Introducing WordAds

Over the years one of the most frequent requests on has been to allow bloggers to earn money from their blog through ads. We’ve resisted advertising so far because most of it we had seen wasn’t terribly tasteful, and it seemed like Google’s AdSense was the state-of-the-art, which was sad. You pour a lot of time and effort into your blog and you deserve better.

Well we think we’ve cracked it, and we’re calling it WordAds.

Blogs are unique and they shouldn’t be treated like every other page on the internet. There are more than 50,000 WordPress-powered blogs coming online every day, and every time I explore them randomly I’m always surprised and delighted by how people are using the platform to express themselves.

As a WordPress user you’re breathing rarefied air on the internet: the Creators, the Independents. Creative minds aren’t satisfied being digital sharecroppers on someone else’s domain, and you want to carve out your own piece of the internet and have a space that you’re proud of because it’s so… you.

If you’re going to have advertising on your site, it darn well better be good, and beginning with our partnership with Federated Media we’re ready to start rolling out WordAds here on

If the above is something you’d be interested in, fill out this form to let us know a bit about yourself.

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  1. fluffymocchi

    Thank-you! I was thinking of starting my art business and using my WP site. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bosstiger

    i do like it 😀 advertisement on my blog, one step further and further, im proud for using 😀


  3. Events In Belgrade (@BelgradeEvents)

    Way to go WordPress !! : )


  4. Mikalee Byerman

    I had to read that stat three times: 50,000 new blogs each day?!?!

    Um. Wow. Seriously…


  5. John zhao

    wow… WordAds, really a big step for What your team has done just make me like to blog on more.


  6. Jessica

    Great addition! I use to have Google AdSense on my blog but felt the ads didn’t really match my contents, I hope this truly is better!


  7. Elisa Michelle

    I’m interesting in advertising, but at the same time I’m nervous about it. Don’t want my page to seem fake or just about the ads, you know? But I’m curious as to how this works. =)


    • jonburke

      I have been working with our advertising partner Federated Media on my personal blog since 2006 and have had a great experience with the quality of the ads. For sure, advertising on your blog is not for everyone or every blog but when done right advertising should not be a distraction from your message or make you seem fake. There is zero incentive for WordAds bloggers to write about the advertisers so there is no conflict.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Tamara

    Very cool– thanks! I filled out the form the best I could, but I would have loved to have seen some more topic choices, like Women or Faith/Religion. Looking forward to this feature!

    Liked by 1 person

    • jonburke

      We are going to read all of the blogs and add additional tagging. So your tags in the application don’t need to be spot-on, just as close as possible.


  9. rubenclazo

    What if I used some websites to help gain views. Well that be a problem?


  10. Ron Dawson

    So glad to see this option added. I love using vs. a self-hosted blog. But my traffic has really been increasing and I was hoping that an opportunity to monetize would be at hand w/o having to switch to a self-hosted blog.

    Now all you need to do is add Google Analytics and/or the ability to track unique visitors to make my year! 🙂


  11. Garden Walk Garden Talk

    You must add gardening. There are a lot of garden related retailers out there and that is what I would want to advertise for a garden blog. I would consider Photography as I touch on that on my blog quite a bit, though.


  12. Scott

    This is great! I was interested in selling ads on my blog so I could create a small business (which looks good on a college application, by the way.) The sign up form mentions acceptance though. I’m kind of worried about investing in the custom domain upgrade and then not getting accepted. Can you tell me more about this?


    • jonburke

      We welcome the opportunity to give you guidance should you apply and not be an initial fit. I might ask yourself first, do you have enough visitors and growth to at least break-even.


  13. educlaytion

    Great stuff. Looking forward to seeing how it works out.


  14. Angelia Sims

    I have no doubt, you will have a top-notch program that bloggers can be proud of. I have never considered advertising, but I may now. 🙂


  15. waazzap

    As expected from WordPress great work guy’s 🙂


  16. justinlai96

    Finally, an alternative to Adsense! Thank you WordPress!


