<a href=Image by Julien Haler (CC BY 2.0)">

Image by Julien Haler (CC BY 2.0)

Spoil Your Appetite with Three Mouthwatering Food Blogs

Just in time for the weekend, a tasting menu of some of our very best food blogs, from the most decadent burgers ever created to macarons so beautiful you want to bite into your screen.

Blogging tends to make us hungry, which explains our tendency to highlight great food blogs. Today, you’re in for a particular treat: three food blogs that serve up gorgeous design on top of mouthwatering creations. Now, if only we could invent a Tasting Widget…


Don’t be alarmed by the site’s name — it’s perfectly safe for work, though probably less so for your keyboard (drool alert!). In this blog, burger-meister Matthew Ramsey unveils a new, groundbreaking masterpiece every week.


In case you were wondering, yes, the “buns” are fried mac and cheese.

Each burger-of-the-week gets a playful name — the lobster patty pictured above, for example, is the Mac Daddy, since it’s sandwiched between fried mac and cheese “buns.” Matthew is using the Kiore Moana theme, which offers full-bleed (no pun intended) featured images. That’s how we get to view each gorgeously stacked, perfectly shot creation in all its glory.

With the Grains

A refreshing palate-cleanser, anyone? Quelcy T. Kogel, the blogger behind With the Grains, started out by focusing on baking delicious pies using wholesome, organic ingredients. She’s since expanded her repertoire to include a weekly juice recipe, like the Spring Greens Juice below.

with the grains greens juice

Ginger, lettuce, and pear are only some of the healthy ingredients in this juice.

Her site, which uses the popular and versatile Twenty Twelve theme, channels the same loving attention to detail one sees in her food. Her custom header is truly custom: a handmade illustration depicting the grains from the site’s name. The sidebar’s social media links receive the same treatment, with Image Widgets containing bespoke drawings.

shiawase days

Amy, the Toronto-based pastry maker behind shiawase days, uses her blog to showcase her beautiful confections, inspired equally by Japanese and French traditions. Visiting her site for the first time really does feel like walking into a Japanese bakery: you want to grab everything in sight, but you don’t want to ruin the stunning visual effect.

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Macarons, mille-crêpes, and other mouthwatering pastries from Amy’s oven.

The precision and care you see in Amy’s food — from lavender macarons to green-tea waffles — seeps into the site’s overall vibe. Hatch, an especially ethereal theme, fits perfectly with these minimalist perfect bites.

Are you also a food blogger? Read more about our recently introduced Recipe Shortcode, or explore ways to present your creations in an enticing way using gallery styles or post sliders.

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  1. natalayacooke

    They look so delicious! :O


  2. sarlysweets

    Looks AMAZINGGGG!!!


  3. swo8

    I have had one of these delightful cookies. They melt in your mouth and go directly to your hips in seconds.


  4. runningbuffet

    Yikes. Posts like this make you realise how much further you can take a food-related blog. These ones look really good. I keep getting stuck at the “eating stuff” bit of the process. Clearly I need to put a bit more attention into the “writing about it” part.

    At least I have some great-looking sites to aspire to.


    • Ben Huberman

      I’m sure “getting stuck at the ‘eating stuff’ bit” is something many of us can relate to. 🙂


  5. isara.krieger

    Beautiful pictures! These are all great!


  6. Talking Trees Gallery

    Yikes! Get them behind me…..


  7. Charlotte Ortega

    Opulence in food for us and 95% of the world is starving. Sorry to be so miserable but for the 95 % of the world who starve it is more than miserable. I think about them every time I am lucky enough to eat when I need to!


  8. Dena

    These look great and beautiful. I especially like the burger photos. I agree: we need a tasting widget! As a food blogger, I’ve really been enjoying the new recipe shortcode and added it to every recipe on my site, Gathering Flavors. Have a great weekend. D


  9. Shikha la mode

    Great finds – I’m always looking for inspiration and WordPress has some very talented food lovers and makers.


  10. dalgicburcu

    Hmmm, yummy colours! 😉


  11. jtroyabell

    Now I’m hungry lol. I guess it is a good thing the pulled pork I have cooking will be finished very very soon 🙂 Keep up the good work!!!


