Illustration by Andrea Badgley.

Illustration by Andrea Badgley.

A Special Sunday: A Mix of Mother’s Day Blogs

In some parts around the world, this Sunday is dedicated to the mothers out there. For Mother’s Day, we’ve rounded up sites on motherhood, parenting, and family. On, you’ll discover mothers on all paths: new moms, stay-at-home-moms, single moms, mothers who are full-time writers, and more. (Even mommy men, as you’ll see below.)

We especially want to highlight bloggers with unique perspectives and thoughtful commentary, as well as collaborative blogs with multiple contributors. So, we hope you enjoy this sampling of sites in honor of this special day.

Butterfly Mind

Illustration by Andrea Badgley.

Illustration by Andrea Badgley.

Creative nonfiction writer Andrea Badgley lives with her husband and two children in the Appalachian mountains of Virginia. In the past, she’s caught our eye with thoughtful posts on both family and the writing life: a piece on putting food on the table, and a post on revisiting her childhood diaries. Her blog is a delight: lovely musings on motherhood and parenting, and lighthearted pieces, too (be sure to check her humor category).

On her About page, Andrea says her mother once told her to never ever stop writing — good advice, mom! — and we’re glad to see her reflections on Her voice is strong, yet quiet and eloquent; follow along and read how she balances all the things that life throws at her.

The Mamafesto

On Avital Norman Nathman’s blog, The Mamafesto, motherhood and feminism collide. The writer, mother, and former high school teacher writes provoking, intelligent posts on a number of topics, from gender and media to activism and reproductive rights.

Image by Avital Norman Nathman.

In a recent response to a Huffington Post article about a mother who posted pictures of her six-year-old cross-dressing son on Facebook, she writes:

Maybe – and just hear me out – instead of suggesting that we *don’t* share these pictures over fear that it will damage our children somehow, we actually share more of them in hopes of normalizing and accepting these types of things.

Being a “pink boy” doesn’t have to mean anything beyond being a boy who happens to love pink.

We enjoy following the commentary and personal writing on her blog — and, whether you agree or disagree, you’ll appreciate that she asks questions that make her readers think. We also like that she showcases her freelance work on another site using the portfolio-style theme Hatch; if you dig her blog posts, be sure to poke around her other projects.

Kristen Hansen Brakeman

Musings from the mind of Kristen Hansen Brakeman.

Musings from the mind of Kristen Hansen Brakeman.

Essayist and fiction writer Kristen Hansen Brakeman is a busy writer and mother — she’s got her hands in numerous cookie jars: a blog of sharp, often hilarious writing; her work as a production supervisor on TV variety shows; and her book projects — she’s currently seeking representation for an essay collection and a humorous fantasy for kids.

In addition to exploring topics of aging (check out her popular post on the dreaded word “ma’am”), family, and other subjects with her dose of humor, she writes about life in the Sandwich Generation: raising three daughters while taking care of an aging mother.

Mommy Man

Mommy Man: Adventures of a Gay Superdad

Mommy Man: Adventures of a Gay Superdad

Stay-at-home dad, writer, and “mommy man” Jerry Mahoney lives with his boyfriend, Drew, and their two twins (who were conceived via gestational surrogate, with eggs provided by Drew’s sister, Susie). On his blog, he writes about issues of gay parenting and being a stay-at-home dad (consider his post on “dadscimination,” his thoughts on whether kids deserve a mom, or commentary on an episode of Modern Family).

There’s lots of stuff to read here, so if you don’t know where to start, visit his “Best O’Blog” page, or read more about his unique story in his Modern Love essay, “Mom/Not Mom/Aunt,” in the New York Times.

Spilled Milk

Spilled Milk logoSpilled Milk is a collaborative blog featuring photography collections by 19 mothers around the globe. Each week, a new theme prompts one of the contributors to reflect on parenthood and “the complexity and beauty that comes with raising our kids.” The site design is minimal and elegant, and the bloggers use tiled galleries to display sets of gorgeous images.

Check out the recent contributions that interpret the themes of “Experience,” “Mess,” and “Meal.” The themes are broad, allowing each photographer to get creative with snapshots and compile personal yet cohesive collections of what it means to be a mother, wife, and observer of the fleeting, intimate, and precious moments of our lives.

Image by Spilled Milk.

Image collection by Spilled Milk.

More collaborative blogs

Mothers With Cancer is a group blog of 20 mothers with cancer. Some of these women have been in remission for years, while others are newly diagnosed or are battling a new recurrence. Off the Merry-Go-Round is a space for discussion and inspiration for six women who have chosen their families over full-time careers. Also, Peanut Butter on the Keyboard is a blog where parenting and publishing intersect, led by a group of mothers who also happen to be romance authors.

And more: a mix of moms on

We love the variety — and fun and fitting blog names — of sites focused on motherhood:



Expletive Mom

#$&!% Mom

Adequate Mom

Adequate Mom

Divorced Mom

Divorced Mom

Original Simple Mom

Original Simple Mom

Smarter Moms

Smarter Moms

Barefoot Mom

Barefoot Mom

Ordinary Mom

Ordinary Mom

Reluctant Mom

Reluctant Mom

Honest Mom

Honest Mom

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  1. mattaspden28

    A relevant poem for Mother’s Day today wherever in the world you are celebrating it 🙂


  2. Jerry Mahoney

    Thanks so much for the mention. I really appreciate it… and I can’t wait to check out all these other blogs! 🙂


  3. Jeff Bowen

    Reblogged this on Get 2 See and commented:

    Happy Mother’s Day to all you superheroes out there!
    These are some great blogs from some super-creative moms.
    Also, my dear friend, Erin, runs a fun, inspirational blog about her experience as a Mommy 🙂 Check it out here:


  4. Josephine Corcoran

    I love your diverse range of Mums featured here. Looking forward to exploring some of these blogs. Mother’s Day in the UK was back in March but it’s always lovely to celebrate Motherhood. Thanks and Happy Mother’s Day if you’re celebrating.


