The Reader: Follow Your Feeds, Discover Great Reads

As you may have heard, Google Reader is shutting down on July 1. As readers ourselves, we understand the importance of a go-to space on the internet for your daily feeds and regular reads — and a place to discover new finds. If you’re looking for a new reader (or are not using it already), we hope you’ll take the Reader for a spin. Check out what you can do:

Import your subscriptions

The Reader can import and export OPML, so you can transfer subscriptions over from another feed reader. Google Reader users can import their subscriptions directly from Google Reader into the Reader. Visit the import page to get started:

Reader Import page

Google Reader users will be asked to select the appropriate Google account (or sign in with a different email address) and grant to access it. For those importing from another feed reader, click on Choose File and then select the OPML file.

Follow sites

In the Reader, you can keep up with your favorite blogs in our community, the editors’ picks on Discover, and blog recommendations — but you can also follow sites. In the box on the top-right of the Reader, click on the Edit link next to Blogs I Follow:

Blogs I Follow Edit

On the Edit Blogs I Follow page, enter the URLs of sites you’d like to follow, one by one, in the field at the top:

Edit Blogs I Follow

And voilà‎! You can follow your favorite sites, on and elsewhere, all in one place.

Blogs I Follow Feed

Personalize your Reader with custom topics

In addition to keeping up with your regular reads, you can follow specific topics to see what users are writing on the discussions du jour. The cloud of popular topics offers a bird’s-eye view of what our community is publishing — what’s hot and happening now:


We encourage you to go further — to be your own curator — by following custom topics and reading the stuff you’re curious and passionate about. In your Topics box, located on the right, you can follow Google Glass to compare commentaries on the controversial eyewear. Or nostalgia for evocative personal essays and memoir. Or behavioral economics for the latest takes on psychology and choice.

To add custom topics:

In the Topics box, enter a topic in the field, then click on the “+” symbol:

Add Topic

Or, explore the Topics page, search for a topic (such as Cognitive Science), and click Follow at the top.

Cognitive Science

We hope you dive in to the Reader and use it to follow your favorite stuff across the internet!

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  1. sstern

    Because iGoogle is also shutting down, can the importer be tweaked to also accept the iGoogle XML export?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. manticoreblog

    It seems your reader presents feeds in order of creation. I have my feeds in GReader categorized by a topic. I would like to be able to see those topics in WReader. If you can’t do that, I will have to use another RSS feed reader.


  3. The Pick Man

    I came to Reader when I learned that Google reader was closing and find that I much prefer the layout here. It’s an altogether more enjoyable experience. I have now transferred completely and am blogging via WordPress.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. toemailer

    Thanks, this sure helps overcome some obstacles for us, bringing friends in from outside of WP is awesome!


  5. Moco Scribe

    Excellent overview and update….thanks


  6. alejna

    This is very helpful! Thank you.


  7. Neil Dymond-Green

    I was really hoping this would be a possible replacement but it offers very little of the functionality of Google Reader (e.g. organising feeds into folders, keyboard shortcuts). Shame.


  8. Peter O'Donnell

    I’m also disappointed in the lack of functionality in the areas the previous poster mentioned. Also, I don’t see where I can shrink the footprint of the display. I’m testing a variety of readers to find one that operates seamlessly across multiple platforms, and provides space-saving ‘at a glance’ headline views of the 40+ feeds I follow. Maybe that provides some ideas for future updates to your platform.


  9. knitnrun4sanity

    I switched a while ago when hellocotton shut down and like it as it is easy to comment on all blogs. I just find that non wordpress blogs take a bit longer to appear.


  10. omkalthoum1

    You blast an email advert for your Reader. I bite. And none of your links actually lead to your Reader. Not promising on any level.


  11. andreabadgley

    Whoa! I didn’t know we could follow non-WordPress blogs in our reader. Sweet!


  12. dalibu

    It’s a great feature, something I’ll really appreciate when I visit however I couldn’t find the feature in the iOS iPad app.


  13. mamaraby

    Not impressed with the reader. The WP app leaves so much to be desired and when I view it in Safari on my iPad the page reloads so darn often I lose track of where I was. If the reader had some sort of mark read function where it would only show unread items (and allow access to previously read items), then WP might be a contender. I tried using it awhile ago before I gave up and had to delete the 100+ feeds I had imported. Nightmare.


  14. Minister Gertrude Ferguson - Founder & CEO- Enough Tribulations

    I have already been using the WordPress Reader, which is quite organized and user-friendly. Thanks for this information.


  15. kaitui_kiwi

    Sorry guys but your reader just doesn’t compare to Google Reader or even Feedly (what I am now using as my replacement) – how can I know what I have already read? How can I organise and separate my design blogs from my sewing blogs, etc…if you can add these things I would happily swap over so that I only need to go to one site for all my blogging needs.


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      There’s an orange notification specifying new posts each time you open your Blogs I Follow stream in the Reader so you know what you haven’t read. At the moment, you can use the “My Activity” stream on the right to pull up posts you’ve commented or liked, but not organize your reads in “Blogs I Follow.” The Reader continues to evolve, so thank you for the input and suggestions.


  16. ModernMommyForever

    Thanks for the great overview of the Reader. I use the Reader for the blog feeds that I follow but did not know of all the ‘extra’s that the Reader has to offer. I will be doing a little Reader Research over the next few days to customize my feed.


  17. DMartens-CWA

    Is there a way to organize the blogs that appear in our reader into topics or categories?


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      Currently, no — you can use the “My Activity” stream on the right to pull up posts you’ve commented or liked, but not organize the reads in “Blogs I Follow” at the moment. The Reader continues to evolve, so thank you for the comment/suggestion.


  18. Perennemente Sloggata

    Thank you for all this! So I can have only one reader for everything. I’ll need to understand how it works, but I like to have my reader on the same platform of my blog.


  19. Smash

    I use the Reader everyday and I love it. I love being able to find posts about basically any possible topic I can think of. Instead of just reading “Comics” I can filter that even further to “Batman”. I love it!


  20. Tom Proehl

    Just perfect. Thanks.


  21. Gustavo Lapido Loureiro

    Do custom topics look for content among non-WP blogs?


  22. Deb Platt

    I had no idea that I could follow non-WordPress feeds using the WordPress Reader. Thanks for posting this!


  23. blueribbonfair

    This is how indie I am; I never knew what Google reader is, though I have 2 Google accounts. I think You tube is the only place I use it. Left blogger for WP also.


  24. austlotto

    Google Reader may be shutting down, but WP appears to be here for the long run!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. kdietz2013

    I like the idea of this, I normally get all my information from my rss feeds. I’ll have to give it a try.

    Liked by 1 person

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