Paid Upgrade Ideas

Now that we’ve launched Custom CSS and the response has been good, I’m pretty curious what you guys would be interested in for future paid upgrades.

So this is an open thread. Suggest, kvetch, wish, fantasize. Is there anything we’re not doing today that would provide enough value that you’d be willing to pay for it?

Update: Sorry for being away from the comments for a few days, I was busy at WordCamp. Just to clarify two semi-common concerns from the comments: we’re not going to charge for anything we’re currently giving away for free, and we still will be constantly improving the service, free and otherwise.

I think some folks got confused by the “upgrades” language and assumed every future enhancement to would be paid. Of course not! We want to give away as much as possible, and just charge what we have to keep the service running and continue providing great support.

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  1. gwhiz

    I’d pay to have javascripting. I’ve read all the reasoning behind why that’s not a hot idea… I’d still pay for it 🙂

    Embedded items (such as qt movies & flash) I’d pay for that too.

    I’d pay to have my domain parked (I see where you have that in private beta though).


  2. kommun

    Themes-on-request! I would love to see my fave theme added here but I guess that chances are small… :=P


  3. dashboardspy

    I would pay this instant for the right to have my own adsense ability. I know the adsense issue is being hotly debated on the forum, but I think the best way to gauge interest is to have an adsense widget (or other solution) released as one of the first paid upgrades. You’d be surprised at how big of an issue not having adsense is.


  4. James

    Keep wordpress free 🙂


  5. adam

    from the forums: custom favicons

    paid CSS support
    theundersigned’s point-and-click customizable color theme
    allowing polls in posts (or as a widget)
    gravatars, openID, or some form of posting icon (especially in the forums) (hell, even a shiny little icon that says “subscriber” usually works as an incentive (see, deviantart).


  6. Moey

    yeah it’d be nice.. i’d go for it


  7. J. Botter

    Obviously, domain mapping. If this were a cheap enough alternative to buying another hosting account, I’d pay for it.


  8. Erasable Ink

    Domain Mapping!


  9. darkfate

    Maybe have a plugin that allows you to have a small bbpress install along with their blog. Instead of just the long list of comments, they could setup a little forum if they post a post that requires a lot discussion.


  10. tyler

    in depth blog tracking. analytics. that stuff.


  11. Erasable Ink

    How about the ability to put Code into pages?


  12. K

    Best things in life are FREE. I’d like to enjoy the free service first and will consider the paid upgrade in the near future. I just hope it’s only an option to whether we can use free (for life) or pay for an upgrade.

    Thanks to all the effort you’re working on this beautiful blogging service for us to enjoy while it’s free.


  13. Stephen

    Domain parking (although it would be nice to see that free), more file space (for uploading MP3’s and such), phone-posting or other audioblogging options (like livejournal)

    It also would be nice to have one time fees rather than yearly.


  14. bradthomas

    The ability to put ads on there, or maybe some kind of revenue sharing with Google adwords or something like that would be nice. That’s about all this great service lacks!


  15. Zack

    I’ve always been one of those cheapos who’ll sacrifice quality for the good ol’ dime.

    I’m sure there are many things that people (not myself) would be willing to pay for, bur what makes WordPress so cool is that it’s communal, effective, and, most of all, FREE. The fact that you’re willing to dish out such a good site without any dollar incentive is amazing and highly appreciated. It’s for this very reason that I reccommend you to others and will write “the WordPress team” in on the 2008 ballot.

    You are truly the last *good* site on the web that hasn’t gone commercial. Please don’t change…pretty please.



  16. zonker

    I’d like to be able to point an existing domain at a blog. I’d be happy to pay for the feature, but it’s the only reason I don’t just move my two sites to now.


  17. Pavan

    I greatly appreciate the independence you have given to play with CSS (if I understood correctly). My opinion is that if you give independence with playing with the templates, and offer other templates for some fee, it might be acceptable (freedom to tinker being the point as compared to other blog hosting sites).

    Thanks, and keep up the word.

    PS: I still wonder how you get revenues for the bandwidth and hosting. How about some non-intrusive google ads like livejournal? You might have some backslash, but maybe worth a try?


  18. E@zyVG

    Not sure as of now, but I really hope that at least the capabilities that are there today in will remain free.


  19. drmike

    I’d like to see personal forums for one’s site myself.


  20. Fredi

    Err.. are all the upgrades in the service going to be paid?

