March Blogging U. Courses: Blogging and Photo 101

Registration for March’s courses is now closed — check back later in the month to see what’s coming up in April!

Registration for March’s Blogging U. courses is now closed, and both courses have started. Check back later in the month to learn more and register for April’s offerings!

And you'll get a badge! Who doesn't love a badge?

Blogging 101: Zero to Hero — March 2 – 20

Blogging 101 is three weeks of bite-size assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” Every weekday, you’ll get a new assignment to help you publish a post, customize your blog, or engage with the community. Whether you’re just getting started or want to revive a dormant blog, we’ll help you build blogging habits and connections that will keep you going over the long haul.

You’ll walk away with a stronger focus for your blog, several published posts and a handful of drafts, a theme that reflects your personality, a small (but growing!) audience, a grasp of blogging etiquette — and a bunch of new friends.


Photography 101: A Photo a Day — March 2 – 27

Photography 101 is a photo-a-day challenge. You’ll publish new posts, make new friends, and hone your photographer’s eye.

Photography 101 is a four-week, intro-level course open to all, from new bloggers to hobbyist photographers to pro-shooters. Use the camera you like: a phone, a point-and-shoot, or a dSLR. Each weekday, we’ll give you a new photography theme and tip — we might share advice on composition, tips on working with different light sources, or image editing ideas — and the community critique will inspire and motivate you.

How do Blogging U. courses work?

Blogging U. courses exist for one reason: to help you meet your own blogging goals.

  • Courses are free, flexible, and open to all.
  • You’ll get a new task to complete each day, along with some advice and resources. Do them on your own time, and interpret them however makes sense for your specific blog and personal goals — we’re not grading you, we’re not checking that you complete every task, and there’s no “wrong” way to use the resources we give you.
  • You’ll receive each assignment via email. Each assignment will contain all the inspiration and instructions you need to complete it. Weekends are free.
  • Each course will have a private community site, the Commons, for chatting, connecting, and seeking feedback and support. Daily Post staff and Happiness Engineers will be on hand to answer your questions and offer guidance.

How do I register?

While you’re free to register for both, we encourage you to try one course at a time, to be sure you get the most out of the experience. All courses will be repeated throughout 2015.

To register, fill out this short form. Registration for each course remains open until the day before the course begins. You won’t receive an automated confirmation email, but you’ll receive a welcome email with more detailed instructions before your course(s) begin.

Registration for these courses is now closed. We’ll announce April’s Blogging U. offerings later in the month!

Missing out on the latest developments? Enter your email below to receive future announcements direct to your inbox. An email confirmation will be sent before you will start receiving notifications—please check your spam folder if you don't receive this.

Join 107.9M other subscribers


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  1. Anna

    Quick question, I subscribe to Daily Post , but since I no longer take part on Blogging U courses, how can I “unsubscribe” from these particular posts? (I still like to get the prompts, tips and weekly photo challenge).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Michelle W.

      They’re just posts publicly posted on The Daily Post, so if you get notifications of new posts you’ll get assignments as well. However, starting in March, we’re moving to all-email delivery of assignments, so you won’t see any more posts.

      Liked by 6 people

  2. ©rys Em

    So excited to start this. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Mitch Zeissler

    There was mention awhile back of having a Photography 201 course, any updates you can share on that?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. worthywitness

    Can you sign me up for both courses – great idea


  5. Alex

    Reblogged this on Alex Gustafson and commented:

    I’m going to be helping out the community in Blogging 101. It’s a great resource if you need some help or motivation on your blog. I helped out with Blogging 201 in February and the folks were a lot of fun. 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Cui 6 arts 崔氏六藝

    How much will be cost if to involve the Blogging 101?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. gretacabaret

    I look forward to taking the class..although I have many posts I’d like to learn how to change my settings and increase readership of my blog….

    Liked by 1 person

  8. nancysolomon

    I would SO love to do the blogging 101. BUT I’m having knee replacement surgery on March 10 and expect to be loopy for at two to three weeks. Will you offer it again soon? Or could I take the classes through the 9th and then catch up when the pain meds wear off?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Michelle W.

