Login up front

We’ve added a login form to the front page, so you don’t have to find it on your blog’s theme any more. (Though you still can.) When you’re logged in it will also show a list of all the blogs you are a member of.

While we’re making changes, we should also see about making this blog public? Ahh templates. We should probably just end up with a small listing on the front page, let’s see how this goes…

Update: Everything is live, and I also added a listing of blogs you are a member of if you’re already logged in.

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  1. cyberwiz

    How do I get a free blog at wordpress.com ? wordpress.org says that i can sign up for one from this site.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. anonymous

    Yes. What the above poster said. Is this supposed to be a blog hosting service? There are no links to any hosting service of any kind on this site. It seem to go nowhere.

    If you’re trying to run some kind of site rather than just one blog, it might be an idea for your main page to link to the main site.


  3. Matt

    There is a link on the front page that says “signup here” in the right sidebar. If you click that you can get an account.


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