43 Degrees, but it’s snowing

It’s 43 degrees outside, which is I think as cold as it gets in San Francisco. But there’s no reason we can’t turn down the thermometer here on WordPress.com.

That’s right, the snow is back!

Last year we were a little tardy with adding it so to make up we’re giving you almost a full month of snowy goodness.

How to make it rain snow?

  1. Go to your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Appearance -> Extras.
  3. Check the box next to “Show falling snow on this blog.”
  4. Roast some chestnuts.

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
but this blog is sooo delightful
Until the internet gets slow,
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Those of you who turned on snow on last year will get it automatically. If you want to turn it off just do the steps above but uncheck the box.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

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  1. caffeinefiend

    This is just TOO AMAZING! I’m so excited about being able to get snow on my blog. I love snow.

    Think I feel a little post coming on about WordPress…. Great!


  2. jamieissocoollike

    Sweet. I<3 WordPress.com, and got the plugin on my WordPress.org. Merry Christmas Automattic!


  3. Krisu

    Thank you, thank you and KIITOS!!


  4. straw000

    Wow!! thats awesome : )


  5. skyx

    i used this function now.
    and i google this plugin that found snowstorm of javascript as same as wp.
    maybe i will make that in my another blog. love winter ,love snow. (i have not see snow in real world…so bad of me.)
    thanks wp.


  6. pinwino

    Cool! At least I can see snow in my blog =D


  7. darkaeon

    Hurrah – love it!

    Nice bit of coding – thanks!


  8. gettingaclue

    Yay! Thanks for the snow WordPress!


  9. Βερνάρδος

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays!


  10. giama

    It seems fun!


  11. Greg

    Now you just need to add some sort of functionality for readers to toboggan on it and we’ll be set for a very merry WordPress Christmas!


  12. Dalibor

    Thanks, I have it on my linux too, and love it!


  13. legoless

    Yay! The snow is back! Thanks WordPress.


  14. An alien Earthling

    Wow! This is a fabulous feature!


  15. bazk3t

    Hell…yeah….. wow!!! it’s amazing….near the christmas must always have a snow right? hohohoho

    Merry Christmas bro….


  16. leokid

    I miss this feature from the last year!


  17. Little old me

    I love the snow,


  18. Dhimas L N ---- (^-^)v

    horeeee,,, turun salju ^-^


  19. almostinfamous

    HAHAHA. this is hilarious, given that it’s about 80 degreesF ( here 🙂


  20. shivya

    Haha, for a while, I thought I was imagining the snow! Love it. Will turn it on nearer to christmas 🙂


  21. Guineapig119

    Awesome! I loved that feature last year!


  22. Mischy/Eva

    Ho ho ho love the snow.
    We had snow here in Stockholm Sweden for a week.
    It was white an beautiful, then it all melted away. 😦 Hope for more snow to Christmas.
    Thank you for snow and the new dashboard.



  23. Pingback: Quirky…rhymes with turkey « Splodge!
  24. m@q

    Great effects!! Thanks…


  25. ultraistgut

    I love it, thank you very, very much ! 8)


  26. びっくり

    Total Silliness!… I think I will turn it on now.


  27. leadershipthreads

    this is fantastic. i can’t wait to try it out. snow from a Georgia blog!


  28. hoh

    been waiting all year for da snow!
    loaaave the snow
    pls keep it as an option for all year round!
    some of us live in the southern hemisphere and it’s summer now [35 c to day and nice breeze]
    we want snow in winter!
    happy festive season to you northerners!
    jingle bells jingle bells jingle all da waaaaayeee…zzzzzz


  29. ~Cca~

    This is awsome thx WP ~Cca~


  30. nickie wang

    nice work!


  31. asiababe

    I love it! I like snow and I like if it could snow all year.. 😉
    There should bee more extras or something like that etc…


  32. eideard

    I’ll have it match the weather here in the high desert. Probably no snow – again – till next weekend.

    But, I love the fact that WP folks are as crazy as I am. Rock on!


  33. copyeditorsdesk

    How funny!

    LOL! Having come to the WP site the first crack out of the box this morning, I initially something was wrong with my Mac. Then realized nope…it was only on the WP page 😀


  34. Ra

    Many thanks for this! I was expecting it this year as well. Thanks for all your hard work and for makiung the blogging experience so amazing!


