Theme Friday

It’s that time of the week again: new themes! We’ve got four new ones to keep you hopping:

Fresh Bananas is a nice blueish theme that has a very clean theme. Funnily enough, it has no yellow.

Shocking Blue Green isn’t that shocking, but it is a flexible-width and simple design in nice pastels.

Rubric is a nice wide theme with a pen on top, good for journals or more academic-minded blogs.

Finally, White as Milk is a very simple, very clean and narrow theme that’s pretty much as basic as you can get. If you’re a minimalist this might be the one for you.

Hope you guys enjoy everything!

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  1. Rishi

    Nice! I love Rubric and White as Milk. Very clean.


  2. xxxtine

    how come i can’t see “rubric?


  3. James

    Three of them look pretty nice, but Rubric is missing. It does not appear in with the other themes. I even searched the page for the name. What happen?


  4. Matt

    It wasn’t deployed to all the servers properly, if you reload now you should see it.


  5. Chrono Cr@cker

    Brilliant matt, absolutely brilliant.. I’m loving all this and Worpdress is getting better and better. Thanks a ton for responding to the feedback of us users and getting these themes up..

    One more thing, could you change the basic font for the Contempt theme, Tahoma or Verdana would definitely rock.

    Thank you & may the revolution rock!


  6. fukutani

    De muito bom gosto este tema. Me impressionou muito. Aliás, todos os temas são de ótimo bom gosto.


  7. linux

    Shocking Blue Green 1.0 – nice one


  8. Lozbo

    I really like those thanx! Well, white as milk is too simple for me but I think some people would still like it…


  9. gettingcomplex

    Rubric is really very very nice…clean!!


  10. sysop

    thank you for the great themes.


  11. Stephen

    Are you still accepting requests? Because I’d really like to see Red Is Nice be added.


  12. redforkhippie

    I like these. Thanks for adding them!

    One question, though: Why doesn’t Regulus show up on some older browsers? It looks great on Safari, but when I pull it up in IE — or, God forbid, try to look at it on my ancient Mac at work, which is an OS 9.2 machine with a rather geriatric version of Netscape — it says it’s finished loading but just shows a blank screen.

    Also, is there any chance Toni and some of the others that don’t currently display taglines could be modified to display them? Toni is my favorite (the daisies look appropriate for hippy-dippy me), but it doesn’t show my tagline.


  13. Sinn

    Thanks for all the great new themes. I just love Rubric.


  14. T8y8

    Great new themes!

    However, the new themes suffer from the same problem as the default wordpress theme. The RSS feeds have a ‘feed:’ in the url, making it return an error when clicked in IE, Firefox, and Opera.


  15. judyk

    Thanks so much for the new themes. I’ll stay with Regulus since it has a calendar. Could you find a few more themes that have a calendar? I especially like China Red. That theme would also appeal to those who are asking for a dark theme. Keep up the good work.


  16. Gymshoes

    I love that you are adding new themes every Friday. 🙂 You still need more warm colored themes, though. I suggest: Red Train, China Red, and Anthurium Mix. China Red is probably the best warm theme I’ve seen which doesn’t have a dominent theme image. Red Train is a rare combination: a warm urban design…and doubles as a travel theme (plan your vacation blog now!) 😉 You are sorely lacking in floral designs, so Anthurium also does double duty as a warm theme and a floral theme.

    And speaking of florals: Just A Tulip, Mixed Bouquet, and Iris are all beautiful and varied. With spring around the corner, you should give a thought to adding these, too. 🙂


  17. Pingback: Dr. Mike’s Blog » It’s Theme Friday
  18. taraden

    thanks for the new themes, now i just have to decide which one i want to use. ha ha


  19. drhaisook


    I’d like also to see more themes with font: [Arial 8pt]

    Thanks again.


  20. zhaol

    Rubric 1.0 is a great theme. I like it. Its column is a bit wider than others, which can cover more content. thanks


  21. blaze

    Keep up the good work guys.



  22. Pingback: Capgirl » Blog Archive » More templates
  23. capgirl

    thanks! i’ve changed to White as Milk!


  24. mp3s

    What about WP-Andreas09 then? Of all 3 column themes, that is my true fav… And the only way I can use it is to ask again! So… please!


  25. nokrev

    Thanks Matt. However, as noted on the forums, if you use `` tags, you'll find the hidden yellow in Fresh Bananas.

    Again, thanks for including my theme. :)


  26. shashikiran

    Rubric is good.However there are no customizable themes other than Regulus 2. 😦


  27. Damien

    Great themes – can we have a 3 col layout please …. so can add in modules from and other sites


  28. Emily

    So thrilled that you continue to add themes to the repertoire (sp?)! And I’m excited about the trend of adding new themes on Friday! Gives us something to look forward to in addition to the weekened 🙂 Nice choices — I’ve just switched my blog’s theme over to Rubric

    One note regarding the previous addition of the Banana Smoothie theme — I can’t see that theme as being suitable for many blogs due to it’s banana graphics on the page, the smoothie recipe, etc and am not sure why it was one of the few themes out of so many options that was chosen when there are still so many themes that would be far more pleasing to a wider audience.

    IMHO, themes like WP-Andreas09, which were designed specifically to take advantage of the new Theme Options tab should be given priority.

    And how ’bout some more themes that would appeal to a large audience like Flex (or Tonus), Maple Leaf, Blue Radiant, Gentle Calm, FastTrack, fSubtle, Gila, and as requested by others, Anthurium Mix, China Red, Red Train..

    Also, artsemerging is a nice clean theme and satisfies a lot of requests in that it has a calender, displays pages and subpages, displays child categories beneath their parent categories, etc.

    I love themes 🙂 (does it show?)


  29. comodisc

    I’m loving the choices, makes it easy to find one that totally fits… and theme Friday is always good news


  30. bf2blog

    Themes are great, for cookie cutters. Kudos to the theme authors for devoting the time to build these fine themes.

    With something as personal as blogging, its akin to being forced to wear one of several uniforms. This is a neverending “can we add x theme” quest. That said, why can’t we just edit the theme ourselves?


  31. charlz

    White as Milk 1.0 Theme doesn’t seem to show the trackback URI on each post. Can you update the template to support it please?


  32. lihatlah

    i love hemmingway very much.
    i looks macho right 🙂


  33. sani

    I would love to see Iris and Mixed Bouquet added!
    They are both great for Spring!


  34. andrea

    I love the new themes. Nice work! 😀


  35. webbeck

    I am a web site designer and a minimalist, if that means that I use Flash sparingly and build all my sites with XHML & CSS. I chose your “milk” theme strictly because it is simple, clean, neat, and way cool.
    I gotta say that, after viewing (and trying to install) a dozen blogs, WordPress is simply the best.
    I know that people express their thanks to you guys for all your work, but speaking as a designer I realize that you took on a bear of a job and made it work splendidly. That’s a helluva job. Thank you,
    Johnny Beckman


  36. Charm

    Cool themes! I especially like the Rubric one. 🙂


  37. bermudahomeschooler

    White as Milk–I like the fact that it shows the about/tagline, shows categories used, and categories links. Default Blue, Sapphire, and Contempt also do that. I love the colors in Blix, can you please change the categories and links to the functionality of those mentioned above.

    Hemingway is cool too if it had same functionality as above and came in lighter, funner greens. Thanks


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  40. randomstep

    Love the work, thanks for all the sweat (and blood?) you guys put into this. 🙂 Just deleted half my comment when I saw the instructions not to ask questions here. 😛 Maybe that should be at the TOP of the “Leave a Reply” section…


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