New Theme: Vigilance

Today we bring to you a fresh new theme from Jestro Themes. Meet Vigilance:

Vigilance Theme

Vigilance has a super-special set of features, which you can access under Appearance > Vigilance Options after you’ve activated the theme under Appearance > Themes. These include:

  • Customizable colors: You set the background color, border color, link color, and link hover color.
  • Alert box: A special feature just for this theme, the optional alert box appears at the top of the page and can contain an announcement or other notice that you want to keep prominent on your blog.
  • Hidden pages: Enter the page ID numbers of the pages you don’t want to display, and they’ll be hidden from the menu at the top of your blog.

Vigilance also has a custom image header and special widget options. You can display one wide sidebar or two thin sidebars on your blog. As always, you control the look of your blog by adding and removing widgets under the Appearance > Widgets menu. But now, special to Vigilance: If a sidebar doesn’t contain any widgets, it simply disappears.

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  1. Khürt

    Very cool. I will have to see how my blog works with this one.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Computer Hacker

    Awesome! You should really add these features to some of the other themes. You should also make more energetic themes.


  3. princeconnoisseur

    Love the theme, believe it or not I was just wondering earlier today when a new theme would come out.


  4. gemmink

    That’s cool. I might change my blog to that.


  5. nelas

    wow! so nice! Thankss


  6. peacefulone

    Thanks WordPress! I tried it! I Love it…Yeah! Lanie


  7. clubadmin

    looks good…. might try it out for my med school journal club blog!


  8. alejna

    You guys are funny with your “…really long blog title…”

    I like the hidden pages feature, and the alert box sounds pretty cool, too. Reading about the various customizable features of themes makes me want to finally get down and dirty with css.


  9. fracas

    Wonderful… might have to check this one out. Thanks!


  10. jalansutera

    looks good…. might try it out for my med school journal club blog!


  11. joelemmanuel

    Wow, this is cool. Got to try it out. Thanks, WordPress 🙂


  12. Wacky Flip8

    Awesome new theme! I’m still sticking with Silver is the New Black, but still awesome features!


  13. Mitchell

    Cool, looks interesting, might have to try it out!


  14. Lauren

    This theme incorporates all the elements I’ve wanted but couldn’t get in one theme. It’s great. Thanks!


  15. Zaeriuraschi 11098

    I have the Freshy theme for my blog, and I really like it, but this new theme sounds AWESOME! I’ll get it soon! 🙂


  16. 2Bo02B

    Thank you. But it don’t display on Themes of my blog.


  17. Cam

    Sweet. I’ll add this right about…..


  18. Vikas Gupta

    Wow! I love experimenting with themes. I’ll soon go check it! Thanks.

    BTW, ‘vigilance’ is a great name for a theme.


  19. susiyanto

    That good. But i like the theme custom header


  20. Anthony

    Cool, I have to check this out. TY WordPress Team


  21. Vikas Gupta

    I tested it!

    Except the sidebar, all is great with this theme. Or I am being harsh, even the sidebar is okay.

    Nice fonts like the Depo Masthead, Cutline, Pressrow or the Journalist. It is in the same league with these themes and those who want a more journalistic look on blogs will love to adopt this theme.

    Very pronounced titles, date and comments. The comments on the post have a wonderful look and feel. The block quotes are very pronounced.

    I am sure many WP users will switch to this theme.

    Very enticing! I have resisted the temptation though 😉


  22. Vikas Gupta

    One wide sidebar or two thin sidebars, customizable colours, alert box! Hmm, fully loaded!


  23. dokidok

    I like this one!


  24. akhdian

    Great theme!


  25. Red

    Oooh .. gotta try it .


  26. putrichairina

    What an interesting theme!
    Nice to try. Thanks.


  27. art predator

    wow! love the special alert box!

    if it had a customizable header so I could use the photo header I love I would be all over this new theme!


  28. turbidnebulae

    The alert features sounds really interesting. I’ll have to try it out.


  29. mdgelly

    YES!! I love it!!!!


  30. jad

    I approve


  31. Asad Ali

    Let me try it…..
    I hope,I’m gonna like it………….:)


  32. Whitney

    Definitely one of the more improved and classy themes to come out. Thanks WordPress and Jestro Themes.


