WordPress for Android 2.0 Now Available

It’s Android blogging, re-imagined. Today we’re announcing the release of WordPress for Android 2.0, a major update that focuses on a new UI and enhanced post editor features. Check the video:

This video doesn’t exist

So what’s new?

Brand New Look

The Dashboard

We’ve completely redesigned the look and feel of the app, now placing the actions you want to make with your blog all in one place: The Dashboard. You have one-tap access to create new posts and pages, upload media, view your stats, read blogs and more! There’s also now a beautiful comment count ribbon to show you how many comments you have in your moderation queue.

The Action Bar up top allows you to quickly get to other areas of the app as fast as possible. You can tap the blog name to switch blogs, refresh your content, and call up the dashboard from wherever you are in the app at the time.

New Editor

The post editor has been enhanced with many great new features.  A formatting toolbar has been added that displays above the keyboard as you type, allowing you to easily format text and add links and media. The post editor also goes full screen, giving you as much room as possible to create your posts while on the go.

Media attachments have received an awesome boost as well. You can now insert images among the post text wherever you’d like. Tapping on an image will bring up many new options you can set per image, including Title, Caption, Placement and Size.

Tablet Support

We paid special attention to tablets for this release, adding special layouts just for Android Tablets. From Galaxy Tab to Xoom, we’ve got you covered.

Download and More Info

You can get the app for free in the Android Market.

If you’re hungry for more details on WordPress for Android 2.0, check out the launch post over at the WordPress for Android blog and follow @WPAndroid on twitter.

What do you think of the update?

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  1. Pete Howorth

    Good man Dan, this looks awesome!


  2. Waqas Ali

    I think it is wonderful, Android OS has become a major utility in Gadgets. WordPress for Android 2.0 just comes at right time!


  3. tallbloke

    Woo! and may I add, Hoo!

    Dan is da man!


  4. thehootfrommrowliy

    AWSOME!!! Can’t wait to try it. It’ll be a HUGE improvement over the old app!


  5. danemorgan

    I’m totally lovin’ it! Great job on the new app!


  6. French Tutor Taipei

    Hi Dan, easy to edit a post or page but VERY VERY HARD to access the PUBLISH button and it crashed 2 times in 30 min. I use ASUS TF101. Also no alignment option for text. Thanks


  7. RStarkey

    Any chance this update is planned for
    iPhone OS?
    looks nice!


  8. Indian Homemaker

    Looks very good. I always wished it was easier to blog from tablet and S2!


  9. Brandon

    I have the Vizio 8in tablet (which runs android 2.3), and I can not get the WordPress app?


  10. Ebony Brown

    Do you have to pay? I signed up for a WordPress App (via texting?) just yesterday and it wasn’t free. Is this separate? Different?


  11. pr4bhas

    Would it be compatible if I run it on Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) ?


  12. pr4bhas



  13. Runeslinger

    This upgrade seems to have taken care of all the “almosts” and “why doesn’t its” of the initial release. I am in the middle of a blog post right now, and am finally not feeling like I wish I were on my laptop or desktop to get it done right.

    An emphatic thank you for a great reworking of a much-needed product~


  14. gondwanatravel

    Nice! Well Done! Looks Great!


  15. soakingstones

    cant wait to change my phone, well done


  16. dsweetphotos

    As a former iPhone owner and a person who still has an iPad, I now find myself using my droid phone instead of the iPad,because of the ease of use. Great update.


  17. valleyofsteel

    Cool, cool, cool. The current version can be cumbersome with all the clicking to get to the features (I.e. choose blog from the first screen with the “read” or “(blog name)” menu. Then it goes straight to comments, so to add a new post (for example) you hit posts, then the + thing. Single button access to lots of common commands or features looks very helpful.


  18. zanngo

    Effin’ a, man. Awesome. Just poked around on it, and it basically has everything I most frequently use on the computer version! Nice, nice, nice. I’d edited from the previous app the first time just the other day, and it felt claustrophobic and limiting. Writing now feels much more roomy, and I know I’ll do much more on the mobile version now. Much. Thanks for the upgrade.


  19. Alli

    Awesome! Was just about fed up with the old version and it’s errors. Great job on 2.0 and thank you!


  20. Bryan Lee

    I hate to say this, but the WP android app seems much better than the WP iphone app.


  21. paintwritesleep123

    Great! Now all I need is a phone…


  22. Rosie Cochran

    Downloaded it. Have yet to try it out. But love the idea! I even have it on my Kindle Fire. Thanks!


  23. severin

    Awesome. That’ll help with the next ‘phone upgrade decision. Thank you.


  24. jonesm1

    Can you make the app available somewhere else than android market? Kobo Vox android platform cannot access android market.




  25. Katie

    I love this new app! It is great that I can take a picture with my phone and post about it right away — can hardly wait to try it!


  26. juztboy

    Great… can’t wait to get a higher version of android phone


  27. timsweet

    Downloaded it… Works GREAT!!!


  28. Peter Vasquez

    This app is sweetness! Please say there will be an app for Windows Phone 7.5. I could really use this.


  29. Julio From NY

    Reblogged this on JULIO FROM NY.


  30. Jennifer

    Reblogged this on Shutter Clutter and commented:
    Posted two comments on the announcement about how awesome I think the new version of the Android app is; when the first comment disappeared I thought it was a fluke, but when the second comment disappeared, I figured I’ve been banished to comment purgatory.

    Regardless, if you have an Android Phone and whether you have or haven’t yet tried the newest version, you’ll be in for a treat. The redesigned UI is full of win.


  31. Rayya The Vet

    Works a beauty on my EEEpad Transformer!
    Cheers mate:)


  32. immacolat

    Reblogged this on bigkoipond and commented:
    Yey for Android blogging!


  33. ikebara

    I’ve already installed n used it, but I don’t know how to sign out….. would you like to help me?


  34. MegaTechToday

    That’s great! But the problem is I don’t have Android!


  35. Sam

    Could you make a WordPress app for nook color?


  36. Brandon

    @Dan: Yes, the Vizio tablet has Android on it, but you still can not get WordPress. I been able to get pretty much every other app except for wordpress…?


  37. sabahsongs

    It’s already hard to remember what life was like without it! TQ


  38. Laura Rivera

    Yippee! I see that it will work with the Kindle Fire! Can’t wait to get it downloaded.



    i can’t publis like was able to on the original app. once i make a change there’s no where to press “save” or “publish” pissing me off now. I have a Motorola Cliq 2 which is a pretty advanced phone too.


    • Dan

      Isn’t there a large ‘Publish’ button at the bottom of the post editor? (maybe you’re not pressing the back key after adding some post content?)


  40. metaverse

    As the new owner of a Nook Tablet, I hope we can see this app in the B&N app store soon!


  41. melissatstevens

    Amazon claims that they have 2.0.2, but will not address any request as to when it will be available for the Fire, other than to say they are distributing 2.0.2. very frustrating.


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