New Theme: Sketch

Whether you’re a professional illustrator, an aspiring photographer, or a painter, Sketch will ensure your portfolio looks stunning.

Today we’re happy to debut a new, free portfolio theme, Sketch!


Sketch WordPress Theme

Designed by yours truly, Sketch is a clean, modern theme for showcasing your best visual works. Whether you’re a professional illustrator, an aspiring photographer, or a painter, Sketch will ensure your portfolio looks stunning no matter the device or screen size.

Sketch Responsive Design

Further customize your site with a logo, showcase your favorites with a Featured Content slider, or spruce it up with a Custom Background or Header.

Take Sketch for a spin — visit the Theme Showcase to learn more, or activate it on your site by going to Appearance → Themes.

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  1. Darshan Gajara

    Beautiful, masterpiece of Art 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. smarrtli

    Reblogged this on Smarrtli's Blog and commented:
    This is absolutely clean.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. James Riddett

    Beautiful clean theme, well done Caroline!


  4. thesciencegeek

    Lovely clean crisp format. I would definitely use i for a blog containing lots of pictures
    The Science Geek

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Mary Jane Kinkade


    Liked by 1 person

  6. gorgeozo

    Really well done that’s a beautiful theme. I’m heading straight over to change mine now, thank you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. timethief

    It’s beautiful portfolio theme with such great features for graphic or photo display. It even has a site logo and social links menu. If I ever do an art blog I’ll choose this theme.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Michael Earls

    This looks great! Very clean and tidy.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Melia Warren

    How Amazing & Lovely she is 🙂

    This is an absolutely adorable theme.

    Thank you yours truly ( for sharing this theme & for making it available ❤


    Liked by 1 person

  10. Yaz

    Thats gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. negocie

    Very sweet


  12. tyrone mauldin

    Thank you for the info. I’m trying to take all valuable info, since I’m new to it.


  13. theheartofphotography

    I’m having trouble finding this theme … is there a way to download and then install manually?

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. minniex

    I don’t know how to activate the post slider.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. talkpro13

    Very innocent and clean.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Adam Alfath

    I don’t know… Today, simple design is the best design. User friendly

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Reham Al-Enezi

    Will give it a shot! Nice work


  18. izzywildheart



  19. ipanase

    ice theme, its maybe match for girls 😀


  20. Meagan

    Adorable. I’m in love.


  21. TheLastWord

    I love Sketch! Clean and neat. Thanks.


  22. emcleod44

    Neat! Excited to do more with this!


  23. chengwenqi

    Woah, absolutely nice and clean. Too bad i don’t do art.


  24. goodaysforsun

    This is so cute ❤


  25. leannemorrison2193

    Reblogged this on Random Thoughts and commented:
    This is so cute!! 🙂 I love it! 😀


  26. srihrithini1

    the sketchs are very good and neat


  27. KokkieH

    My wife does illustrations and I showed her this theme the moment I saw it. She loves it and will be making the switch soon.


  28. Lijin

    Wow! This is the one I was waiting for! Already activated for my blog OrangeSlate


  29. simpleblogger

    Reblogged this on .


  30. Michael Meiser

    Once again, a beautiful and clean design by Caroline. Keep up the good work!


  31. summermayorga

    “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”, and this portfolio theme is just that; simple yet inherently intriguing.


  32. mel

    so very pretty..well done, I’m off to check it out


  33. lyndasharp2

    Reblogged this on lyndasharp2 and commented:
    Now I simply have no excuses any more as to get back to my sketching talents from years past! A challenge for me as five year old grandson collect everything on sharks and dinosaurs……..


  34. DesignOrbital

    Beautiful theme with clean design and cool typography.


  35. writersdream9

    Lovely, really lovely!


  36. Krungwilachai

    Good, I liked the picture.


  37. katywaltersreviews

    Nice and fresh. Liked it.


  38. Inspirations By Katheryn

    Can we put a different theme on each page?


  39. Pati Montero

    Absolutely gorgeous theme! And the fact that you are able to set your own logo makes it feel like it’s really yours.

    However (mmm… sorry for that), there’s a small bug. When you resize the browser’s window, at some point you can see the menu overlapping the logo.

    I made a screenshot to give you a better idea. I hope this illustrates it.

    Thanks! I just love it. 🙂


  40. Den Lykkelige Amateur

    What a lovely and clean theme, with just enough quirkiness to give it some extra zing! Well done, it really filled a need for those blogs who need something special that they haven’t found in other themes. Well done. 🙂


  41. Lifelish

    It looks amazing.


  42. rehmanjafar

    Clean, nice and very expressive.


  43. nancyc

    Is this theme compatible with the WordAds program?


  44. NW Frame of Mind

    I’ve been looking for a new theme for months and absolutely love Sketch! It’s active on my blog now and I can’t wait to start working with it more tonight to set up a portfolio page and my social media icons. Thanks Caroline!


  45. Josh

    Hi Caroline,

    I love your theme, but I have a number of questions about it:

    1) How do you get your menu to be fully visible like in your example and not under a button that just says “Menu?”

    2) How do you get your sidebar to dissappear, like in your example?

    3) How do you get a large featured image with smaller images beneath it, like in your example?




    • Caroline Moore

      Howdy Josh!

      1) The Menu button will automatically appear for screen sizes less than 1280px wide
      2) Go to Appearance → Widgets in your Dashboard to remove any widgets from the sidebar area, and it will automatically display your content full width
      3) You can find out how to set up the Portfolio page template and the slider on the Theme Showcase page.

      I hope this helps, and that you’ll enjoy the theme!


  46. rhodainmanila

    This is gorgeous. Great work.


  47. sunny

    Well suited! Good day. *^^*


  48. sunny

    I want to know how to have social links. Help me! Could you explain a way to do this?

    Liked by 1 person

  49. MyDailyMinefield

    Does the theme support a tagline under the blog name? I’ve been using it on a second blog since it literally appeared on the WordPress theme page and I love it! Nice design!


  50. Clara Ray Rusinek Klein

    Re Caroline’s comment earlier: 1) The Menu button will automatically appear for screen sizes less than 1280px wide

    So for anything bigger than 1280 the menu items would just appear in a straight line one after the other with no menu button, and the menu button would just disappear? I’ve been trying to get them in a straight line without the menu button but I really couldn’t.

    Just want to make sure.


  51. Kellie

    Already switched! Really lovely theme. I’m wondering how you set your demo to partial or paged feeds though as it isn’t working for me via Dashboard>Settings>Reading. Oh. And can visitors comment or like projects in the portfolio?

    Liked by 1 person

  52. Tyler Furgerson

    Hi Caroline, great work! Could you point me in the right direction – I cannot figure out how to enable the Post Slider feature. Thanks for your great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  53. MyDailyMinefield

    Does the theme support a tag line under the blog name?

    Liked by 1 person

  54. marinepascual143

    It is a wonderful piece of art and it is the best theme that I have ever seen.


  55. nezak6

    It’s beautiful and very clean.

    Liked by 1 person

  56. jaynecharnley

    Love this!! modern yet quirky! definitely my kind of format!

    Liked by 1 person

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