Post Videos from Grouper

Attention video sharing bloggers: Grouper has landed. They now have a “Post to WordPress” button that reduces the task to just a couple of clicks. This is our best video sharing feature ever and the folks at Grouper did most of the work. Take a look at this: What could be easier?

Some details you might want to know about: Autoplay will cause your video to start playing as soon as a visitor loads the page. Please respect your visitors! We have made sure that only the first Autoplay on a page will start automatically. You won’t have to worry about ten videos all playing at once. If you change your mind about Autoplay, you can edit the code in your post: ap~1 turns it on and ap~0 (that’s a zero) turns it off. This only works on Admins of self-hosted WordPress blogs should use the HTML code provided by Grouper.

Have fun and try not to spend your entire day watching videos! 🙂

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  1. Justin

    oh wow new video functionality on wordpress will be great. Great job to the great folks at Grouper and wordpress for getting it up and off the ground, bring it straight to us…the bloggers!

    I’m sure i’ll be posting video’s on my blog quite a bit now which is awesome.


  2. generally

    Oh wow! Wonderful.


  3. fritoy

    Thank you guys for this one.


  4. noliaudire

    It would be nice to support vimeo too, I think it’s very nice


  5. Rui Martins

    thanks! I was missing this because of the javascript limitation used by some of the others video providers… thanks!


  6. Dewayne Mikkelson

    That is a great and fun new feature. I found a fun video and loading it up to my blog in just a few clicks. Excellent!


  7. MadMark

    This is the third Video posting feature… thank you so much!!


  8. E@zyVG

    Seems like nice feature. Hope to use it in the near future.


  9. everythingelse

    never even heard of grouper. is it as good as youtube or google video ???


  10. riva

    Please respect readers who don’t have fast Internet connections by not choosing Autoplay. That’s all.


  11. Amit

    This is cool guys, thanks a bunch. Now how about allowing us to embed audio into our posts? There are some excellent plugins available for embedding a flash player in posts that plays an audio file, so ability to add audio to posts would be great, no? 🙂


  12. chaoticmind

    great! thanks 😀


  13. rollmops

    Great, another Videoservice beside uTube and GV, thank you guys!!!
    And yes, an option for embedding audio would be even greater, some day… no rush, i really appreciate quality over dozens of unsecure options.


  14. Nero

    yay!! somthing besides youtube (google wont work)!!!!!!


  15. smu

    I haven’t known Grouper before. Looks nice 🙂


  16. The Eternal Wanderer

    Yippee!! About time, too…and just when I had started my new vlog at Blogspot too. Hopefully, Grouper will have as many videos as there are on YouTube!

    Great stuff! Plenty of thanks from me!


  17. drhaisook

    Thank you. 🙂


  18. gapp

    Thats pretty cool. But with youtube, I hardly find grouper any useful. Could you guys work on some image uploaders? Like Blogger has got hello and flickr has got flickr uploader. Does wordpress have any tool to upload a bunch of photos in an instant???

    Liked by 1 person

  19. onecoolsoul

    Thanks again to the team at WordPress for making this site so good!


  20. admin

    well done! now it should be time for audio and


  21. onecoolsoul

    Just thought I would let you guys know that I have word that Superman was deported! You can see the Grouper video on my blog!


  22. talkislam



  23. jughead

    It’s great that you guys are adding this stuff, but maybe a warning or some chart or something about why you would use one or the other service for video sharing. Grouper uses a peer-to-peer file sharing network that some people (myself included) aren’t comfortable with. Not trying to tell you how to run (okay, I am 😉 ), but I think being able to have more control over design/css would be a better place to spend the coding time than with adding another video service. Giving us more control with custom headers was/is great and the right direction, so keep up the good work.


  24. aabiransabeel

    Thank you once again for your hard work. I love you!


  25. Moey

    that’s just great


  26. Kristine

    Fantastic…something appealing, something engaging, something about a Groupy comedy tonight!


  27. Brotherhood of the Bean

    WordPress just keeps getting better and better! You guys are awesome, thanks for the continued hard work.