  35. {[(Limeboy11)]}



  36. Powerflare

    I love the snow! Is there a way to get it to snow on an angle? (I saw someone’s blog that had it snowing on an angle)


  37. romeo7383

    Awesome! Normally something we webmasters steer away from, but on a blog this adds a really nice touch. Thanks for the add in!


  38. Kay Lynn

    Yay! I love the snow, or at least I love it when it’s on my WordPress page. Not so much when it’s covering my front lawn…Yay again!


  39. Селицкас Павел

    43 degrees in F or C?


  40. ukrainiac

    So happy to have the snow falling! I had forgotten all about it from last year, and it was such a sweet surprise. THANKS!


  41. Trey Edwards

    SNOW! WordPress is A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!!!


  42. Pingback: Es schneit! « Null Dozer
  43. Whogopenguin

    Haha, awesome seeing as I have a black background. Awesome. Nice job!!


  44. rippledpebble

    Cool! 😀


  45. PoliCana

    And here I was thinking you were talking about -43 C, like it sometimes gets here in Thunder Bay, Ontario.


  46. Froogly

    Merry Christmas, and I love the snow! It gives my blog a Christmasy theme!


  47. Moses

    Will there be rain and leaves falling during the other seasons as well?


  48. boopy12345

    Awesome. Thanks! I saw the one last year! 😀


  49. Hans Norman

    43 degrees? Are you not on fire?

    Oh, I guess you mean Fahrenheit. Silly me.


  50. notedscholar

    Wow. This is neat! It is the wave of the blogging future. Who knew you could have weather on the Internet?


  51. Krutika

    i recently read about this snow effect on bloggerbuster. I was wondering when i would be able to add it on wordpress. Now its here. Seems like nowadays with wordpress, wytiwyg..what you think is what you get. 🙂


  52. absolutjoiz™

    oh right! I was just looking for this again 2 days ago. I’m glad it’s back again. Thanks!


  53. southernofficechairs

    Love it!
    Living in Georgia, we occasionally get snow. It never ceases to amaze me how exciting it is for us. The funniest thing is how the grocery stores run out of bread and milk and the other essentials since people act like they are going to die. LOL
    Anyway, thanks for adding the snow effects. I’ll enjoy them each time I log on to WordPress. 🙂


  54. nadia

    Considering that I live in the middle of the desert, this is absolutely cool! Got the snow on my blog. Thank you so much 🙂


  55. Nicole

    love it! thanks!


  56. Michael

    Yay! Now to annoy people with virtual snow!


  57. V

    It’s 28 degrees here and snowing for real. Too cold for me. Thanks for the cool effect. I will go add it to my blog! 🙂


  58. mapelba

    What a nice surprise this morning. Thanks.


  59. that girl again

    What do we have to do to turn off snow on other people’s blogs?


  60. Author

    Thank you for the SNOW again – I love it!


  61. artpredator

    What a wonderful surprise to wake up this morning and find that it’s snowing in the Black Rock Desert–on my blog!!

    Yay for the snow!! It’s back!

    And very refreshing–it’s hot here along the coast in soCal and yesterday we had Santa Ana winds again!

    (The snow was more fun on my black background theme form last year–but Sapphire is much easier to read and the snow looks great on the deep blue edges of my blog…Lorelle said it slows things down so she turned it back off last year. Everything’s moving fast–maybe that’s thanks to the new dashboard and 2.7 I wonder…)


  62. Catherine

    Thank you but my snow is little squares instead of flakes. What do I do about my “abstract” snow?”


  63. swormy

    Thankss!! This is really awshum. Much appreciated~


  64. gettingpurlywithit

    How cool..!! Thank you..!


  65. pamajama

    I love it!!! I wish there were leaves in spring and fall, rain in summer. I can’t even tell you how happy the snow makes me.


  66. JBantha

    GREAT! I was looking for it since yesterday! x3
    THAAAANX! ^_^


  67. dkpresents

    I love this feature. Thanks again!


  68. darknaruto

    ¡NICE! Guys you’re amazing, snowing on my blog ¡oh yeah! Thanks a lot WordPress Group, and Happy Merry Christmas to all of you.

    ¡Ja ne!

