Theme Thursday: The Journalist

Ok, ok, we hear you: enough of the dark themes already.  Here’s one that should help set the universe back into balance: The Journalist by Lucian Marin.  It’s a crisp, professional, black-on-white theme designed for serious writers.  

The Journalist features a fixed-width, two-column layout, elegant typography for post text and block quotes, and supports widgets in the right-hand sidebar.  Look for it on page 4 of your Presentation / Themes tab (under “T” for “The”).

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  1. frances

    Nice. Crisp. Neat. Wider space for photos. It’s funny how the widgets have “The.” Unfortunately, I find it too plain. Not for me.


  2. timethief

    YES! Finally a theme I can identify with.


  3. flawedplan

    Been waiting for this, any chance of doing it w/a header option, and moving the extremely obtrusive tag box to the bottom? Other than that, yahoots all around.


  4. Alex Shiels

    flawedplan: we just make the themes available as they’re designed – without a header image in this case. I’m not sure what you mean by the tag box – the dark grey meta box? Only categories are included there, tags are listed underneath each post.


  5. ruhi

    Lovely! 🙂 I’ll use it soon.


  6. Red

    But what if Im not a serious writer? Then what… ?


  7. Anna

    I agree with Frances – it’s crisp and clean, but too plain for me. I would like to see a few more creative themes come out! 🙂


  8. Alex Shiels

    Anna: if you have a suggestion for an existing GPL’d WordPress theme that you’d like to see on, please post about it on the forum.


  9. Pingback: New Theme «
  10. Bruno Tsubouchi Yporti

    Nice! Simple and Professional. I’m using… 🙂


  11. Nishu

    Nice work alex, I love the theme a lot.. Thats almost the minimal I wanted for my blog.
    Thanks.. Keep up the good work


  12. Kunal

    Brilliant theme, tried it out and I love it.
    Switched to it, now if just someone can tell me how to make the text of all my posts justified?


  13. vjp

    Love it! I can even do without the header. But I can’t do without the tagline. Any chance on getting that coded in?


  14. Alex Shiels

    vjp: again, this is the theme as it was designed. There’s no obvious place in the design to put a tagline. I’d suggest adding a text widget to the top of the sidebar instead.


  15. dinsan

    good one .. i love the white space !!!


  16. hoek

    it look simple, nice work!


  17. saniroy

    Less is more. I love this one. Thanks.


  18. vjp

    Alex – that’s exactly what I ended up doing 😉 By the way – there is an extra word in the date format line. It shows “on the November 21st, 2007” – the word “the” shouldn’t be there.


  19. museditions

    Me too! I *am* a serious–although sometimes flippant–writer, and I like the minimalist but professional look of this. I’m off to play with my widgets. Thanks Alex & Lucien


  20. Canadian Cinephile

    That’s hot.


  21. msmarii

    Yes, yes, yes! Almost perfect! I`m using it right away.


  22. K

    This is neat. Journal/Magazine-looking theme is the “in” these days. Minimalist and easy on the eye.

    The previous and this current are two the best so far.


  23. cronies

    Not for me, who’s a dark themer.

    Anyway, ty WP n’ happy thanksgivin’!


  24. ideasmith

    Great, one can’t get enough of minimalist themes. More room for one’s own content!! It would be nice to have more customization options and double sidebars though. Still, it’s really great how you guys keep turning out something new!


  25. Julio Fragoso

    i prefer the darks like mine !

    but this one looks awesome !


  26. Pingback: Back on « The Nameless Blog
  27. Rohit Sharma

    Nice one.. I’ll try it out.


  28. kazik

    Preety Nice i can say 😀 Very clean and simple! Give us more cool themes!


  29. msmarii

    Hmm, when I open a post, sidebar moves down under the post and coments. Is it supposed to be so?


  30. Alex Shiels

    msmarii: please use the contact form or forums to ask for help or report problems.


  31. Sakib Al Mahmud

    nice theme on that day specially 😛
    thanks wordpress team.


  32. Pingback: Žurnālists « Istabas
  33. geekgirlxx

    Looks nice.


  34. Nicola

    That is very smart and crisp. I use too many images for it to work well for me – but if I give up the images and just write that would be the one for me.


