30 Poems, 30 Days: NaPoWriMo Has Begun

Calling all poets! April is National Poetry Writing Month — NaPoWriMo for short. Modeled after National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), NaPoWriMo is an annual project encouraging poets to write one poem each day in April.


We love discovering poetry in the Reader and are proud of the poets who call WordPress.com their online home, like Pushcart-nominated poet Kellie Elmore. If you’re an established or aspiring poet, or want to dabble in free verse, lyric essays, and more experimental prose, we encourage you to participate this month.

A poem a day

First time participating in a post-a-day project like this? We asked poet and publisher Maureen Thorson, the founder of this project, for advice:

Be open to the possibilities. The point isn’t to turn out a fully formed sonnet each day — although if anyone wants to try, I’m not going to discourage them! The point is to just get something down on the page without worrying about doing it “right.” Many people, including published poets, avoid writing because their inner editor keeps saying, “oh, that’s not good” or “you’re not taking this seriously.” But then you end up writing nothing at all.

I’d suggest that people “let go” of any preconceived notions of what poems have to look like or be about. A poem can rhyme, or not. It can be in a traditional form, or not. It can be about something like love or death, or . . . it could be about how much you like the smell of new erasers. Again, this project is more about getting words down than on making sure they’re perfect. You can always edit later — like in May!

Ready to participate?

For more inspiration, visit the NaPoWriMo website throughout the month — Maureen posts daily prompts to give you an extra boost.

NaPoWriMoTag your poems with NaPoWriMo so other participants and the rest of the WordPress.com community can find your posts in the Reader. We’re excited to follow along and will share our favorites at the end of the month.

It’s day one of your challenge. Onward!

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  1. thetarotman

    I was Divinely Guided, via a dream I had this morning to write a poem on my blog; I AM actually in the middle of writing it now.

    I had no idea about National Poetry Writing Month, but I AM in and shall participate. Thank you for this post.


  2. poetdoug

    Great motivation. Thanks!


  3. Richard Hudak

    Reblogged this on The Considered Kula and commented:
    Even though poetry is not a major focus of this blog, there’s a fair amount of it on here. I mean, come ‘on, it’s poetry. How can one accompany any reflections on the human spirit without poetry? I’m glad I haven’t missed it this year.


  4. Melissa Hassard

    Here’s another kind of poetry challenge, for anyone interested!


    Cheers, and Happy Poetry Month!




    I just posted a verse…http://wordwriter1958.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/springtimemarantha-d-jenellenapowrimo/

    I would like to join the challenge.


  6. shoma abhyankar

    willing to try this one….


  7. Kathi

    I”m going to try it and see if I can muster a poem. I used to write a lot when the kids were small…so maybe it’s time to try again!


  8. janegaler

    Poem a day sonnet

    Think how productive we would be–
    couldn’t be as daunting as it seems
    the paper alone we would count in reams–
    a poem a day, hey, maybe three.

    Write about food and cooking and sex
    make believe, god –just your best
    just words, that’s all, and then rest.
    maybe a spell or two or a hex, then

    Lay your head on the pillow of your words.
    Nap knowing you’ve done all your chores
    quick before baby or hubby or those bores
    who mark time by the sucklings and the wars

    Come calling, come knocking on your door.
    For the poem is why you live,
    within it contained all you can give,
    stanza and line, one two three four.

    They needn’t be special or erudite
    They don’t need to be long,
    or good or even a song

    They needn’t give you a fright
    or goosebumps or even
    master some outlandish believin’.

    Jane Galer 2013


  9. irapblog

    Im soooooo participating!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Mario Oliva Mancia

    Hi. Do you accept Spanish verse?


  11. irlandzkiezapiski

    Great idea! I am going to share the challenge with my 10-year-old daughter, a born poet!


  12. langleynaturalhealthfair

    I would like to start today – is it too late?


  13. ateamlifecoaching

    Thanks so much for alerting me to the National Poetry Writing Month! I started a new blog and will begin today as I attempt to write a new poem for each day in April.


  14. mymindsteps

    Great idea — count me in.


