What’s your favorite feature?

We’re working on a new set of pages to actually tell people what features we have here on WordPress.com. Right now there is almost no information before you sign up to give you a peek at what you’re going to get.

It’s a little tricky figuring out to prioritize the page though. What features are going to be most appealing to people who have never heard of WordPress before?

I realized that you guys might have a pretty good idea of that. 🙂

So I pose a question: What’s your favorite feature of WordPress.com? What is the one thing that really hooked you after you started playing with it?

(If you want to list a few things, that’s fine. But try to think back to when you first started.)

This exercise will also be good because knowing what you guys like let’s us know where to focus development in the future.

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  1. undercovermutha

    I used to have a blog with Blogger. There are too many new features with WordPress I like to just pick one. I just wrote a blog on this last week and coverted some people from the dark side.

    1. My comments
    2. Akismet spam catcher
    3. Blog stats
    4. Post passwords
    5. Categories
    6. Calendar


  2. ripismoney

    The primary reason I moved over from Blogger was because of the categories, which I think are awesome.

    But really, the comment spam catcher is a lifesaver (nearly 1000 spams stopped already), and I really love the blog stats.


  3. undercovermutha

    That would be “wrote a post.” Sorry, my brain is on vacation today.


  4. Xelis

    I have to go with categories, too. I love organization, and WordPress is perfect with this. It manages the archives so smoothly, I don’t have to do it myself. Very convenient, I must say. 😀


  5. Zeon

    All the tools it offers, the way you post, the customization, the themes…everything!


  6. Emir

    Akismet spam.
    Pages definitely. Atractive templates.


  7. aNtónio

    the compulsory stats 🙂
    akismet (love the new announcement on dashboard)
    posts to the future (sometimes they publish even further away than I had planned 😀 )


  8. allendale2

    I had no prior experience with blogging before wordPress except Microsoft My Spaces, which I no longer consider blogging. What I consider the most fruitful feature, to be totaly honest, is Lorelle’s blog with all the wordpress tips and tutorials.


  9. chris



  10. belindaschneider

    i had no blog experience when i signed up. but now i like that we can customize some headers, akismet spam, stats and some creative templates.


  11. TheHype

    This may be general, but I really like how clean and clear WordPress.com is compared to others. It’s not clutered so that it’ll drive you insane.. y’know, you want to LIKE to come back to the dashboard. Also, the support is awesome.

    But if I have to list one thing, it’s probably the Incoming Links/Stats so I know where readers come from and from there I meet new and interesting bloggers.


  12. livingjourney

    I really like categories this allows blogging with different topics. Allows for a more diverse blog.

    Pages too, are a good tool.

    Themes here are pretty good aswell.



  13. britgirl

    The clean, uncluttered templates
    The choice of templates
    The comprehensive dashboard
    The summary of most viewed posts


  14. mid class

    I like wordpress, because it’s easy! 😀

    I like:
    – easy template option
    – customize header
    – stats
    – widgets


  15. salohcin

    The simplicity of tracking comments, that is, the comments I’ve made within the wordpress.com community and the comments left by others on my own blog.

    And checking out my stats and where people have come from. And the ability to store files too.


  16. kramtark

    Oh man, my favorite feature is definitely the TinyMCE integration. TinyMCE rocks.


  17. Goio

    My favorite feauture from WP is it’s free… =), but you guys are not cheap!… that would be a great bonus.. =) cheers!


  18. bubbler

    I switched over from Blogger because of the Tags option. I’ve stayed because of the sense of community, which has been bolstered not only by your guys’ frequent updates, but also by such newer options as Tag Surfer and My Comments and Avatars–which is beginning to draw together fellow bloggers as a community in a great way. To me, that’s what really sets WordPress.com apart from other free blogging sites. (On top of all the other great and easy to use features, of course).


  19. Catana

    Obviously, no one can pick just one. I’d say the widgets, first off, because they make a certain amount of customization so easy. Pages! I know only one other free site that offers them. Nice templates. Reliability! Hardly ever any downtime or wonkiness.

    Glad you’re doing this because it really burned me to have to sign up without knowing anything about the site. Most worthwhile obstacle jump I’ve ever made.