    I like all this new things for people who actually can take them, but I can’t. Can’t use paypal; don’t use dollars. I’m afraid that we could get to some point when ALL (even minor things) have to be paid. I’ve nothing bad to say about the service for the momment.. it’s just that I wouldn’t want to get out of ALL the new things just for being impossible for me to pay for them.

    Thanks anyway, I know that you’re trying to do always the best for us.


  21. Livia

    Great thread guys!

    Ok, I’ll tell you:

    I would pay for:

    1) Buying my own web domain.

    2) Being able to put some javascript (not related to advertisement)



  22. Eli

    Photo gallery.


  23. callmeanxious

    More customization of colors and such, maybe a good WYSIWYG editor.

    More upload space.

    Better stat counter.

    Polls would be nice too.

    But you could probaly give some of this stuff for free too 🙂


  24. Kean

    I’d also pay for the ability to have adsense on my blog. I don’t blog so that i can make money but why shouldn’t we be able to make a few extra bucks on something we love to do.


  25. Cem Basman

    Google ads.


  26. [KwZ]

    podcasts, embeded items, that would be great


  27. Krishna 'Tazo' Shere

    I’d like to continue using to host my blogs, but I’d pay to have my own domain name…or do they have that already?


  28. britgirl

    First – for afree blogging service this is great. I know the reasons for disallowing javascript but I would pay for that (and be willing to pay towards the cost of any extra security measures needed) any thing that can help towards getting more robust analytics, SEO tracking and so on. That way I could maximize my Sitemeter account!
    Domain mapping.
    Thanks for asking.


  29. jaroche

    you could give a pack of features for a paid, something like:
    * Gravatars
    * feedburner plugin
    * polls
    * extra themes (customizables please)
    * Spell Check
    * Advanced statistics
    * allow some javascripts
    * add AJAX themes and Features…


  30. range

    forums and wikis please.
    A forum like vanilla and a nice functional wiki service would be cool.


  31. Brent

    Custom favicons is what I really want badly.

    Theme uploading.

    Plugin uploading.

    Or, alternatively, provide more themes, and at least allow selection of more plugins.


  32. talknerd

    Domain mapping, more in depth statistics, and I like Adam’s idea about the point and click customizable color theme.


  33. withinyouwithoutyou

    i’m loving i’m happy with the features that are offered free of charge, looking forward to more of course ;), and am wondering what you’ll have up your sleeve for the “pay” side of things.

    suggestions for “paid features”, you ask? lots of storage room for pics, docs, etc. …more widgets, like polls or the like.

    as it is, if i have any real complaints or criticism, it’s this: no matter what features you offer, and no matter how groovy they may be, please for the love of blog, stay competitive with your pricing. $15 for a customizable theme seems a bit weird. i’m not sure i really dig the “credits” thing you’ve got going. either. it seems needlessly complicated and, frankly, kind of silly.

    keep it simple. just give us a list. “For $x you get these features. For $xx, you get these features. For $xxx and $xxxx you get valet parking and a Jacuzzi.” just not that credits thing at the price you’ve set.

    keep the free side of things attractive to get us in the door, and you’ll always have a base of people who’ll sign up and pay for that little (or big) bit extra. just keep it simple.

    since ’98 i’ve bounced around a lot of different blogging sites but this is IT. you guys are the candy on the icing. all in all, kicks butt. up, down, and sideways.

    keep kicking.


  34. Babbler

    I second the favicons. I have nothing against the WordPress logo, but does add some distinctiveness.


  35. inadvertentgardener

    I was just thinking today that I would be willing to pay for more space (I’m not worried about running out at the moment, but I could see that as becoming a problem down the road, even with well-optimized photos), and I would definitely be willing to pay for domain parking. I already have a redirect on my domain (, so I don’t think I’d be willing to pay for actual hosting — I like being able to run my email for that domain off my regular server.

    That would probably be it. I waffle back and forth on Adsense or having ad capabilities. I might be willing to pay for it, but only if I saw I was getting good return on that money. No reason to pay for blog clutter if it’s not paying me back, really.


  36. Dario Salvelli

    As i write in this post ( ) i was not expecting a feature to payment,this is against your philosophy of free: why this choice? If he is then you should offer a whole package to payment consider will be like that in the future: however such a important function could remain free,this is my feedback.


