Automatically Save Your Drafts

Thanks to Robert Deaton, WordPress and now have an autosave feature. While you are working on a draft, your edits are automatically saved every minute. All of this happens in the background; you won’t even notice it except for a small notification message next to the Save button. If your browser crashes while you are editing, simply go back to your Manage page and click on the title of your draft. It will be there waiting for you.

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  1. vjp



  2. Yaser

    Thank you once again.


  3. afrodisiax

    I’m working with Mozilla Firefox and here this autosave always throws me back to beginning of my text, when it autosaves. It’s quite boring to scroll back to the end to continue writing.

    But anyway, this autosave is good idea. Really:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. oinky

    How thoughtful!
    Thanks WordPress!


  5. MadMark

    This is another great free feature!!! Thank you very much!!


  6. dresramblings

    I had an issue similar to afrodisiax using Firefox’s new beta version. Though it only happened occasionally. But this has been a great new feature, especially when you have system crashes on PCs. I’ve lost a few posts that way early on and had started using a word processing program to write them. Maybe I don’t have to anymore 🙂

    Thanks guys!


  7. avuee



  8. kapeka

    I hope this will be implemented in a future version of WordPress (2.1?). I have been waiting for this feature. I lost some posts, sometimes very long posts, because I forgot to save and suddenly something happend and everything got lost. This is very demotivating.
    So this is a great new feature and I hope I will see it in the standalone WordPress soon!



  9. kapeka

    Oh, I have read too quickly. Now I have seen that this is in the WordPress trunk already. Thanks!


  10. apinakapina

    Same problem with Firefox as afrodisiax.
    Really frustrating. And if you don´t check what you are writing, you get really bad rep as a writer very soon.


  11. taoist

    I’d have to agree with afrodisiax: getting thrown back to the beginning of the post every minute or so is a bit annoying. The other thing that’s been a bit disruptive is that every time I complete a post the second to last version of my post that was autosaved doesn’t get removed from my drafts automatically.

    Autosave is great, but it’d be nice if you could iron out these last little bugs.


  12. Christian

    good as always … you guys rock!


  13. neok

    Great free feature!


  14. Livia



  15. Brent

    It’s buggy. I was wondering why I had lost a bit of what I was writing last night, and I knew that something was going on.

    I love the idea though, and I have suggested this in the feedback a while back. Hopefully, it will not give any problems, in the future.

    Like afrodisiax said, it throws you back to the beginning of the entire text, which can be confusing imho.

    I am confident that the bugs will be worked out. Autosave seems like a great feature. I have lost an entire article before, due to lack of this feature, and my own boneheadedness.


  16. nancyfolsom

    So, *that’s* what’s messing up my writing. Great idea, and your hearts are in the right place, really, but as afrodisiax says, it’s disconcerting at best to have the cursor position change. It would be nice to have the option to turn this off, or to specify the frequency.


  17. Tina

    Awesome! This saves me a lot of hassle of clicking the “save and continue” button all the time, and then wait for the page to load again.


  18. ryan

    The cursor reset bug was fixed before we announced. If you had problems before, try it again.


  19. theleftbank

    This was a lifesaver for me earlier, thanks!


  20. lotaenterprises

    i was also experiencing the cursor reset, but sans bug, its a great idea!! thanks!


  21. Steve

    When you post, there’s still a draft copy left. There needs to be a way to ‘Delete All Draft Posts’. Apart from that, it’s a great idea.


  22. taraden

    That is sweet! Thank you! 😀


  23. blayde

    wow, neat stuff. thanks lots


  24. eclecticgeek

    I use Firefox and didn’t notice the cursor problem. This is a great feature for me because sometimes my computer has a “mind of its own” and will crash when I try to save. I am so happy with WP (sniff, sniff). Thanks for another great feature.


  25. ryan

    Steve, the extra draft bug should be fixed too.


  26. Bradley

    This is most excellent. Just lost a post the other day because I hit the stupid back button.


  27. Brent

    Cool Ryan, it seems to be working fine now. And to my delight, this also works with writing pages, as well as with writing posts.

    Excellent —must-needed feature!

    Great work! 😎


  28. Insider Insider

    Noticed the extra draft bug and the get back home bug earlier this afternoon – both have now gone. This is a very good feature indeed, thank you.


  29. .i dream in red.



  30. Larko

    The problem my good friend afrodisiax and others are experiencing can be adressed (untill the bug will be fixed, that is) by writing your post in an external text editor, such as Notebook, and copy/pasting the text when you are ready.

    I did not notice this feature and ended up having a double post as I kept manually clicking to the “Save and continue editing” button like I am used to. Now that there is no need for that, I suppose I am not going to see those double posts either.

    A nice feature. Thank you. 🙂


  31. Pamela



  32. Matt

    The bugs should already be fixed.

    If they aren’t, send a feedback, don’t leave a comment.

    If you leave a comment the right people might not see it and we don’t have enviroment debug info to help us track down the bug. Use feedbacks, please.


  33. uptownflavor

    Cool…I thought it was a glitch when I kept thinking that my posts were being lost. Does it work equally as well in IE and Firefox? I think I was having bugs while browsing in IE. Thought it was a browswer issue.


  34. spark

    wow. another of those great features you people come up with! kudos to you!


  35. Zack

    This is an awesome feature…



  36. Tom

    Great! I had the same problem with the cursor last night before you announced it and left some feedback. All fixed now though. Thanks!


  37. talkislam


    No seriously.


  38. Katrina

    YES!!!!! No more trying “long post-and-the-browser-crashes” moments!


    Thanks a lot, guys!


  39. Denis C

    Nice! Good job guys!