  17. Pete

    Awesome work. Thanks. You are the voice of independence and innovation. Keep it up!


  18. Andrew

    Interesting enough to post about. My post included some questions, which I’ll leave here where they’re more likely to be seen.

    ? What will the terms be? In particular, how much of the ad revenue will go to the blogger?
    ? Will WordAds replace AdSense on In other words, if a blogger signs up for neither WordAds nor the No-Ads upgrade, may run ads on the blog: but will it use WordAds or AdSense to do so?
    ? Will there be a plugin to allow self-hosted WordPress blogs to run WordAds?
    ? Will it be possible to run WordAds on non-WordPress sites?


    • Matt

      Our primary goal is to create something that rewards bloggers for their hard work and the quality of their work, and do so at a higher level than generic Adsense would, not optimize around a particular revenue share. We stopped running Adsense on a few months ago. No plans for a .org plugin or supporting non-WordPress sites yet, but a plugin is definitely something we’ll consider in the future.


  19. frivcute

    I have no doubt, you will have a top-notch program that bloggers can be proud of. I have never considered advertising, but I may now.


  20. Neeraj Bhushan

    so happy to learn this… that i almost cried 🙂 o god… even the write-up introducing this subject is so touching.


  21. the island traveler

    I think it’s a cool idea as long as it does not affect the integrity of the Blog and for the writer to still be true, sincere and honest in his work. I’m excited on how it will turn out. I appreciate all your effort and those with wordpress. Thank.


  22. The Background Story

    I’m interested to see how this works. My blog, I believe will not work well with ads because of its content and theme, but at the same time, i don’t want to close my doors on something that could possibly work with what I have.


  23. rohitrathod

    Yipppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeee, Thank you ssssssssssssso much…………


  24. Natasha McNeely

    This is something so many people have been waiting for and I might try it out! I’ll have to think about it, though; ads are a big step.


  25. Matt

    Reblogged this on Matt on Not-WordPress and commented:



  26. Teje

    Hi! This sounds good! I’m interested to advertise but they do often look horrible. I hope there is a better way. I would like to share with my readers advertising that is related to my subjects and helps them. I’m happy and proud to blog with WordPress!
    Wishes from Greece!


  27. jadebellydance

    I would like to see the addition of being able to make money off music links especially itunes. I am an affiliate but can’t use it on I would make very minimal cash off it but it would allow my students and followers easy access to LEGAL copies of music. Instead they are all copying it off others and the artists get nothing. Please consider this for the future. Only really big or popular blogs would make much money off it and don’t they stand to do this with ads anyway?


  28. testbeta (@testbeta)

    Wonderful! You guys re have a new program that would immensely benefit the freelance bloggers, hobbyists, and those who put their love in blogging wordpress means blogging now you have incentives too that’s great.


  29. Jayendra Chauhan

    Seems to be a good news for WordPress bloggers.


  30. raincoaster

    Federated Media is one of the best. I’ve got high hopes for this.


  31. muzammil196

    It’s really great beneficial step and an incentive for the bloggers!


  32. Mike Hardisty

    Brings up some questions;

    Is there anywhere I can see it in action before I commit?
    Can I opt out if I don’t like the ads I’m seeing or I don’t think they are relevant to my blog content?
    If I decide to use ads how ill it affect the layout of my particular blog theme?


    • jonburke

      >Is there anywhere I can see it in action before I commit?
      Yes, we will publish some case studies early in 2012.

      >Can I opt out if I don’t like the ads I’m seeing or I don’t think they are relevant to my blog content?
      For sure.

      If I decide to use ads how ill it affect the layout of my particular blog theme?
      > Good question. We have designed new themes that will be ad-ready for this program. They are variations on the current themes.


  33. Nick

    Will it be possible to use Adsense and WordAds at the same time ?

