New Theme: Cutline

From the fellow who brought you Pressrow, we now have Cutline.

It’s much the same, a two-column black and white theme with a distinctive photo header, which of course you can customize. 🙂


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  1. kunde

    nice, thanks 🙂


  2. Vish

    I rather like the way the photo header is organised.

    I’m reluctant to try it out because I hate having to redo widgets and so on…


  3. Muslim Apple

    Sweet deal, I’ve switched from Quentin to Cutline. Thanks.


  4. greenlightsabers

    Whoa, take it easy with the themes. But this one looks good, black against the white and vice versa. Awesome.


  5. hallemae

    wowaa nice!


  6. Thomas

    Perhaps next time something more Andreas09 like???


  7. K

    3 Themes in 3 days, it’s causing everyone to panic and feeling undecided which one is the best. But I’ll keep using the Blix Theme.


  8. Jamie Clark

    Cool theme. It’s just a shame it suffers from some of the same problems as Pressrow did (eg. clicked links being such a huge difference in colour to unclicked links). I can imagine though that some people are going to love it and it’s definately a step up from Pressrow. For now, I’ll stick with Day Dream.


  9. eoinpurcell

    The widgets pretty much stay the same if you are changing from Pressrow. I like it. It appears smoother and a bit more refined than Pressrow.
    Is there any way that previously uploaded header images can be retained for use with new themes?


  10. The Eternal Wanderer

    This one is cool, thanks so much!


  11. Stephen

    Not crazy about this one, but I’m loving this theme-a-day thing 🙂


  12. Ib / Vce(sat)

    i’d rather stick onto mine 🙂


  13. Pamela

    I like the HTML tab. Great job!


  14. Joost Keesmaat

    This one is cool,
    are you still working on other Themes to customize the header images?


  15. VickyTH

    I like the look of the them, but images seem to rearrange themselves within previous posts. Am I doing something wrong? The WYSIWYG function isn’t reflecting reality for me with this theme.


  16. Pingback: Trying one out for size… « Thoughts, Raves and Outright Beatings…
  17. loadstart

    we need something like Jamie said. keep it clean now.


  18. charleslemark

    my pics dont show up on my blog page when im using this one…
    but thanks for the themes


  19. britgirl

    Very cool, I like it! Still love Press Row’s big bold in-your-face titles, but this is a very close second which I’ll probably be tempted to try out. Thanks for all the themes btw – every one may not have the same appeal to me, but I do appreciate the effort in rolling them out and increasing the available choices.


  20. sulz

    i like pressrow for its huge image header but somehow this one looks better. amazing how font size can make so much difference. and this theme would definitely appeal to bloggers who hate the name of the ‘home’ page as it’s called ‘front page’ instead. i’d love to see more of these kind of themes. *thumbs up*


  21. Carpus

    Matt – I like what you’re coming up with. Please keep up the good work.


  22. Bill

    It is a wonderful theme and perfect for my blog, but unfortunately, like Pressrow lacks the nice little links on each post (edit, comments, permalink). So I guess I will be sticking with Ocadia for now.

    Keep trying though, the more themes the merrier!



  23. Carpus

    … yeah, I like it, even though I’m having some image placement problems. And I noticed that you guys updated the HTML editor! Thanks, it already looks like a big improvement.


  24. engtech

    I’ve got it displayed if anyone wants to take a quick look at it without changing their site.


  25. engtech

    … yeah, I like it, even though I’m having some image placement problems.

    Looks like Cutline only aligns images to the right, not left. I sent feedback.


  26. Md.Sakib Al Mahmud

    Nice Theme 🙂


  27. ruhi

    This is a nice one! 🙂 Though PressRow is still my favorite..Im waiting for something even better than Press Row…lol. Thank you guys for giving us another one!


  28. nobody

    WoW that a very good theme too
    thank u !! 🙂


  29. Menco

    Nice theme ! Sadly the post doesn’t show the name of the author…


  30. Jonathan

    Thanks for all of your hard work!


