QuickPress and Other Handy Post Options

As you may have noticed, there’s a brand new way to post on your dashboard: QuickPress! There are also lots of other tools to help you write and edit drafts and published posts.

QuickPress lets you post the basics straight from your dashboard, without navigating to the Posts menu. The essentials are all there: title, text, tags, and the media toolbar, which lets you add images, videos, music, documents, and polls.


You can save from QuickPress as a draft or publish straight away. Posts made through QuickPress will appear in the Posts menu after they’re saved.

To add a new post the traditional way, go to Add New under Posts in the menu on your dashboard. All the modules and screen options on this page can be changed to whatever suits your needs.

A few key changes to note on Add New:

  • Privacy settings and sticky posts options are now tucked under Visibility in the Publish module.
  • Comments, pingbacks and trackbacks settings are in the new Discussion module. When there are comments on a post, they will appear here, and can be moderated from within the module. Sending Trackbacks has its own module for including URLs.
  • The Publish button now changes to more clearly correspond to the action you’re taking. If you’ve set your post to publish on a future date, the Publish button will change to say Schedule. Posts that have already been published will show an Update button.
  • There’s now a separate Save Draft button, near the Preview button.

Moving on to the Edit Posts page…

You can view your posts in an Excerpt view, which you can activate by clicking on the icon in the upper right of your screen. This will display the first bit of your post under its title.


Drafts are now shown alongside published posts in the All Posts view, in the order of their modification date.

Action links are another super-handy addition. They’re essentially shortcuts that allow you to take action on an item straight from your dashboard. Action links appear on the Edit Posts page when you hover near a post title. These options are: Edit, Quick Edit, Delete, and View/Preview.

Quick Edit is the counterpart to QuickPress. It allows you to swiftly and easily change these attributes of a post: title, slug, date, author, password protection and privacy, categories, tags, comments and pings settings, status, and sticky post. Be sure to click Update Post when you’re done to save your changes.


Lastly, you can batch edit posts to do a range of nifty things like add categories, change the author, and publish multiple posts at once. To do this, check the boxes next to the posts you want to change, and select the type of action you want to take from the Actions drop-down menu at the top left of the column. Click Apply, and it’s done!

There’s lots of new stuff, so check out this Support page for more details on QuickPress and other features.

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  1. TeamConnect

    It is very hard to read this post it does not fit on the page..


  2. yeloman

    thanks for this! I find it hard actually to compose a new post in the Quickpress due to the limited space. Now i know how! 😉


  3. virtualquilter

    Quick Edit is great! Best of all the new stuff, and all the bits I have tried so far are all OK.


  4. pochp

    I think quickpress is the best new tool yet.


  5. Tóin

    I can’t even believe in so many improvements! Congratulations and, more than that, thank you very much!


  6. Niki

    Lovin’ the new layout and all these nifty improvements. I love WP more than everrrrr!


  7. macewan

    Great addition for sure. I’m looking forward to someone adding a howto on importing your Pownce content. They are closing down and recommend we move our postings, but little information is provided on how to make the move.


  8. straw000

    Wow!! Thats kinda great!! Keep going WP!! I will watch out for next week’s tips!! 🙂


  9. g o b e r

    How about a quickedit option in blog front end view? It’ll be very interesting and usefull! 🙂


  10. Moses

    Wow… do you guys sleep?


  11. iateacher

    I think I would like the Quick Press area more if I could change my categories as well — I don’t really use tags, but I do use the categories……


  12. dandelionsalad

    Thank you for all the changes and improvements. I especially like the Batch Edit function. Cheers!


  13. yumimaki

    Thank you very much for these explanations – they really make things easier to understand.


  14. Der Wolfanwalt

    I think this is great…I think it would probably be a little more valuable if it were possible to assign categories and tags within the QuickPress pane, but it’s still pretty handy.


  15. allforblue

    Thank you, quick edit quick show 🙂


  16. Jonathan

    Now if only 2.7 would be released to the rest of us!


  17. Alexchious

    This IS awesome. WordPress is a f**king great thing! It’s the second best thing since the internet…haha…well, I love wordpress!



  18. Jonathan

    Man, I spoke too soon 🙂 I see Matt’s just posted it!


  19. Casey Trowbridge

    I like quick press a lot. I wish there were a box where I could type in the categories I wanted to use (we’ve got one for tags) because I’d rather type in my desired categories by hand anyway than scroll through a list for a desired one and with no way to enter categories on quick press I have to save and then edit the post and pick the ones I want.

    But really, I do enjoy the feature quite a bit.


  20. drblsharma

    It is interesting to note the Quickpress and many more additions in the new format.Congratulations. Thanks.


  21. Rizal

    i’d prefer to use the usual way, because the quickpress space is too small for me, i think


  22. draguscn

    I still dont get it, in which condition we need quick press? I find one click through traditional way (is not hard enough to do. And we can still categorize posts.


    • Heather

      If you have your dashboard bookmarked, it won’t take any clicks at all (beyond Publish) to post through QuickPress.


