Digg This!

Have you heard of Digg? It’s a cool social news site where what’s on the front page is chosen by YOU. You can vote on stories with just a click of a button, and whichever stories and links get the most votes rises to the front page.

Digg is also known for the Digg Effect, which is namely that because Digg has a large audience they can easily drive thousands of visitors to your site in a very short time. Often the people you see at the top of blogs of the day are there because of a lot of external traffic from a social news site like Digg.

(On most normal websites the rush of traffic can cause problems, but on WordPress.com you’re 100% Digg-proof.)

Why are we telling you this? Because Digg has this cool feature where you can vote for an entry on Digg right from the page you’re on, assuming you’re registered and logged in. Putting this button on your posts can help drive a lot of votes.

To add this to your post, just put in [digg=http://digg.com/url_to/story_on_digg] and it’ll be transformed into a “Digg This” button. (Your story must already be submitted to Digg for this to work.) I’ve added a Digg This button to the right for this very post you’re reading, why not try voting on it to test things out?

A tip: try to only submit your best stuff to Digg, not every entry, that way you have a better chance of being voted up and not cluttering their system. Mark has written a step-by-step FAQ with screenshots if you need some help. There are no plans to add other news sites like Newsvine or such at this time, but thanks for your suggestions.

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  1. Jeff Ventura

    Very cool guys. Thanks.


  2. Hardliner

    Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! 😀


  3. 0nkulis

    Cool! Thanks for this gift!


  4. K

    I always assumed that DIGG is for technology blog. No wonder it’s very effecient to source of traffic. Are there extra rooms for “personal blogs” on Digg? However, the feature is great. I’ll give it a try. Thanks.


  5. engtech


    Thanks guys 🙂


  6. Pingback: WordPress.com adds suspport for Digg buttons « Hardliner Blog
  7. Hardliner

    Uhm… I hate to be the pooper on the parade. But I am getting a Bad URL error. Just letting you know…


  8. skp

    Super Awesome – Totally Web 2.0-ish …


  9. pwally

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry for the freakout)


  10. kosso

    Great stuff! But needs more padding around it – unless it’s my css template kookin’ it up and butting it up right against text?


  11. Trée

    Excellent addition. Thanks Matt.


  12. kylydia

    This is great. Thanks!


  13. Sankar Viruthachalam

    Nice addition… 🙂


  14. Hardliner

    never mind, it’s working but formatting is going to be a rather large bear.


  15. Max

    Cool! Thanks Matt. May I request that this little “Digg” option be integrated into the posting environment as a button? Or am I asking too much. 🙂


  16. Christopher Wondra

    I’ve submitted to digg a handful of times myself. So, I’m still getting the hang of it. But so far I haven’t cracked its secrets. My most successful story has only gotten 5 diggs–whether I’ve had the button or not.

    It is a fascinating and powerful tool though. Once you get it figured out.

    Thanks for the button–and the info. You guys are amazing.



  17. invisibile

    Hi Matt, “Digg this” button is a nice add-on, but i would like also to have the chance to put a poll inside my WordPress posts, do you think could it be possible?


  18. grinder

    Great stuff guys!!! Thanks. \m/


  19. MadMark

    Wow.. sounds powerful and interesting!


  20. adam

    100%, huh? that seems like quite the legal gamble…

    anyway, this is a good start, although digg isn’t the only game in town.

    i’m not a fan of the default styling (especially floating the iframe), and neither are the dark themes (sunburn, emire, chaoticsoul). you might want to add some basic styling and centering to the iframe tag so that things look less bad.


  21. jordanm

    Awesome! I love digg and I dugg this story for support. :]


  22. opinionated indian



  23. apek-kun

    Cool!!thanks a lot!! 😀


  24. matty

    I haven’t got any best stuff.


  25. johnstodderinexile

    Since this code didn’t seem to work, I looked at Digg’s own site, which has different codes. This also didn’t work for me.

    What am I doing wrong?


  26. abu ameerah



  27. magnox

    This. Is. Awesome.
    I’ve been waiting for this 😉



  28. outime

    I know that Digg is more famous than Meneame – a Spanish site similar to Digg -, but can be a good idea do this for Meneame, too.