  20. sweska

    Categories is a big one!!

    and here’s more why i’m in love with wordpress:
    1. password protected posts + private posts
    2. user-friendly – side bar widgets + custom headers
    3. in-built blog stats so that we don’t need a 3rd party
    4. imports from other blogs – should mention this!!
    5. clean and user friendly interface
    6. execellent support with forums + feedback + faq
    7. Pages!!!
    8. and i’m always excited to know of new ideas being implemented


  21. tekoda

    customizable banner
    comment system
    side bar
    and ofcourse, being able to make pages!
    blogger is ok,. but pages are so lame
    wordpress filizes the pages, just like a site htm!
    its so cool


  22. bizwriter

    Categories. Trackbacks.


  23. rollmops

    – Clear layout everywhere
    – Great Performance
    – Dashboard / Easy administration
    – Nice templates
    – Security over Features
    – Akismet


  24. Kristine

    Favorite? Having a questioned answered by a real person within hours of asking, sometimes moments, plus everything else. How’s that? Did she need help? Or was that really all that important? The staffers, gaffers, and others here make a person feel at home in their own non technical skin.


  25. brian t

    I first used the server-installable version, before moving to wordpress.com. What I liked was that it was relatively simple to understand conceptually. I find the combination of Posts & Pages do everything I want in a CMS, except a photo gallery, and that’s better done by specialists like Flickr, PBase or Picasa.


  26. Charlotte

    1 Blog Stats
    2 Akismet Spam
    3 Categories
    4 Upload feature (It’s easy, and saves files so if you want to add the same picture to another post, you don’t have to browse all over your computer).

    That’s definitely all my favourites.


  27. everythingelse

    Akismet. wouldnt remotely consider leaving home without it.


  28. Marco mkc Costanzo

    Categories, Security.


  29. Kristina

    1. Categories
    2. How easy it was to import my posts from my old Blogger blog.
    3. Password protected pages and posts
    4. The STATS page. Love that!

    I’d say the templates, but I’d like to see a lot more variety in templates, and the ability to choose fonts, pictures and colors to customize/personalize the templates. Some of the WordPress templates are very nicely laid out, but I wouldn’t use them because the color is wrong or the font and font size aren’t my visual things. Blogger had more freedom in terms of their templates, allowing you to upload your own, and I think that’s probably the one thing that keeps Blogger bloggers from switching over to the free blogs at WordPress. Something to think about more, WordPress (and yes, I know there is the option to buy custom CSS) 🙂


  30. diaguita

    – Akismet
    – Stats
    – Calendar
    – Sidebar widgets


  31. suburbanbanshee

    Blog stats. Addictive!
    Categories and tags. Useful.
    Akismet and comment control. Lifesaving.
    Changing the header. Fun!

    Control of posting times and posting status is also good stuff, as are pages.


  32. TheShortFatKid

    Askimet and categories are the two main things that brought me here!


  33. Elaine

    1. I like having the news at my fingertips right at my dashboard
    2. Askimet has saved me from close to 1000 spam comments – thank you!
    3. I love looking at my stats and feeds!
    4. The support you guys have is wonderful – forums and feedback.
    5. Love to check out the fastest growing blogs and top blogs and posts from around WordPress!
    6. Oh and I love having the tool bar at the top so I can navigate between my blogs!
    In a nutshell – I love everything! 😉


  34. mac

    Not having to “republish” your blog when you change the template is my number one reason for leaving Blogger for WordPress. I couldn’t stand the waiting. Blogger also “ate” posts, so number two benefit is the draft auto-save.


  35. Ms. Clio

    I think the first thing that hooked me was Pages, then the different Themes, and after I finally figured out the sidebar widgets, I was here to stay.

    I also find the response to feedback amazing — far better than many of the experiences one has as a paying customer anywhere else in life. The constant improvements in utility and ease of use and addition of new and interesting options is also exceptional.

    Please keep up the great work!


  36. Justin

    Definately for me, the wide range of template themes, the blog stats and categorisation which is just amazing.


