Where We Were Last Week

Automattic, the company that runs WordPress.com, is completely virtual meaning we have no office. Everyone works from home, wherever in the world they may be. We find this works really well for us, and is a natural extension of our Open Source roots, but every now and then it can be very helpful to get everyone in one place and brainstorm what the future of blogging will be like. (Because the best way to predict the future is to invent it.)

So last week we got all of the company that didn’t have a baby recently or one on the way to La Paz, Mexico. We did a ton of work on the site, just not too much that was visible so to compensate I present you with these five pictures from the trip.

Barry shows you can never have too many WordPress logos.

Mark formerly known as Podz, Andy, and Lloyd stroll casually down the avenue.

I was demoing the latest in La Paz fashion.

Matt Thomas was grins the whole time, I think because of the arranchera.

Finally here is a picture of us on some remote island. Left to right: Barry, Toni, myself, Mark, Michael, Lloyd, Andy.

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  1. moralfiber

    What a deviant looking wolf pack.(j/k) This group could actually take on any survivor series
    mob and win!!!


  2. Jen

    I wish I could have meetings for my work on some remote island….lucky!


  3. Rizwan

    So , when can we know about and see the ‘tons of work’ in action, which you guys did .. !!


  4. Chittaranjan

    Gr8 Vacation (err…can it be technically called that?) you guys had! And Itz nice to see the pix of the Brains behind WP. Kudos to all ya!

    P.S: The Link to this post is incorrectly mentioned in the dashboards as http://wordpress.com/2007/01/30/la-paz/ instead of the [correct] http://wordpress.com/blog/2007/01/30/la-paz/

    Tiredness from the trip mebbe…. 😆


  5. Kunal

    that explains the lack on new features or new themes last week 🙂
    constant flow of new things has made me expect a new feature every time I open wordpress, I forget that it already is the most stable blogging platform ..


  6. eric

    all that time in mexico and not a tan between you. such a shame.


  7. MadMark

    Hi guys.. don’t get lost in that remote island!!


  8. Lomovogt

    What happened on the last picture? Seven beautiful men and not a single wordpress logo? 😉


  9. materialmama

    hubba hubba. What fun to all get together! You need a chick or two though LOL


  10. Max

    You guys deserved it.


  11. Elaine

    Wow. Nice beach. Did everyone take a swim? 😀


  12. fracas

    I don’t know if ever have I seen another line-up of so many men with bare legs before. You all look like you were having an awesome time and I’m sure it was well deserved but… um.. couldn’t you have given us a little ‘can-can’ just to make sure we really knew for sure?

    ; – )


  13. Michael Sync

    Wow!!! Cool!! 😀


  14. raincoaster

    Wow, it looks like White Boy Rehab.


  15. Zaid

    On some remote island? You guys shack up to the Bahamas to have your meetings?


  16. bizwriter

    Nice to see the people behind the project! Cool!


  17. todaii

    I hope it was a nice trip, seems to be “yes”.
    Nice WORDPRESS T-Shirt, i would like to have it !!!!!!

    I can dream !!!!!! Snifff !!

    But, it is my true address with the case or !!!


  18. P. A. Monteiro

    The picture on the island is cool. Did you guys really go to Mexico or was it Eden? 😉


  19. insomnity

    cool. i like that wordpress shirt!


  20. passya

    well…it looks a great moment..


  21. JV

    I am sure you had great week ‘together’. 🙂


  22. Celso Bessa

    I almost wrote “but La Paz is not the Bolívia’s Capitol City?”. Lucky we have the cyberspace to learn something before throwing the stones.

    Besides, how do i apply for a job position with you “automattic guys”?


    hugs and keep wordpressing

    Celso Bessa
    planner, maker and wordpresser


  23. Cem Basman

    I’m a old man of now almost 54. But you guys there are so much inspiration to me. This is great. May God bless you all, live long and prosper!


  24. NW

    Wow:) you guys look great and thanks for a fantastic job:)))))


  25. Harshad Joshi

    Nice pix. 🙂


  26. Capri

    Who’s younger, you or Lloyd? 😆


  27. intlxpatr

    Very very cool! I imagine it was exciting and laid back at the same time. Hope you all came back full of enthusiasm and great ideas for more improvements. Love the ones you have already made, can’t wait for the future.


  28. marock

    well Matt! the life is one and very short one. It is necessary to live it!