  15. The Product Poet

    Poem number one, it is now done. http://wp.me/p2CJjk-97


  16. Waywardspirit

    A WordPress size hug to you fellow NaPoWriMo Peep! : http://wp.me/p1ho8l-Fy


  17. mamawoodley

    This should be fun and also challenging…getting started now!


  18. edtechtoolkit

    Reblogged this on EdTechToolkit and commented:
    After having used NaNoWriMo in the past, it would be nice to use this in the classroom as well. NaNoWriMo has some excellent student materials and resources for teachers, but it seems that NaPoWriMo still has a way to go in incorporating K-12 education into its reach.


  19. Vanessa

    Reblogged this on Brought to You by the Letter V and commented:
    It’s my favorite time of year again! Happy National Poetry Writing Month! Let the poems begin!


  20. freefuego

    Reblogged this on da.cali.scope. and commented:
    April is the cruelest month…


  21. joshuakelly86

    Reblogged this on Mind and Matter and commented:
    I will be participating so please feel free to read my poems and leave your thoughts. If you like it or not doesn’t matter, just let me know your thoughts.


  22. njhasan

    Reblogged this on NadiaJWriter.com and commented:
    I’m in. Are you?


  23. smilinglikecake

    I’m in! One down 29 to go!


  24. Jule

    I am so excited! I just finished a daily running challenge in March, so a daily poem in April made me smile. I compose the poems while I run. :-)))


  25. gladeslibrarian

    Reblogged this on O2B heavenly minded and commented:
    I’m so glad I’m following you in my reader or I might have missed this inspirational challenge. I’ve participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) but NaPoWriMo is new to me. I’m accepting the challenge. Anyone else with me?


  26. newpillowbook

    I really shouldn’t take the time for this, but I’m hooked. http://newpillowbook.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/well-being-overloaded-makes-me-a-little-crazy/


  27. stuffandkids

    I do write poems when inspired to write one but this would be a fun thing to do let alone a first official challenged that i’d be joining. Tried posting one today and it was called “Options”. Thank you for this.


  28. ellidwek

    Reblogged this on ellidwek and commented:
    I sometimes write poetry. No I’m not a Vogon. I’ve never tortured anyone to death by reading any of my work but I did fall asleep writing a poem once. Poetic disposition…naps…you know.


  29. Jay

    Reblogged this on The Geeky Corner and commented:
    I haven’t written poetry in ages but sure, let’s give it a shot! Anything to write! 😀


  30. tuckedintoacorner

    I’ve got about twenty ideas scribbled down so far. Probably I don’t have the time for this, but I’m going to try. Thanks for the post 🙂 I shall start tomorrow


  31. Agoy Prayoga

    I just knew that April is National Poetry Writing Month. Interesting 🙂


  32. Kemas Erwin Saputra

    I’m not too good in writing poems. But, i would like to join in.


  33. janekinpis
  34. gracewithouttears

    Definitely going to do this. Posted a Haiku today. Might have a lot of Haikus, but at least it’s something:)


  35. misscandace91

    I love this idea. Poetry always seems like such a spring time activity. I will definitely be joining in. Even if I don’t post a poem, I’ll write one down for sure! Happy Poetry Month


  36. happy holly project

    In the “for what its worth” department, I created a page-wide banner for the top of my Chateau themed blog … as a featured image for my NaPoWriMo pages. It is maroon/black//gradient backed with antique quill / antique paper / 3-D-ish lettering (saying NaPoWriMo 2013, of course). Anyone is welcome to lift it. Shout-outs appreciated, but not required. Good luck all in this month of creativity!!


  37. listentotheanimalsblog

    Reblogged this on The Connection Project and commented:
    Here’s a challenge to write a poem a day in April – bring in Spring with your creativity!


  38. zoneofsilence

    This is simply marvellous. I already have a poetry blog on wordpress and I think it’s a great offering for all poets. Am surely participating in this one. Thanks Team WordPress 🙂


  39. laripen

    Hi I don’t have a web site. Am I still able to enter poems? If so, how do I do it?