  37. EclecticGeek

    1. Themes. Perhaps later I will play with CSS but I like my theme as is. I can change things just enough to make it look different. This includes widgets and custom headers.
    2. Categories. Creating my own specialized ones not only organizes my site but assists in helping people to find me.
    3. Akismet. No longer have to scrape spam off my blog every day like I did somewhere else (not mentioning names). I can actually focus on content.

    I could go on and on but these are my top three.


  38. IcArUs`

    The GREATS:!
    1. speed of wordpress server =)
    2. anti-spam
    3. password protect
    4. catorgies
    5. excellant tech support n improvements ==> i.e u listen to our complains and improve =)
    6. user friendly

    The BOOs:
    1. no tagbox function


  39. cleav_

    1. Categories
    1. Password-protected posts
    1. Spam catchers
    1. Blog Stats!


  40. Rami Nasser

    Tag Surfer
    Admin Control and Dashboard
    Easy To Use
    Secure Platform


  41. cooljcookie

    No doubt WordPress is a sweet service. Here’s what has kept them on top:

    1. Categories – Keeps everything nice and organized like one of those damn HGTV shows.
    2. Akismet – Allows bloggers to blog without having to deal with deleting countless porn ads.
    3. Themes – A million times better than other blogging sites AND every now and then new ones show up.
    4. Ability to customize. Widgets, CSS, and custom headers allow you to make your blog stand out from crowd or blend right in – whichever you choose.
    5. Most importantly, I love always knowing that the WordPress team is working on new features. Hangin’ with WordPress is like being a hungry, fat kid in a candy store.


  42. Insider Insider

    Auto save. When you’ve a temperamental computer it’s a massive help. And the spellchecker’s pretty decent too.


  43. tnstampgirl

    #1 reason is that it’s an awesome service for FREE! Also,I like categories, Flickr Widget, awesome themes, stats/feed counter thingy. I also love how easy it is to write a post (like if you can use yahoo e-mail, then you can blog on wordpress).


  44. Robert

    In no particular order:

    – akismet
    – tags (as opposed to categories or blogger having neither)
    – trackbacks
    – sidebar widgets
    – localization


  45. Greg

    My favorite feature is just the fact that there aren’t any ads anywhere. It’s so clean and beautiful without cluttering my zen-ness.


  46. aishel

    -3 column styles
    -user friendly posting boxes


  47. nikoxy

    – Akismet
    – Stats


  48. veltis

    I like the simplicity.



  49. girlfriday

    What’s not to like?
    The big *seller* for me was that people (okay, my otherwise blog-free family) could comment without having to sign up for a blog they’d never use ie an email address entitles you to comment on a wordpress blog (and now you can have a wordpress account sans blog, so that’s another blog-free option for friends or family who aren’t sure they want a blog of their own). Also categories/tags so posts can be *filed* for searching by interested parties. Love the calendars … used the Regulus option for months until I realised the calendar was also an option on newer templates!! 🙂 Trackbacks so I know if/when others are linking to my blog. Security/Akismet because it catches spam long before I’m even aware it’s around.


  50. flyingwithbaby

    The main reason I swapped was being able to have categories and static pages. That makes it much more like a CMS than just a blog. I run a whole “website” now instead of a couple of posts. People can move about my site and find info that they are after.

    Since joining WP these are the things that I now couldn’t do without:

    Blog stats – useful (and addictive)
    Not having to republish your blog everytime you post
    Being able to import your old posts from Blogger
    Clean, clutter free look – no ads
    Easy to use dashboard

    But one thing I would like is a bit more variety in themes. Some of the themes you can download for running WP on your own server are really nice.


  51. Dil

    Mine would be the…


    WordPress makes it PERFECT. (o_O)


  52. fritoy

    Easy to use
    Reliably, I have only found my site/Wordpress down once in most of a year. Blogger went down a dozen times in three months.
    And Some of the best customer service I have found out there.


  53. Lisa

    The Categories was my deciding factor. And then the sub categories is just a huge bonus. I also like the blog stats.
    I would love the cut and copy feature in the rich editor… if there was one. HINT HINT.
    Akismet is awesome, too. As my blog is becoming more visited, I see the spam is growing. Its nice to be able to look in one place and see it all.
    Barry. He’s a good gadget too. And a prompt little replier!