  29. vjp

    Looks like you guys had fun!


  30. storymode

    Looks like it was a fun, productive time. It’s good to get out once in a while, huh? ^^

    Keep up the great work!


  31. Ken

    Looks like a great off-site, and a fun way to celebrate WP 2.1. 🙂


  32. broader

    Nice to see you had a good time!
    Keep on ruling!



  33. Carson Sasser

    Looks like a motley crew to me. And looks like the crew was having fun.


  34. marialectrix

    Picture #2 should be captioned, “You ever notice how, when we go on vacation, we always end up in the bad part of town?”


  35. Chris Poteet

    Looks like a rough life!



  36. ish

    lol,seems like you guys had fun.


  37. rumours

    Peace & Love WP 🙂
    i really love WP!


  38. Queen of Imperfection

    nice to see the people who work behind the scenes for us.

    Thanks guys!


  39. Jeff Ventura

    WordPress t-shirts. Kickass. Where can I get one?


  40. yongsheng

    haha…. didn’t know my fave blogging tool was run from home! 😀


  41. nikoxy

    Nice to see you all!
    Keep the fun on!


  42. Phoenix

    Wow.. superb! 🙂

    Hehehe.. nice to know there are a bunch of handsome men behind WordPress.. 😉


  43. Jeffrey



  44. pakosuperstar

    where were you all? what island


  45. anhinga

    You guys rock! Keep on “predicting” the future.


  46. Shirley

    Good morning to “The Team.”

    Again, thank you for making blogging at WordPress such a delightful, nearly seamless, addictive pursuit.

    Blessings, hope and joy!

    Shirley Buxton


  47. JIM

    How can I join you???

    I like this life style!! XD


  48. dresramblings

    Here’s to hoping you got a chance to relax and enjoy it all. I was out for testing last week and have still not fully recovered. Then again, walking around in Washington, DC with a wind chill of 2 would lead to that!

    I can’t wait to see what comes from the trip.


  49. Xeos Celeres

    Awww…that’s awesome, you guys are great, and I, not only appreciate your work, I envy you. Don’t get jaded by the metropolitan lifestyle. =) Cheers!


  50. engtech

    Nice trip, guys. Hope you didn’t work too hard and got to enjoy that sun.

    *kicks at all the snow outside*


  51. saltlight

    hehehe… cute! the grin worries me though! 😀


  52. Anita Marie

    The group shot is the Money Shot guys!

    On behalf of those who have been given a voice by you all…I hope you had a great trip you’ve earned it

    Anita Marie


  53. .:Marianis World:.

    good work boys!!!!!!!!!
    buen trabajo chicos!!!!!!!!
    besos and kisses


  54. sanityforsale

    that last picture looks like its off an abercrombie billboard!


  55. David Park

    Nice to see you have your first corporate meeting!~ Looks like a lot of fun. Great job guys, really enjoy your work.


  56. Brian Purkiss

    Nice… Looks like y’all had fun!
    Thanks for the updates!


  57. avuee



  58. Lloyd Budd

    Capri, I am ageless, but at 29 ancient compared to Matt.


  59. silviakittys

    But noone women?!? 🙂
    May I help you… I like to work from an islend or from mt home ar everywhere else… I could do a lot of virtual coffe if you want 🙂
    Bye and… good job!


  60. Ron

    So where are the chicks? 😉


  61. miund


    You guys never fail to impress me. Didn’t think that you all did it from the comfort of your own homes.

    That’s my dream: to work from wherever I am.

    Kudos for a great team you have there! 🙂


  62. masterclasslady

    Well, blog me a river! Real people behind the WordPress scenes. Love this whole blogarama experience. Congrats on a well organized, beautifully structured site. I am so pleased to be involved with the WordPress format.

    Your vacation was well deserved.



  63. icedmocha

    Hey, you guys need to hire some women.
    Looks like it was a fun trip.


  64. engtech

    Hey, you guys support Splashcasts!

    Way to sneak a feature in.

    I wrote a brief tutorial about them here


  65. mysimsreality

    Matt, I want to visit a remote island like yours someday — and I’d like your comfy-looking outfit (hoodie?) too. 🙂


  66. Marie Germain

    moralfibers first comment was hilarious! Ditto. But I am sure you clean up well. Now, too make your life harder I will send a response to your Bugs….


