqus too. A lot of web sites are using it now, or maybe it would be a conflict with OpenID.


  8. Recis

    Thank you for the update,!

    I’ve never really considered opening an account on LinkedIn, but after reading this blog post, I think I might try it out. Of course, I would have to choose which of my blog posts would go into that social networking site as it has a more professional “air” compared to Facebook and Twitter.

    Keep it up!


  9. Sopheak.P

    Welcome Linkedin! I`ll connect you.


  10. Eric

    I like the LinkedIn love!


  11. THE Caucasian Male

    I’ve been using LinkedIn for awhile! It’s a great site for professional networking.


  12. timethief

    Thanks for expanding these sharing options.


  13. pauldunford

    This kind of makes me laugh – I thought the point of LinkedIn was to be an adult alternative to the shenanigans of Facebook and Twitter and their kind. Oh how the mighty have fallen! LinkedIn is now officially among the JASNS (Just Another Social Networking Site).


  14. Joyce Glass

    Yes, I would love to use Disqus too! Is that possible? LinkedIn . . . hmm . . . maybe not a bad idea. Thanks!


  15. Raquel

    Really like the LinkedIn option.


  16. Jennifer Avventura



  17. Belsim

    Welcome LinkedIn! 🙂


  18. The Empryss

    Awesome! I’m going to utilize this!


  19. thisblindman



  20. Doug Nordman

    Excellent, thanks. I’ve been wondering how best to connect LinkedIn to the blog.

    Just had my first 300-hit day. Upward & onward!


  21. diyav22

    Nice to see such expansion and hope for more to come.


  22. رسول وحدتی

    Please add Google +1 to Publicize because Google+1 is a new service for sharing posts .

    Best Regards


    • Tim Moore

      Google hasn’t released an API for their new network yet. When they do, we’ll investigate. We’re interested as well 😉


  23. Zeenat

    I love linkedin and this option is super duper awesome! Thank you team. You guys rock 🙂
    Much Love,



    Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc
    Yes, I like them and I am waiting for another social media
    Thank you 🙂


  25. nhutcmos

    Wonderful, that’s what I need


  26. jfb57

    Is it possible to have this button for self hosted sites too please?


    • Tim Moore

      Right now, it is only available at Publicize may become part of Jetpack in a future release, but I can’t promise anything.


  27. Sarah R-H

    Great stuff. Are there any plans to add the facility to publish to a *page* in facebook, rather than a profile? My blog is for my organisation, so I don’t want updates posted to my personal profile on facebook, but it would be fantastic to have them automatically post to the organisation page, rather than having to do it manually.


  28. Tobias Stolzenberg

    Thanks for updating WordPress!

    In fact, I have never considered to make an account on LinkedIn. Now I will try, I think it’s a great site for professional networking, and that is what I am doing with my WordPress blog.

    Keep on your fine work, and best wishes!


  29. ana pauper

    A cross-linking experience. I’m lovin it 8)


  30. vori52

    You are the best! This new feature makes it so easy. Thanks, now I can concentrate on content rather than how to publisize.


  31. Rajeev Upadhyay

    Thanks for the advice. Let’s see how much traffic I get.


  32. The Gateway Blog

    Great! Another string to my bow 🙂


  33. I am Miss Independant

    woo adding my wordpress account to my linkedin account has helped boost my profile!


  34. Stuart J Davidson

    Good stuff, nice to see we can now link blogs to LinkedIn which should generate more traffic!


  35. oliviaadams10

    That’s great. I am already on LinkedIn.


  36. Magnet for Foolishness

    Finally a reason to use my LinkedIn account!! Thanks!!


  37. universobeisbol

    Nice feature, WordPress. Once again, giving chances for people to be better at the blogging business!

    Thank you!


  38. Rebecca Longster

    That’s lovely, but how do you get Publicize for wp blogs hosted elsewhere (on one’s own domain)?



    • Tim Moore

      Publicize is only available on currently. Publicize may be added to Jetpack in a future release, but I can’t promise that right now.


  39. Michele Alise

    Great new addition, although I wonder if this will just make things even more redundant (i.e., my LinkedIn already streams my latest tweets, which are automatically uploaded when I post). I have to say that I’d prefer this feature for LinkedIn to that of twitter or FB. Like some of the others, I’d love to have this feature on my self hosted site.


  40. sandischwartz

    These features would be AWESOME but I host my WordPress site on my own server and cannot utilize the option 😦

    Hoping that it will be possible in the near future as this would make my blog publishing so seamless! Now I’m using hootsuite and networked blogs — neither of which are ideal as it requires additional drafting and maintenance (and cost)

    Thanks for being so amazing WordPress team, you rock my world!


  41. Yasir Imran

    I have been doing this for a long time using LinkedIn’s ‘Blog’ feature.

    Now you guys should enable Publicize for StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious and rest.


    • Tim Moore

      Thanks for the feedback. Remember, you can post ideas like this at so that the whole community can discuss it.