      We’ll definitely be offering it again throughout 2015! But you can also take the course and catch up as you can; it’s all voluntary, and we’re not keeping track of you.


  9. fifthelement7

    Sign me up!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Dabbas Portfolio

    Ok,,,where do I “sign-up” ?? I need this….

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hannah

    I’m looking forward to participating with others, the previous courses have been a great help 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. jeanlbk

    Please sign me up for the next course. I need this.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. rachel's book nook

    Thanks for offering these free courses. They sound fantastic. I just signed up for the Blogging 101 and would like to try the photo one another time.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. fromthefootpath

    Thanks Guys – one of my challenges this year was to revive and complete the set-up of my blog commenced quite a few years ago, but languished – much better than Facebook.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. johnlawgt

    Dear Michelle,

    Please send me the registration form Blogging 101 course. Thank you.

    John Law.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. tuesdaysupergirl

    hey i can’t wait to participate!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Maiko Natsukawa

    Thanks. Just registered for blogging101. Would like to get my blogs going strong. Looking forward to the new learnings.


  18. kipchepelvis

    Being new in this platform I can’t wait to go through the assignments you are offering to acquint me with the necesssary knowledge I require write great blogs.Thanks so much!


  19. nirali1990

    Excited and looking forward


  20. dyule2014

    Thank you from all our group who will be attending these courses I will make a extra time available so I will have more knowledge and understanding of Word Press.


  21. ayahassoun

    Thanks I can’t wait to get started! I’m just wondering when does it start ?


  22. Juliana Lightle

    Thinking about taking this to learn more even though I have been blogging for three years.  Is this for me?


    • Michelle W.

      Lots of folks who have been blogging for a while take these courses; you may find that you’ve already done some of the things we cover, but it can be a really good way to re-charge your blog.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. lvsrao

    Thank you. Just registered for Blogging101.


  24. David

    Probably a really dumb question, but are we doing these assignments and posting them on our personal site or through the commons?


  25. artseafartsea

    Looking forward to the Photo class!


  26. hanjajvr

    Is it too late to register for the March course? I am unable to find the embedded registration form..


  27. invisibleinker

    I missed the deadline to register. When will this happen again?


  28. Katja Solomatina

    Dear Michelle,
    As it is still 1 day before the course starts, is it possible to register? This is soo totally at the right moment for me to follow. Thanks and regards from Amsterdam. Katja


  29. Tony

    Hi. I registered for the ‘Blogging 101’ course before realising that I had done the ‘Blogging 201’ course last year. Would I still benefit from this course? Sounds like fun.


  30. jameeny

    I seem to have missed the deadline. But hope to take part in the course via your public posts. Thanks for initiating this course!


  31. Un pied ici, un pied la-bàs

    Hi Michelle, I am thinking to sign up for blogging U. The thing is that I currently blog in French… I have long hesitated for previous sessions. Do you think it would still be useful for me? I guess blogging is a kind of universal think, right?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michelle W.

      We’ve had many non-English-speaking bloggers participate, and they often find other participants who speak their language, so they can support one another. You’ll never know if it will be useful until you try 🙂


  32. augokissas

    So, it’s first of March & I cannot participate. Is that right or I have still an opportunity?
    I may send my registration form right way! I missed it.


  33. maggiemaysgifts

    I missed the registration! If assignments only come by email, can i still follow along somehow? Thanks


  34. odieandpenelope

    Is there anyway I can still sign up for the March Blogging course? I’ve wanted to do this for a while and keep missing the registration deadline! I thought today was the last day to sign up, and sadly discovered that registration is closed again. Please help. Thanks for your consideration.


  35. Jo-Ann

    Hi, I know I am late, but is there any possibility to still join March Photo 101?


  36. a Scented Muse

    Hello. It states that one can sign up until the day before the course. Yet we are unable to sign up right now – was that within 24 hours before course begins? Please advise. I would like to sign up for blogging 101.