    PD: WordPress 2.7 it’s the best, it’s so coooool 😀


  69. redrex

    Dear Matt,

    Thank you for the snow falling on my blog! I am 5 years old. The snow looks cool on my blog! Thank you for making my blog! I am in kindergarten. I think that everyone should have a wordpress blog.

    love, Reed and Red Rex too.

    (My mom aka Art Predator helped me type this and do my blog. It has a youtube video we made and other cool stuff for kids. I want to put some games on my blog.)


  70. moccavanilla

    thank you so much wordpress…..


  71. ngageqdgamer

    Last year i didn’t use this extra.
    Nice work! 🙂


  72. Michele

    I’m in Saskatchewan. We get quite enough snow here on the frozen tundra, thanks.

    But it does look cool.

    Maybe I could pick a sunny theme instead?


  73. hostfamily08

    There should be an option to have it snow on one’s blog through March, since that is actually the end of winter. That would be great!



  74. edy

    welcome back, snow 🙂 happy holiday


  75. Marinade Dave

    This is great. I love it! I grew up in New Jersey, but I’ve been living in Orlando, Florida, where it never snows, since 1981. Thank you and I’m sure unsuspecting readers will be somewhat surprised and puzzled at first sight. Being bald, if anyone asks, I’ll tell them I have a very bad dandruff problem.


  76. Will Rhodes

    I live in Canada – we get enough of the real stuff 😉


  77. cpwoton

    Sweet! This is so cool! Thanks for letting people use the snow without having to get a Custom CSS or something!


  78. retroelectric

    I wish I had snow where I lived, and not only on my blog XD


  79. StarSpry

    Thank you! I loved the snow last year; glad it’s back 😀


  80. cheshirecat13

    yes! i loved this when it came out last year and i’ve been waiting for it this year. it’s so cool, thanks!


  81. Rizal

    hohoho .
    that is fun ,


  82. choose1

    I think last year it actually snowed in SF on top of Twin Peaks. Thanks for making it snow right now in North Beach!


  83. jguy365

    Awesome! I didn’t think it snowed in San Fransisco. Awesome tip! Now my site has a holiday touch to it! Well I live in Fort Wayne and its been snowing nearly all day here, but not blizzards or anything. Enough to make everything white, excite kids, and make the roads bad. But seriously, if you want cold and snow come th Fort Wayne. Although, the weather in the Midwest is tricky! This past Wednesday it went up into the 40’s and all our snow melted, and then the next day its snowing again!


  84. jguy365

    I forgot to add this in my last comment: No way! Your name is Matt? Me too! Not on wordpress. My wordpress is jguy365.


  85. Outdoors2

    WHOO HOO Love It!
    ps…Last year my snowman got yellow feet…;-P


  86. redrex

    Dear Matt,

    Can you make the snowflakes when they get to the bottom of the blog, can you make a snowman?

    How do you make blogs anyway?

    Merry Christmas!

    Love, Reed


  87. Fabrizio, the wings

    amzing, thanks and happy holdays


  88. Rohit

    In himalayas its snowing outside my house too.. 🙂
    good to see similar thing on the wordpress


  89. spocrep

    oh great… it’s very creative idea! i just love it… thx


  90. niecey456

    I think it’s awesome. Thanks!


  91. pacer521



  92. douglaskev

    good stuff! thanks 🙂


  93. Pingback: Let It Snow « art predator
  94. cyberpersia

    It’s cooool!


  95. jonyork1958

    With gas prices under $2:00/gal and snow in SF maybe we ought to get out and drive more SUVs! Woo hoo!

    How do you get snow on your posts?


  96. Noscere

    Nice. Thank you WordPress for the Christmas feel my blog has..


  97. schank

    I just hope I don’t have to shovel it… lol



    cool snowing;-)


  99. ClapSo

    Up here in Utica, New York we crank up the barbie and take the cover off the pool at 43 degrees! It’s 23 degrees here and I’m out working on my tan. We are a little behind on snowfall so far this season. We have only had about two feet so far. Our record is more then two feet in a 24 hour period!

    Thanks for the fake snow, since I don’t have to shovel it, I’ll be adding it to my blog!

    The scientifically impossible I do right away
    The spiritually miraculous takes a bit longer


  100. Karen Blixen

    Wonderful, thanks a lot Matt.


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