  54. Mojca

    Categories (and the ability to use more than one with a post)
    Blog Stats


  55. engtech

    – categories
    – sidebar widgets
    – built-in search
    – automatically notifying Google/Technorati on updates
    – Akismet
    – blog stats are too addictive

    I would love the cut and copy feature in the rich editor… if there was one. HINT HINT.

    Why not use Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V ?


  56. torpy

    Defnitely Akismet though the following rank close below:

    – blog stats
    – tags (i just love these!)
    – widgets
    – the dashboard


  57. Capri

    This might sound boring but the feature that made me come here is that it had a built in site search. 😀


  58. knoizki

    I definately like the DASHBOARD. It’s user friendly.


  59. scientaestubique


    I came here from Typepad, which only contains one day of history.
    I’ll also happily pay to retain all of my stats, forever.

    I was paying at Typepad and getting less.

    I like the linkage of stats to the posts as well.


  60. Ömer Ücel

    Blog stats


  61. Xavier G.

    – Manage different blogs in the same place
    – blog and feed stats


  62. tarlia

    Catagories is the reason why I switched over.

    Other cool stuff (most of which already mentioned by everyone else) made me stay.


  63. Chittaranjan

    Heck! All features are abs. gr8..Prioritizing would be difficult so lemme list’em out:
    Stats & Links
    Simple Layouts
    Avatars of corz


  64. Manda

    Definitely categories. I came to WP from Movable Type and I love being able to select true multiple categories, not just a primary category and some secondary categories.


  65. jerjer

    Stats are great
    It helped me understanding my audiences.
    If I can see also the (pages’) hit, that’s perfect !

    Pages are a good to.. I use them alot !

    Catergories will be even better if I can change the order. 🙂

    I have no idea of what other blogging (.coms),
    This is my very 1st blog…

    One question….
    HOW DO I BACKUP my blog ?
    I know that sound stupid. But if there is a easy way of backing-up my blog that will be exceptionally GOOD!

    Thanks for your attention.


  66. soilmatter

    It’s easy to use more than blogspot.And I think blog stat is the best.


  67. britishbullblog

    Many many reasons, but definitely:

    1. The community ‘feeling’
    2. Widgets
    3. Ability to create pages – brilliant!
    4. Stats
    5. Easy customisation
    6. Categories
    7. Spam catcher
    8. Ease of use with the dashboard
    9. Ad-free! I hate the way Blogger blogs have that bar across the top!
    10. Ability to upload documents/files and make them available to download for others.


  68. Dario Salvelli

    A good Akismet Spam,i’m too spam on my blog.
    A better system of search tag and categories in dashboard,when i click on the categories or tag i want to have all the posts about that.


  69. dominiquep

    2.customisation of side bar

    The main reason i moved to WordPress from Blogger is the categories.


  70. avuee

    Well for me, it’s probably the templates. There are some I really like, but are waiting for an update for example the Fauna. I like the widgets too. The calendar is helpful I think because a reader could see when posts were made just by clicking on the dates. I like the recent comments too. Gives an idea of what people are talking about. The referral stats are interesting. I seem to get a lot of strange hits based on keywords like “boys”. It’s weird, but I think at some point I’ll answer the question through the referral. I get blips of questions that somehow was referred to my blog.


  71. Christian

    for me the best part is that you guys make wordpress better from day to day … the development since I startet with wordpress is huge !!! rock on!


  72. Carpus

    Actually, I really liked the dashboard. It was intuitive and easy to find your way around.


  73. Justin

    It’s easy and I like the youtube/google video support a lot 😀


  74. Burak S.

    i stick with the ctegories and clean design…


  75. nightfox

    Categories, track/pingbacks, set of themes, blog stats. My wish – if only they get all of the features of the WordPress software, it will be a great app to use!


  76. blayde

    I love the overall ease of use, nothing is too complicated unless you want it to be and any dummy can use it. Also the options and overall dashboard is a very good thing.


  77. browniecorp

    just the general arty jist. most blog are just trashy, and you kinda get sick of it. the categories are greeeat, the themes are classy, you get this fresh attitude that i love.