    See it at http://www.meneame.net 🙂


  29. easyrew

    Excellent – thanks for this!


  30. Γιώργος Μαργαρίτης

    Seems Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  31. gamerconor

    Cooooooool!!!!!!!!!!! does it cost anything to register on Digg???


  32. cema

    Sweet. I was waiting until this happend. It’s good to know that WordPress resists the Digg Effect.


  33. Brent

    Sweet! This is totally kick butt. Thanks Matt.

    One request though: How about also adding an “add to del.icio.us” button to go along with this? That would be perfect

    Thanks again!



  34. JV

    Thanks for the addition


  35. fizia



  36. techalchemy

    Thank you for that. I was wondering how to make it work with wordpress.


  37. felipe

    cool, gonna try it soon 🙂


  38. MCA

    Thanks it will interesting to see what happens.


  39. that girl again

    A few tips, try to only submit your best stuff to Digg, not every entry, that way you have a better chance of being voted up and not cluttering their system.

    I make that one tip. Where are the others?


  40. engtech

    Oh, and I’m posting this because it’s the easiest way to reach a lot of wordpress.com bloggers.

    I’ve finally released my tag cloud generator program so that anyone on wordpress.com can have a tag cloud like mine: http://engtech.wordpress.com/tag-cloud/


  41. Pingback: WordPress.com adds suspport for Digg buttons « Tons of Fresh News
  42. truly.equal

    Well this is certainly worth a try!

    Along with Reddit, this should bust some WordPress.com servers!


  43. rumours

    Ok! Matt 🙄



  44. Mohammed Zainal

    Awesome !!!
    great job matt ! keep up the good work .


  45. blayde

    Wow, nice feature, digging this right now. thanks


  46. mozey

    Nice, i would like to have the ability to add more “buttons” with that ease!.

    Does it work on comments?



  47. jasonintx

    Was there a techincal reason why you couldn’t implement the “Digg This” with submit capability (http://digg.com/tools/integrate#1) instead of this one which doesn’t have a submit option?


  48. forchilli

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you man! ive been waiting for this!!!!!!!!


  49. Patrick Ryan

    Great, it would be lovely to change the “digg it” and “diggs” for users that write their logs in other languages, so we can add this buttons for mename.net (the spanish clon of digg) or fresqui.com.


  50. Mansour

    that is very nice and god. thank you.

    خیلی خوب است…


  51. hyperreality

    Thank you very very much! I’ve been waiting for this feature for ever! : )
    It’s giving me an error though, must have done something wrong!

    Thank you guys! : )


  52. ashan

    waah! fantabulous!


  53. ubuntonista

    Just what the doctor prescribed. Thank you!


  54. Fabrizio Mondo

    I can only say.. It’s fantastic!


  55. TAE

    Now, if only Digg would add an “Arts” category!!! I would use it more often if they had categories that better fit my topics . . .


  56. Rizwan

    Nice promotion, dude!! You guys should make a wordpress advertisement agency or something ..
    BTW, Im already digging it .. lolz!


  57. EQ



  58. Ben

    Why not have this button on every page?


  59. Deepak

    Wow! You did my job.
    Kudos to you for the same. I love receiving these small but fast updates to this service.
    You guys rock blogging world for sure!


  60. defrostindoors

    O frabjous day! Calloo callay!


  61. ifphc

    This is wonderful!


  62. pcheek


    It is great that you guys are using the iframe instead of calling the javascript file from the digg servers. This really speeds it up and this is something that I have noticed while developing my digg plugin.

    However, I would really recommend using the brand new digg technology that my newest WordPress plugin is based around. The new integration tool allows you to place the button on your website and if the story has already been submitted then you can digg it. If the story has not yet been submitted then the button will take you to a page where you can submit it to the digg database.

    You may want to take a look at the plugin that I created and implement it with the [digg] code that you are using for WordPress.com.

    Also, I would highly recommend that make the url for the story automattic since many users do not know what the url to their story will be until they have written it. Even though you can figure it out if you are using permalinks and know your own permalink structure very well, it still can become a hassle. Not to mention that it can be avoided by using the function.

    Hope that you and the WordPress team get these suggestions!