    Liked by 2 people

    • jonburke

      For WordAds we want to limit the number of ads per page. The premium advertisers will only want to pay at the highest levels if the site has a reasonable number of ad units. So we are not going to be displaying both WordAds and Adsense on the same page.

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Barbara

    Ugh, I am technically challenged to a degree (ha), I get this message: No publicly viewable blogs with custom domains were found.
    It provides a link to upgrade to a custom domain (, but under that description it goes on to say no advertising, etc… So can you tell me if I am a regular ( user, can I apply for WordAds or do I have to have my own domain? If I have my own domain (using existing name) that is $12/yr? Can you explain?


    • jonburke

      Please check the explanation on that link again as we edited it to be more clear — thanks for pointing that out. You can apply for WordAds so long as you have a custom domain, which as you point out has an additional cost.


  35. wfoster2011

    WordPress said, “We’ve resisted advertising so far because most of it we had seen wasn’t terribly tasteful, and it seemed like Google’s AdSense was the state-of-the-art, which was sad.”
    Well, if you thought AdSense by google was so “sad” why do you put it on all your wordpress blogs, including mine, until I paid you $30 a year for no ads?
    Don’t get me wrong, I love my wordpress blog. However, to say you’ve “resisted advertising so far” is a total falsehood! You put AdSense by Google on every post I had until I accidentally found out about by unfollowing my own blog. Some other bloggers might try this and be shocked like I was. That is if this post gets published!
    William G. Foster


    • jonburke

      You make a good point. I should have written that we’ve resisted adding more advertising. We do of course run ads already but in a very limited way. We limit to just one ad unit per page and only on a fraction of our total pages. We have tried to be as upfront about our advertising practices as possible. I’m sorry that you were surprised that we run ads. There is a lot of information to convey about and sometimes important messages can be missed. Matt has posted on our ads policy here and he has posted on our no ads option here.

      With WordAds, we’re moving forward with finding new and better ways to show ads and not just using AdSense.

      Our goal is to offer as many options as possible to users ranging from paid no ads, to WordAds to Free and ad-supported and I hope that one of these options will fit for you.


  36. frivcute

    You must add gardening. There are a lot of garden related retailers out there and that is what I would want to advertise for a garden blog. I would consider Photography as I touch on that on my blog quite a bit, though


  37. jdobypr

    This announcement will certainly get me more interested in using my wordpress blog.


  38. Frank J. Casella | Pictures People Listen To

    I would love to use this feature. However, if I understand it right, you have to sign up for a custom domain with wordpress. The domain that I use for my site I also use for my email. Does WordPress offer email, or how can I get around this?


  39. Carrie Barclay

    Are you allowed to reveal what sort of number of readers a blog is going to need to be considered? Or is it top secret?


  40. stwallace1962

    Thank you. I like the option of being able to use Google Ads or WordAds. This is right on time for the new client I just acquired. They wanted the ability to display Ads on their site.


  41. charlywalker

    Do we get to pick the ads? Maybe something that fits our Blog Genre….


    • jonburke

      The ads will be targeted so that they are a good fit with a genre, but bloggers will not pick ads.


  42. samzbest

    Awesome to see that finally something for the community is being done. Although a nice marketing tactic to use customised domain, more domains sales will lead through WordPress now

    Reblogged it on my own publicly hosted wordpress blog !!!!

    WordPress Launches WordAds–You can Now Earn money from your blog!
    #Wordpress #WordAds #Blogging
    Kudos Automattic and FM 🙂


  43. Rae

    I am so excited to hear about this!!! I already loved WordPress, but this just pretty much seals the deal for me.


  44. astromeridian

    Fantastic! This is a Win-Win-Win situation! Yes, a triple-win!

    If this takes off, I will convert all of my websites to WordPress.

    Way to go, WordPress!