  40. Bruce Ruston

    That’s me giving it a go with month of free verse and maybe some light verse


  41. Mocha

    I missed April 1, sorry:-( I will write 2 today, I have already posted my first one…


    Cheri, this is an awesome idea…so glad I came to WordPress


  42. juliechristine33

    I’m in for the poem a day Month of April and thankful for the challenge because it has been months since writing and it will be interesting to see what arises when i take Maureen Thorson’s advice to not worry about the inner editor until May : )


  43. khleslie

    It’s been years since I’ve written poetry and the first has turned out oh so very dark. Thanks to my time zone, I’m staring a day behind, but what the hey, I’m in.


  44. vishnu supreet

    Reblogged this on My Thoughts Uncensored and commented:
    For any writers who write stories and articles. But not poems, I ask you to try poetry. I didn’t write any till a friend asked me to do so.I don’t have write many poems myself. I find it difficult to articulate my feelings in such few words. By sharing this I hope you discover the poet in you.And I hope it encourages me to do the same.


  45. Cheryl

    Reblogged this on Cheryl Andrews and commented:
    April is National Poetry Writing Month. NaPoWriMo 2013 encourages established and aspiring poets to write 30 poems in 30 days.


  46. anna mosca

    wow excellent idea! will start today as yesterday I was traveling. unaware of this I wrote a song yesterday with a musician… will that count? 🙂 will post poem either in English or in Italian on my personal blog and tag you but I also have a big project at the Art Academy where I teach on poetry an photography and we publish every 4 days on WP (Luminesia). See if I can get my students (70) involved!

    Thank you Cheri for this exciting idea, thousands of poets at work daily and publishing in the same month, a true force!


  47. sheila

    Can I tag old poems I have written on m blog?


    • Cheri Lucas

      That’s probably not the best way to participate, as older posts will likely be buried within the “NaPoWriMo” topic stream. The best way to participate is to publish new posts — you could republish older poems and/or write new stuff. We’d love to see the latter!


  48. festivalking

    Nuts! I’m a day late 😦 … can I still join in?


  49. yourfriendmel

    I’m in! I can’t wait to to see what poetry comes out of this and I can’t wait to see what other writers do with it! 🙂


  50. Mocha

    sharing number 2 of 30 in 30 hope you guys like…


  51. Don Sansbury

    I’m so excited. The reason I chose to create a WordPress blog was for it to be an online home for my poetry and short works. Wow, one of the few times in life my timing has been right.


  52. purpleperceptions

    Day 2 already and the second poem is up! Woot for NaPoWriMo! =D


  53. Cairenn Rhys

    Poetry doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves and there are a lot of poets such as myself to use WP as their platform to showcase their work. Thank you for bringing attention to this!


  54. nrhatch

    Don’t know if I’ll play along all month . . . but here’s a sweet tidbit for spring:


  55. wordsaver

    I’m late — I will try to catch a verse.


  56. wspencer104965

    Wrote one yesterday to participate but im not technically savvy enough to figure out how to link yet. Help, anyone?


    • Cheri Lucas

      Hi there — not sure if you meant linking here in the comments? You can simply drop the URL of your post here if you’d like to share with others.

      However, what we’d love to see this month is for you to tag your poems with “NaPoWriMo” so your posts can be discovered in the Reader. To tag your posts, see our support page on tags. Thanks!


  57. lumar1298

    Can we also use previous published poetry?


    • Cheri Lucas

      It’s up to you what you ultimately publish on your own blog — you could republish older poems this month, sure. I think, though, it’d be a great challenge to write up completely new stuff each day this month.


  58. lumar1298

    Wow… Great challenge… Here’s my first one for April: http://lumar1298yahoo.com/2013/04/01/let-it-shine-2/


  59. maiikaru

    This is motivating,,, Wish I have time to write even a few lines.


  60. wordcoaster

    Thanks for highlighting this–hope more poets will pick up their pens 🙂


  61. elliebloo

    I look forward to NaPoWriMo every year. Have fun with it!


  62. owlsprit

    Hi folks,

    To where should I put my poems? (Which site?)


    • Cheri Lucas

      Hi there — you can publish poems on your blog, and you can tag them with “NaPoWriMo” so other WordPressers can find them in the Reader.


