Theme Tuesday: ChaosTheory

Here’s another theme for the black background fans: ChaosTheory, a dark new theme developed exclusively for

It features an unusual single-column layout with two widget sidebars at the bottom, and a page navigation menu at the top. You’ll find it listed on Page 1 of your dashboard’s Presentation tab.

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  1. MAV



  2. anas

    it’s so dark, again
    but looks nice 😀


  3. trollboy

    Nice. I like the colors, especially the blue. It has a fresh look. Not sure about the layout personally, although it does allow for bigger images, which is good


  4. B.y. Aureus



  5. ruhi

    Wow! Looks cool 🙂


  6. Julio Fragoso

    This one is tottaly fantastic!

    i will update my blog. Running!

    Thanks guys


  7. Cristina

    I don’t like this theme because the widgets are on the bottom of the theme.


  8. Daniel Trezub

    Wow, it seems good! Congrats to the author.


  9. Hawk

    Great looking theme with a very nice balance of color. I tip my hat to the developer and for WP for offering. BIG KUDOS TO ALL!

    Unfortunately, it may appeal to other dark theme fans, but I’m still waiting on a three-column dark theme with customizable header image. I would jump on this new one in a flash, if it were three-column, with a customizable header image. Sad, so very sad! I will continue to wait!

    Mata ne…


  10. Alex Shiels

    Hawk: if you know of a GPL’d theme that fits the bill, please post a suggestion on the forums. We get plenty of requests for themes with x, y and z, but very few suggestions for themes that already exist.


  11. lollbirdsey

    Good job!
    Widgets at the bottom just aren’t for everyone.


  12. Gabriel...

    The headline placement is really interesting, but there’s a whole lot of empty space which could be filled nicely if a couple of the text, search, archive, admin, and/or RSS widgets could be moved away from the bottom… that shade of blue you’re using for the font could be the nicest I’ve seen for a black theme yet.


  13. Nicola

    Much dark coolness 🙂 Thank you


  14. Rubin Optroy

    It’s my cool theme! Excellent!


  15. abarclay12

    Looks cool. So dark. So mysterioso.


  16. cyclepromo

    Wow made a mistake earlier. The one column design is cool. Nav bar on the top is fine just like cutline, my fav wordpress design. Widgets on the bottom is differrent. But the darkness (and reading of text). That dark colour is not for everyone.


  17. Troy

    Nice, nice. I like it. Thanks.


  18. femmy

    Is there a set number of themes in WordPress? It seems that the Connections theme is missing, replaced by this new one?


  19. engel

    Cool theme! Simplistic darkness…


  20. Alex Shiels

    femmy: Connections is still there.

    Please direct questions and problem reports to support, don’t post them in comments.


  21. psybok

    I agree with Hawk. I like the colors, but would prefer a minimum of two columns. Customizable headings are nice, but not a deal breaker.


  22. flyingdogz

    very dark one – -*


  23. Kunal

    recently there has been a spate in the dark themes… can we have more light colored themes for the clean-look-theme fans like me?


  24. anitz

    I am gonna look at this right away!

    Das ist cool!

    Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming!


  25. Cody

    Very nice theme, I just started using it today.


  26. Farul Azri

    will give it a try soon…!!! thanks guys! i am seriously need a dark but clean layout and you guys have did good jobs again..!! kudos!


  27. zlash

    OMG! That is what i’m looking for, thank you! ;D


  28. Chittaranjan

    Da Themes are getting darker…(beware?)

    This one’s good…better than the ChaoticSoul and Redoable. Tx


  29. Meme

    The theme looks awesome.


  30. কাপালিক

    I do not like black theme. Stille haven’t found a nice three column very simple light color theme. Waiting to find one..


  31. 涼宮春日

    recently there has been a spate in the dark themes… can we have more light colored themes for the clean-look-theme fans like me?

    Yeah! Totally agreed~! Dark didn’t fit my blog very much~


  32. cronies

    < Big black bg fan!

    Ty n’ GO WP!


