Create Presentations Easily on with Shortcodes

On, you can use a number of shortcodes to embed features and create objects with little effort, and make your site look just the way you want. We’re excited to announce new shortcodes you can use to whip up a slideshow presentation — and display it on your site.

A sampling of features

  • Selecting different slide transitions (up, down, left, right)
  • Rotating and scaling slides
  • Choosing colors or images for backgrounds (HTML color, image URL)
  • Setting transition durations and sizes

You can see these features in action, along with shortcode instructions to get you started, in the sample presentation below. Don’t forget to view it in full-screen — just click the four-arrow icon on the bottom right corner.

This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it in another browser.

We’re excited that you can use these shortcodes to create presentations, from simple slideshows to sleek, professional presentations. For more detailed steps, visit the presentations shortcode support page.

Other slideshow embed options

You can create other slideshows on your site, too:

  • SlideShare: Upload and share PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, and Adobe PDF Portfolios publicly and privately.
  • Speaker Deck: Share your Speaker Deck presentation.

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  1. رسول وحدتی

    Thank you. Please Add Office 2013 Visual Effect to it.


  2. Technoheaven

    Is there a list of all the “commands” to use? The presentation example is great, but it would be nice to printout a list of all the options available! Thanks.


  3. kasturika

    This is awesome! I haven’t made any presentation on/for my blog. This is really tempting me to create one just to try this feature.


  4. Quinn Barrett (@quinnbarrett)

    What about us folks using Any self-hosted equivalent?


  5. James and Delores Fields

    Couldn’t open the presentation feature


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      Hi James — can you provide more info so we can help you troubleshoot? Can you see the first slide in the slideshow above? If you hover over the slideshow, do arrows appear on the left/right to navigate the slides? (Let us know your setup, too — browser, computer, etc. Thanks!)


  6. Laura P. Schulman

    This might be just the solution we need for our new “Faces of Mental Illness” project. Can you use it for video montage, or just stills?


  7. Rich

    As usual. WordPress just keeps getting better and better!


  8. angelinekyba

    Still looking for the magic tour arrow icon you say there is on the right to comment, what is the point of constantly sending new things when it seems a struggle to get them. I am logged in to my account yet cannot comment nor find this blasted tour arrow icon.


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      Hi Angeline — if you hover over the slideshow in this post with your mouse, left-right arrows and a four-arrow icon on the bottom right of the slideshow should appear:

      The left-right arrows let you move back and forth in the slides, and the icon at the bottom right allows you to view in full screen. To clarify these arrows do not allow you to comment — that’s not a stated feature.

      You actually don’t have to be logged in to your account to view it. It works with all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox…). Let us know if you still can’t view it.


  9. ismailimail

    How does it show up in an email, does it require audience to be on WordPress site? Does this require specific browser version?


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      Hi there — a browser is required to view the presentation (a presentation would show an error if viewed in an email). You’d need to follow the permalink to view it on a WordPress site.

      Presentations have been tested on all major browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and IE 10. Most features are supported on IE 9, while presentations are not supported on IE 8 or lower.


  10. Redazione Expost

    We love it.


  11. Kalondu



  12. cdtobie

    There is a huge gulf between those who use standard WordPress templates and the HTML Geeks who understand the content of this short presentation, and where to apply it. You do not present this in a way that a typical user can actually use. Unless you can bridge this gap, then cheerful posts like this do nothing but frustrate the majority of your users.


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      Hi cdtobie — thanks for the feedback. We use this blog to share announcements of new features, and generally these announcements summarize what’s new and basics to get started, and then link to further documentation — this presentations shortcode support page — for more details. Sometimes, we offer more in-depth tutorials (many over on The Daily Post) to supplement these types of announcements. Taking note of your comment — we certainly can publish more of a how-to on these shortcodes that offer steps on creating a presentation from start to finish.


  13. Heather

    super excited to try this. now, with what?


  14. Joanna

    I’ll try this out soon for sure! Thank you WordPress!


  15. Ziya Tamesis

    That is quite interesting. I look forward to trying it. 🙂


  16. Jozii

    Cooool 😀 Only question is what I should use it for… Hmm, time to brainstorm 😀


  17. Moco Scribe

    This is excellent….astonishing even why didn’t we get this sooner! Thank you WordPress!


  18. cheesecake

    This is waayyyyyyyyyy too cool!


  19. EfrainAminBajaire

    Really great tools for marketing online…


  20. jontobey

    I think this is pretty cool. But I have to reply to the comment about the “help.” Even though I’m a pretty high level user, I find if I need help with WordPress, WordPress is the last place to get useful help. Way too high-level, conversations are often closed way before they are actually answered, way too feature-driven (versus scenario-driven), way too much assumed knowledge etc, etc.


  21. cheesecake

    A quick question though, will it have a button or something when creating a post? surely if it doesn’t people won’t know it’s there.


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      will it have a button or something when creating a post?

      Hi there — there’s no button to “activate” the embedded presentation; it will display on your site, so a visitor who visits the post/page will see it.


      • cheesecake

        no i mean when you are drafting a post. like if i didn’t saw this post, i wouldn’t know this feature exist. unless if it is in your ‘editing tools’ of your posts you know you have it. 😀


        • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

          Ah, sorry for misunderstanding your question. No — shortcodes aren’t visible/accessible options in your dashboard or editor in your Post/Page Screen; that’s not quite how they work. Shortcodes are bits of code that you can insert into your Text Editor — as with HTML — that act as shortcuts, so you can embed files or create objects that would normally require more complicated code. They are typically words or short phrases (ie, “presentation” or “youtube” or “flickr video” in between brackets [ ].

          We have shortcodes to embed videos, other kinds of slideshow features, tiled galleries, audio players, etc. You can access all of our available shortcodes on the support site.