  63. hastywords

    LOVE this month…poetry and my birthday…perfect way to celebrate!


  64. mama3boyz

    Reblogged this on Keepin' it REAL and commented:
    30 Poems…30 Days…Can I do it?


  65. monicaysol

    Reblogged this on Keep on keepin' calm and commented:
    Remember my idea of relaxation – poetry? Try it out; see if writing poetry relaxes you during this whole month of April, which just so happens to be “NaPoWriMo,” National Poetry Writing Month. I dare you. 🙂


  66. Thoughts in words & images

    I’m going to give it a go. Hopefully this will get my writing jumpstarted again!


  67. Adrienne

    I have a small group of high 4th grade readers & writers. We are going to write a poem a day, but only for the days we are in school. I’m hoping they’ll want to write poetry outside of school too. I love the easy to implement ideas that I can use with them.


  68. christinesmusings5

    A poem a day
    for the month of April
    I do now pledge.

    Can I honour
    a promise
    at month’s beginning
    not yet knowing how to make it through
    to month’s ending?

    How to find inspiration in memories
    to record every day
    all that will occur
    in the ravages of emotions
    of depression, anger,
    joys, new beginnings,
    flashbacks to winter’s
    unrelenting grasp,
    glimpses of spring.

    Expectancy, anticipation
    yet a firm resolve to attempt
    to write and record thoughts
    in my inner most being.


  69. Nick Osborne

    Reblogged this on Run On, Sentences and commented:
    A poem a day may be a stretch, but a month dedicated to poetry is fantastic.


  70. The egg man

    When I wrote A Poem A Day to kick off my own week of writing a daily poem, my entry would have be apt for this challenge. Too bad I found out about this today. I guess I’m too late to enter.


    Can I still start today??


  71. axelct

    hey 🙂 It’s already late one day but.. Mind if I participating? 🙂 This is my first : http://axelismyname.wordpress.com/2013/04/02/night/ so enjoy 🙂 (oh, i’m just a beginner so don’t mind to criticise mine)


  72. Ziya Tamesis

    Reblogged this on a day with depression and commented:
    Well, I’m a day behind, but this looks like it could be a lot of fun – and a great way to express things that don’t lend themselves to prose. I’ll give it a shot!


  73. Yasmine

    This is interesting. I didn’t know that there was a national poem writing month! I’ve never been very good at writing poems though! So I stick to telling other peoples stories! Think I’ll give NaNoWriMo a go this year though!


  74. The egg man
  75. abigayilsblog

    Good day

    I am keen to do this challenge but have noticed that it is a national challenge – can I be part of this from South Africa? I received notification of this last night and wrote a poem to start. Am not good at blogging but love writing – any help or advice would be appreciated.

    I will do another poem tonight to stay in the race so to say – just in case it counts!

    Kind regards



  76. Alex

    Great, I started my own “Being a Poet” 30 day challenge, so hopefully I can be a part of this by tagging my posts with the tag required. I didn’t realize March is going to be a Poetry month, but I guess the timing was spot-on from my side!


  77. cursiveinreverse

    Sounds like a challenge I can’t pass up. I don’t call myself a poet, but who cares!? Maybe I’m the next Rilke…here we go!


  78. khleslie

    Reblogged this on Waiwari & Other Stories and commented:
    This is what I’m talking about. NaPoWriMo for the win!


  79. UponTideCreek

    Love this idea… anything to get people writing 🙂


  80. dearbhmcn

    Reblogged this on Vitamin D and commented:
    a challenge, could I manage
    to find words in my mind?


  81. Danton Medrado

    Reblogged this on DANTON MEDRADO and commented:
    30 poems, 30 days – NaPoWriMo


  82. Tahir Sherriff

    Reblogged this on @tahir and commented:
    I think this is going to be really interesting, As a first experience.


  83. Cleaver of God

    I shared my second poem for NaPoWriMo today here: http://ajwagoner.com/2013/04/02/upside-down-napowrimo2013-2/



  84. Rebecca Kime

    Reblogged this on smilingwiththestars and commented:
    I did not realise that NaPoWriMo was this was this month, I shall have to do this!