  33. ticogil

    Wow! It’s fantastic receive news about themes. I love dark themes, but i’m waiting for a three columns dark theme. Nevertheless, thank you very much for you job guys!


  34. Laidbackness

    A great theme. Love the blue but yeah like the others said it is a bit too dark.


  35. karindo

    There must be someone who like the black!. But me..


  36. uemai

    Very nice theme. I like to change often, in attention the current mood.
    One of these days this theme will be mine.


  37. todaii

    Nice theme, but why not a header 😦 ?
    Please give us more light themes !!


  38. nanungnurzula

    i really like this theme


  39. chokkklitsoul

    It’s aiight…I really wish someone would hear our request on a theme with larger header would be sooooo nice if we had the option to “build” our own themes….just sayin… 😦


  40. Alex Shiels

    chokkklitsoul: if you can find and suggest a theme that fits the bill, please post on the forum.

    And you can customize your own theme, of course, with the custom CSS upgrade. See the Sandbox design competition to see the kinds of things that can be achieved with Sandbox 1.0 and CSS.


  41. briosafreak

    I’m still waiting on a three-column dark theme with customizable header image.

    Same here, still a good theme.


  42. Robert

    I really like the cleanliness of this theme, and although I’m not a fan of white-on-dark color schemes, the blue here really works well. I especially like the article information appearing in the left sidebar — really highlights the content.

    If I had a blog that didn’t use a lot of widgets (or really any widgets at all) I’d be all over this theme. But the fact that the sidebars are all the way at the bottom doesn’t really work for me — most readers never go that far down the page.

    If you made this theme with a right sidebar for widgets, it would really be a winner.


  43. trugiaz

    looked nice in a darkness way that is


  44. Thunk Different.

    Madness, Total Chaos Theory… forget about it, 2008 is coming for sure this year.


  45. yuE

    i still like clean sleek white bgs, or those that are in a white shade..


  46. munggur

    I love the headbar that is so clean and organized. Cool! Though, similar with Kunal, could we have the bright ones? White would be good. So many people more and more love the clean-look. Thanks WP, will try it today!


  47. Gustavo

    Dark, dark, dark…


  48. freshhell

    Ugh. How about some non-black themes? I can’t read anything against a black background.


  49. Brigitte

    I’m forced to agree with Kunal, I’m a big fan of light themes myself, and while I love mine, all of my photos have to be tiny to fit.


  50. Patrick

    i like it. i think i might use it!


  51. walky

    Remember guys a header customizable it s so important for blogers… i love this theme but i can t use it because i can t change the header. 😦


  52. that girl again

    there has been a spate in the dark themes

    That would be because dark themes are fashionable at the moment. I think it may be something to do with Vista. 😉

    I saw this in the repository a while ago, really liked it, but assumed it had been junked along with Bryan. It’s nice to finally see a Sandbox-based theme up here. (Obviously it would be better if based on 1.0 rather than 0.6.1, and if it didn’t have weird ‘\t\t\t\t\t’ stuff above links to entry pages, but that’s just me being picky.)


  53. Pingback: unperson « wordpress™ wank
  54. Sakib Al Mahmud

    excellent one. I love it 😉


  55. Pingback: Βόλτα στα theme « Στη μέση του πουθενά
  56. simbel

    Cute! Looks elegant.
    Now something lighter (green?) and with widgets on the side, please (:
    Blue is overdone, I think.


  57. WendySkeleton

    Ah, the perfect theme for me (so far). I’ve been looking for a dark and minimalist theme and this fits the bill. Thanks for this.


  58. Cross

    I’m loving it, still I will keep my current one. 😉


  59. Pingback: ChaosTheory, Theme Hitam Sederhana « munggur
  60. Pingback: ChaosTheory: Theme baru berlatar hitam yang sederhana dan bersih « axireaxi
  61. Steven Oliver

    Sexy. I’ve been waiting on something similar to this for a long while now.


  62. goldcoaster

    wow, very nice.

    cheers from Australia,
    – GoldCoaster


  63. Jeff

    Great for a photoblog, like mine!


  64. Richmond

    I’ll try it today. Thanks.


  65. Richmond

    I didn’t like it.