  5. Dh Fabian

    It’s worth noting that the majority of America’s poor are women with children — women who routinely make extraordinary sacrifices and deal with the most daunting hardships, and whose children disproportionately grow up to be successful, happy adults. Fathers walk away, but mothers rarely do, no matter how hard the road ahead will be. In our culture, we have contempt for these mothers, presumably (at least on some primitive level) regarding them as inferior because the fathers of their children did not deem them worthy of marriage! We got tough on the women who didn’t run from their responsibilities, not only stripping away social supports, but putting numerous obstacles in their path. Yet these women keep hanging on, moving forward, driven by their love for their children.


  6. bernasvibe

    Happy Mothers Day to alll the mothers ! Penned a tribute to mine called , Mama Love, but I’ve got respect for all mothers. For the relentless sometimes thankless 24/7 job of mothering..YOU are appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jean

    Of value to note, that blogging itself is an excellent mechanism especially for stay at home moms or dads, to be connected to other adults/parents on interests that may include parenting, but also other shared interests.

    I’ve noticed over the past few years, some mom-focused blogs begin off with the blogger struggling with depression/perceived isolation when they are a stay at home parent. Then over time blogging, provides them a touchstone to the wider world of adults. (I’ve heard enough from siblings-parents and friend-parents who were starved for adult talk after engaging in baby talk the whole day….).


  8. andreabadgley

    I should have known that graph was going to come back and bite me. I’m not a lush, I promise! 😀 Thank you Cheri and for featuring me here, and for your very kind words about my writing. I am honored. And I’ll let my mom know you support her advice 😉


  9. mystereum

    Thanks for the great variety and I full-on laughed loud enough to wake my cat when I saw the Mom’s alcohol consumption versus # of snow days graph. Hilarious. Thanks Much!


  10. annetteharris42

    Jean, I totally agree with blogging being a connection for stay at home parents. I wanted to include myself being a parent of sons ages 21, 23, and 25, I have the empty nest, menopausal symptoms of lonliness and depression terribly. Including the dissolution of my marriage of 25 years. I was so cut off from everyone and everything until about a month ago I googled how to start a blog. I wanted to journal….really just talk to the cyber world and see what happens. Since then I have read and written stuff I really like plus learned alot. I do feel like I am part of something and that is the start to the beginning of my brand new life. I will be a grandparent in sept for the first time so I look forward to blogging with other grandparents!


  11. tylorjstingel

    Really like the various Mother’s Day blogs. They are really inspirational and creative.
    Ty Stingel


  12. thisisyourbestyear

    Loved the article and the others that were mentioned. Thought I would ask you guys to read mine about Mother’s Day. Thanks!


  13. Petrosha

    Hey, nice to see other mom day blogs. I just posted a few reflections of my mom and m-i-l…..nice to see others.
    Check out blog, always looking for comments as I’m new to this too.Thanks.


  14. SimplySage

    Thanks for this special Mother’s Day post. I posted a special post for today and thought I’d share here. Enjoy and happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love. 🙂


  15. momjeanz

    happy mother’s day to all the mommas and fellow mom bloggers.


  16. wellbeinglifecoach

    Thanks for sharing the mom blogs. Here are my thoughts on mothers and love and letting go!


  17. kbg351

    Don’t forget the mothers who never could be…but wanted it 😦


  18. katherinembc

    I am sad to clarify that some of the Mothers With Cancer had metastatic breast cancer and have died from their disease. Susan Niebur, I believe was the most recent.

    Corrine Beaumont did the Mothers With Cancer logo is the force behind the Worldwide Breast Cancer education effort:

    I am not a mom, but I have metastatic breast cancer as did my mom. Here is a little more about her:


  19. dontctallmechef

    Something to be thankful for from the greeting card industry, I suppose.


  20. shadiyke

    I think when God made moms He gave me the best.


  21. thedaughterdiaries

    Thank you for this article! So many good mom blogs out there! I write about the not-so-fun, but always funny, adventures of raising teenaged girls. There is never a dull moment! Here is a tribute to all the wonderful moms I know and love, in honor of mother’s day.


  22. Journey into the Pink

    Just realized that I also got this email yesterday. I get so many WordPress ones that I hardly have a chance to check them all out. Thanks for letting me know about this one.

    J 🙂


  23. lovingrose
  24. Karen Hendricks

    Reblogged this on Off the Merry-Go-Round and commented:
    We are so honored to have Off the Merry-Go-Round featured on the WordPress blog, among some fabulous company! We are sharing the love, below 🙂


  25. jordanalyssia

    always one for a Mumblog read – I don’t know how these mums manage to keep a successful blog as well as have a career and… BE MUMS! I am super in need of whatever it is they eat for brekky
    GO MUMS!


  26. liewleong

    Lets start by not saying an unkind word to mom for one day, then one month and magically for one year if you could! Do that, what come may, I am saying. That’s the best ever gift that mom must have secretly wished for but too kind to let it be known. I only managed to do it during her last few years, that also because I was seeing her for a handful of days in a year. I wished I had never said to mom an unkind word at all!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!


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