  31. சாத்தான்

    What Menco points out is a major flaw in this otherwise excellent theme.


  32. Babbler

    I think change to this theme. What the banner image dimentions?


  33. britgirl

    I would would probably use Cutline (at least for a while) if not for the fact that you can only align images right. I tend to blog my photos from Flickr and Cutline has moved my recent ones to align right and moved the text underneath to the left leaving a big block of empty space on the left hand side if there is no text. Which might be fine, except that’s not where I wanted them. I prefer to have the freedom to place my pics where I want. I wonder if this is going to be or whether it’s a design thing? Hope not. In the meantime I’ve switched back to Press Row.

    I really love the way Cutline treats the sidebar over Press Row though and I like the centred header.


  34. Cem Basman

    Half an hour ago I switched from Simpla to Cutline. I believe, it has a more urban look, reminds me a little of a daily big city paper, black & white, downtown. The links and quotes in the posts are better to recognize.


  35. mooth

    wow! cute theme, i put it on my blog already 🙂


  36. nusku

    Great theme!


  37. helenl

    Good job with themes lately. I’d still like to see another on with two sidebars.


  38. dorknation

    looks I’m going to have to go with the edit css option if I want another good three column theme . . .


  39. Steve Weintraub

    This looks good, I just wish you could suppress the text blog name…


  40. sulz

    steve: if you go to options and erase your blog name, it won’t appear at all if that’s what you prefer.


  41. drhaisook

    Images are automatically positioned to the right.
    Have just sent WP team a feedback about that.


  42. poppy8sd

    Right after I praised PressRow, hmmm…. New one good looking, Chris Pearson excellent designer-creator, but won’t change, PressRow too good to switch.

    ~Engtech: nice thing to do, and lots of work, thanks much; it helped with decision.

    If new ones still on tap: any chance of making one with the background of the post a pale color, to distinguish from all the rest of page?


  43. mel

    I like cutline, except for the page navigation on top- which coincidentally alot of templates have. is there a way that you can provide an option to remove that?


  44. Jana Bouc

    This would be perfect if the image size could be 500 px instead of 450. 450 is too small to use Flickr’s medium sized option.


  45. Robert

    Nice theme, nice timography, but like the PressRow and other recently added themes it does not support localization. I will continue to use the Regulus theme.


  46. livingjourney

    You have converted me from a very strong Hemingway fan to this..

    How can this be?

    Thanks… you have given me a nice clean theme!

    Well done



  47. -

    yay! i’m loving how we’re getting so many new themes so quickly ♥


  48. scribez

    nice theme a little better than pressrow though almost the same. something is wrong with image alignment it gets all moved to the right. Next can we please have those extra link, edit, comments, etc hard to go about :D. thanks for the good work.


  49. compartments



  50. bluesaze

    nice theme but its messing up pictures by moving them all to the right.


  51. bluesaze

    A few more inconsistencies when the Links on top are active i.e “Front page”, “About” only Frontpage is highlighted as green when active. Images inside the blog roll seem to have a blue border wrapped to it looks ugly on the them. also anyway to remove those bullet marks.


  52. Steve Weintraub

    @sulz “steve: if you go to options and erase your blog name, it won’t appear at all if that’s what you prefer.”

    I’m aware of that, but having a null blog name isn’t really a good thing to do, search-engine wise 🙂
    Anyway, there’s a simple workaround if you use custom css: #masthead {display: none} 🙂


  53. wvtraveler

    Forgive me for being an idiot –

    But, all these new theme announcements without a link to where to find, see or download them? I’ve been all over the place in this site and cannot find where these new themes are kept. They all sound so nice, I’d like to see them.

    How about a link with the announcements?


  54. noshowerfamily food blog

    i like your new themes, but i hope you guys would come out with more wide ones (like Andreas09- which I’m currently using). =)


  55. britishbullblog

    Looks good, but probably won’t use it. Regulus still rocks for me!