  78. gapp

    0) import from other blogs
    1) spam control
    2) tag/categories system
    3) static pages
    4) password protects posts/pages
    5) amazing themes
    6) web statistics.


  79. muslim

    stats, stats, stats, categories, themes, trackback, and great service/response by the WP staff


  80. Dodo

    The ability to add pages – where one can be creative.
    Widgets are wonderful – more please.


  81. rici

    I love wordpress since i started blog on the first time, so all of the features include on it already fill up my blogging needs 🙂

    Keep up good work team ! 🙂

    CAYOOO !!


  82. Pradeep

    I had just one reason…
    Well, my blog simply WORKED on wordpress when it was a mess on Blogspot…
    Everything else on wordpress was simply amazing…
    So many thank yous and still not enough said…:)


  83. Robert - SCIL

    1. Blog stats
    2. Sidebar Widgets
    3. Static pages
    4. No adverts


  84. noshowerfamily food blog

    i’d have to say categories, and the fact that i can make sub-categories.

    the trackbacks are also useful.

    i also like the “pages” feature.


  85. Sr. Silva

    Akismet. Not a single spam comment passed by;
    Stats. I loved to look at them while on Modblog, thankfully still can do it here;
    Categories/Tags. I’d like to exclude subcats from the main cat listing, ‘to.
    Widgets. Make my life (and everyone’s, I think) easier.


  86. blaze

    The easy posting of pictures & wysiwig text is a big one… into both pages & posts!

    Also stats & themes I would also say.


  87. bigstarlet

    1. Post passwords
    2. Categories
    3. Spam catcher
    4. Widgets
    5. That Mobile WP Widget that allows me to post from my PDA

    I have some suggestions, but I’ll save those for another time. Ciao!


  88. terminallycute

    My fav things about WordPress would have to include how user friendly you all have made it as well as how attentive you are to the needs & the wants of the users. I also need to mention the all-inclusiveness of the dashboard, the widgets, and most definately the stats.

    Thanks for making WordPress a great place to be!


  89. bordo

    definetly headers, i’v eaven searched for services that allow more customization, but then custom headers appeard on my wish ;p

    also tags and categories are usefull


  90. vjp

    This was my first attempt at blogging so I have nothing to compare it to. That being said, I really value the spam catcher- it is an absolute lifesaver. I also love the sidebar widgets. I guess the very best part for me is that is is just easy to use.


  91. dawn

    1. being able to move between my various blogs with ease (this is HUGE)
    2. privacy
    3. akismet
    4. the dashboard links to other blogs and the blog stats
    5. the ability to move back and forward to new blogs


  92. vientos

    1.- AntiSpam
    2.- Categories
    3.- Widgets
    4.- Template (maybe in 1 )
    5.- Track/pingbacks
    6.- Etc…

    And the community…, forums, etc…, is the best 😉


  93. dawn

    I forgot..this is probably the best part of being here…the community and the feedback from you guys. You keep us up-to-date and give us new toys all of the time. That’s a big plus.


  94. jasonintx

    Ajax features in dashboard. Now if we can just get Ajax enabled commenting, etc.


  95. MyScribbles: Write-ups of an Afghan

    * Neat summary of everything at the Dashboard
    * Clear, uncluttered feeling of the templates
    * Variety and choice of templates
    * Fast loading time
    * Pages
    * Stats–Feed and Site
    * Vibrant community and ultra-fast support
    * My Comments
    * Akismet
    * Sidebar widgets
    * Future-posting (AWSOME!)


  96. timethief

    *no advertising
    *excellent support
    *spam report button
    *speedy elimination of spam sites after using button noted above
    *adult site report button
    *customizable headers


  97. ehan

    1. Calendar My comments
    2. Categories Akismet spam catcher
    3. Blog stats
    4. Post passwords
    5. Akismet spam catcher
    6. My comments


  98. dinsan

    Well Matt I asked this Question a few days back in the forum .. hope you noticed it.. :-d http://wordpress.com/forums/topic.php?id=3741&replies=13

    hmm that will be great if you can give us more themes to select from. displaying avatars on the post comments and posts


  99. Íñigo Sodupe

    Categories, akismet and no advertising definitely.


  100. Jenna.

    And now, customizable CSS. Mmm.


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