April Wrap-up and Monotone Photoblogger Theme

April absolutely flew, I have no idea where it went.

Here’s what you rascals did last month, with a few new and improved stats:

  • 240,494 blogs were created.
  • 281,729 new users joined.
  • 2,533,704 file uploads. (Y’all use the new uploader a lot more.)
  • About 740 gigabytes of new files. (Estimated, better number next month.)
  • 317 terabytes of content transferred from our datacenters. (Compare to last time we published transfer numbers.)
  • 3,258,032 posts and 1,330,355 new pages.
  • 4,903,485 logins.
  • 655,178,604 pageviews on WordPress.com, and another 408,359,440 on self-hosted blogs. (1,063,538,044 pageviews total across blogs using our stats system. We broke a billion!!)
  • 63,730,680 pageviews in RSS feeds.
  • 884,208 active blogs, where “active” means they got a human visitor.
  • 152,005,525 unique people visited WordPress.com-hosted blogs.

Random facts:

  • About 30% of pageviews go to blogs with their own domains.
  • 43% of pageviews to permalink pages.
  • 30% of pageviews go to blogs in languages other than English. The most popular? Spanish, Portuguese, and Indonesian.
  • 63% of our visitors were from outside of the United States.
  • About 93% of pageviews were to people not logged in.
  • People logged in somewhere using OpenID 84 thousand times.
  • Blogs using the Digg3 theme got 5.26% of total traffic.
  • There were 475 posts made via the Atom API (234,831 with XML-RPC).
  • We sent 3,761,059 emails.

So many of our stats fall along 70/30 lines it’s scary.

Now for the juicy bits. Behold! Monotone.

Imagine a theme for photoblogging where every page looks like it was designed to match the picture. Monotone is a chameleon, it does sophisticated analysis of the image you upload to determine a complementary color scheme. The width of the page also changes based on the width of the photo.

You can see the demo site by clicking either of the images above.

Monotone takes the first (and only the first) image from your post and does its magic. Just make sure to select “full size” when you insert it. (The images must be uploaded to WordPress so we can resize them and extract out the colors properly. It also does best with BIG images.) The rest of the text is put below like a regular post. It only ever shows one post per page, but dig those archives.

A cool new theme, a new uploader, gigabytes of free space — you now have no good reason not to start a photoblog. Show the world what you’ve got. A week from today, if I remember, I’ll link to the coolest blogs using Monotone and will send literally dozens of viewers their way. Noel Jackson was the man behind the magic and we’re continuing to work with him on some top-secret projects.

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  1. neath

    Monotone sure has a lot of potential. Is it possible to have posts running down the page like a regular blog? Or have a thumbnail preview page?



  2. Matt

    Neath, nope the idea is to be like a traditional photoblog where you enjoy a single photo at once. How can we match the colors if there’s multiple highlight photos on a page? 🙂


  3. peteremcc

    That looks great.
    I’ll have to start taking more photos!


  4. pKay

    “April absolutely flew, I have no idea where it went.”

    You can say that again!!

    Good job on all the great looking stats. That theme looks awesome as well! Keep up the great work wordpress!!


  5. anitz

    I like that theme, Monotone… I am going to go experiment with this… (you guys sure do make it hard to go somewhere else for a blog… 😉 ).


    Ich blogge auf deutsch, mache einen Pause, aber hier kann man bestimmt was interessantes lesen…


  6. Charles

    just cool….. 😀


  7. Robert

    That is so cool. Thanks. I know a photoblogger who’ll probably switch to that right away.


  8. Katyayani

    Incredible !! No wonder wordpress takes the lead.

    Its innovativeness like Monotone which makes us love wordpress all the more !

    Truly impressive !


  9. Jenn

    Great idea, really well executed and a great idea 🙂

    Is it possible to use some kind of eyedropper tool to select the colour for each page yourself? for example on a page with the koi fish in the golden temple pond, it’d be lovely if you could choose the orange of the fish for the page rather than grey.


  10. supersizeme

    Monotone looks gorgeous, its just gone and inspired me to take up photography now! Fabulous work WordPress.


  12. gautamghosh

    awesome !

    Photobloggers will love it!


  13. Ridzwan

    Time to get the old, cruddy camera back to work, ey? Love it, thanks guys. Cheers


  14. dinsan

    coooool theme 🙂


  15. darkophoto

    Very cool. I hope to see more non-traditional themes, like perhaps a magazine style?

    ps. Heck, I may even start a photoblog now 🙂
    Cheers & beers to Noel and u Matt!


  16. uemai

    Those numbers also reflect the good work you’ve been doing, so congrats to you to, keep doing it.


  17. Teck

    Thank you for this wonderful theme… 🙂


  18. unseen

    the new theme looks great!
    also the stats rule!



