New Upgrades Page

If you mosey on down to the upgrades page, which you can find by clicking “Upgrades” in your dashboard, you’ll see it’s gotten quite the makeover. We’ve eliminated some of the credits confusion, allowing you to purchase each product directly by clicking a button.

There is also a  “cost per day” reminder, so you can see for example that a 1GB space upgrade is only a nickel a day. You could probably find that while walking the dog.

When you upgrade not only do you get something cool and useful, but you help us pay the bills and keep everything fast and perky around here.

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  1. Lensflare

    Keep reeling out the updates!


  2. David W. Boles

    Well done, Matt! Very clean and precise.

    This must be an indicator of BIG UPGRADES to come!

    Can’t wait!


  3. Rodrigo Venancio

    Thanks Matt! I’m considering buying more space and CSS – but I’d better know hot to code a little bit more before doing so.

    Anyway, it got a little bit better.

    Keep up the good work!


  4. Brad

    Great! I never really understood it. Thanks, Matt!
    Now I finally know how much the “Custom CSS” costs. BARELY! But I still can’t afford it.
    Check out my blog!


  5. Rattling the Kettle

    Nice. Too bad I’m still too dumb to handle custom CSS.


  6. Hardliner



  7. vinodvv

    Hey Matt,
    You don’t have to remind us about the fast servers. We know you love us all & we do love WordPress.

    No guts No Glory
    No Pain No Gain


  8. swftoys

    It’s so much more user-friendly now! Too bad I am not using it at the moment.


  9. Michael Sync

    cool.. i’m looking for more upgrades.. 🙂


  10. Trent

    Looks good Matt! This will get rid of confusion!


  11. klovs

    Great, it’s more understandable now.


  12. Eduardo Vega

    Nice, it will be easier


  13. Harsha

    Thanks. How about offering “premium” three column layouts with customizable headers for non-tech wordpress users who know nothing about CSS and stuff like that?


  14. Rizwan

    Thats neat and tidy .. thumbs up!


  15. Brent

    Hey Matt. If I could suggest one thing:

    The My Subscriptions area, that shows purchased upgrades, does not show the breakdown of cents/day. Perhaps you could add this there as well.

    Overall, I like the look. It is clean.

    Keep up the good work.

    Btw Matt, when will we start having Theme Friday again? I miss those days!

    Oops, I hope I haven’t started a Theme Friday tirade. You just gotta give the people what they want!

    Good lookin’ out Matt.



  16. kennymiller



  17. Brian Purkiss

    That’s much easier to navigate and evaluate.
    Thanks for everything y’all are doing with WordPress!!!


  18. opinionated indian

    Hey thanks Matty… that page always confused me a bit…


  19. boredandblogging

    Looks much better. Keep up the good work!


  20. enkerli

    It does clear things up, a bit.
    It’d be useful to have an idea of what’s coming, so we can plan things out. But, of course, it might be impossible for you to tell us. So, that’s ok.
    Just wondering if will become my podcasting platform at any point or if I should just use a dedicated host…


  21. Elaine

    Sometimes, it doesn’t look good to the eyes when one sees gray text over white background. Perhaps it’s your style but some people do have difficulty reading text from a computer…


  22. timethief

    Thanks Matt and have a great weekend. 🙂


  23. tobeme

    Great! This should make things easier!


  24. Ryan

    Again, more great stuff from you guys. Thanks!


  25. adam

    you’ve got two rows of tabs there, one that matches the new aesthetic (which i dig), and one which matches the BBH. anyway, glad to see the switch in pricing models. this one feels much more open and upfront.


  26. shem kerr

    How much is it to feed the dog?


  27. talullah

    Thanks guys.

    *two thumbs up*


  28. hardrockhideout

    Looks nice! Keep up the good word!!