  23. Jauhari

    WP 2.7 Rock! really great and just perfect for today blogging 😉


  24. ngageqdgamer

    Looks good. I’ll check it out.


  25. Pingback: Tech Idea » WordPress 2.7 Lunched
  26. rayvolvez

    Quickpress is good. However, I find that the usability is compromised due to the lack of categories. I know the wordpress team wishes to keep quickpress as simple as possible, but not being able to post to the right category keeps me from using quickpress. I honestly would have rather “tags” be gone, than “categories”.


  27. illuminato

    I like QuickPress but there is not “Insert Link”!


  28. illuminato

    Yes, i can add link manually….but in my opinion the essentials are: text, link, photo, quote, video


  29. Asilee M. Barnes

    Everything is great! Now if we can just get more themes….
    Ah a girl can dream.


  30. Pingback: SnarkyBytes » WordPress 2.7 is out
  31. Daniel Florien

    Love all the new features. Thanks WP team for all your hard work.

    Can’t wait for threaded comments — are they still coming soon?


  32. BrownCowBaby788

    I LOVE ♥ ♥ QuickPress!! Saves a lot of time!!! 😀 :mrgreen:


  33. nu3l

    Nice update WP!


  34. ~Agent Chase~

    cool, i love QuickPress!


  35. Rohit

    Its great to see these new features.. I especially liked quickedit


  36. Pingback: » WordPress 2.7 Blog Upgrade Coming Soon Plymouth State University Blogs
  37. Nita

    I love the way we can adds tags and categories on the fly. I always forget to tag or categorise properly and this is a god send! Thanks!!


  38. 1stepup

    Wow! This is awesome AND simple; thank you.


  39. the mad momma

    hey! how do I see the list of incoming links? It doesnt seem to show up anymore except for the last few…


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  42. An alien Earthling

    I love the new features! Thank you! 🙂


  43. matredman

    Nice useful addition to the dashboard but:
    “make your QuickPress module extra-long by grabbing the bottom righthand corner […] and dragging it down.” – this can’t be done because a scrollbar is visible instead of the diagonal lines.
    I think their should also be a catergories box in the quick post box

    Go Team WP!


  44. Pingback: » WordPress 2.7 Blog Upgrade Coming Soon eLearning@Plymouth State University
  45. Lance Wiggs

    Heather – a link button will make it so so much easier than trying to write out all that lengthy HTML


  46. Zaboisa

    I don’t understand what page parent means and how it works?
    Could you explain that. Because I have 3 page that are all alike and If i could do the page parent thing it would probably make my home page a lot less cluttered and the three pages a ton cooler.


    • Heather

      Page parents create a hierarchy within pages, which you assign. So, for example, Fruit could be the parent page of Apple. This decreases the amount of pages that display in tabs on your blog, and lets you have a higher level of organization. You can assign a parent to a page in the Attributes module on the edit screen for a page.


  47. Zaboisa

    I love it! 😀


  48. creeping

    would really like to see a DRAFT link under the Posts menu bar on the left so users can get to Drafts from any location in the back-end


  49. letsliveinpeace

    Very Nice! Thanks for the overview!


  50. alqadex

    It’s so simple and so quick,amazing, i like it, but easier much better


  51. audent

    Loving quickpress but can I just ask that we add a ‘link’ button to the upload/insert list?

    or am I missing it somewhere else? gah!


  52. Bambang Sriwijonarko, S.Ip

    I think I would like the Quick Press area more if I could change my categories as well — I don’t really use tags, but I do use the categories……


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  54. Nick

    Thanks for the heads up on the new features!


  55. Mark Wilson

    The quick edit would be useful if it had a hyperlink tool. Inserting links is surely more common than adding videos, music, documents, and polls. Remove those 4. I love being able to upload an image in quick edit, but I want to bold words and add hyperlinks too. Add those 2. 🙂


  56. dangeroo

    Great work all! So glad I moved to wordpress.


  57. dialogicmediation

    You have written:
    “You can make your QuickPress module extra-long by grabbing the bottom righthand corner of the Content area and dragging it down”

    Actually, no — that doesn’t work for me (it does work on the standard New Post Content area though).

    Any advice?


    • Douglas

      This might be a compatibility issue with your browser. It works for me. The two expand the box in different ways, which is probably where the issue is coming from. Contact support if you still can’t get it after trying again. They can help you out. 🙂


  58. JBantha

    Thanks, i had the same problem that “yeloman” (post 11)

    THANK YOU! 😛


  59. Bambang Sriwijonarko, S.Ip

    Thank you for all the changes and improvements. I especially like the Batch Edit function. Cheers!


  60. Leandro Medeiros

    I have a sugestion… why you don’t include the insert link option??


  61. cenya95

    Thanx for all the tim WP.


  62. nickie wang

    This one is cool, but it doesn’t have all the necessary tools I need to post an item. Anyway that’s the reason you call it QuickPress right? It’s a good addition though.


  63. custombladeworks

    Nice improvement.Now it goes easier.Thanks.


