Get Your Flickr Widget Here!

It's a Good Friday to be on this site! We have a little surprise for everyone. We added a new widget this morning, you can now display photos from your Flickr stream on your blog!

Check your Sidebar configuration screen by clicking on Presentation and following the link to "Sidebar Widgets". Drag and drop the widget into your sidebar and configure it there. You'll need to copy and paste the URL of your Flickr RSS feed into a text box but that's explained with the help of a screenshot.

Edit: Find out what others are saying about Flickr here or subscribe to the RSS feed for the flickr tag!

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  1. chaoticmind

    this is great!!! thank you guys! :*


  2. sweska

    love it!!!…now for the Flickr Slideshow 🙂


  3. dzentelman

    nice 🙂


  4. *version-3-point-1

    Admin – I love you.


  5. deanwirth

    im so new to this site just figuring it out but think it will be grrreat!!!


  6. blagermeister admins add Flickr widget

    I’m going to have to change my theme so I can take advantage of these widgets. The WP admins added a Flickr widget that will grab your Flickr RSS stream and display the photos in your sidebar.
    But now that we’ve gone knee-deep in widgets, h…


  7. watershed

    woohoo! Just in time- I just joined flickr this week and now and a terrible addiction…


  8. chaoticmind

    great job guys… I’m luvin it! 🙂


  9. Pingback: The lost outpost » Blog Archive » Flickr photos in the sidebar
  10. Lee Kelleher

    Brilliant! Just what we’ve been waiting for! 😀


  11. gpessia



  12. zelig

    Thank you guys.


  13. Destiny



  14. Livia

    Thank you guys! Awesome feature. WordPress keeps on rocking.


  15. MadMark

    Finally you did it!!! Great Job!!!


  16. .i dream in red.

    nice! you guys rock.


  17. myscribbles

    I have been trying to find a way around this problem since I started using WordPress. Of course there is this method of cutting and pasting their code onto the WordPress template, but since I don’t host my blog anywhere, this was impossible for me.

    Now that you have done it for me yourselves, I am utterly grateful. Thanks a bunch! I’m ‘onna try it right away!


  18. Ridzwan



  19. bombie

    WordPress is the best!


  20. unzelblog

    i dont know what flickr is but i think its very cool judging by the reaction of the people ’round here


  21. Zoe



  22. paradox

    Oh awesome! It works with Zooomr too! Thanks wordpress team!


  23. Rushi Vishavadia

    Great Widget! WP rocks!


  24. donairsaredisgusting

    Thank you so much!


  25. taraden

    YAY!!! I (and alot of others) have been waiting for this one! Thank you so much! We love you WordPress!! 🙂


  26. Pingback: A tiny blip in the continuum » Blog Archive » Woot! Mo’ widgets!
  27. Christian

    Thanx. That pretty cool! You rock.
    Is it possible to have something like a slideshow? In my blog the photo always stays the same.


  28. Stephen

    Thanks for adding the Flickr! It would be nice if the widget were centered… it’s blocky and to the far left on most themes.


  29. Michele Sabatier

    I know I’m begging for a flame fest here, so let me preface my comment with the disclaimer that I am not a Christian, and have laughed at more than my share of highly irreverent and probably sacreligious jokes. But I gotta say it’s in pretty poor taste to use this Good Friday reference to promote your new feature.

    The day commemorating the death of Jesus — the key to the basic tenent of one of the world’s major religions — is a high holy day of fasting and mourning. Not unlike Yom Kippur. It’s kind of rude to use it in this way.

    I’m not saying you’re going to Hell or anything. And I’m certainly not pulling my little blog off of WP. But I’d expect a little better discretion on your part.



  30. the babycub

    A nice addition. If you could add a little customisation it would be perfect. Options to have compact thumbnails (i.e. thumbnails butt against each other), a two-up display and square thumbnails would be great. I have seen flickr displays on other blogs with these characteristics and they look great without taking up too much space.


  31. desimaharaja

    You guys are always working hard! This is awesome!! 🙂


  32. Matt

    Michele, sorry it came across that way. For what it’s worth, both Donncha and I are Catholic and we didn’t mean it in any sort of disrepectful way. We hope you enjoy the feature anyway, despite any perceived faux paus in our introduction of it.