  37. ansel

    I’d say keep everything free, keep adding features, and be very aggressive about asking users for donations (where is the donate button?). Clearly, people love WordPress and are willing to pay for it. But it’s better for everyone if it stays free and WordPress is sustained on a completely voluntary basis rather than forcing users to pay out just for greater functionality on their blogs. I think part of the reason you get such overwhelmingly positive comments here from the community is that WordPress has remained free all this time.

    WordPress is open-source, has been free, and you have links to your competitors on your ‘About’ page. Don’t turn this into a money-making operation, and keep it free…


  38. wank

    Polls. A lot of people ask for this feature so you would get a reasonable amount of takeup.
    Extra themes. There’s probably enough for free users now (including a few you could stand to lose) but some people would be willing to pay for more complex themes with features like gravatars and livesearch built-in (I’m thinking ‘upgrade from Kubrick to k2’…)
    Aggregate feeds from your favourite blogs in the dashboard (bit like an LJ friends page. but private. and with feeds). Adding a site to your blogroll through the navbar would automatically add it to your feed list.

    I wouldn’t pay for these things personally because I don’t think I need them, but based on what we see in the forums I can imagine other people wanting them.


  39. Ilias

    Plugin uploading for me as well as some javascript..


  40. Jim Cook

    domain parking
    advanced statistics


  41. Ruff

    plugin uploading
    edit html
    space to upload photos
    file storage
    contact script

    email accounts


  42. The Rooster

    You guys are always adding features. It is awesome the amount of work you put into making this a better place to blog. I certainly hope that WP maintains it’s integrity and does not become a “MySpace”.

    But what I would like to see and I know you are working on it is the ability to put Javascript in posts. I have not wanted to do this often but the times I have wanted to I have been bummed that I could not do it. There have also been some very cool sidebar widgets that would have been good to use as well.

    But the area that you guys could kick arse is allow people to pay extra to host their podcast on WordPress- everything is here already – not sure if the storage and bandwidth is, but if ppl are paying for it… The only thing that might need to be added is some stats for downloads.

    Keep up the great work guys and I ain’t going anywhere!


  43. Uncle Su

    Honestly now that is starting to monetize… I am a little concerned if us free-loaders are still going to receive as much attention as those who are willing to purchase credits. Will you get biased, wordpress guys?


  44. Matt

    We have always said that things that are currently free will always be free.


  45. Kevin

    I am a blogger living in China, where is blocked. What I’d most like to see is for to offer domain mapping that would help to work around the current block for people living in China wanting to read my blog. Editing my blog via the blocked is no problem, as I use TOR to get around it. Of course, domain mapping wouldn’t guarantee the Chinese government wouldn’t still try to find a way to block blogs, but I think it is unlikely they would go to that amount of trouble, unless the particular blog was regarded as influential and sensitive by the Chinese government. would need to be careful in it’s implementation. I know that some sites using domain mapping are inaccessible from China, such as (domain mapping from is provided by GoDaddy), whereas others, (from, are not.


  46. Andrew

    Personally, the most attractive thing for me would be being able to point my domain ( into That, along with CSS, would allow me the control over my blog that I require.
    I’ll have a think (and a post) over the weekend about what else I think could usefully and reasonably add as paid upgrades.


  47. 5purposedriven

    Easy free gangbuster: I switch themes like I change clothes, but I feel too limited with the standards and their weaknesses.

    I’d like to edit most of the themes here for one reason or another. I think it would be great to get feedback on the themes posted as to why people do or don’t use them, then submit that to the creators and get them upgraded for better usability?

    Paid?=Better stats. Who What When Where and Why (I really miss the where and where from)


  48. Sankar Viruthachalam

    Domain support…
    Domain support…
    Domain support…

    But I really wish this was a free feature… but if is going to charge for this, I hope it is very nominal… 🙂


  49. redkoireviews

    I blog reviews, so polls would be a great addition that would allow readers to cast a quite 1-5 rating.

    Domain mapping woud be great. I’ve looked at web-hosting but have found I often pay for stuff I don’t need or want.


  50. ubuntonista

    1) Domain mapping with RewriteRules. So I can get and have it be the same as Also, RewriteRules (or the equivalent on your server) to forward/map the new post/cat etc URLs to the old.
    2) More space for uploads and the ability to server media files such as mp3s/oggs/videos from the blog. Think podcasting and videocasting.
    3) Custom php templates and plugins (that could possible be rewieved by one of you guys) – even at a substantial cost. There will always be the perfectionists (or should I say rich perfectionists? 🙂 )
    4) The ability to include a simple poll with a post, sort of like how LJ has it.
    5) The ability to include google ads on blogs, even if that means paying a percentage of the monthly/yearly proceeds to I know you may have a personal opinion about ads+blogs but should that prevent users from doing what they want, really? 🙂

    I will forever be grateful for the FREE service of being able to survive diggs and /.ings. You rock.


