World Cup Tags

Excited about this year’s World Cup? There is some great writing going on around on it, join in on the conversation and check out these tags:

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  1. rbonini

    You might want to add World Cup 2006 – just saw it in the tags page


  2. Sophie

    Great idea, but what about other languages?!


  3. P. A. Monteiro

    Hey, I’ve got a World Cup 2006 tag going on my blog, but at least you guys are pointing to the world cup :-).


  4. ychittaranjan

    Those tags do contain some serious blogs maan! And loads of information, raves, rants, reviews, nitpickings, hero-worshippings and whatnot! Keep it up WPers:)

    BTW, I noticed that this page showed [No Responses to “World Cup Tags”] even though there was ONE Comment! Check out the screenie


  5. kapeka

    I would add “wm2006”, this is more for the german reader


  6. Sophie

    That’s what I would suggest, kapeka. My tag: wm 2006, with a blank.


  7. gapp

    how come Brazil is missing… lol


  8. aabiransabeel

    I got my predictions going on in my blog, alas I didn’t use those tags, maybe I should! Thanks for your hard work as usual!


  9. kapeka

    @Sophie: I use it without a blank, because thats better usable in Technorati etc.


  10. Boz

    I got an idea for a new blog. — it’s based one one of mine:

    2,006 Whirled Cups of Comedy

    Check my WordPress account to learn more my other life-threatening activities. Don’t be afraid!


  11. 幽子

    That’s a great news!



  12. sanyuja

    Woo hoo!


  13. kapeka
  14. Donncha

    And then there’s Matt’s blog who has dedicated his blog to covering the World Cup and generally writing funny and wacky stuff. 🙂


  15. akechi

    i say argentina wins..


  16. carlosvaldez

    Hey people,
    I have taken it onto myself to produce perhaps themost unique world cup diary ever written. Every game watched and recorded then chucked out here>>>

    ANyone who is interested in the football please check it out.
    all feedback welcome, for good or ill.
    Carlos Valdez


  17. britgirl

    I’m doing a short review on the World Cup 2006 matches as I see them. I won’t be able to catch all of them, but those I do, and those that are really meaningful for me,(England for example!) I’ll be blogging about on.


  18. dreamnepal

    Hmm..everyone is so sucked up into the world cup. I watched most of the matches but was sad to see the lacklustre from the brazilian side. And, yet, I hope to see Brazil go through…I think I am writing something on this too…


  19. Jota A

    World Cup has taken all my time previously dedicated to blog… 😦

    OK, not only my time dedicated to blog. It has taken over almost ALL of my time, period.


  20. Justin

    Yeah, i’ve been loving watching the world cup – Go Australia! i’ve written a few posts myself on my blog under a few of these tags.


  21. strambinha

    I use a misterious system, but here is my tag for the world cup: torcendo.

    Go Brazil!!!


  22. swartzonmedia

    Nice…I don’t have time to look at them right now, but I know I will. It sucks the USA is out now, but I expected it, but the cup is still fun to watch. Thanks for this page.


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