  45. toplessdriver

    This is great news. As an observation, in the menu where you tick boxes that reflect your blog, there is a box for “men” but there is not a tick box for “women”. How come?


    • jonburke

      We are going to hand review each site and categorize so its not a problem if you can’t find the perfect tags. These happen to be the top categories from advertisers.


  46. Ma Sang Ji

    “Selection will be based on level of traffic and engagement, type of content, and language used on a blog.”

    What about Indonesian blogs?


  47. trailsnet

    Good luck with this new enterprise. If you do it right, it will be very successful for you. Please don’t become as cut-throat as Google AdSense. If you build a good system, you won’t have to use the trickery and deceitfulness that AdSense does.


  48. AbdulBasith

    Is this WordAds available for all language blogs? or only available for English Blogs?


    • jonburke

      To start, we are focused on English language blogs. Sorry for those that are not English language but we have to start somewhere.


  49. grecy

    I host my WordPress powered blog on my own server, for a massive number of reasons.
    Why can’t I sign up for WordAds?
    Will I be able to in the future?


    • jonburke

      For now, we are starting with users but look forward to working with folks like yourself who are self-hosted.


  50. plrang

    Amazing.. just need to get that custom domain setup 😉 and I’ll be ready to rock


  51. that girl again

    Will you be switching to FM for the ads on everyone else’s blogs?


  52. The All American Home

    Can you use wordads on sites?? Would love to if it can be done!!


  53. friendsmerrilcontest

    For those of us who are *not* interested in having any kind of advertising on our website, there is no requirement to host these ads, correct? You are saying that the advertising is “opt-in”, not “opt-out”?


    • jonburke

      That’s correct for the WordAds program – it is opt-in. However, if you are not aware, we do run a limited number of ads on If you want to be certain that there will never be ads on your site, you can sign-up for our No Ads Program.


  54. macilane

    The ads will be targeted so that they are a good fit with a genre, but bloggers will not pick ads.
    Can I stop the ads in my blog?


    • jonburke

      Yes, if a blogger decides that WordAds is not a good fit they can exit the program.


  55. puckinidiots

    I wish this had come out a few days before my site had a major traffic spike, but im still pretty happy about it.


  56. tecmode

    When will it be available?
    It has a blog already using?


    • jonburke

      We plan to launch in the first quarter of 2012. We need some time to enroll the blogger partners. Yes we have some sites that have been testing WordAds.


  57. Raj Randev

    Before coming to WordPress I was on Blogger and activated an AdSense account just to see how it was, I only used Blogger actively for 2 months before coming here, and with about 1/10th of the traffic and 1/10th of my articles it has generated a few bucks. I thought that was pretty good for a first attempt and can’t wait to see how it works here on WordPress, I didn’t think I would go with advertising here, but I registered my own domain today (which was also a breeze through WordPress) @ followed the guide and everything was up and running in less then 5 min.

    Just for that alone, all I can say is, ‘Shut up and take my money!’ But with WordAds, I guess you’ll be giving some or all of that back!


  58. pruelpo

    I am just curious. Is it open also to WP free users?


  59. Gord

    Jon, wouldn’t it be better to just charge us a fee and let us use Adsense on our blogs? You’d make more and steadier revenue doing that. One of the marketing concepts you seem to be struggling with is that it’s about the customer, not your company. Be like Google and you’ll win. The best solution is one where the blogger can earn some revenue from their hard work. Then people will take more seriously.


    • jonburke

      We have actually tested a program along these lines. We do fully agree with you that it’s about the customer and having tested various advertising options we think that the WordAds program will be the best option for bloggers.


  60. WordPress Programmer (@ferodynamics)

    I applied to Federated Media before and they rejected my application, no explanation why. But if you look at who they work with, it’s a short list. The problem is, Federated Media is tiny compared to Adwords so the only way they can compete is in niche markets where they have specific advertisers lined up for specific topics.