  63. Adi



  64. Lula

    It could be great, but didn’t work it 😦 the button did not appear


  65. Harsha

    Matt, this is excellent. I like the way you and your group are in tune with the needs of the wordpress.com users. The more successful you help your bloggers on wordpress.com become, the more successful you will be in the long run in terms of your business strategy. I think many users of wordpress.com after some time tend to switch to their own host where they can do more. You can stem that trend by introducing “premium” blogging on wordpress.com with extra paid features. Follow Google’s lead. They have just introduced a “premium” Google package of applications for $50 a year. I have a lot of confidence wordpress.com can do well in the future as you continue improving the service. Here is my ode to WordPress that I wrote in December of last year on my blog. Its a little trite but a good effort I think.



  66. DrumaTix

    Wow, this is really great! Thanks.


  67. Harsha

    Here is another WordPress Haiku I wrote last year in honor of WordPress.



  68. Pingback: Digg This! en Wordpress « Liamngls
  69. showmescifi

    great stuff! now the only question is when will you add the same easy feature for del.icio.us, Windows Live, reddit, newsvine and the other gazillion social networking sites.


  70. Pingback: WordPress.com adds suspport for Digg buttons « News Coctail
  71. Reality Rehash

    Thanks for the new feature! Sounds like a really cool idea!


  72. anselcr

    Reddit support too would be appreciated…


  73. linusmann

    Thanks! Now I have to see if I can figure out how to add it. Me neophyte-ness always gets in the way.


  74. Kayakman

    This is a great feature.

    Thanks for the hard work!


  75. 1ndigo

    Great job guys.
    I was waitn for something like this. just add the simple code and… TA DAA!!!
    theres your DIGG button



  76. Woeful

    I dig it!


  77. Pingback: Can you Digg it? Yes you can! « Neurophilosophy
  78. Nicola

    Oh nice 🙂

    Thanks yet again


  79. Leedeth

    Great new feature! Thanks.


  80. peakaction

    One more way WP makes the world an easier place in which to live.


  81. fifthdecade

    Lovely idea – how do you get it to work? Any chance of creating a tutorial for non-techies?



  82. dpcough

    Great tool!


  83. insomnity




  84. Jonathan Tardif

    Yet another great add! Keep the good job up!


  85. incorrect



  86. Anita Marie

    Very Cool.
    I’m not sure it’s for me- but I’m going to tell my blogger friends about it.
    I’m sure this IS something they can use.


  87. Pingback: WordPress.com adds suspport for Digg buttons « Outside The Box Thinking
  88. Le Khoa Nhi



  89. axewielderx

    Not so sure I can UNDERSTAND this but I can DIGG it!


  90. Matthew

    Hey, just so all you other users don’t get a nasty surprise when you submit something to Digg, be aware that many Digg users have the maturity of 12-year-old public-schoolers. Expect to get ripped apart by most of them. Just ignore them; either way, you’re guaranteed extra exposure. 🙂


  91. Michael Sync

    cool.. thanks a lot.. 🙂


  92. Chris Leak's Hookslide



  93. Jamie Stern-Weiner

    Wow, thanks for this! I’ve been waiting for it for aaaaaaaages. 🙂


  94. danski

    Thanks Guys! This is a GREAT addon to an already brilliant application!


  95. Jim

    Thanks for this, how about Netscape?? 🙂


  96. Nita

    Like someone said above its very difficult to crack Digg. Mostly they are a technology directory. But for those who write the right kind of stories I guess this button is a superb addition. I have submitted a few stories of mine to Digg without success. But now this button will tempt me to try again.


  97. Pingback: Bitslab » Wordpress adopta Digg
  98. dimwittedmusings

    Ok problem problem! I was confused at first (I’m exhausted) and was stupid and didn’t post the digg URL but the blog url…now – when I go to edit it…it won’t fix. Now there’s a weird box at the end of the ones I wanted to initially mark with a digg button. So that needs to be fixed. If you mess up once on the code — you can’t fix it. Help ! Thanks! 😉


  99. Jennie

    awesome! thanks guys, it works perfectly. I’ve already added it to my ecto tags It’s just what I needed 🙂


  100. dimwittedmusings

    Very cool feature! WordPress is getting better and better!


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