  33. Pingback: Netweb » Blog Archive » flickr feeds and feed stats now on blogs
  34. Kristy

    Wishes do come true!!! I sent a “wish” to the wordpress feeback last week saying that I wished we could have flickr badges on our pages and lo and behold my wish came true!!!


  35. shashikiran

    Hey…its just awesome widget….
    But, would have been really great if it displayed pics in random (like an available plugin) and not just the latest photos(which is what got by rss)
    thanks anyways.


  36. tabreziqbal

    yes, an option to display images at random from a particular tag would be useful.
    any photo that we would like to be displayed on the blog can be tagged as ‘wordpress’ and then the plugin can be made to randomly pick the images from such a collection.


  37. Boris Popov

    Way cool!


  38. Pingback: The Babel Machine » Blog Archive » flickr widget is here
  39. Michele Sabatier

    Yes yes!

    tabreziqbal’s idea about picking up photos from a particular tag to display randomly on the WP site. Beautiful. Perfection.

    Thanks for the acknowledgement on the Good Friday thing, Matt. No harm done — well, unless you count the server problems that just happened to fall on Easter Sunday. Hmmmm … 🙂


  40. Donncha

    If you want to display photos from only one tag, simply go the Flickr page for that tag and scroll to the bottom and find the rss feed for it.
    Showing random photos is a good idea but we can only work with what’s in the feed which is unlikely to be every image in a tag.
    As an example page, here’s my Ireland tag. Scroll to the bottom and you’ll see the RSS feed links!


  41. Sankar

    Finally, it’s here!!! This is really great. I am yet to configure this and I am looking forward to this. I am not sure if the slideshow will work here, but I hope so. If not, that is next on my wishlist.


  42. Sankar

    Looking forward for a slideshot option in that or just the list of photos can keep scrolling. That would be really cool.


  43. Jota A

    Thanks for this, and also for adding widget capability on Regulus!!! I’m finally part of the widget-family!!!



  44. akhater

    Finally 🙂 I’be been asking for that one for so llong 🙂


  45. K

    I knew this widget was coming. Great feature.


  46. sassenach

    Thanks so much! I’ve been waiting for this widget 😀


  47. Brandon

    Think we can get an update for Connections 1.0? or do we have to change to a new template?


  48. Pingback: kOoL solutions » the look of the blog
  49. vinodvv

    you guys rock, keep up the good work


  50. techbee

    You are doing everything you can to glue me to a account, right?…How I am ever going to leave you to fly solo on a hostdomain?


  51. Pingback: Projections of me onto a set of temporal vectors » Not only Flickr Widget! Works for Buzznet too.
  52. green

    Woohoo, nice!!!! 😀


  53. chowrescue

    wowie! it’s beautiful, I wish we could do this for petfinder… they use javascript and that won’t work on


  54. Gail Ann Williams

    thank you! hard to imagine getting even more ways to use flickr images here. now we can arrange it from flickr or from here — how nice!


  55. Mattvn

    Thanks a lot for your work! So nice 🙂


  56. whiskeykitten

    I’m such a flickr addict, that I will have to change my blog theme so that I can get the widget (which doesn’t seem to be available when you use the Hemmingway theme 😦 )


  57. mrblake

    – love this! some sort of randowm display functionality would be fantastic tho!


  58. wheelocksworld

    Ok, so where the heck to I go to get this widget? Maybe I am just stupid or something, but when I click on the get your widget here link it just brings me to the same page.



  59. sell0r

    Great. Thanks


  60. mitjamavsar

    jeah. I miss random too. Thanks anyhow.


  61. traceyambrose

    I’d prefer just to be able to create my own in the flickr tool and cut and paste the code into my own widjet, much muc more customisation available that way.

    While this feature is great for the general community, it’s not so great to have a white flickr stream on a black template.


  62. Pingback: Hidden Feature: The Flickr Sidebar Widget Supports Zooomr « Jonathan Rascher’s Blog

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