  67. dragonmommie

    Wow… all men, I see!


  68. Lucas

    Don’t hide it! That laptop is an Apple! Even think it’s a PowerBook or MacBook Pro. You guys are the coolest on earth.


  69. bloglily

    What a great way to get your work done!

    I’m with the other posters upthread on one small point (and not meaning to rain on any parades) — you’re missing out on some great perspectives when your team is almost entirely male. Which is not to say you don’t already offer an interesting diversity of points of view and experience, but it does seem wise to have your team reflect at least as much as you can the composition of the community you serve. I’ve got a lot of faith in you guys, and I’m guessing this has already occurred to you. Here’s hoping that next time you hire, you cast a broader net and come up with some female fish!


  70. ocanto

    Great to have such friendship 🙂
    I’m really glad to see you all happy 🙂
    Wish you the best!


  71. rjlight

    Hoped Mexico stirred those creative juices…Oh, I get the picture –Ocean’s Seven.


  72. Julia

    Where you were last week: heaven
    Where most of the country was last week: the ice age

    No wonder you hopped it to Mexico! Who’d want to experience winter during a geek get-together?


  73. Karura

    The last picture should say “more new characters set to join the cast of Lost”. 😉


  74. angie

    Mmm, arranchera!!! Can’t wait for the summer to start grilling some. Any more pics of La Paz?



  75. epfund

    I agree with icedmocha…..MORE WOMEN!!! 😉


  76. bettehall

    What an awesome place to choose for a meeting. WordPress rocks!


  77. Mike

    Can I have a job?


  78. J.

    A job where shorts are mandatory and jackets optional.


  79. Wengistein

    You guys get to work from home? Wow, that’s awesome.


  80. Pingback: WordPress Wednesday: Happy Birthday and More WordPress 2.1 at The Blog Herald
  81. Brent

    Couldn’t have been that much fun. Where are the girls? A beach with no girls?

    Just kidding I’m sure it was still a blast. I’m envious. I like what Mike said. But screw him, hire me!



  82. Elsie

    I know that you guys would just LOVE to have a yoga teacher with y’all next time, some nice stretching out the ‘ol computer compacted muscles, lower back, shoulders and then some sweet deep relaxation, kinda cool! I would be more than happy to go with you guys 😉 AaaUuuMmmmm….


  83. tjmagik

    This site is awesome!! I recently joined and It’s cool seeing the people who make this all possible! aloha, 365ad


  84. milkandonion

    Gees, all of u look like superheroes to me. Could I be one too?


  85. Judy O'Connell

    What’s with the ‘all boys’ thing? How ’bout adding a geek girl to the team? Anyway, great work guys, and glad you had fun!


  86. amiripz

    A very nice gathering indeed 🙂

    Note: How can I get one T-shirt like the one above, with “W” logo ??


  87. Ashish C.

    Mwahaha.. cool. With all of the fun, I’m sure all of you’re inventiveness has got a kickstart. Maybe we’ll be seeing more features!

    Pssst.. Inform me when you have a vacancy! 😛


  88. blaze

    Yeah i’m sure you were all doing a load of “work”


  89. Milla

    Bravo! ¿Ya nos podemos comunicar en español, entonces? Good for you guys, thanks for sharing what you do with us!


  90. ramoody5

    nice pics indeed….

    by the way,what is the tons of work done ????
    I cant even see a kilo gra?!?!?!



  91. razarumi

    What a fabulous place. We are sure that you guys managed to accomplish a lot of work. Such surroundings help brainstrom and achieve more..


  92. evey



  93. shiborigirl

    don’t you guys need a female mind somewhere in there? love wordpress!


  94. skyblu

    Ditto, the fems.


  95. drmike

    Where’s Donncha in all those pictures? Did he get stuck with the camera all the time?


  96. Cyrus Poncha

    waiting to see the goodies u guys will have on the blog

    no women???


  97. Maldito Duende

    Sería muy bueno que ésta sección, también se encuentre en Español.
    Gracias por WordPress


  98. chanux

    A Team I always love to be with. Nice guys.


  99. that girl again

    They did hire a woman, but she’s sort of a secret and I think she may still be on maternity leave 😉


  100. Jim

    And I imagined you all to be suit wearing middle aged guys. Boy was I wrong. I’m with Mike. Can I have a job?


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