  51. Owen

    I’d pay for the ability to upload my own theme, and add widgets to it.


  52. Tom

    I think you should charge per user, not per blog. I have a “real” blog and a “test” blog. The test one is where I try out presentation/theme changes etc before I put them across to the real blog. CSS is something that I’d like to have and I’m willing to pay $15 for it… but $30 for two blogs… not so sure. I’m not IT-literate enough to be happy diving in and changing my real blog without testing it somewhere else first.

    As to the other suggestions, creating my own favicon would be at the top of the list, and some sort of javascript support second. Is there a way of having a library of approved scripts that you could let people use?


  53. Robert

    One of the most compelling parts about coming to was the fact that it was so much for free. I understand the need to make money to keep things running and am happy to see paid upgrades come out of that. I’m sure this will be successful if only for the fact that you involve the community so much in where things are going. I’m sure that isn’t easy and I applaud your effort to do so.

    Are free upgrades still in the works or will all upgrades from here on out be on a pay-for basis? What kind of mix are you thinking about between the two? Or is the free service pretty much locked as is?

    To answer the question, the only thing I’d probably pay for is to keep ads off my blog. But hopefully there never will be ads on my blog to begin with. 😉


  54. fritoy

    My two Pennys
    I don’t need the “whole” hosting thing, but how about some space to load sidebar grafics and such. maybe 200 mb to 500 mb or so on a yearly low cost plan.

    Now that I could pay for.


  55. Tuxic

    Another vote for custom theme uploads and domain mapping. These two features would instantly cement WordPress’ position as the best weblog host around. I think paying a small fee for these features is not unreasonable. An option for more storage space for uploading of different kinds of files would also be a nice paid extra.
    Also, to be able to use Google Analytics would be nice, and more sidebar widgets such as feedburner (please 😀 ), polls etc…

    Whatever you do, make sure there’s always a quality free service for everyone to enjoy.


  56. Hakim Bennis


    Thank you!


  57. drhaisook

    I’d pay for being able to import any WP theme I like from the thousands available online, and the ability to edit them.


  58. Lee Kelleher

    The ability to add more widgets. Maybe 1 credit per widget?


  59. Hirkani

    JavaScripts, depth blog tracking, analytics or betterr Stats.
    I’d pay for my own theme, too.


  60. dijest

    Parity with TypePad Pro and Vox. Among other things, this includes most of what everyone else listed, and …

    Multiple blogs under one account.

    IM presence (AIM/MSN/Y!/SkypeMe)

    Support for third party widgets and plug-ins.


  61. talkislam

    yea ^^

    what he said. that’d be awesome


  62. Daniel B.

    I’m very interested in seeing what will be made purchaseable in the future. I’d also like to see positive examples of what people have done with the CSS capabilities they’ve been given.

    One main concern I have is that numerous purchase options have the potential to add up into a large annual subscription price that would approach the cost of independent hosting. I was a little surprised that changing CSS was an annual $15 but I read Matt’s reasoning on it and can see the logic.

    Having sounded like I’m a critical person, I just want to say that I love WordPress and pretty much everything WordPress has done. Thanks Matt and Podz and countless others who make WordPress so great.


  63. JobMilan

    few thoughts..
    1) Domain mapping
    2) Automattic Paid Hosting – How about paid hosting by experts in WordPress? 🙂 WordPress team must earn as little as possible to stay creative,
    3) WordPress Community Features – For instance, my blog gets advtantages like visibility through wordpress tag, visibility in dashboard(best blog, fastest growing..). When I move my blog to a paid wordpress hosting, I shouldn’t loose these features and should able to be inside wordpress community. In fact this feature should be free. 🙂


  64. Andy Piper

    I don’t understand the comments about domains… I own and it redirects to – seems to be OK?

    I’d like to be able to put anything I like in my sidebar, e.g. HTML and Javascript snippets, Flash, etc..


  65. ed

    Having better statistics either paid or free would be great, or javascript ability so as to use statcounter or another service.