  40. pk

    Wonderful boys. I like people that constantly try to emprove. Thank’s for this new function


  41. ☆*°^` Rainbow

    this is great! 😀


  42. Destiny

    great, i’ve had that problem earlier with firefox, too many extensions XD


  43. Pingback: Bregt blogt » Automatisch opslaan
  44. ninglun

    Brilliant! Thanks.


  45. Qwerty Maniac

    Thats one awesome feature you’ve added, hopefully no more lost post cries now on! 😀


  46. Thomas

    Yeah, I like it ;-).


  47. Marco mkc

    Thanks… Gmail docet 😉


  48. Rakesh



  49. Cem Basman

    But if you publish right away from your editor additionally the draft is still there … That’s not nice 😦


  50. Fredi



  51. parafonos

    This is perfect… I wish you had that few weeks ago…

    If you can find a Greek Spelling solutions 🙂 i will be in love again and again …


  52. Ujwala

    having lost a few posts because of using beta versions of browsers I must say that this change is much appreciated.


  53. parafonos

    Perfect !!!! i wish i had it earlier


  54. Fay

    This is great! Thanks!


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  56. norbijúzer

    I’ve been waiting for soooo long for this feature! Thanks guys!


  57. darki

    yeeees 🙂


  58. realtebo

    please, let’s it will be optional !

    when you automatic save my post and THEN i publish the post, the system KEEP the draft, so i MUST DELETE EVERY DRAFT published yet manually. this is not a good thing.


  59. marcoss



  60. allansiew

    It have improved greatly… Thanks! Great service.


  61. tawnygirl

    I love this, thanks! I use FF and haven’t had any issues with this function at all, including the drafts, I have none, just the way I like it!

    Would it be wrong to ask if there’s a plugin we can use on our own installs, this function is so very needed on all my blogs! LOL


  62. Carpus

    Similar issue to afrodisiax, but I wasn’t using firefox. I was using Explorer and had the browser open in the background because I was writing in between doing other things. The problem was that everytime it autosaved, it automatically pulled the Explorer window to the front, taking me away from what I was working on. Very inconvenient. Nice idea, though. Keep working on it.


  63. taoist

    The two bugs I mentioned, Drafts and cursor resetting are indeed fixed for me. Great work guys!


  64. kairos

    cool, thanx!


  65. The Robot

    Great,i’ve been expecting for this feature a long time.

    Thanks wordpress people!


  66. 0nkulis



  67. sirventes

    Great idea. I had the mentioned bug of coming back to the beginning but this was fixed really quick. So great for the idea, great for the speed at fixing (and replying to the feedback).


  68. PeterPan

    Hi Folks..

    i had a problem yesterday as i wanted to publish a post. I have got a never seen WordPress-transmission-page. in this i had to confirm “Do you really want to edit “_” ” Yes/No. I pressed “Yes” but nothing happend. Just my post was gone! I had to type it again.

    I solved it by testing “Save and Continue”. After this i could publish it.

    Another thing is: If i have got two WordPress-Websites open as i am logged in and i am typing an post, the “Saving-Process” changes automatically thes Website back to the Postediting-Site.

    I hope this little Problems will just disappear – somehow somewhere.

    Best Regards


  69. Chittaranjan

    Wowee! I must’ave lost somewhere around a dozen posts just beacuse this feature wasn’t there ( And yes! also coz of an errant power supply!!)

    thanks for this Guys!


  70. Pingback:   WordPress: Automatically Save Your Drafts by Blogging Pro
  71. realtebo

    Great !

    You have fixed he bugs very fast ! Great, great, great !


  72. learningnerd

    Great idea, but I do find it a bit annoying when it jumps further up on the page when I’m looking at the post preview on the bottom. And since I look at other websites while working on my posts, the WordPress page pops in front every minute — also somewhat annoying. Is there any fix for that or should I stick to writing my posts in a text editor and pasting them into WordPress?


  73. riptide

    This came in handy this weekend. Thanks… Keep them coming


  74. rizahnst

    it work for me!, good work 😉


  75. dhreno

    How about making it optional until you work the bugs out (see 72. learningnerd above). Thanks and keep up the good work!


  76. Gomarus

    Ditto to the annoying element mentioned by learningnerd in post 72.


  77. Pingback: Speedlinking - 16 August 2006
  78. Jolie

    I noticed that it doesn’t automatically save with Flock. It did before but it’s not now.


  79. Pingback: Secret Weapon Notes: Volume 12 at Secret Weapon Labs
  80. GMMan

    Wow! That’s cool! Now I don’t have to worry about my browser doing weird things while I’m away or when my power goes off (too frequently).


  81. justarticles

    Another classic by wordpress. This is coming in very handy.


  82. Pingback: Today’s Tidbits - 20 August 2006
  83. timethief

    I’m dropping by to say that I have fouund the addition of this feature to be very useful. Thanks for providing it. 🙂


  84. gareth1989fgd

    Life savers! 😀 Thanks, awesome addon.


  85. Kristine

    Muchos gracias!


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  87. brijwhiz

    Thanks mates


  88. patam

    oh thanks a lot! 😀


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  90. Champ des Reves

    Any thought yet to making this feature optional? Bill Gates and Microsoft already have me well-trained to save, save, save my drafts. I think your autosave works better than the Google Page Creator autosave, for what that’s worth.


  91. Cyrus Poncha

    I find that after this was operational, sometimes when i publish my posts the title and the tags get saved and published, but my matter does not. Anything Im doing wrong???

    I now copy the text into the clipboard and edit the post and past the text


  92. Trevor

    Does this need to be switched on somewhere ?

    Or does it only work if you have actually clicked ‘save’ at some point when preparing a new post?

    I just lost a LONG post because another link opened in the WP browser window – no worries I thought, autosave will have kept it, but no! Argghhhh!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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