  28. hamza

    great thanx


  29. ychittaranjan

    Thanks for this feature! Now I can post some videos of Birthday celebrations for friends n vistitors 2 see :mrgreen:


  30. K

    Such a GREAT service. Hat’s OFF!


  31. cordelia

    Help…I a have video on grouper, but when i try to post it to wordpress, it says i don’t have the proper credentials…any suggestions?


  32. Sankar Viruthachalam

    This is great!!!


  33. trentandmary

    What am I doing wrong. I signed up, loaded up a video to have a go and the only options I can see are post to Friendster and Post to MySpace? There doesn’t seem to be a Post to WordPress function. When I tried to cut and past the html wordpress strips it off. I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to trying to use video so what am I doing wrong?
    p.s. thanks for a fantastic service/site!


  34. bigcrow

    Aaaaa !!! So niceeee!

    My friends have blogs somewhere and they can use videos and I always wantid it. Now I’m happy 😀


  35. navimaster

    I’m loving wordpress more and more!


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  37. beeteew



  38. Crater

    Not a singel question regarding trust and security!?

    I would love to be able to post videos on my blog but there are no way in hell I would give out my login to a 3rd party provider.

    Why can’t we just hotlink everyone else?


  39. Elsie

    Great job guys!! Thank you for all your hard work!!! It was so easy to do I’m so excited with this new toy!!!! Yeay for WordPress


  40. Stephen

    Yay for more video features. Any chance we could see some audio stuff soon?


  41. seanyb

    It is a sweet feature!


  42. bombie

    Cool! I like the starting look of a Grouper video better than Youtube. When I was embedding Youtube video in my blog, it was big and mushy, totally ruins the appearance of my blog. Grouper is smaller, but looks much cleaner. I like.


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  44. realestateceo

    thank you for the continious improvements. Everyone will love the new video feature.



  45. neriman

    Nice feature!! 🙂


  46. melissaisawesome

    How about support for VIMEO!


  47. 5purposedriven

    I was about to sign up when I saw this in the term so use. I’d hate to think about videos of my kids being used in advertising without my knowledge or consent. I realize they have to have standard wording for legal purposes and can’t be responsible for whatever happens…but this seems extreme to me. It later says you own your own video, but that doesn’t go with this:

    It reads:
    “You grant to Grouper and Grouper’s affiliates, representatives, and assigns an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, world-wide, royalty-free license, with the right to grant sublicenses through multiple tiers of sublicensees, to publicly display, publicly perform, distribute, store, transcode, syndicate, broadcast, reproduce, edit, modify, create derivative works, and otherwise use and reuse your Submissions (or any portions or derivative works thereof) in any manner, in any medium, for any purpose. Grouper reserves the right to display advertisements in connection with your Submissions and to use your Submissions for advertising and promotional purposes.


  48. hughw

    Great stuff. Will definately be using this. Thanks folks!


  49. groupervideo

    For those talk-backers who asked here about the differences between posting video from Grouper and other video sites such as Google Video and YouTube. One of the answers is video quality. Grouper uses the latest Flash 8 Video encoding. It provides a great video image quality. YouTube and Google still use the old Spark Flash codec. Don’t take my word fort it – I’m not exactly objective as I’ve worked on this feature for Grouper but you can try it yourself by just uploading the same video to the 3 services and comparing the end user experience. Happy vlogging!


  50. taotakashi

    What about services which use Quicktime so this feature can actually used for video blogs which are also be useable from inside itunes?
    I really would like to see to be included in the options.

    OTOH even better would be to open up the posts for including whatever HTML you like IMHO.

    (and also either having a sidebar or even better some free HTML sidebar widget to add that yourself would be quite helpful).

    Or is all that maybe coming as paid service?


  51. Dil

    WordPress and Grouper RAWKS to the max!!! =P
    It made posting videos a breeze… I’m loving it!
    Thanks WordPress!!
    Thanks Grouper!!


  52. pranav

    Support Vimeo, Grouper doesnt work out.


  53. rumours

    i love Wordprees!..:)..


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