    How much CPM are they paying? Is this even competitive with Adsense? Probably not. I have over 11 million visits to my blog, hundreds of blog posts, thousands of comments, and so far Adsense sends the biggest checks. If you compare the CPM of this to Adsense, I bet there’s no comparison! Let’s see some math.

    Yahoo tried to take on Adsense and failed, Technorati tried to take on Adsense and failed, what makes you different? Also, how is this not “sharecropping” if you need a account to use it? This is more like Mahalo than Adsense.


    • jonburke

      We have been working with AdSense for 6 years so have a good handle on their strengths and limitations. For the past year we have been testing alternatives and have seen the upside. Because Automattic is sharing in the revenues, WordAds bloggers can be assured that we will choose the best paying advertising options with the highest quality creative, as it’s in our self interest.

      It is correct that Federated Media is very small compared to AdSense and that FM is not for everyone. However, FM represents sites like VentureBeat, BoingBoing and Apple Insider that could run other advertising options but don’t because they earn the most with FM.


  61. Egill Erlendsson

    Reblogged this on Egill and commented:

    Team Data+Stats+Ads ftw!


  62. Manoj

    Great idea, just checked the form that needs to be submitted, is there a restriction on the topics or will the number of categories increase. Don’t see categories like life and humor.


    • jonburke

      Please don’t worry over the categorization. We are going to do that on our end.


  63. paddylastinc

    This is wonderful! 🙂 thanks guys for making us wp users feel so important by providing as the best service as always!!!!



  64. ykyuen

    I have been waiting for this feature for a long time. Thanks! =)


  65. RandomizeME

    Hi. My blog has Ad Control activated by WP (for more than a year already). Will Word ads be added to it too like Skimlinks was?


    • jonburke

      No WordAds will not be added to Ad Control but we will be in touch with you in December to see if it is a good fit for you.


  66. The Background Story

    Hi WordPress. I remember not seeing a category for ‘Books and Literature.’ Do you consider it a subset of ‘Arts and Hobbies?’ But I think it should be a separate category altogether.


    • jonburke

      Yes, arts and hobbies is good. We will not be using this for ad targeting but really just to get a rough sense of your focus.


  67. desigunner

    This sounds very exciting but I don’t understand why I need to sign up for a custom domain before I get to know more. How do I do a cost benefit analysis if there is so little information available? Some might just see this as a ruse for selling more custom domains rather than an actual monetizing opportunity!

    I have had the thought of moving to a custom domain at the back of my mind and some readers have suggested that as well so I would not mind changing.But I hate the idea of moving to a custom domain and then reverting back if I don’t like what’s on offer. Isn’t there some way bloggers like me could first understand what we could get before we move to a custom domain? After all. as some bloggers have commented, it’s easy to get a custom domain.


    • jonburke

      We understand there is a risk here that you won’t recoup the investment and that the program is not for every blogger. The reason for the custom domain requirement is on the advertiser side, as they will pay higher premiums. I would suggest the best way to do a benefit analysis is to assess if you think you will devote significant attention to your blog to grow traffic. If so, they you should be able to be profitable with advertising. On the other hand if you don’t have much time to post and to build an audience then you probably will not be profitable.


  68. Debra Graff

    Would WordAds be allowed on sites that are designed more like websites than like blogs? I am putting together an extensive educational gardening website on WordPress (with my own domain). I will probably include a blog on the site, but the site will be composed mostly of static pages. Not sure if this topic would work well with Federated Media, as they don’t seem to include a separate gardening category for advertisers.


  69. arizonad

    That girl again asked, “Will you be switching to FM for the ads on everyone else’s blogs?”

    Jonburke answered, “To some extent, yes.”

    How family friendly are these ads? I run a PG blog and I’d rather not have my visitors see, say, an ad for blow-up dolls in my pixel doll posts, especially if I can’t turn the ads off.


