Photo Blogging 101, Part 3

Beyond developing your photo blog and cultivating devoted followers, how can you take your phlog to the next level? Here’s a few extra resources that can help you along the way.

Stay Organized

Using categories to divide your photographs by type is a great way to make it easier for visitors to navigate your site, especially as your portfolio of images continues to grow. For example, as you categorize photos as “Travel” or “Black and White,” you can then add those category pages to your site’s navigation bar. If you’re using your photo blog to generate business as a photographer, this means that someone who’s looking for some black and white images can easily take a look at your gallery of black and white photos. This guide explains how to add categories to your post, and you can follow these steps to add those category pages to your site’s menu.

When displaying a series of photos, you’ll see that there are a handful of options for inserting them into your post: slideshow, gallery, and individual images. If you’re adding a large amount of photos to a single post, you may want to consider using the gallery option. Too many photos on the front page can cause a slow load time for visitors. By loading your posts as thumbnails first, visitors get the full effect of the breadth and variety of your photographs at a single glance. If you’re looking for feedback, visitors can comment directly on your photo by clicking on the “Permalink” button in the gallery carousel.

When uploading multiple photos to your post, don’t forget to use our Drag and Drop uploader so that you can upload multiple files at the same time. This will even allow you to drag a group of photos from your computer directly into the upload area.

Become a Curator

When working on a series, curate your content so that you can focus on the quality of your photos, not quantity. This means hand selecting the best photos in your series, rather than posting all of them at once to get as much out there as possible. When choosing images to include in your photo gallery, consider the following:

An example of the Rule of Thirds (photo by Bryan Villarin).

  • The rule of thirds: When cropping your photos, try using the “rule of thirds” for more visually interesting photos. The rule of thirds is a compositional guideline that proposes photographs should be able to be divided into nine equal parts by two horizontal and two vertical lines. The main elements of the picture should fall along or at the intersections of these lines. In the photo to the right, the primary focus of the picture—the two red chairs—are positioned at the lower-right intersection of the grid and the horizon falls along the top vertical line.
  • Stay sharp: When choosing a photo to include in your post, you’ll want to prioritize images that are vibrant and clear. A photo that is blurry or faded isn’t as captivating as a sharp, bold image.
  • Don’t be afraid to edit: Cropping your photos to maximize the focus or remove conflicting elements from the subject, playing with filters, and tweaking the colors (including white balance) on your photo can help to polish the edges on your favorite shot.
  • Be aware of repetition: While you may have a ton of great photos in your series, do try to highlight images that are unique and distinct from each other. Four strong, individual photographs are more visually interesting than 10 slightly different stills.


There are a lot of great options out there for image editing tools. Since we’re big fans of all things open source at and Automattic, you may be interested in GIMP and Seashore, two open source image editing programs. Our very own Sara Rosso has a great tutorial on getting started with GIMP and Bryan Villarin has some excellent tips on creating better photos without expensive equipment.

Don’t forget to check out these other links for more information on photo blogging, licensing, and tools for your work:

Now get to snapping!

Missed our previous posts? Take a gander at Part 1 and Part 2 here.

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  1. Books & Art - Spirit & Soul

    Great tips – I am new to blogging and could do with more time to organise and learn the gallery tricks. thanks


  2. rigmover

    Another great post, thanks very much.


  3. becomingcliche

    I have not yet tried to slideshow or gallery. I’m adding that to my ‘to try” list. Great ideas. Thanks!


  4. Shubhan Chemburkar

    Great!!! I never knew about “The rule of thirds”. Thanks


  5. cupcakejunky

    An inspiring post. Looking forward to trying out some of the suggestions.


  6. hallucinatingmartyr

    Awesome, thanks 🙂


  7. franklisprechen

    Great material, have shared with our local crowd of enthusiasts and artists, as an inspiration / inducement to get themselves blogging!
    On the subject of organization, we use a free GIF/JPEG tagging/databasing tool called ImageFinder, downloaded from
    It certainly saves huge amounts of time (and prevents frustration!!!) and the developers are open to ideas for additional features.
    Looking forward hearing more from you. All the best.


  8. victorworang

    highlighted – stay sharp! that’s an important thing.


  9. naturalistgps

    Thanks for nice advice !


  10. siskinbob

    A great series with some really good tips. Thanks.


  11. abichica

    wooww!! great post, thanks for the advice, iv been wanting to start a photo blog for quite a while now.. this is super helpful.. 🙂


  12. Cutaway Creation

    Thanks for another great post, a very interesting read!


  13. simonrphotography

    Really great tips keep them coming. My photography blog has come on leaps and bounds thanks to your tips 🙂


  14. yousef59



  15. Pocket Perspectives

    wow!…I just created and added my first slide show to a new post on my blog…thank you for linking to that slide show directions page… such clear, straightforward directions!..I actually did it!


  16. sorrelwaypond

    I am in the learning process – thanks so much


  17. rawberto1

    Thanks very helpful. ohmmmmm


  18. alicecarman

    Love your tips! Great ideas and very useful for someone like me.