  64. doarortodox

    thanks for all


  65. heatsschoolofweldingtechnology

    i like it. although im still learning on how to use it, but its really great.


  66. mrgaudet

    QuickPress is interesting and kinda fun, but when I want to include a link, which is in almost every post, QP is out.
    But I totally appreciate all of the effort you have invested into the idea.


  67. Pingback: Encephalosponge » Upgraded to WordPress 2.7
  68. suffernchessclub

    Glad to see you are continually working on new and better features for WordPress. I’ve enjoyed creating my new blog over the past year – this tool make creating a blog fun and easy! 🙂


  69. spocrep

    I liked QuickPress but i wish it had something to change the categories… tooo bad 😦


  70. Richmond

    Thank you for answering my question. Quickpress indeed saves a lot of time.


  71. Frank

    All of the changes are well thought out. The quick press at first seemed not necessary, but now I use it for quick drafts before my ideas leave me….then I go back and finish at a later time. I like it because I don’t have to change screens….everything is right there.


  72. cpcheatsglitchessecretshints

    how can i put spaces in my blogs name


  73. Liam Platt

    Great update WordPress! QuickPress is really handy for my short and straight to the point posts on my blog. However some people are saying that they use Categories more than Tag, but other people (myself included) prefer to use both. Maybe getting rid of the Video, Music, and Document buttons and replacing them with a Hyperlink button. For people who want bold text on QuickPress use this to help:

    Bold : CTRL + B
    Italic : CTRL + I
    Underline : CTRL + U

    All in all a very handy and helpful update from the WordPress team!


  74. Amyth

    Amazing stuff – The Quick Post option will work well with Micro-blogging lovers..


  75. sallycev

    Well, I’m here. This is all new to me but I think I have just set up my first blog?


  76. Pingback: Bux Go - An Online Business Community » Blog Archive » QuickPress and Other Handy Post Options
  77. maverick47

    I hate the new layout for adding new posts… the only way I can see words on the far-left is by using the options and excluding tags and so on, only to choose them again in the end, when i’m finishing the post. it takes more time than it should. that’s simply awful.


    • Douglas

      It looks okay to me without having to make those changes. Do you want to send our support team an email and they can see if there are any settings that can be changed on your end?


  78. janflora

    yup i like Quickpress too, but I wish I could add Categories on it…I only see tags…Really enjoying many of the new changes! thanks!!


  79. divotoo

    How Do I get pages on my blog?


  80. creditreward

    I thought this “quickpress” is somekind of a “twitter” thing. Is there a twitter plugin? But all in all i like the new sleek style of wordpress.


  81. URCHIN7PC / اورچین هفت

    Thanx for all the tim WP.


  82. Lucian

    Muito Bom! Nice! xD


  83. bigcrow

    please add the “categories” to the quick post 🙂


  84. aussie229

    Great job, WordPress team! Keep up the excellent work…



  85. 3conference

    Quickpress is not necessary. When composing a new post I think we need more tools than a simple press-to-publish thing.


  86. Pruett&Daphne

    I LOVE everything about the new dashboard! Thanks WordPress!!!!!


  87. El Firulete

    My Quickpress does not show a draggable bottom righthand corner in the Content area or nowhere else


  88. Pingback: WordPress 2.7 is out | This Is The Maverick Of Blogs
  89. Pinkgirl3919

    That’s AWESOME! Keep up the “AWESOME” work WordPress team!! I will keep looking for more tips if there is any more! 😉 Bye!


  90. WiNz

    me too would like 2 choose categories in quickpress.


  91. AudaciousAria

    ‘Totally Rad’ indeedy 😉


  92. grant czerepak

    If you are going to have two post states then name them consistently “Published” and “Drafted” you are confusing adjectives and nouns.

    I know that most wordpress users want to be entertained, I want good government.


  93. MuslimahBlog

    Hey! Thanks for the Information!

    Keep up the good work WP.



  94. Maximilian Forte

    Is it just my browser, my computer…or is WordPress stripping away even the formatting that it does provide, such as text colour and justification??? Nothing I insert using the editor is “sticking”…as soon as I save a post, the formatting vanishes.


    • Douglas

      This sounds like a browser issue. Try clearing your cache, cookies, etc. and making sure you are editing in the visual mode and then trying again.


  95. agnessekar

    I , ve received our Quickpress and up graded all off the change working and new a better. It is very nicely done, and we are glad that we could assist by allowing you to use some of the historical writing in our life. As per our earlier communication, please keep us on your mailling list, as we would like to continue receiving any article. One again conggratulation on producing the fisrt quickpress of what is a very fine program. Blessing.


    Agnes Sekar Supenni


  96. Pingback: Wordpress 2.7 | DKTeam Community
  97. susanfriedmanlandscape

    I’m having lots of fun with this and great learning tips along the way!


  98. Jim Rector

    Yup. Another vote for insert link in Quickpress.


  99. Eric Stevens

    Thank you so much for this! WordPress has been doing a darned good job making our lives a whole bunch easier!


  100. January

    Yay wordpress!


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