  37. The Ultimate Fashionista

    Help! I can’t seem to find the form to register for this course. I keep getting a message stating the following.

    Registration Period Over.

    Registration for the current sessions of Blogging U. are now closed. But don’t worry! All the assignments are publicly posted here — feel free to follow along! Registration for March 2015 courses will open at the end of February.


  38. Yayati

    I’m just getting started. How do i be a part of the Blogging 101 course ?


    • Michelle W.

      Fill out the form right in this post (there was a snafu in the form settings that caused it to close a little too early; it’s back now!).


  39. Srdjana

    Please send me the registration form Blogging 101 course. Thank you.


  40. odieandpenelope

    Thank you Michelle! I just signed up and am very excited!


  41. theblackju

    How do I register?


  42. Taciturn Alchemy

    One of my goals this year is to learn the craft of blogging. I’ve had one for just over a year, but I haven’t done much with it since July 2014. Here’s to continuing education!

    Liked by 1 person

  43. butterbaconbinoculars

    registration is now working. I clicked on seal and nothing but bigger seal happens. I want to do blogging 101 I am clueless but have started a blog

    Liked by 1 person

  44. butterbaconbinoculars

    This is why I dislike these sites. A course is offered and says sunday night, only to find that at 3:52 it is closed. why bother to offer anyting at all. lame. blogging U is lame. PS this is march lst, the end of February. no thanks


  45. Kathy Peterman

    It says registration is open until the day before the course begins. Today is the day before, but it won’t let me register. Any way around this or should the language be changed?


    • Michelle W.

      Both courses began at midnight GMT on March 2; registration was open through 11:59PM on March 1. Registration for April’s sessions will open later this month.


  46. Belle Baker

    Can I please register?? In in Australia, it’s Monday morning here…I’d really like to get stuck in this month, not next! Thanking you in advance!


    • Michelle W.

      Registration for March’s courses was open through Sunday night (March 1), but is now closed as the courses have begun. (Everything is run on the GMT/UTC time zone.) Both courses will be back multiple times throughout 2015, though!


  47. ginagoodwin

    HI, I am still interested but cannot see the form. Thank you. Gina Goodwin


    • Michelle W.

      Registration for March’s courses was open through Sunday night (March 1), but is now closed as the courses have begun. Both courses will be back multiple times throughout 2015, though!


  48. mkerby67

    I want to register for blogging 101…….is it closed now?!


    • Michelle W.

      Registration for March’s courses was open through Sunday night (March 1), but is now closed as the courses have begun. Both courses will be back multiple times throughout 2015, though!

      Liked by 1 person

  49. Deena Bowman

    Hi Michelle!

    Still getting this message (it’s 8:02 PST):

    Registration Period Over

    Registration for the current sessions of Blogging U. are now closed. But don’t worry! All the assignments are publicly posted here — feel free to follow along! Registration for March 2015 courses will open at the end of February.


    • Michelle W.

      Hmm — registration would have been closed at that point, but that’s not the message you should have seen! Thanks for letting me know.


  50. Pam Hughes

    I’ve had this account for a long time and have never ventured too far into blogging. Now, I’m hoping for the incentive to get these fingers and brain clicking!


  51. starbriteasparkles

    Late, but can I still register for Photography 101?


    • Michelle W.

      Registration for March’s courses was open through Sunday night (March 1), but is now closed as the courses have begun. Both courses will be back multiple times throughout 2015, though! (All times are based on the GMT/UTC time zone).


  52. Kira's World

    Hi, can i still sign up? i have clicked the image and it’s no longer showing the form. this is my first time blogging and i really wanna learn. tnx


  53. invisibleinker

    It still says registration is closed. Am I too late?


  54. thepiperatthegatesofyawn

    @Michelle W, Yes I want to register. I tried yesterday but it said registration was closed. It also said I could still follow the assignments that would be posted on the site, but I cant see them. Maybe because I’m in a different time zone and the course hasnt started yet. But yeah, if registration is still on, I’d love to register and be actively involved


  55. Kathie Gregory (@KathieJGregory)

    Hi, I’ve missed the March course by a day, damn! I looked yesterday, 1st, but the registration had closed. I’m keen to get going and don’t want to wait for the April course, so is it possible to join the March one and catch up? Thanks kathie


    • Michelle W.