    Thanks though for all your great work.


  66. Jim Cook

    sitemap support


  67. Capri

    Having ads is what I’ve always wanted. Not just text ads. But the ads where the person could show a picture of what they’re selling. I’ve seen this on other sites. I’ve seen two types of ads that I believe are html ads and not javascript. Maybe like a monthly fee the way Typepad has their monthly fee to blog over there.


  68. Devlin Palmer

    I’d pay for the ability to remove paid upgrades.


  69. Robert

    I’d say the more you can keep things free, the better. Do you have a donate button somewhere?

    That said, I personally don’t care about custom CSS. There are a few things I’d like to tweak, but not $15 worth of things. I might pay for domain mapping, but I have redirects set up now and that’s good enough.

    If ads every started showing up on my blog, I’d pay to have them removed, assuming it was a reasonable cost. I hope that I never see ads on my blog to begin with, but I know you guys have to pay the bills somehow.

    That leads me to a big question: Now that you have a payment system, what balance between free and paid upgrades do you have in mind?


  70. eoinpurcell

    I think it is critical that you stick with providing an excellent platform for individuals. WordPress is just so easy to use and customise as it is and that is why it is so great.

    Also it sounds alittle to me like a service that makes it easier for people to host their own blogs on their own domain would do tonnes of business. The demands for customisation, better stats, adsense and greater freedom are all signs of that. Can realistically provide such mass customisation for everything and still operate? Maybe what the upgrade should offer is a hand holding move to a hosted domain/blog with the backup and support that we currently get on
    That could be the:
    ‘”$xxx and $xxxx you get valet parking and a Jacuzzi.” from withinyouwithoutyou’s comment above.

    Allow greater customisation but at a cost. Encourage others to develop the actual widgets and scripts etc. But make it easy as pie to integrate them and use them if you are willing to pay a small amount.


  71. Pratik

    I would rather not pay for custom CSS, because if I host by myself threw DynDNS and grabing WordPress from I can do the samething for Free. But I would pay for a Domain Mapping.


  72. Greg

    I hope you will keep the vast majority of wordpress free. I can’t think of anything I would pay for except domain hosting.


  73. Per

    I have been thinking for a while now about ‘puting up WordPress for myself’ and I’d be willing to pay for a comparable service like

    * my own domain
    * big space
    * email-addresses
    * ‘premium’ email support and active assistance…

    I can get this for not more than $10,- per month but would have to take care of WordPress myself…

    I am very curious about what you’re coming up with but also very happy with WordPress as it is and it’s mainly for nostalgia I’m not giving up my other blog on

    So thanks for your great work 😀


  74. Philocrates

    domain mapping
    plugin upload
    javascript enabled so I can have a stats counter that actually tells me something OR improve what you have
    custiomization/upload themes

    are my main screaming meanies about the service and I would pay for it.


  75. Marco mkc

    1) Revenue sharing system
    2) Domain mapping
    3) expand the widget section with every stable widget you believe is interesting to test…

    Thanks for all. I will be happy to buy credits from the best blogging system in the world.



  76. engtech

    I think it would be interesting to have adsense hosting where gets a percentage of the cut, and maybe have the percentage be a formula based on how much cash the adsense it worth.


  77. 4basra

    I would like to be able to add statcounter


  78. Stephen

    Just a quick question… now that there’s this custom CSS thing, will you still add new themes? Will free features still have priority?


  79. Ron

    Adsense would be OK, but I’d much rather have the ability to put my own ads on my site.

    I certainly wouldn’t mind paying a small fee to every time I upload a new ad onto the page. I’m not deluding myself into thinking I’ll get rich with my blog. But it’d sure be nice to cover some other expenses I incur.

    You guys at WordPress do a great job; I certainly wouldn’t mind you guys getting a cut of the action.


  80. Denis C

    “ is a project brought to you by some of the same folks who do the Open Source blogging software available at”

    I don’t mind if you make certain things paid upgrades, I definitely understand that runnign such a site/service must cost money and that somebody must pay thie bills. With that said, whatever happened to the whole free and open source approach?

    All in all, I just hope that this isn’t the end of progress for those of us who will remain on the free side of things. As a student my budget is quite limited and paid upgrades aren’t exactly something I can afford at the moment. I also use the blog to publish some of my work (journalism student): it’s my own little automotive news e-publication.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this place. However, I just hope that this doesn’t spell the end to all progress to WordPress in general, unless you’ve got some $$$ to spend.