  85. jellyonacracker

    Reblogged this on jellyonacracker and commented:
    Glad I saw this! Sent the link to every address in my writer’s group.


  86. tcbooth

    I love poetry. I’m in!


  87. Antebellum Rose

    Reblogged this on Antebellum Rose and commented:
    Definitely participating. I’ve got yesterday and today, just not typed yet.


  88. ellenconiate

    Reblogged this on a remedy for memories and commented:
    Hurray for NaPoWriMo! I’m a little late but I think I can catch up 🙂 This gives me great motivation 🙂


  89. Donna Riley (@djpr2001)

    I’m so glad to have found this! I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo a time or two, but haven’t quite finished either time. This is right up my alley! Question though…..my blog is on Google, so is there any way to tag it so that it’s easily accessible to WordPress bloggers?


    • Cheri Lucas

      Cool — glad you found the post!

      And good question. Unless a WordPress.com blogger is specifically subscribed to/following your blog in their WordPress.com Reader, no, they won’t see non-WP.com posts. Currently, the WordPress.com Reader displays latest published posts on WP.com blogs, and WP.com bloggers follow specific tags (ie “NaPoWriMo”) which would then display these tagged WP.com posts, too. Hope that answers your question!


  90. kakadudream

    Reblogged this on kakadudream and commented:
    This is the first time I have logged in to WordPress in aaaages and to find this here seems serendipitous. I need to write more, and this could be the perfect thing to get me started again!


  91. waldronwonders

    Reblogged this on iWonder and commented:
    This is definitely worth sharing! I’ll have to write two today because I am just finding out about this now.


  92. 0rwellian

    Reblogged this on 0rwellian and commented:
    Ek, I’m a day late, but I think I’m going to do this!


  93. tuckedintoacorner

    Second haiku of the month http://tuckedintoacorner.wordpress.com/2013/04/03/possibility/
    I’ve done NaNoWriMo a couple of times, so I’m looking forward to this for a new challenge 🙂


  94. michaelbrandeis

    Reblogged this on michaelbrandeis and commented:
    Starting a day late, but I am going to start doing the National Poem Writing Month challenge!


  95. peejaybayliss

    I’m in, placing my entries into a page format on my blog to separate them from my other poems & regular posts…. Follow along if you like:)



  96. juneborg

    30 in 30 days, tickles the wonder, weezy should get on this aha. but are we not to rest on the seventh day.. :]


  97. Mocha

    Day 3 poem…so far so good, i’m keeping up…


  98. chrissladesbeeblog

    I wrote this one yesterday:

    Half a century or more ago,
    a fellow schoolboy asked of me:
    “In life, what would your ambition be?”

    I thought two seconds, maybe more,
    in somewhat pessimistic mood:
    a B – Form brain; no family wealth;
    no luck with girls and, worst: Cold War!

    The answer then came to my lips:
    “To be a Grandfather”, I said.

    That meant enough success and luck
    to raise a family; survive the War;
    and pass my genes on down the line.

    The 24th of March this year, I won!
    Sebastian is my Grandson’s name.


  99. hendylou

    Reblogged this on TechTalk and commented:
    What a terrific way to get students engaged in Poetry! I hope some of our KPDSB classes hop on board- even if we are starting late, such a terrific way to share the love of poetry.


  100. steppenik

    But; what about in the case(s) where creativity is divided, in a meaningful balance, between quality and quantity? Would a forced imbalance cause a drop in quality and, if this is so, would there be long lasting effects on the poet through a sort of discouragement, distraction, guilt manipulation, etc? I worry (in this regard) about, “a small group of high 4th grade readers & writers” who may be more vulnerable than adults but, will admit, that’s a concern which is only based on my viewpoint.
    Every poetry project that has a large organization behind it and, which I’ve been in (or one’s to which they get involved in and, thereby, push their agenda) I’ve been criticized for using rhyme, or the like, and been told that I shouldn’t work so hard, but I respond that; that’s how the poem comes to me and it would make more work to downgrade it to the standards which they go from “suggesting” to harshly persecuting me to use. I feel as if I’ve been driven away from any trust I may have had in an organized agenda.
    I will refrain.


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