  35. Pingback: What is your ideal design layout? « GoldenApples
  36. Manny

    I like this theme. It’s a great one for blogs that have primarily news and op-ed pieces as content. It’s not for light reading like mine, but if I should want to explore my academic, serious side, I might use it.


  37. masterclasslady

    I love this theme. I may change over. Can you add a custim header with the CSS upgrade?


  38. susaneb
  39. wilddreamers

    Cat-atsic theme. You guys are just awesome.


  40. feather

    this is EXACTLY what i was looking for in fonts and layout. Thank you wordpress design team!!!


  41. typingisnotactivism

    have been really diggin re-doable lite and i’ll miss the customizable header but this is really niiiiiiice. Works great for readers. i like black backgrounds but they’re not the best for everybody and this really leaves it all up to the content. thanx az always, you guys (f/m) rock!


  42. Hawk

    The new theme has a simple elegance which is very nice. I tip my hat to the development. However, I can not resist to say it seems great effort is always offering ‘journalistic’ formats. From viewing the available themes, the majority principally have white backgrounds, possessing a splash of colour, with a few options with presentation. Yet, there remains a void with dark colored themes (black background), offering three-columns; either two sidebars on the right or one on either side of the text column.

    Someone once commented within this forum that black themes are more of a ‘passing fancy’ or some other ill conceived comment. This is not true. There are those in the midst of WP users, who prefer a dark theme (all black), just as a matter of preference!

    The theme I currently use ‘ChaoticSoul’ is a great theme for which I’m grateful; it would be better if it had another sidebar.

    If there were something which had the ‘glass appearance’ of “Black Letterhead”, with three columns, with a customizable header image, I would dance a jig and drink a tankard of ale. It was suggested to me to offer some recommendations regarding GPL’d Themes, but when I replied with another question on this recommendation it fell on deaf ears.

    I guess we will continue the wait. Waiting… Waiting… Waiting…



  43. septiarani

    well, that so simple.. so plain.. but i think that’s good


  44. storymode

    I like it alot. Just need a good reason to use it on myself.
    Thanks WP!


  45. Sandra



  46. Alex Shiels

    Sandra: the theme has a sidebar. If something isn’t working properly, please contact support.


  47. Cross

    Simply, clean and good looking.


  48. Chittaranjan

    Nice…clean-looking Professional theme this.

    And ’twas about time the Light-Theme-Lovers stole a march over the Dark-themers 😛


  49. abarclay12

    What’s black and white and red all over?? The “Journalist.”

    Sorry – that was a really bad joke, but I there’s no bourbon for my coffee.


  50. KitchenGoddess83

    Lovely, I think I’ll give it a go soon.


  51. engtech

    It’s up on wptheme if anyone wants to check it out quickly:


  52. amin

    thank you 🙂
    very nice designing.
    I am switching to Journalist theme 😀


  53. Pingback: Novo tema: The Journalist « Mundo WP
  54. Pingback: only WP « LifE iN GnU
  55. Dakota

    Love this kinda theme la… but…
    Can you get something more STYLISH with colors etc?
    Love this style for photo blogging though.


  56. antobilang

    Saya langsung gunakan theme ini begitu saya melihat berita ini di dashboard.
    Terima kasih untuk Kang Matt dan konco-konco, semoga semakin hari WP semakin maju dengan gebrakan-gebrakannya.

    Salam dari Jogja. :mrgreen:


  57. Pingback: Jatuh cinta lagi « a n t o b i l a n g ™
  58. Augusto (AcquaDeskmod)

    só tava faltando ”Imagem de Cabeçalho”


  59. E@zyVG

    Love this theme 🙂


  60. David Raho

    Looks OK but would have benefited from a customisable header. The theme is meant to appeal to would be journalists (maybe) and a more flexible header facility is missing at present from every theme I’ve tried -but highly desireable. ‘Do not underestimate the power of the front page Luke’.

    I’ll test run it on my handheld as some themes don’t display well on windows mobile otherwise I will stick with Kubrick a theme I know works well and is reasonably customiseable.


  61. Patrick

    i like it. i was using chaos theory but now im in like with this one.


  62. Patrick

    actually i tried it and i dont like it. im back to chaos theory.


  63. vjp

    I just noticed something – the left line shown in the photo is not showing up in the theme. An oversight, maybe?