  56. gtfbfan

    To all, regarding images:

    Many of you are under the impression that you have no control over your image alignment or presentation, but the reality here is that Cutline gives you more control than ever before.

    In order to provide you with complete control over your images, I’ve built in a set of classes to help with image handling. I’ll post a brief rundown here, but if you click on the link that follows this brief description, you can get the full run down on image handling with Cutline.

    The classes that can be applied to your img references are as follows:

    left — aligns the image to the left and adds a frame, also wraps text
    center — centers the image and adds a frame, does not wrap text
    right — aligns the image to the right and adds a frame, also wraps text (note: this is the default setting, so if you do not add an image class, you will get a picture that is aligned to the right!)
    off — turns the frame off – recommended for pictures of objects that are set on white backgrounds

    Utilizing these classes is very simple, but I would recommend that you switch to the HTML editor (not the WYSIWYG one) to add them. Here’s an example to illustrate.

    Let’s say that I was operating within the WYSIWYG editor, and I added an image to my post. After adding the image, I would switch to the HTML editor and locate the image reference, which should look something like this:

    <img src=”” />

    Now, in order to add my image handling class, I would simply make the following edit to the img reference:

    <img class=”center” src=”” />

    The resulting image would be centered within the body of my blog text. If I wanted to turn off the framing effect, I would need to make this change:

    <img class=”center off” src=”” />

    Finally, if I wanted to align my image to the left, the code would look something like this:

    <img class=”left” src=”” />

    Can ya dig it? Although it appears at first glance that you don’t have any control over your images, the reality is that Cutline gives you more control and flexibility than ever before!

    If you still want more info and examples about handling images with Cutline, check out the theme’s support site.

    To Jamie and others who dislike the visited link treatments: color handling is very much an issue of personal preference. Because these themes are created for massive public consumption, odds are good that there will be little things about each that you don’t necessarily prefer.

    The good news is that in most of these themes on, color changes are quite easy to accomplish. If you want to exercise that level of control over your site’s color scheme, then I highly recommend upgrading to the edit CSS option!

    Instead of relying upon a designer to suit your every need, you will be able to tweak your theme of choice to your exact specifications.

    Finally, regarding the “major flaw” of author names not showing up underneath the post titles… The author names have been coded into the theme, but they have been commented out because most sites are single-author blogs (which would therefore make listing the author name unnecessarily redundant). Perhaps someone could request that the team uncomment these author references.


  57. Scott

    I like Andreas09 but I did reluctantly convert to Cutline. Reluctant b/c I didn’t know what would happen to the right half of my double sidebar. Alas, the widgets remained saved though undisplayed. I do like Cutline, if for nothing else, it is different than what I have had (Andreas09)–plus I did my first custom header today!!–but some more themes with a double sidebar (or even a left margin sidebar and a right margin sidebar would be good). Other than that, good job as always!


  58. Daniel

    ‘good 😉


  59. Matt

    wvtraveler, click on “Presentation” in your dashboard and you’ll see all the themes.


  60. Pingback: Wordpress Theme Review: Pool, Cutline, Rounded, Day Dream « //engtech
  61. Colin

    Fantastic. Being a minimilist at heart, this is getting really close to ideal for me. I amended the fonts to my personal preferences (verdana, arial), but otherwise I love it. Only small request is to add the blog tagline. Too many of these themes forget that tag, yet thats the descriptor of the blog, and essential to have.

    Keep up the good work.


  62. MyScribbles: Write-ups of an Afghan

    I CAN’T SAY THIS ENOUGH!: While the addition of new themes is a positive sign, some of us out here need THREE-COLUMN themes. PLEASE PLESAE PLEASE include a three-column theme with a customizable header image!

    On my blog there are simply far too many links and I need maximum visibility for all of them. Of course, this is not possible with traditional two-column themes. This spurs in me a desire to have a three-column theme. I can only request!


