New Themes: Bloggy and Oslo

Bring a fresh, sophisticated look to your blog with two new themes, Bloggy and Oslo.

Happy Theme Thursday. Today we’ve got two new premium themes that will bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to your blog.



Bloggy by Anariel Design is a simple and beautifully crafted responsive blogging theme. It uses a custom header image, post formats, and page templates to help you make the theme your own.



Oslo by Pixel Union is a stunning blend of refinement and organization. It’s a two-column theme fit for portfolio and general blog use, built around a customizable sidebar and beautiful typography.

As always, you can test drive any theme from Appearance → Themes.

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  1. aqilaqamar

    When will you guys start posting free themes again? And what happened to Vigilance is it still available?


    • Michelle Langston

      Hi there, we have new free themes coming, keep checking this blog for details. 🙂 The Vigilance theme is retired (we retire older themes periodically). If you were using Vigilance before we retired it, it’ll still be available for you. You can try searching for it under Appearance > Themes. If not, you can find other great themes in the theme Showcase. I hope this helps!


      • aqilaqamar

        awww ok thanks a lot 🙂 I still wish you didnt retire it it was a cool theme 😦


  2. Michael Meiser

    I like Bloggy for its grungy typewriter font (in headings) which reminds me of the good old days when we made typewritten student newspapers.


  3. Tech Geek

    Kudos to the coders for Bloggy, has a perfect blog feel. Oslo is more for personal / friend blogs IMHO.


  4. M-R

    I’ve been using Bloggy for a couple of weeks. Arial Design went to a lot of trouble to iron out a couple of glitches for me, and now everything’s marvellous. A great theme, this one !


  5. Audrey

    I love Bloggy also! Makes me want to spring for premium!


  6. amberrosalie

    Two lovely themes, but I wish they were free.. can’t really afford to pay for these things thee days. D:


  7. Steyn D

    I like the bloggy one, checking it out now.

    Oslo is good for picture centered blogs i guess.


  8. Sylvia Pimental

    WordPress that features any theme is the way to go while having a presence on the web. No reason to search out anywhere else.


  9. johnramos53

    Thanks for the themes! make them free next time 🙂


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