  12. rubiescorner

    The macaroni bun is very interesting. I have never heard of such a thing, and I might try this. Thanks for sharing such interesting food ideas!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. cnatahki

    That porn burger looks sooooo good! I’d need to visit the gym all week to work it off,but worth it i’m sure!


  14. M-R

    There is an Englishwoman whose blog is becoming rapidly more well-known for a variety of reasons. Elaine’s blog is http://www.foodbod.wordpress.com; and not only does she cook the most amazingly mouth-watering and different vegetarian food with a middle eastern spice background, but she has also presented a whole raft of other food blogs via interview.
    I’m greatly disappointed you didn’t find her for this post …
    Perhaps another time ?


    • Ben Huberman

      Thanks for the tip! With the thousands of great food blogs around, we’re bound to miss out on some great ones.


  15. Stef

    I’d love to see some vegan food blogs highlighted as well. 🙂


    • Ben Huberman

      We included some blogs featuring vegan recipes in our last food blog roundup — you can try the link up in the post. That said, we’ll definitely keep our eyes open for great vegan blogs.


  16. Sweet Cinnamon

    Those macarons are gorgeous colors!


  17. Lulu Simawati

    At least don’t spoil your children. If you just spoil your appetite, it’s ok. LOL 😀


  18. Cenwen

    Hello 🙂 Thanks for all information! Do you know that there is a very large community of French and Francophone foodbloggers using wordpress.com? Discover us too 🙂 We could surprise you;) Good fresh and delicious day! 🙂 Regards 🙂 ♥


    • Ben Huberman

      While this blog focuses on English-language blogs, we occasionally do feature sites in other languages in posts that focus on great design or theme customization. If you have a couple of recommendations for good-looking food blogs in French, I’d be happy to visit them (and I’m sure others would be, too).


  19. Jumpingforsanity

    Oh my, the macarons are gorgeous! Probably shouldn’t be looking through this now… my tummy is growling.


  20. SweetCandyDreamer

    Yum! Great blogs!


  21. oliviaswimsalot

    Mmmmmmmm… yummy !!!


  22. mariec1234

    The porn burger looks amazing!!!
    Love the shiawase days blog, thank you 🙂


  23. sveltechic

    Gimme some.


  24. Costumed mama

    Mr. Ramsey, are you trying to seduce me? Yikes, with deliciously beautiful photos like those I’m going to be addicted to your style of porn.


  25. kjwallace7

    These look so pretty and delicious!


  26. Helen

    This post has made me hungry! Especially the macarons … delish.


  27. amberatvinegarlane

    I definitely need to start shooting some food inspiration!
    So vibrant and yummy.


  28. twoboredsisters

    These macaroons look amazing!


  29. hipsterczar

    And now it will be even harder to keep the diet going! Haha


  30. nawallovexo

    Food is my weakness.


  31. tingogritafuerte

    I want some!


  32. jamesrocklol

    i love those macaroons 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  33. allergicbaker

    I’ve just recently started my own food blog (working on investing in a nice camera for better pictures). I’m definitely a niche market for food blogs though, making gluten free, dairy free, egg free, soy free, nut free creations!
    Awesome blog, and full of great ideas!


  34. geoffers

    That burger looks crazy, I have to eat one.


  35. Rebecca Fieldhouse

    Great finds! Lots of good inspiration here.


  36. perlabee888

    Kudos, Quelcy, for branching into juicing! It’s definitely a delicious way of quickly nourishing ourselves. Sip it slowly, and you get the ENJOY element, too!


  37. Val Sanford

    I love those beautifully colored macaroon sandwich cookies. Yum.


  38. milk and marigolds girl

    Wow! Awesome picks Ben! I can’t get over the beautiful styling and photography of some of these sites. Totally want that Mac Daddy burger, but I’m celiac…booooo. Need to try to make this with g-free substitutes. Thanks for sharing.


  39. Cook & Note (@CookandNote)

    I have tried so many macaron flavors, but haven’t made lavender ones ever. The color looks beautiful. Will need to try some time.


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