    Awesome theme and I like this theme 😉


  20. m@q

    Cool and Brilliant… What an idea- matching every pages with the photos!

    Photo-bloggers must be thrilled!


  21. madsilence

    I’m interested to learn how many blogs were abandoned and the average longevity of a WordPress blog. “884,208 active blogs” is about 30% of today’s total WordPress 3,030,809 blogs.
    BTW, if I switch to Digg3, will visits increase? 🙂


  22. Pingback: Indonesia Peringkat 3 di Wordpress.com « zoel
  23. storymode

    I’ve always favored expressiveness through the English language over pictures. However, I still think WP is on to something here with Monotone!

    Great work you guys!


  24. zoel

    wow!!! amazing.. I’m waiting for this them for a long time… although I’ve build my (and my community) own photoblog at http://foto.ongisnade.net , monotone is amazing… and thanks for the review, I’m still wondering how Indonesian get this: “30% of pageviews go to blogs in languages other than English. The most popular? Spanish, Portuguese, and Indonesian.”
    thanks Matt, gracias, terima kasih, matur suwun….


  25. techsadhu


    I must say this:

    “Wordpress, an every-present, ever-giving online publishing platform has re-defined the term ‘state-of-the-art’, time and again.”

    Simply Amazing!!!


  26. skywindows

    I love the photo blog theme… A couple of us participate in a Photo Friday, I think i am going to move my entries to a photo blog. Thanks!


  27. asupremenewyorkthing

    HOLY “S”, that’s awesome!


  28. jaimeharmonphoto

    Monotone is great… I started my photoblog this week and couldn’t find a theme that i really liked for a photoblog, I just wish it was out today


  29. Pingback: Leokid’s Life « Blog Archive « Leokid’s Eyes
  30. dontbesadblog

    @Matt + pKay — what? Its May already?!?

    How time silently slips by…


  31. Aguair


    Love the theme!



  32. neath

    The reason I asked is that I am not crazy about photoblogs where the only way to see anything is to just keep clicking randomly throughout which gets boring fast without any kind of thumbnail page to preview stuff. Anyway, it’s still a great idea!


  33. sugali

    Really cool


  34. photographerno1

    great work matt
    Only if you could work on a multi edit I have to edit 6000 blogs manually ..
    Godspeed Firoze Shakir


  35. museditions

    This is the most amazing thing I’ve seen all day! (of course I’ve only been up for 10 minutes—even so!) I’m hardly about photos, and I need my widgets, but for those who are and don’t, I’ll look forward to seeing them. My favorite bits were the “random facts”. Thanks as always.


  36. Pascal

    Just greeeat!

    But once more, that would have been a nice idea to have it internationalized right away…


  37. TRKN

    Thousands Thanks! just started my photoblog I was longing for…



  38. jadeworld

    It looks so great! This makes me want to take pictures!


  39. Mike

    WordPress rules, truly. You knock Blogger and Livejournal into a cocked hat.


  40. Pingback: Launched: Monotone ‹ Blog ‹ eight6
  41. Chanceler Silva

    Love the theme – I’m sure a friend of mine will appreciate it if she feels like opening a photoblog.

    However, I find the the white borders/background a bit distracting… and the only thing between this being a truly great theme.


  42. Author

    Fabulous concept – I’m sure I’ll be trying it out soon!


  43. mclassen

    Very cool Matt, always improving the site. Keep the think tank rolling. I haven’t seen any changes I don’t like so far.


  44. Narayanan Aier

    You guys keep rolling out cool stuff. I actually know a person who will love your new theme. Keep it up!


  45. Howard

    Cool, but it’s a great shame it doesn’t work with Flickr.


  46. Matt

    Unless we’re hosting the image it’s difficult to be able to resize it on the fly and sample the colors properly.


  47. Chittaranjan

    Very Cool Theme!

    Any limit on the Image size? Or will even high-res Wallpapers also work?

    Would be gr8 if there was a “Next Post” and “Previous” post link below each post.


  48. Chittaranjan

    Oops! The arrows do take one to the Previous and Next post! Didn’t realize that till now 😳

    My bad!


  49. leospictures11

    my blog is 99.9% photos so that theme will work out great! my blog is http://www.leospictures.wordpress.com


  50. Pingback: A New Photodea. « Water Ouzel
  51. James

    Have you had a great steak lately?


  52. JPhilipson

    MATT!!! Hurry man, I can’t wait for monotone its so freaking awesome… keep up the good work. Next time you’re in Hawaii let me know and I’ll give you a proper tour. 🙂


  53. Pingback: Ok, call me stupid if you wish « Adventures of an Idiot - occasional ramblings of a photography freak
  54. Pingback: Monotone? Rather The Opposite! « 4am
  55. Rowjie

    i love the themes!


