New Theme: Quintus

We have created a brand new theme meant to carry on the spirit of an old timer with kindness, and we are launching it today. The theme has an air of old-style appeal, semi-academic graciousness with elegant typography, while also offering an overall fresh look with room for customization and the power of the latest WordPress features under the hood. It’s called Quintus.

The Quintus Theme

Above all, whether you are creating a blog with plenty of pictures or a more text-centric blog, Quintus should suit you with elegance. It goes without saying, but it also comes with much of the newer functionality you are accustomed to, including custom backgrounds, custom menus, header images, and the option to publish short aside posts, among others.

If you like the focus to be on the content, you can even turn the blog design into a one column layout by removing all widgets from the sidebar in Appearance → Widgets. To learn more about Quintus go to its page on the Theme Showcase and check the demo blog.

Update: Quintus now offers an additional color scheme named Archaic. You can activate it from Appearance → Theme Options.

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  1. The Awkward List

    Elegant, indeed. I really like it… gotta try it out. Thanks!


  2. Patricia Anne McGoldrick

    Looks great!


  3. Margie

    This is a very nice theme. Both photos and type look good against the colored background. Block quotes stand out, but are not too bold. I like the way the date is in a circle.


  4. Kathrin

    Looks very classy und clean. Like it! I love the huge space for the posts. Great!


  5. Eric

    Clean and easy to read. Very nice blog.


  6. timethief

    It is elegant and I like the appearance. I can’t wait to try it out in my test blog. Wow! are you Theme Team people ever productive. It’s hard to keep up with you.


  7. Waqas Ali

    This is the kind of theme I was looking for. Can I change its width?

    Also one suggestion, please make it possible for us to get a twitter username mentioned in, when a reader RT our posts. Thank you!


    • Matías

      The theme has a responsive design, which adapts to smaller screen sizes. You could also remove all the widgets from your sidebar to get a narrower width. Finally, with the Custom Design upgrade you can make further layout changes.


  8. tenbrokenbullets

    I agree with Eric, very clean, but I’m partially confused. It says it’s a great theme for pictures, but it seems to almost be like any other theme (with pictures). I’m not seeing much of a difference. I do like that it’s a clean read though.
    Good job guys!


  9. Matthew Paladino

    Love the theme, elegant indeed!


  10. Saskia Lacey

    It looks really stylish. I haven’t set up my theme yet but I am considering using this one. I like it.


  11. iphilips

    You gave me a big smile reading this post. My son’s name is Quintus….. Thanks for naming the theme to him 😉


  12. ismailimail

    Are there themes coming with small header images? Most of the recent releases have huge sized header.


  13. Justin Bieber

    Amazing theme! Keep making themes like that.


  14. Shakeeb Ahmed



  15. Kojiki

    Very elegant!


  16. Kukuh Nova Putra

    Nice theme bro.


  17. Arthur

    It’s avaiable to self-hosted blogs?


  18. Antti Keisala

    Absolutely stunning! Just started writing a blog a few days ago and immediately switched to this. I really have to upload some photos to enjoy the work you’ve done. A really switched on theme.

    And @iphilips: your son has a wonderful name!


  19. Señor S.

    Very nice! I totally love it!


  20. bwohack

    So this theme is number five. Where are the other four? Or do you plan to release them in the future? Just asking, the name is too curious.


  21. Recis

    Hey there!

    Thanks very much for putting out another theme! This one’s so simple but retains a touch of elegance and grace. And with the options and customization you have enabled, I’m sure it will appeal to a lot of bloggers. It’s very commendable that you would like to let us, the users, to have a wide selection of themes for our blogs. Keep them coming!

    Cheers! 😀


  22. Stranger

    This is a very classy theme but…

    1.The original’s header text doesn’ t disappeared, after 3 tries with my coustom header
    2. Why don’ t yoy add all the post formats for this blog? Pleaseeee? 🙂

    Thank you for all these new themes!!


  23. Chorwin

    Cool, like your “focus on content” – I thought all of us are content creators… lol.


  24. mhm23

    I think it looks great! I may change my theme to this one instead! 🙂


  25. huxiaotuan



  26. Jenn

    I already forgot about Quentin theme. Poor Quentin. I rarely see anyone here on WordPress using it.
    But glad that you upgraded her!
    And with that air of elegance too!


  27. Christy aka Mamarazzi

    Ohhh Like it a lot.


  28. Mikalee Byerman

    So many cool new themes of late…TOO MANY CHOICES!!


    I do wish it were simpler to try a blog theme on without committing to it. Or maybe it is and I’m just too chicken–and not tech savvy enough!


  29. Sandra Pawula

    Elegant! Beautiful! Love the typography. I would consider using this in a flash if I weren’t extremely happy with Manifest…which I am! This would definitely be my next choice. It doesn’t look like it has bottom widgets though. That’s the only drawback I see. I also don’t like the huge headers, but that seems to be the rage these days!

    You are amazing, theme team.


  30. Gaurav Tiwari

    Perfect educational theme. Loved the layout and fonts. Thanks for such a valuable theme. There are some ~ type icons in the begining of each post (in preview), does it mean something special!?


  31. David H. Schleicher

    Absolutely love this theme! The typography is exactly what I’ve been looking for.


  32. putignanonelmirino

    I think a theme is sleek and stylish.
    Unfortunately the other day I went to the theme Coraline. But this theme is to keep in mind for its great amplitude.


  33. hanhpt

    Thanks you! Look it nice!


  34. Mae

    Love this one. Keep up the great work!