  63. Steve Weintraub

    LOVING CUTLINE. I made some tweaks (got rid of the page header, tightened leading, some fonts), but overall kept it stock:


  64. britgirl

    Decided to try out Cutline.. with the extensive write up on controlling images that should help in putting kimages where I want them. But WHERE is the ability to edit comments when logged in? Why has this disappeared from Cutline? Can we have this back please?


  65. sulz

    britgirl: it was never even there to begin with. that’s why i returned to pressrow, such a hassle when i get my comments if i stuck with cutline, even though i like the fonts better. and i dislike the pictures aligned right automatically.


  66. Eliza

    Love this new theme, I installed it immediately and changed the picture to suit my blog theme. Is it possible to change the header color without CSS?
    And as for the pics, I cannot understand why they are all now alligned to the right (sidebar) though I have them all edited as “left” initially. I checked it once again – yes, “left”, but they are showing aligned to the right. Though my friend says that she sees them at her computer alligned to the right. I’m confused here.


  67. vuee

    Much better than PressRow for overall visibility and ease of editing. One flaw has been the categories for each post refer to and not to the blog itself. (reported under feedback)

    Text will overlay images, even if the html editor used (reported)

    It would be better if the blockquotes weren’t italicized. The blockquote already has an indicator (I like the dotted box used by PressRow (?))


  68. livingjourney

    gtfbfan – Thanks for the low down.

    I have a grasp on it now, and am loving the new theme!


  69. gtfbfan


    See this comment above regarding your images.


  70. Eliza

    gtfbfan, Yes, I read this comment before I replied to the thread. But am still confused.


  71. Aurélio Jargas

    Quoting gtfbfan:
    “Finally, regarding the “major flaw” of author names not showing up underneath the post titles… The author names have been coded into the theme, but they have been commented out because most sites are single-author blogs (which would therefore make listing the author name unnecessarily redundant). Perhaps someone could request that the team uncomment these author references.”

    I run a multi-author blog and this is a recurring problem with many themes. When I just find the perfect one (just like Cutline seemed to be), it has no post author.

    This little detail splits the themes in two groups: one for solo bloggers and other for multi-authors blogs.

    If we could have an option “show post author” for all themes, this segregation will be gone.


  72. britgirl

    Edit comments feature is back… thank you! And also to gtfbfan for the comprehensive image direction.


  73. gtfbfan

    Aurelio, I think it makes sense for the WordPress team to implement some sort of global PHP conditional for multiple authors…I’m betting we’ll see this in future releases. *nudges Matt*


  74. Brian Alexander

    Love it. It’s the one i’m using


  75. Melissa Barton

    Since it’s a pain to go through hundreds of old posts to restyle images so Cutline will handle them properly (like many people, I change my template periodically and don’t want to edit all old posts to correspond to the image styling of each new template), is there any chance of upgrading to Cutline 1.02?


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  77. Eliza

    All the frames around the pictures dissappeared. They looked so nice. How can I return them? I now that img class=”center” can be used for that, but 1) I don’t like the type of the frame that shows up – the previous was better 2) I thought there’s a mechanizm to avoid editing every other post.
    Thank you!


  78. Pingback: Refresh « The lost outpost
  79. nobugsonme

    “Finally, regarding the “major flaw” of author names not showing up underneath the post titles… The author names have been coded into the theme, but they have been commented out because most sites are single-author blogs (which would therefore make listing the author name unnecessarily redundant). Perhaps someone could request that the team uncomment these author references”

    I also run a multi-author blog and LOVE cutline, but really need the author’s names to show. I am hoping matt will make this fix available as gtfbfan suggests is possible.

    ALSO, another flaw, in my mind: I love having an “edit post” button from the blog. But Cutline has no edit button, and when I see flaws in the post, i have to go to Dashboard to edit. Very time consuming for those of us who blog on the fly and like to correct our spelling later 🙂


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