  70. Olivia Tejeda

    This weekend I’m giving a seminar to writers about starting their own blogs. My top pick is WordPress because I love the wonderful options this service provides. Unfortunately, every time I recommend WordPress it’s with the caveat that it can’t be monetized. I’m thrilled to hear this is on its way to changing! Congratulations on taking this step and thank you for the time and consideration taken to chose the right service.


  71. Shock and Awe

    Let’s say we get denied right now, would we be able to re-apply in the future?


  72. courage ahiati

    This is good news for all WordPress bloggers. I have been waiting for this time. However, I have a little problem. I do not have my own domain name and I want to get one now so that I can be part of this WordAds. But I do not have any of the forms of payment, no credit card or PayPal payment system for me. How do I pay to get my own domain? I am in Ghana. thank you


  73. Pablo Bertuzzi

    So happy to hear this! I have 2 blogs that I started last May and I installed Google Adsense 1 and half months ago. So far I am making only $15 a month. I’ll fill out the form right away!!
    Best of luck!


  74. Alexander Bengtsson

    Reblogged this on Commonplace.


  75. cathydeleon

    I think that would be great. It will work well for WordPress and the bloggers and that includes me!!


  76. John Hayden

    Outstanding! After four years of blogging, and after trying self-hosting with and Blogger with ads, I’m convinced that is by far the best. The only downside of was the ban on ads, so this is a welcome breakthrough! It would also be nice to be able to do a limited amount of affiliate advertising.

    I’ve been working on a book, so my blogging has been slow recently, but I expect to devote more time to blogging soon. The possibility of making even a small amount of money would be a great incentive to post more frequently and build readership. (I presently have three blogs, but intend to focus most of my future efforts on one blog only, for best results.)

    Since I’m about to publish my first ebook, I’m planning to refocus my main blog more on books and less on politics. I agree that BOOKS should be an important advertising category. I see great possibilities in the exploding indie ebook market. It would be a perfect fit for ebook publishers and authors to base their marketing strategy on the blogosphere, especially and WordAds.

    Thank you and Godspeed on the WordAds project!


  77. jerrygropp

    With a long-awaited HousingRecovery hopefully in sight,
    I’m hopefull my architect-designed HouseDesign “Knols”
    will draw both readers as well as advertising revenue. J-


  78. beyondanomie

    Interesting, and potentially good, news.

    Thing is, I have two blogs, only one of which is on a custom domain & on a very targeted topic – – and therefore eligible for this program. As it happens, I don’t want any extra advertising on that particular blog as I want to keep it relatively clean and professional in appearance.

    However, I wouldn’t mind some more advertising on my other blog (the one hyperlinked to my username). It’s less specific in its content and not currently on a custom domain, but it does get more hits. In order to judge whether it’s worth upgrading & registering interest in WordAds, I need some idea of the potential revenue. Any chance of giving us a few case studies or sample income projections, so we can decide whether to participate?


  79. smro

    It`s a good ideea to start with English language, of course. But PLEASE, pay attention on blogs written on other languages, thanks.


  80. The Honie

    Jon, I applaud you for your attention to the need for higher quality options for bloggers. I am absolutely onboard with what you said in the intro about WordPress users deserving something more than the status quo. Thank you for acknowledging that. I looked at the info request for the wordAds interest “survey” and I wonder, is that really all you need to know about your clients? There really weren’t enough categories to describe what my blog is about. I could only choose two and those really didn’t cover books, authors, self-publishing or any number of categories that I would have chosen. I fully intend to market my book, Summoning The Strength, all the way to the NY Times best seller list. I am excited about having a partner like WordPress to help me reach that goal. I have spent 25 years in CRM and quality control for various industries, there is nothing more satisfying than a service provider that recognizes its customers are not in the HTML business but in an enterprise to express themselves without the hassles of having to worry about spam and technical nightmares. What a fantastic platform you have developed. I am ready to move to the next level with my marketing strategy and hope to continue to see the highest and best offerings from WordPress. Check out and feel free to offer options to help me succeed!.