  22. ReloNavigator

    jontoney is correct .. and quite time consuming with all their links etc..


  23. Helene Feasey

    Thanks for this feature, I will be interested to try this. I have to agree with jontobey though that answers to queries are very high level, as someone who struggles to keep my website going, I find that when searching for an answer I often do not understand the instructions provided as a higherlevel of knowledge is assumed that a basic user does not have. I hate to say it, but answered need to be dumbed down for people like me. We use WordPress as it is better than other options, but it is still a,struggle.


  24. skysage

    You need a sample tutorial. The specific language used is not enough. You need to explain or show how a specific codes is used. by using only words, I am not clear on how to use the code. A visual presentation says so much more. thanks.


  25. Elvin Casem

    Is this feature available with


  26. The Mindful Center Knoxville

    I’m using the “forever” theme on WordPress….can I use this presentation short code on my theme? or is it only for those that are NOT using standard templates like the “forever” theme?

    Would love to learn how to implement this presentation short code on my theme!


  27. инж. Мартин В. Симеонов

    It’s a possible to remove border?


  28. John Mountford

    I agree 100% with jontobey! I have to look for simple, easy to understand and ask question type help outside of WP. The forums are like getting caught up in a geek shoot-out!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Thiago Santos de Moraes

    I was very interested in this feature, but do not understand how to make a slide. We need a step by step tutorial.


  30. श्रेया

    Do I need to upload a presentation at slideshare first or just putting images in a post will do? I am not able to get how to start 😦


  31. 8oni

    This is awesome! Now I don’t need to upload my slide on SlideShare! I will make a post about this on my blog as soon I know how to do this! 🙂


  32. pujadarshan2

    Nice little feature for the blogs. Would be great if something of this sort is made available for the self-hosted ones as well. 🙂


  33. Susan

    This looks like a nice addition to WP. Some examples of blogs that gave this presentation feature a try would be welcome. I’m in the same boat as CDTobie, JonTobey and Helene Feasey. Not everyone has taken classes in web design and is at a lower level. Thanks for the new feature.


  34. S-J-

    I cannot think of any direct need for presentations on my blog, considering the kind of content it hosts. However, I am pretty sure that, now that this feature is available, I am going to come up with some or the other idea which will need presentations.
    Kudos to WordPress team.
    And thanks for sharing this information.


  35. Xarocho

    Great plugin I do hope to see it for the self-hosting blogs. I did encounter a strange issue though and I haven’t scrolled throughout all the comments to see if anyone else has. When I go into full screen by either pressing the lower right button or F11 on Firefox 23.0, the entire screen gets a dark filter over it. Kind of like when a mouse-hover darkens certain gallery boxes to give the navigation arrows more contrast when the mouse is over them. I can’t seem to get rid of it in full screen mode.


  36. Matt Rude

    Would have been nice if this post explained how to use it. At least add the short code your talking about as text to the post.


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      Hi Matt — on this page of the sample presentation it shows how to add text to an individual slide (ie, between the [slide] and [/slide] shortcodes), as you treat other shortcodes on Commenters have asked for a more hands-on tutorial — we can work on that as a follow-up to this announcement.


  37. Jean

    Tutorial would be super. The impression I’m getting so far, based on your explanations Cheryl, is on the blog post empty space, use of the presentation code means for a slideshow of just text oriented 5 different slides, it would be simple post of several codes, with text per slide, etc.

    Any photo slideframe with pure text slides before and after the photo slide, would be typed out in the same blog post with shortcodes…

    Anyway, that’s how I’m interpreting your advice so far.


  38. jeffersongwen1

    hello, is there such….wordpress for dummies?


  39. Clowie

    I couldn’t read the presentation, the text just scrolled off the screen too fast.
    I’m on a Mac running OSX 10.5.8 with Safari 5.0.6.
    I then tried in the latest version of Firefox and the presentation wouldn’t open at all.


  40. @LauraBushee

    Awesome! It works great! I only have question: Is there anyway we can set the navigation automatic?

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Jotpreet Singh

    Is it responsive ? Because I am using 2013 – responsive theme & would like it if the presentation was responsive. Also, I want to know, is it made on HTML 5, javascript or flash ? Because flash can seriously hurt the site. Finally, I want to know whether we can use images in this presentation ? And, if we do not use images, does the presentation count towards our free storage ? Please answer me.
    Regards, Jotpreet Singh.

    P.S. : This presentation is awesome. Thanks guys ! Will check it out


  42. Joe Linker

    Hi, Cheri! Thanks for this presentation tool. Very cool. Put together a rudimentary slide show just to see if I could. Check it out if you get a free moment. Hope all’s well. Joe


    • Cheri Lucas Rowlands

      That’s awesome! Glad to see you use this presentation slideshow in your own creative way. I’ll bookmark your post, as it may be worth putting together a roundup of interesting ways people use the tool. (Will be following your blog now as well!)

      P.S. That’s great that you offered a mini-tutorial in the comments — good stuff, and thanks for sharing that.


  43. Joe Linker

    Cheri: Just noticed that while the slide show works well, showing up on the main page and on its own page, it doesn’t show on the 2011 Showcase Template page. Still, the tool is great, adding to flexibility and enhancing options. Joe


  44. ninoalmendra

    I will definitely try this later after work. WordPress, I’m getting addicted to you 😉


  45. DaydreamsinWonderland

    I love this feature, Cheri. I made a children’s story with it. It really came out great. Got some rave reviews.


  46. summerfield84

    I have just done in my Japanese blog.


  47. Leslie

    It took me a long time to get it right. But I did it. I did a little demo to show the necessary steps. Hope this will answer some of the questions people have. Demo:


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