  56. legoless

    Wow. That’s all I can say. 😯 Great work guys.


  57. Alpay

    Hey, great numbers, not a bad choice on my blogging platform then 😉


  58. krysjez

    Monotone looks amazing.


  59. pratanu



  60. reviersternchen

    Thank you for this new theme 🙂 That´s great.

    Greets from germany


  61. wprioryvision

    That’s a beautiful theme for photos! Next, what about a good one for VideoBlogers?


  62. Miss Poh

    i dont know if other users face this problem too, but the remaining photos in my post no longer show up with this theme. 😦 my widgets are all gone too?

    a singular photo in the middle of a post will be extricated and plonked right in front, which kind of distorts the original flow of the post.

    the theme’s really novel, but the transition isnt exactly smooth for me. guess i gotta go back to my old theme.


  63. Pingback: The PhotoBlog makes its debut « My Wierd Wired World
  64. Hazel

    EEEK! Lurv it!


  65. Jennifer

    Thanks so much for the new theme! Monotone is great for photoblogs; started a(nother) new one last night. Adding the ability to import and display EXIF data in the post would make it perfect.


  66. Jean-Luc Crucifix

    Great intelligent theme. The only thing I do not like are the white strips left and right (background). They’re too white (?) and compete with the photo. Could be better with a black background or even better with a background of the same colour of the one choosed by the system. Is it possible?
    Also the archives would look better with a dark (black) background.


  67. broncomadness

    thats pretty cool


  68. Humaneyed


    Monotone is the theme I was waiting for!

    The only thing that -for me- keeps it from being perfect is that it is not possible to replace the white background for a black -or any other colour- one.

    I would love the WP team even more if you added an option that allowed the user to change it.

    In any case, THANKS!


  69. jenniferstavros

    love the new themes. may have to make a specifically just photoblog now. eep.


  70. munggur

    That Monotone is not ‘monotone’ indeed so cool and simple. People love to show their pics will absolutely choose this theme. Good for photographer to make it as their gallery.


  71. Pingback: New Theme « Tanuki I 25
  72. Richard

    Monotone is a great idea for a photoblogging theme. Well done.


  73. Kate

    Monotone does sophisticated analysis of the image you upload to determine a complementary color scheme. I never see this on other themes. WordPress rocks!


  74. Samuel Koh

    this is pretty awesome…i’m glad i switched from blogger to wordpress =)) never looked back!


  75. Nishu

    Great work .. I dont have photolog but I want to test chameleon feature


  76. hyorinmaru

    Cool theme (and concept).
    It even works nice with non-image article.
    But then, it lacks some “small important” things:
    1. The blogroll, I miss my friends 😐
    2. List of recently posts. Yes, we can navigating via “archive” link, but the way it work was so odd. For a post without image as first object, we got: a box with nothing, even without information ’bout the title (yes, if the mouse hover above the box, we can see the permalink on the browser statusbar).
    Guess then, this theme only for photoblogging –yes, I mean, this theme “not good” if you have no images in your posts. Oh my… :-s
    Can I have those two features above, please… 😉


  77. Pingback: Testing a new theme… « Blog Archive « I am not a good teacher.
  78. Pingback: opiate wave photography « opiate wave
  79. jeff chin

    I love this, I’m launching a sister-site to my normal blog because of this…



  80. Moon

    Very interesting theme…


  81. Pingback: The Latest Free Toy from Wordpress « Blog Archive « Political Cowboy’s Photo Album
  82. Netty Gritty

    Kudos! Nice work….
    But why no custom header? Photographers love branding too!


  83. bomberoking

    i love the themes..!


  84. Intan

    Matt, I’m so in love with wordpress. period.


  85. sg4tech

    Nice theme


  86. CSS moonseeds

    Beautiful and cool, thanks once again for all the great work and support!


  87. jeff chin

    does search not work on this theme?



  88. yusdi

    nice one…


  89. gabbyy



  90. goldenferi

    that is gorgeous! wow!


  91. Eru

    Coolest and Purest Blogging Platform 🙂


  92. johnherf

    Good idea Matt.
    That’s a good-looking theme.
    The exellence of that theme.

    warm regards,


  93. អាចម៍ផ្កាយ

    It’s great!
    I like…


  94. Elizabeth

    Monotone is neat. Though I rather miss seeing more of my photos on a single page, I do love the archive page – and love the look in general.


  95. Pingback: Salve-se Quem Puder - Pt. 2 « Mestre das Letrinhas
  96. Pingback: wordpress stat in april « memento mori
  97. Gurindam Jiwa

    I think this is probably good also for The FAIL Blog. 🙂


  98. lefthandedstitcher

    totally cool



    I’m ipressed 🙂


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