  33. nickie wang

    Looks clean and organized. Thanks!


  34. Tim N' Hind

    hmm… interesting theme… can i still have my own custom header on it?
    Looking around for a perfect theme I need. Im wondering how to add pictures and stuff. Still learning about wordpress, its all new to me! I have to admit..its interesting. 🙂 Thanks for the theme Heather


  35. timethief

    Hello there,
    I’m delighted to have a new theme to try out tomorrow. I’m looking forward to trying out the customizable options. It sounds like it may be right for my blog. Thanks for sharing the news. 🙂


  36. barok.eszter

    Oh. It would be nice but for me it appears totally different than what it looks like in the preview and on the screenshot above. Bigger fonts, ugly blockquote, black tagbox and the sidebar is under the post (although I use IE7 and Firefox). I wonder why, it would be a nice them if it looked like in the screenshot.


    • Sheri

      You can make Vigilance look pretty different depending on the options you choose and your blog/sidebar content. You’re right about the screenshot on the themes page. I will update it so it’s correct for


  37. Bridget Casas

    I will look at it and see how it works with photography. All of the options sound really good!


  38. Rizal

    hmm ,
    it’s worth to try 😀


  39. яάη∂α

    awesome ! I love it! Thanks guys 😉


  40. qbit

    Themes with customizable features, as these ones, or others, would be very interesting.


  41. navedz

    interesting. Will give it a try!


  42. navedz

    I will probably try this new theme on this blog of mine! looks good.


  43. shuttercraft

    Looks good!


  44. AbelMercado

    Any way we can have more darker ones with really nice font? And the capabilities to not be so restricted with the crop sizing when it comes to up loading a picture?


  45. fungear

    looking cool n simple !!


  46. jamie012

    Awesome, the themes this year are already piling up!


  47. ♥ Animalluver ♥

    AWESOME!! :mrgreen:


  48. cenya95

    waow… nice theme,
    but i love Cutline by Chris Pearson.


  49. Tyler

    love it enough to switch. nice work.


  50. niekmilder

    worth the wait…Do i dare to say yes!?


  51. Chittaranjan

    Looks good. I’m gonna try it out and see how it stacks up…

    Personally, I like themes with wide blogpost-space and narrow-er sidebars…and this one fits the bill 😛


  52. Dennis Wright

    Looks like someone has worked very hard on this, to provide more flexibility within one theme than you normally get. Worth having a play with.


  53. Red Kid

    heh… I’ll keep it in mind when I want a really long blog title 🙂


  54. Jennifer

    A beautifully stylish theme and the ability to customize certain elements is a trend I hope expands on.

    The only thing that would make Vigilance complete for me is the addition of an Archives page. (I know we can add the Categories and Archives widgets to our sidebar, but my blog’s sidebar is quite full already.)


  55. Mbelgedez

    It’s seems so nice….

    ***pertamax ???***


  56. itsfood

    Hey, nice theme, thanks!


  57. M Shodiq Mustika

    Great. I like customizable colors and hidden pages. I will use this theme for one of my blogs. Thank you.


  58. Replicante 09


    It features everything I was wanting – even serif typeface!

    Again, Bravo WP!


  59. Rehan Ahmed

    Seems Very Simple and neat template , i really like it .
    “special to Vigilance: If a sidebar doesn’t contain any widgets, it simply disappears.” This Feature is Great for peoples those Don’t like much rush on them blog … And Special alert box is also another cool touch from You … you guys Rock . i love you guys


  60. bingoknows

    I’m using it! Very cool!


  61. Sakib

    wow! an awesome theme which brings more spice on thanks Heather and WordPress team for the great updates.


  62. cafe0sua

    I really love themes with flexible with!
    Can you … ?


  63. sungame

    Wow! Customizable colors, the alert box and hidden pages are all very good ideas. If only I could get all of this with a custom image header, I would definitely switch!


  64. Louis Herrey

    I took a look at this and it has a lot of extra great options. I have actually been waiting for a new clean 3-column (fixed and with header) if there is one coming soon. Is this in your plans? If not, Vigilance will do wonderfully.