      Registration for March’s courses was open through Sunday night (March 1), but is now closed as the courses have begun. Both courses will be back multiple times throughout 2015, though!


  56. DianaX

    hi there, I am interested in registering for photo 101 but I can’t see any form, thanks


    • Michelle W.

      Registration for March’s courses was open through Sunday night (March 1), but is now closed as the courses have begun. Both courses will be back multiple times throughout 2015, though!


  57. Srdjana

    Michelle, how should I do to change my notification? I signed up for Blogging 101. It would be Photo 101 but I went email for Blogging 101. Can you help me? Thank you.


  58. Mark Anderson

    I am disappointed! I didn’t receive the e-mail announcing the courses until this morning, when the registration was already closed. Maybe next time?


  59. terryb

    While I was busy finishing up with Writing 201: Poetry, I missed the sign-up for Photography 101. Is there a way that I can participate in the event even though I wouldn’t be part of the Commons? I enjoyed it so much the last time, I wanted to give it another go round.
    Thanks for your help Michelle!


  60. Raina Elizabeth

    I do not see the “short form to fill out”. I only see a field to put my email address for a newsletter. I’d like to do the blogging 101 course that starts today.


    • Michelle W.

      Registration for March’s courses was open through Sunday night (March 1), but is now closed as the courses have begun. Both courses will be back multiple times throughout 2015, though!


  61. Relish

    I registered for both Blogging 101 and Photo 101 courses. Even though I received the confirmation email, I cannot login to the Commons. Could you please help me? Thanks!


    • Michelle W.

      I just re-sent you an invitation to the Photo 101 site, so check your email! Our database shows that you already have access to the Blogging 101 site — what happens when you try to visit?


  62. jemarshall49

    Please allow more notice when registration is open. I too did not see this until this morning. I’ve missed the Blogging course several times. I hope your course is full; maybe those of us who missed registration won’t feel as bad. And if there is still space, perhaps allowing an extra day or two wouldn’t hurt.


  63. JodithSully

    I signed up for both course, but I have only received emails about Blogging 101. Is there a way to fix this?


  64. Janice Malone at ELA Seminars

    I signed up for this. When will I receive my first assignment?


  65. tateshields

    Hi! Looks like I better catch Blogging 101 in the future. Thanks



  66. majeao2

    Michelle! my email address fail on Saturday Feb. 28th and was fixed on March 2nd (Today). I wrote you cause I’m registered for the course “Photo 101″ under a user name”Asoquveque” but I want to use this one instead and now the inscriptions are closed, we really want to do the this, please help us!


  67. Taciturn Alchemy

    Watch your junk mail folders, friends. My email delivered there.


  68. On the Road to Recovery

    Argh … wound up in the hospital for several days. Not possible to take this course now??? If not, a sad okay. But if there’s any way, I’d be forever grateful.


    David Blacksmith


  69. erinsmithphotographyllc

    I registered for both courses but I have not received an email for either. Can I still take these courses?


    • Michelle W.

      There was a typo in the email address you submitted. I’ve just sent you invitations to the private sites for both courses, and you’ll be able to find the first few assignments there.

      I can start the emails for you, but you’ll be getting them a few days behind everyone else. Let me know if you’d like me to do that anyway, or if you’ll just grab the assignments from the private sites.


  70. myartisticphotos

    Is there a way to email me when the registration for the next Photo 101 session opens?



  71. ddlozier

    the email announcing this course arrived on the 27th and the course started just a few days later. I was out of internet contact and missed it. Is it possible to have a longer lead time in the announcements for these courses? I am particularly interested the Photo blogging course.


    • Michelle W.

      Thanks for the feedback; we’ll be pushing them back a bit in the future. Photo 101 will definitely be back a few more times in 2015.


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