  35. Blogger

    I like the new themes, because they are easy and elegant! Great job! 😀


  36. Rachael

    This theme looks great indeed! The best thing about it is that it supports information and pictures perfectly. It will surely prove beneficial for the bloggers.


  37. thisisntreality

    Looks good.


  38. Sopheak.P

    I like theses new themes so so much: Quintus &Pink Touch 2 they are really cool!
    Thanks WP team! 😀


  39. lazorg

    Very good, I like it =D


  40. rbs

    Love it. Activated it. Personalized it. VERY CLASSY. I ❤ WordPress!


  41. Slik

    Very nice! Thank you, 🙂


  42. kensbackhome

    “Old style appeal” – for old guys like me?

    Well, I do like it. It’s very clean. (Hey, isn’t that what they said about the old guy in “A Hard Days Night?”) 😉

    Seriously though, great job on this one.


  43. Jenn

    I’m currently using this theme. 🙂

    I just wish the word “Comments are closed” below the post (when the comment section is turned off) will not show anymore. I mean, it’s just obvious that the comments are closed if there is no comment form, isn’t it?


  44. cyrusdunz

    This looks o.k., i might try it out, but then again, i might not


  45. Pingback: : New Theme: Quintus | Blogs GooPeru
  46. Gwenn

    Excellent! I was just searching for an “upgrade” from Koi, with a kind of “old-stylish” design, but with also the new features (like the post formats) 🙂 Thanks a lot for your wonderful work!


  47. kazumasoju

    🙂 Reminds me of Chocolate 🙂


  48. Budi Sartaman

    It’s simple theme and look good… Thanks.


  49. paddylastinc

    This is my current theme. Soooo loving it! 🙂


  50. Jean-Marie HUET

    A very beautifull work and easy to use! Thanks a lot!!!


  51. Yorchins Vlog

    This work is very very cool! Congragurations guy! 🙂


  52. kaosmontorklassik

    Wonderful schemes.


  53. ziadkh83

    Very nice.


  54. Marta Driesslein

    I’m currently using the Quentin theme for my Tribe of Hope blog, and love its simplicity. However, I do like the customization options that Quintus offers and just might take the leap and switch to this new one. By the way, @mikalee, you can preview any of the themes WordPress offers before activating. It’s a cool feature that will grab all of your existing blog content and pull it into the theme you want to preview. There will be some things that in the preview may need adjusting once you activate, but this preview feature allows you to see how your blog will look like in any of the themes, even the premium ones before you actually commit. That’s how I originally decided on Quentin, because I could see how it looked with my actual content before actually commiting to it.


  55. Louie Andrada

    Wow! Nice theme… it looks cool!


  56. Far Away Books

    We use Quentin for two reasons:
    A “text color/weight/style vs background tone” design, that makes it easy to read.
    A lively, warm golden color scheme, that sets it apart from standard, cold grey themes.

    We were hoping for a good update to Quentin and Quintus does offer a lot of features and options users want, but the update lost what mattered most to us, so, we’ll have to stick with Quentin. Sorry. Good effort. Good theme. Good options. Just not a good fit for us.


  57. William Charles Townsend

    Very nice.


  58. Kale

    Like it. But it wouldn’t suit my blog.


  59. wiiopsunday

    I’d use it, but I have a general dislike for non-minimalist themes. But the typography looks awesome, along with the inclusion of post formats, picture formatting and that date thing (hahaha). Although I have to say… the header looks awkward when it’s offset from the top of the page.


  60. Elise Puppy

    I must try this theme now !


  61. John Hayden

    This is quietly stunning. I like both the clean modern headline type and the readable body type. Especially like the prominent “Post a Comment” button at the bottom. Photos look great on this theme.


  62. Brandon

    Very nice!


  63. cyan2828

    I like it! It looks simple yet it has an elegant touch to it.
    Nicely done…


  64. Gooner Cris

    Can you try to make a theme with a featured image, like structure, but better for dark colored backgrounds?


  65. Nurul Ain Rawei

    It’s really classic.


  66. lilithoney

    Nice, it rests my eyes ^ ^


  67. Noelle

    I really like this and was going to switch my blog over, but when I tried to upload a header, a small black rectangle would appear stuck in the middle of it on the page and wouldn’t go away. I tried re-uploading several times with no success.


    • Matías

      That appears if you don’t change the header color, so as to avoid legibility problems. You can change the header text color in Appearance → Header and it should go away.


  68. Jennifer Bullis

    Matias, I love Quintus! I’m new to WordPress, and I immediately chose Quintus for my blog. One question: I notice that the Tagline under the Site Title is nearly invisible on larger screens. (It’s perfectly visible on my small laptop screen and on an iPad, and in Internet Explorer on my large desktop screen; but in Chrome and Firefox it fades out to nothing on the large screen.) Do you have any suggestions or fixes for making the Tagline more visible? Thanks!


  69. Kemi

    Cool, cool colours. Nice!


  70. hithere298

    This design is great, but unfortunately my heart belongs to the Motion theme design, which fits my site perfectly.


  71. jaydavisphotography

    This is the theme I am using for my blog. I really like the colors of it, as well as the clean design it provides. I’m very new to blogging, so I hope that this theme will give me a “professional appearance” while I learn all I can about blogging with WordPress.


  72. Naiwen

    No sorry, not really for me. I don’t like the brownish colors around the edges.


  73. Bhushan Shirgaonkar

    Quintus theme is just perfect for me. It is readable, elegant and has a wide sidebar.


  74. Jodie

    Is there any way to collapse the posts so the homepage isn’t full post on top of full post? I would like it if it were easier to see the titles of my posts without having to scroll through as much.


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