      Also, your posts can be shared to StumbleUpon, Digg, and a few other services using the Share button. Just look at your Sharing -> Settings panel on your Dashboard. You should see Stumbleupon and Digg in the Available Services list.


  42. noblelandlord

    These are really nice options for publicizing!


  43. bummyla

    Thanks alot! I love this!!!


  44. David Van Winkle

    I signed up for Linkedin and I have the newest version of WordPress but it is not showing in my settings > share area. any suggestions?


  45. Sandy Dell

    This sounds like a great feature, but I cannot find any “Sharing” link under the WordPress Settings? Am I missing something?

    Thanks for the help!



  46. hieplt

    Waiting for the feature Posting to Facebook Page. It will be fantastic 🙂


  47. jakesprinter

    Very convenient to use. Thanks.


  48. mpmchugh

    Will these Sharing features be added to Jetpack for self hosted sites?

    It’d also be great if Jetpack included the comment login features as well.



    • Tim Moore

      We’ve gotten a lot of requests, thus far, for this. There aren’t any plans to add Publicize to Jetpack now, but that may change in a future release of Jetpack.


  49. mpmchugh

    It’d be a nice addition. Right now, the Twitterfeed service is the only viable option for simul-posting to Twitter and a Facebook Page. It’d be nice to have it all integrated into Jetpack. So I also second the request for Facebook Page suoport, which is more often desired for organizations than profiles (which according to Facebook TOS are only for individuals, not companies or organizations).



  50. pjweaver

    I am using Weaver theme for my websites & blogs. I don’t see anything for connecting to Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Does this only work with certain themes?


  51. sulochanosho

    Connecting, interconnecting is ‘mantra’ of the net. WordPress is as always ‘fast’ and ‘first’ in it. Thanks.


  52. Intelligent Challenge

    Cool, but I think I already do this as Twitter is connected to LinkedIn, and WP is connected to Twitter, and of course the arm bone is connected to the wrist bone 😉


  53. cherbing

    This is another upgrade on the world of internet sharing bits and pieces. Topics of any interest that may catch the attention of readership will surely bring about new stuff for application in daily life or for mere curiosity sake. Carry on and more power. The prize of human brain keeps on evolving. Salute the innovator!


  54. squeezedwords

    Good to see WordPress expand like this. I hope they look at the MySpace API. It looks possible.


  55. Javier

    This is great info. Thank you so much! Go!!!


  56. Deanna Blackwell

    This is a big time saver. Letting the network do the work!


  57. Knowledgeispower

    Sounds great. Thanks!


  58. FreeFrenchandHaitianCreolePress

    Thanks for these great tips. It was a very useful post.


  59. Professional Swimming Pools

    Thanks for the article. It will help us promote our website better.


  60. pultdu

    Thanks for posting the chart! Very informative article.


  61. Viktor Nemeth

    Any chance of ever getting an option to include a Facebook “Like Box” on the blogs on the .com site? 🙂


    • Tim Moore

      Under your Settings -> Sharing, look at “Available Services.” There is a Facebook button there that can be shown as a Like button (change button style to “official buttons”).


  62. Viktor Nemeth

    Tim: thanks for the reply. I was more looking for the Like Box, not the Like Button 🙂 The box is for promoting Facebook pages (and pages only). Ie I’d create a Facebook page for my blog, and I’d like to promote it on the blog.


  63. Chris Buckley

    Thanks. Great functionality.
    What would really be nice is the ability to toggle these distribution platforms on and off, rather than have an all or nothing decision around each.

    For instance: only about 1 in 4 of my posts touch on professional issues, and so I’d want to toggle LinkedIn on JUST for those posts.


    • Tim Moore

      You can do this. When you create a new post, click on the Edit button next to Publicize in your Publish panel. Check or uncheck the services which should receive the post.


  64. Tsunami Susanoo

    Thanks for posting this article.


  65. abbebuckplusstory

    Thank you


  66. nasrulbintang

    Thank you for the nice article.


  67. nopolito

    I’m already using this feature, but haven’t gotten any readers yet. I think, as long as no one else is going to post your link in his network, your reader list might remain empty.


  68. Jens Wallrabe

    Thank you for posting this. It simplifies the process of increasing blog exposure!


  69. 7des7iny

    wow, this is great! More integration with popular social tools!


  70. westz

    Awesome, this is a great idea. I’d love to know if there’ll be a Google+ connection for WordPress as well. I’m assuming that once Google+ is live, the fine people at WP will be on it quick, right? 😀


  71. Moco Scribe

    nice move : )


  72. mikecomputergeek

    Thank for your team efforts. I will try this out.


  73. adrian313

    Google+ should be next 🙂


  74. Gaius

    This is a great feature – are there plans to add Google+ as well? Thanks!


    • Tim Moore

      Google+ doesn’t currently have an API for us to hook into. Once they do, it may go on the to-do list for a future upgrade.


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