    Appreciate your site more than you know. It’s simply the best! 🙂


    • Sheri

      You can already use Vigilance as a clean, 3-column, fixed width, customized header image theme. 🙂 To get the sidebar to split into two sidebars, use the “Left Sidebar” and “Right Sidebar” options on the widgets page instead of the “Wide Sidebar.” If you use all 3, the left and right sidebars will appear below the wide sidebar.


  65. barrycyrus

    wow wow wow!


  66. goldnsilver

    Looks quite good, I’ll have to try it out.


  67. Brigitte

    Ooh, there’s a lot to like about this one! I’ll have to play with it this weekend 😀


  68. badfreeway

    I love everything about it except the very serify font and godawful mixing of serif and non serif fonts.


  69. Harshad Joshi

    Thats a new groovy theme, although, a little dark shade would have been good


  70. Balajoe

    It looks good but the font size on the sidebar is not standard – some small, some big. It is better if it is more uniformed


    • Sheri

      We may need to make an adjustment for that, but you also may need to update some of the code in your text widgets if they include any font size information that clashes.



    It seems to be one of the best Themes of wordpress. but unfortunately all these themes do not appear properly in Persian. for example one of the culumns of Theme “Dig 3 column” is not shown in persian at all.


  72. Mike Little

    Nice theme!


  73. davidamwilensky

    Ahhhhhhhhhh! Another simple, white theme that has the potential for two widget bars, but has no image header. I use an image header on my blog that I’m super obsessed with. I love it. But I’ve always wanted two widget sidebars and I insist on a simple white theme.

    I’m still waiting for the perfect theme.

    But this looks very nice.


    • Sheri

      Look closer. Vigilance has customizable colors so you can make it not-as-white, a custom image header, and you can use the left and right sidebar options to get two widget sidebars. 🙂


  74. Pingback: The first blog launched with Vigilance ? « Press Portal
  75. BlueMist

    The comments have huge font. especially when you use block quote. 😦


  76. haydenreviews

    Very nice.

    But doesn’t suit me unfortunately. 😛


  77. Spadow

    Awesome theme! Keep up the fantastic work WP~


  78. Gorm

    I really like this theme, but I can’t use it because of the italicized blockquotes!


  79. imnetec

    i dont like .. sorry , but is the truth !
    big hug for all .


  80. nawzer

    This is my first blog. And it is on WordPress. Probably the first blog on to use Vigilance?


  81. Tim Nailer

    I like pretty much everything about this theme, except that the links are bolded. Thanks for putting it up.


  82. danieldarz

    So cool….. But do you have any themes that looks like a website design? I hope I can download mp3s and videos from my disk folders to my blog…. Nice Theme! Good Job!!!


  83. Jeet

    Looks simple and classic! great work Done!


  84. Mike Deakin

    I would have been perfect if it also had a custom image header!


  85. Mike Deakin

    Oh Look it does!!! Now it is perfect!!!!


  86. Edison

    i find the font in the right side bar is a tad too small…other than that, it’s awesome…

    anyway to fix that ‘problem’?


  87. spocrep

    I liked the Alert box a lot…. so cool.. smart ideaI wish it was for all of the themes.
    why themes always have a strange name…!? anyway great job 🙂


  88. deek1973

    That’s pretty cool. Sounds like there may be another theme change in my horizon. Thanks for the update!


  89. ochuko

    Vigilance is clean.simple.nice.. the next best theme after Albeo.. lol


  90. missesparker

    I love all the new themes. You’ve started this year in a great way. I have a habit of changing my theme quite frequently. :mrgreen:


  91. Bombero King

    this is explosive..!


  92. vicky

    alert box is great. i’m always looking for this kind of feature.
    you made it, thanks a lot…


  93. darcZombie

    definitely going to have to test it on mine! Thanks for the new theme!


  94. Sharon

    I absolutely love it!


  95. bluelyon

    Nice! I may just have to play with this one. The features sound fantastic!


  96. Lilja

    Looks very clean and nice. I think it’s always better to have a design that does’nt look to complicated or crowded.


  97. David Ker

    What is this Blogspot? Customizable colors?!?

    Pleeeeeeeeez give us threaded comments in the themes that are already being used by millions. You promised!!


  98. Staff


    We need more themes…

    Thanks WordPress….


  99. mand

    Really looks good, especially the alert box.


  100. TheScribbler

    simply great!!


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