  29. بهمن

    Good matt 😉


  30. ramoody5

    thnx guys


  31. Galen

    You keep surprising us, and I’d hope you surprise yourselves too, with the convenient ideas that appear like you have been reading my mind (the one that is not printed). For anyone else who might like to encourage the “sympathy vote” it seems nice that we can also promote the upgrades by suggesting that anyone (ourselves) can make a Gift from the upgrade area, and could post a link to that, for their own or anyone else’s blog here. It all works together, like a well tuned orchestra.

    I almost feel like skipping the comment, but you deserve all the “thumbs up” we can find!!!

    Here: THUMB finger finger finger finger

    or something like that. Anyhow THANKYOUSOMUCH!!!!!!


  32. Solo

    This must be an indicator of BIG UPGRADES to come! from David. W. Boles – 2nd comment

    Don’t feel the pressure, guys *chuckling*

    – Solo xx


  33. Woeful

    I was just wondering about how the pricing structure on the upgrades actually works. I wasn’t sure if it was a flat fee, or an annual fee, etc… Thanks for clarifying. One thing still not entirely clear though, is if somebody pays for CSS editing capabilities, and edits the CSS, does the user need to keep paying the fee to preserve any editing changes made, or is the fee only required for continuous editing privelages? I think this should be addressed somewhere as I couldn’t find it in the FAQ, and I’m sure I’m not the only one curious about this. Thanks!


  34. clubpenguin98



  35. icedmocha

    Good clarification. It really puts the cost in perspective. The upgrades are quite reasonable. I’m tempted…


  36. emoat

    Good work!


  37. oldgreypoet

    A great improvement, thanks! Two things I’d like to see:

    1. The restoration of the ‘purchase credits’ facility to enable us to ‘save up’ for an upgrade.

    2. Some idea of the duration of the upgrade. Are they in perpetuity, or for a year? If for a year, will you send out reminders towards the end of the subscription?


  38. kyramas

    This is nice !
    5 cent per day for the 1gb upgrade ? …
    I think I will get that !


  39. David W. Boles

    Matt —

    Once we purchase an upgrade and our year is up — are we notified by the system and given fair warning that we need to re-purchase the upgrade?

    Or are we supposed to keep an eye on our own expirations and then time out re-purchase the day our services are set to expire?

    Will be be able to purchase credits in bulk and perhaps have our subscriptions auto-renew from that font of banked credits?


  40. Nita

    I wonder if it is possible to have different rates for different countries? Probably not ofcourse but no harm suggesting it. 🙂


  41. Pingback: Matt Thomas » Kudos
  42. Kathrine

    Cool! Thank you! I’m definately gonna try it.


  43. konstantin

    how about an upgrade that lets people access a larger collection of themes? that would be a great way to raise money.


  44. allotmentjunkies

    Thumbs up! Thanks.


  45. Kenn Chaplin

    Now that I’ve successfully imported my Blogger I quickly found out I needed more space so I was happy to upgrade and now have lots of room to grow!


  46. Gloria Hopkins

    I purchased the CSS upgrade over the weekend and had a LOT of fun customizing my blog. I loved the Contempt theme, but needed to widen it as my blog is an image-heavy journal.

    If anyone is on the fence about doing it, it’s definitely worth the $15/year. You can spend $15.00 on a couple of movie tickets and not have near as much fun!

    Sunburntkamel, I tried looking at your blog, as you’ve been so helpful here, but, and this happens often, everytime I click on a person’s name to check out their site, I get a blank screen that says “invalid key” and I’m stuck – “back” key doesn’t work, nothing works. I have to restart Explorer entirely. That’s very annoying but the CSS stuff is fun!


  47. Sankar Viruthachalam

    I have a question regarding the domain name upgrade… i think it costs 10/15 credits. So is that for a year or is it a one time fee…?


  48. Pingback: WordPress Wednesday: Easter Eggs, Editor Extras, WordPress Plugins, and more WordPress 2.1 at The Blog Herald
  49. hockeyman6



  50. opaswer

    i dont get it?


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