  81. Jessie Jeanine

    Pleased to read that you’ll be adding and refining more topics, as I too wish there were a religious category.


    • jonburke

      As you already have a custom domain, please submit your application.


      • Jessie Jeanine

        Already done and thanks. It was just a bit frustrating trying to find any “correct” categories when my site is mostly about religion and short stories based upon real life events. It would be nice if you could create some way to automatically generate suggested catagories for a site like how we can do for our tags(?) I’m VERY excited that is offering this opportunity, as your platform and forums are by far, the easiest to work with!



    I am glad WordPress came out with this, thanks


  83. Matt George

    Yeah, I always wanted a beter alternative than Adsense, but I was making too much money to try an alternative to it. I changed one of my blogs to a custom domain now and am hopeful this will be much better than Adsense!


  84. jprmt

    I’m interested but I use wordpress on a separate server not through and I was unable to access the form because I do not have a registered site through Is it available outside of this?


  85. seodeblog

    Please soon in spanish blogs.

    It’s compatible with blogs with adsense?

    Por favor, pronto en blogs en español. ¿es compatible con blogs que ya trabajan con Adsense , etc.?


  86. islamctear

    Brilliant idea, I am an advertising student blogging about advertising. I completely agree that blogs should be treated differently, looking forward to seeing how this pans out.


  87. Eclipse

    What a wonderful surprise!


  88. simplyamazingwith3000bc

    Looks promising and not obnoxious.


  89. saatteduh

    Is the ads available for other languages than English ? Is it any guarantee if I purchase a custom domain for my wordpress blog, the ads will be approved?


  90. CookieTalk

    I don’t have a paypal account – will this be the only way to get paid if accepted?


  91. clefan0115

    I have had a word press blog for about a year now, but I have never used advertising.

    I have two questions about the ads: do they measure by view of the webpage or click of the ads and about how much money would you make per view (would this depend on your blog size)?


    • jonburke

      We charge advertisers by the impression. The amount varies by geography of the unique visitor and other factors.


  92. Wayne

    So, let me see if I understand you correctly …. you want me to pay a premium to keep bad google adds off of my website ….

    Now you want me to pay you to beta-test your selling me adds …. and you state I have no control over the adds on my site?

    As a blogger, entrepreneur, and sometimes computer geek, I have a difficult time figuring out what your are doing with this add thing.

    I can disapprove bad comments. But, your comments indicate that I have no control over your content?

    So what are you doing here? You give me a cut of the pie – I get that. But, I hate rhubarb pie. And you tell me, that might be the slice I get. So, why would I join a pie of the month club selling me pies I will not eat?

    So what is your motive in this?



    I am considering to upgrade my blog, and I hope get penny 🙂


  94. kaendra

    this is cool. I’ve been longing for this. 😀


  95. Hiren Raval (@harry5301)

    hi i have question about wordads i m having google ad-sense for my blogspot blog and game website. i m also interested in wordads. but not having custom wordpress domain blog without this can i apply for wordads ? please guide me what is alternatives solution to get wordads approval.


  96. Mannardo

    Love to try it out, just for educational use..


  97. onpage666

    Thaks so much ………..


  98. CelebSEE

    This is amazing!


  99. Brandon

    I am extremely interested in this program. Before I buy the domain, I need to know a little bit about the program.

    First, will the ads be controlled by wordpress or can people that follow the blog also advertise on there as well as the big companies?
    Second, I receive (on average) 150 page views per day and have over 70 total followers. There is a lot of community and engagement level on my site. Would I be a good fit?

    I want to make sure I have a great chance of being accepted before I purchase a domain with you…



  100. pinoyleonardo

    I was just thinking about bringing myblog to the next level! Thks for this. But what is not clear is- do we need a custom domain? and if we get one, does it guarantee we get absolute control of our ads?


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