  81. davortech

    I think it should stay free as it is and only charge for a domain name if someone wants one. Reason for this is that whoever wants a blog, they want it free otherwise people would be buying template website solutions for around $80 off the Internet and they would be hosting whole websites.


  82. Cem Basman

    I don’t really know if this idea is a “Paid Upgrade Idea” but I like to se something like a “One-on-One WebDesign & CSS Exchange for Hosted WordPress Blogs” where talented people in design meet prospective customers and visa versa. Becaus not everybody has the talent and time to design their hosted unique WP blog … What do you think?

    And why not pay these kind of services in a common tip jar and split the money amoungst the contributers?


  83. fritoy

    Maybe some space for sidebar graphics. yearly


  84. Elizabeth

    I thank you for the excellent free service. In addition, I would like the option to purchase these additional features:
    Additional themes/widgets
    Greater storage space


  85. narval

    unlimited users per blog, paid advertisement right (since this is a very controversial issue), extended blog stats, uploading of different types of files (mp3, zip,…), etc

    Here people are asking for more file space as a paid upgrade, but what’s the current space limit? Is there any way to check it?


  86. mevetts

    What the WP team offer is just unbelievable, how I do not know?! But please please please keep the emphasis on it being a free, community based service.


  87. Ed Lee

    credits for plug-ins would work very well for me – thanks!
    i’d also pay to be able to install my google analytics code…



  88. wiiman

    I’d definitely pay a fee to use google ads. Increased file space could be well implemented as well. I could easily see myself paying for both of these features down the line as long as the price isn’t outrageous. Also, I always prefer one time fees over monthly/yearly ones.


  89. kristin

    I’d pay for mobile blogging abilities. IE, the ability to post entries and photos by email.

    I’d also pay for the ability to import entries &/or comments from blogger/blogspot.


  90. Alex

    The only thing I can think of that I feel’s *really* missing would be the ability to use a domain name with my blog. I’m in two minds as to whether I’d use it or not – there’s something about being * that makes me feel all warm and social-networky.


  91. mikzael

    i dont see the need of a comments are like posting into a thread, but what would be nice its to allow some kind of BBcode or something so visitors can post images and stuff.

    i would pay for:

    * more themes
    * adsence
    * not-live on line radio
    * more space to host files (video & mp3 hosting)
    * embed support
    * and for world peace (ok, im off-topic now)


  92. Reaper-X

    – Domain mapping / parking / selling domain (im going to buy my own domain name immediately when WordPress offer domain mapping but if wordpress also sell domain name im going to buy it directly from wordpress)

    – Placing ads (non intrusive ads and non javascript version except for google adsense) as long as the price for placing ads acceptable (even better when its free) 😛

    note : as long wordpress not using paypal for the payment method, i can buy it. Because paypal isnt available in my country. That’s it


  93. Steve

    As I read the comments, I thought to myself that I really didn’t have any immediate requests that I’d consider valuable enough to pay for. Then I considered forums. If that were possible on my WordPress site, I’d pay for that…a page with my own forum I can moderate, etc…yup, I’d be willing to pay for that.


  94. Steph

    Extra plugins or HTML (like that I could have a real distinction between tags and categories or make my blog bilingual).

    Domain mapping. I could certainly get clients to use that.

    Non-paid upgrade: localization! in French, Italian, Spanish… would be really cool, but please don’t make people pay for it.


  95. Alex

    I think it is not a good idea for WP to provide paid features which are free on other blogging services and make no direct revenue for users (e.g. CSS and other template customization). Placing ads, domain mapping, themes by request, plugins/widgets by request, more space for uploaded files, multi-user blogs are the things which could be non-free, IMHO. I think also that the latest “private blogging” feature could be paid, rather than “custom CSS”.


  96. Hakim Bennis



  97. aNtónio

    struck a deal with either Google or Yahoo to place ads on blogs that users agree to. If you deal it well you’d get a bit more than individual users are able to and can keepit plus a small %. Users can have their own JS ads by paying a fee…


  98. The Great Eric

    My votes:

    Javascript sidebar widgets, AdSense, Domain Mapping.

    Something that should probably be free, but a big feature request would be Technorati-style tag integration in addition to the category system already in place.


  99. arthurclements

    I would pay to have my blog password protected.


  100. Pingback: Paid Upgrade Ideas by Blogging Pro

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