  66. Nishu

    looks superb .. rite time to change theme


  67. tmaxim

    If I had a blog that didn’t use a lot of widgets (or really any widgets at all) I’d be all over this theme. But the fact that the sidebars are all the way at the bottom doesn’t really work for me — most readers never go that far down the page.


  68. आशीष शुक्ल

    I liked the color scheme of this theme, but it’ll be cool, if its available in wide orientation, great for posting code 🙂 .


  69. shadowzhao

    simplicity can create such powerful atmospheres


  70. piratenblog

    looks nice, but widgets at the bottom are a no-go 😦


  71. Julia

    I’ll be trying this one out soon, but I’m not sure if I could enjoy having widgets shoved to the bottom. It looks very, very good though.


  72. vedadesigen

    waduh ngeri amatit ….


  73. Patrick

    Im using it now! Im not sure if I like it yet or not. But I’ll decide later.


  74. bsfancies

    It’s not hard to read, for a dark, and looks good. Shame there’s no way to have the widgets at the bottom and still have navigation at the top.


  75. b

    It’s pretty. Now, how about some off-white with nice, large font size. Some of us are gettin’ up in years.


  76. bytch

    Looks very nice, and I like that it’s wide, but having the widgs at the bottom is a bother. I’d rather see more light ones, anyway. Seems like there are a lot of dark lately.


  77. drivebymedia

    ah chaos theory “…life and themes always find a way” -ian malcolm


  78. vjp

    Looks nice for photos but too dark for reading. The widgets at the bottom are not such a good idea, either.

    Still waiting for a Regulus-like theme with 3 columns.


  79. benjamindyer

    A great theme, updated this morning!

    What would be really nice, would be a way to only display a summery of posts with this theme, that would make the widgets at the bottom work better.


  80. علي جباري

    the next theme name : double agent
    and next willbe: Conviction!


  81. Pingback: Theme Release
  82. Pingback: Novo tema: ChaosTheory « Mundo WP
  83. Aristocrat

    It’s a nice dark theme as per the last Chaos Theory. Thanks for the effort. However, a point to note would perhaps be the counter-intuitive location of the post details–on the right side. I have friends who raised the issue.

    Nevertheless, much appreciated. Merci beaucoup!


  84. danniegurl4388

    I personally would like to see a possible 1-2 column layout that has a black background but different color text, and different text font. I like this one, but I don’t like the sidebar being a bottom bar….hence the name side bar.

    I’m not sure, but I’m looking forward to more new layouts!!

    I’m getting bored of my current one…but I still haven’t found one that fits all my links properly in the side bar (besides the one I’m using) I’m also more of a right side bar person and not the usual left side bar.

    Good Job though. I love the color purple….black red or black and purple go together really well.


  85. p4ndu_454kura

    Whoohoo…!!! Another theme of the day.
    I’m still waiting for a new light one. 😀


  86. cakmoki

    hmmm, dark and light letters combined, beautiful 🙂


  87. Poonam Sharma

    Please no more dark templates, it is difficult to read on a black background. 😦


  88. bevaegelsen

    This theme is so sweet! Thanks!


  89. brokenbokken

    I don’t like fixed width themes. I use a widescreen laptop (1920 x 1200). I like to use all my screen real-estate.


  90. 800x600

    where’s the download???


  91. takao

    i’m white lover, but this is so cool! maybe now i’ll be black lover


  92. Ryan

    I like the use of the black


  93. fourplus

    nice theme


  94. Mila

    dont really like black as background, no good for my eyes
    but nice … scary but nice.


  95. mixalot

    I like the theme nice for photo gallerys:)


  96. Pingback: Changement de thème « Pieces of Web
  97. ricklondon

    At 5:30 pm EST the ITP (Internet Theme Police) approved it. So be it.


  98. seniorpastor

    Chaos is an essential view of the universe. It is the heart of the counterenlightenment view of epistomology. It allows a new postmodern view of everything.


  99. Exodus

    Thanks heaps! 🙂


  100. Rainna

    It’s a bit dark, don’t like it at all…


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