  64. jeller3

    nice clean, crisp….but no excitement….dull.



  65. lwayswright

    Why are writer’s always assumed to be “dark and mysterious and dreary?” I’ve been a writer for many many years and am not dark. I do write about emotions, some of which are not always happy, but I also write about the beauty of my life, the laughter and the upside of things. I write for kids, about grace and laughter. I guess what I’m sayin is not all of us are dark, moody and depressing. We aren’t all trying to “find ourselves.” I’ve found myself, it’s just that sometimes I would love to give some of myself back to wherever it came from….maybe the mother ship….just kiddin!!!!!!


  66. David

    I would use it if it had a banner. Looks good.


  67. Troy

    I love this theme. Thanks, WP.


  68. Richmond

    I’ll use it now.


  69. ceomoney

    I am so ready for it…you know!!!


  70. b.elle

    It is pretty close to what I was looking for. A customizable header would have been nice, of course. And maybe a slightly larger font. I do like the looks of the dark bars across the page.


  71. balloonz

    nice theme. can’t wait for your next one.


  72. Pingback: The Journalist: Theme anyar berlatar putih pengganti ChaosTheory « axireaxi
  73. masterclasslady

    So, engtech, this is your creation? Why am I not surprised? Great work as always.


  74. masterclasslady

    Wait – it says Lucian Marin designed the theme, so I am assuming engtech organized the sample site for us to view? Correct?


  75. Brigitte

    It’s very clean, but not for me, I’m too big a fan of color. This would be great for a photoblog though, or very serious blog, but if there’s not a lot of pictures going on I think it would be overwhelming. The site of massive blocks of text, methinks, would turn off a lot of readers. Regardless, it’s a nice addition, I’m all for new themes being added!


  76. Maltesh Ashrit

    Good, moving frm DIGG to this one..
    keeps it simple..


  77. emmanuele81



  78. timethief

    All and all I like this theme. It has a large blogging space that should please photobloggers. There’s more feedback here


  79. Pingback: Motion « My Life. In pictures.
  80. محسن وزیری

    I Am a Journalist This Is Very Fun , Thank You Very Much! I Kiss You


  81. Diana

    Ha ha. Nice theme, but I try to not take myself too seriously as a journalist, so I’ll pass on this one for now…


  82. Richmond

    I wish I can change the Header.


  83. oilwinwar

    I actually do not have an issue with the um, whats it called “theme” that I am using . I will check that one out later this month, God Willing. Very nice though, very sophisticated and classy. Nice


  84. oneechan21

    the theme’s nice….good work =)


  85. p4ndu_454kura

    Hmm… clean and simple.
    I like it. 🙂


  86. Pingback: Tema Baru Wordpress: The Journalist « munggur 2.0
  87. VideoDoc

    Reminds newspaper style


  88. munggur

    I always like the theme with minimalist, white and systematic pages. It’s good for reader and myself. Thanks for WordPress from Indonesian blogger using WP.

    It’s amazing in my point of view that some Indonesian blogger give quick response (change their theme and write comments here) to this newest theme. I think this kind of theme is suitable with low-speed bandtwith.

    Cool! I will use it for couple of day and back to White as Milk.


  89. Gloomy Slipper

    Transparent and pleasing to the eye. Applause.


  90. planetultramarathon

    Three columns would make it better!


  91. Pingback: Βόλτα στα theme « Στη μέση του πουθενά
  92. Eliza D

    It’s an elegant theme. I would have used it but it can’t seem to accommodate pages which is a pity


  93. Alex Shiels

    Eliza D: all of our themes work with pages, The Journalist included. Don’t forget to include a Pages widget in your sidebar if you haven’t already.


  94. bipro

    Thanks a lot Mr. Alex
    nice theme…perfect for serious writer 🙂


  95. Roland

    This is a very nice app for photobloggers, like me! Thanks for the space and simplicity!


  96. raceon4

    Nice theme better than some of the others.


  97. BoltClock

    Looks impressive, clean and simple, but black on white just isn’t for me. Make your next featured theme a colorful one!


  98. Gorm

    Manna from the heavens! This theme is perfectly suited for me. I will in fact use it the rest of my life.


  99. Truden

    That’s not a theme (design)!
    It is text on white background.


  100. s198

    welldone thats great theme


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