  19. thefuture2020

    Nice heads up on the photography 101. Couldn’t have come at a better time considering i plan on dabbling with a few photo shoots myself this summer. But sadly i am just an amateur having fun in a world i do not belong in but who knows if ill come off with a few lucky shots. Wish me luck and excellent work by the way -,o


  20. nyparrot

    I am new to blogging… What is the difference between publishing a regular post versus a photo blog? Is there any difference at all besides the fact that in photo blogging there’s less or no text at all? Thank you in advance!


    • Erica V.

      Great question! The primary difference is indeed that: photo blogs will post photos, instead of more text-based posts. However, photo blogs may also use a different type of layout to help highlight the photos. It’s certainly possible (and common) to include photo blog-type posts within a primarily text-based blog as well.


  21. nguyencungtan - TỨ DUY

    WWhat a good ideaaaa !!!


  22. guen

    Thanks for the tips. This is really very helpful. 😉


  23. Across Leather

    Thank you for this pertinent info! There’s so many options.. it’s been so going. However my main goal is to get viewers for my hand tooled leather work which housed @ etsy. Larry


  24. eof737

    Excellent! TY! 😉


  25. SimplySage

    Thank you again for some great advice!


  26. Mirjam

    Thanks for your great posts. I just started a photoblog and have also gallery and slideshow. Now I shall have a look to categories.


  27. limesofbindia

    great article…wil help 🙂
    wht do you think of my photographs?


  28. nyparrot

    Thank you, Erica for your prompt and kind answer!


  29. pumie17

    Wow! dat easy and dope…love it


  30. bimanlive

    one Word. GREAT.


  31. Joycelyn S. Aralar

    Hi Erica, great posts about photo blogging, just finished reading them. I wanted to try photo blogging too, do you think it will be fine if I just add an additional page for that? I do not want to create another site just for photo blogging since it may cause me additional time. Will wait for your reply! thanks again!


  32. Ronnie Mosley

    I have a question. When uploading pictures, is there a way to upload multiple pictures to a blog in one step rather that click add and select only one at a time? I am of course not referring to the slideshow options. I am instead looking for a way to get regular full size pictures into my blog without son,any repeticious steps. Thanks


  33. Annisa Gesty

    Reblogged this on annisagz.


  34. Karl Chapman

    useful series, thanks!


  35. El Santo

    Ohhhh, if only I’d read this post before putting up my Memorial Day photos. 🙂


  36. shil

    That’s a whole lot of good advice !!


  37. photoart4

    Reblogged this on PHOTOART.


  38. petrnikl

    Interesting … 🙂 Very nice photo.


  39. Elle Alihos

    Editing my work is the hardest task in the world… I will try to ‘curate’ as per your suggestions! Wish me luck.


  40. leemajors78

    thank you very much indeed ! :-))


  41. RaviRanjanKr

    Reblogged this on RranjanK's Blogs.


  42. RaviRanjanKr

    Excellent advice.. Thanks for share 🙂


  43. shoshanaphotos

    This was the most useful article I have read from WordPress so far. Thank you for all the good advice. I already started fixing up my photo blog.


  44. spokentounge

    Reblogged this on spokentounge and commented:
    love the effect


  45. Created 2 Bless

    Loved these tips! Thanks a bunch!


  46. getbeautifiedbymark

    Reblogged this on Getbeautifiedbymark's Blog and commented:
    Great ideas for photo blogging you must try.


  47. cutetreatsblog

    Awesome! Thanks!


  48. JHMinecraft

    Ive been trying to blog using pictures, but its finding these images.


  49. Casepops

    Amazing post, we have a ton of photos that we can’t wait to share with everyone here. Also, where is that street in the sample photo?


  50. Bosun Dawg

    Very helpful – thank you.


  51. radianradit

    Reblogged this on radianradit and commented:
    good picture


  52. katharinetrauger

    So helpful, as we always expect from WordPress. Thanks very much.


  53. gladjaytor

    great tips! I’ll keep them in mind. Thanks much!


  54. bestrockmusical

    Snap #..Snap #..Snap # ( 😉 ).. let`s talk-more to the world with our picture.I like this great article and photo shoot, here we talk about art.thank you for good explaination. you are Rawk \m/


  55. njver

    Reblogged this on Neil's space and commented:


  56. Brad Stanton

    great ideas for better photo’s. I use my own shots in my blog, and this will really help.


  57. adefitrio

    Reblogged this on adefitrio and commented:
    CV. Well Win Nusantara


  58. dimbow

    Reblogged this on Dimbow.


  59. stevenwadeedinburgh

    That first photo is incredible, I can learn a lot from this.

    Steven Wade, Edinburgh and Dundee


  60. sriramjanak

    very helpful…thank you…


  61. worldview13

    What I learned from Your Blog: To make photos is not a talent. is a gift from god, and You have it.


  62. firdausazman

    nice.. 🙂


  63. yrrahmillena

    Reblogged this on yrrahmillena.


  64. legendarysantos

    This post is really nice, good tips about photo blogging.


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