P2: The New Prologue

Update: Check out this dedicated site for P2.

Today we’re extra-pleased to introduce you to a new theme that reinvents what it means to group blog on WordPress.com.

We call it P2 (in the style of K2, the update on the classic Kubrick theme), and it’s an extensive revamp of Prologue, the brainchild of last year’s winter retreat.

Prologue broke ground when it brought microblogging to WordPress.com. Now it’s cooler, faster, sleeker, and ready for 2009 and beyond:


Live notifications, comments on the homepage, and in-line editing are just part of what makes P2 revolutionary. With these features, you never have to refresh, and rarely need to visit the dashboard. Everything you need to communicate with other users on your blog (and your readers, too), is right there on the front page. We like to think of it as a really cool version of Twitter for groups.

P2 is the perfect theme to use when you’re collaborating with remote teams and far-flung friends. It’s also a great tool for school projects, as a class or as a group. We Automatticians use it internally to keep each other up to date, both on a company-wide level and on a project-by-project basis.

It’s also a fun way to post and share total nonsense, as some of us have for this demo:

Leave a comment on P2 to see it in action!

Check out this video narrated by the illustrious Sheri to see more:

Here’s the overview of what’s new in P2:

  • Threaded comment display on the front page.
  • In-line editing for posts and comments.
  • Live tag suggestion based on previously used tags.
  • A show/hide feature for comments, to keep things tidy.
  • Real-time notifications when a new comment or update is posted. (If you have a Mac, you know what we mean when we say it’s Growl-like.)
  • Super-handy keyboard shortcuts: c to compose a new post; j to go to the next item; k to go to the previous item; r to reply; e to edit; o to show and hide comments; t to go to the top; esc to cancel.
  • Helvetica Neue for you modern font lovers.
  • Plus more to come! Keep an eye on the news blog for updates.

And as always, there’s:

  • Hassle-free posting from the front page.
  • RSS feeds for everything: the entire prologue, each author, each tag, and any search.
  • A feeling of supreme awesomeness because you’re using a sweet theme custom-made by Automattic.

Just like other themes, you can find P2 under Appearance > Themes in your dashboard. Those who are into the self-hosted version of WordPress can keep an eye out for P2 in the Themes Directory in the coming week.

Plus a note: Don’t forget to change your time settings for Daylight Savings Time if the time in your region “sprung forward” this week!

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  1. castellini

    Looks great! I’m pretty new to WP, this is in addition to a normal WP site or can it be part of one?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. xumb

    nice one! but is there a word limit we can post?


  3. Pingback: P2: The New Prologue « Raanan Bar-Cohen
  4. Vikas Gupta

    WOW! 😀 Will check it out later. Today is a festival in India (Holi, the festival of colours), so kinda busy playing with colours (and playing with themes will resume tomorrow)! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. adsitb

    So, when we gonna get an update and more info on Prologue Projects theme I ran across in the SVN repo? Hmmm? Looks wildly cool.


  6. nogizaka

    nice! very nice! ;D Keep it up~!


  7. Moses

    yay more blog themes… keep em coming! and no word limits!!!!! =D


  8. donnacha

    A lovely piece of work, this strikes me as the perfect theme to apply as the default for the blogs users receive upon signing up to a BuddyPress because it would clearly encourage the blog owner to post more frequently and encourage visitors to leave more comments, all adding to the stream of activity, as reported on the BuddyPress site’s home page.

    I have suggested as much on the BuddyPress forums:

    P2: The New Prologue – a perfect default theme for BuddyPress

    How soon can we rip it off? 😉


  9. davelester

    Looks great!


  10. Asad Ali



  11. Toxic

    Nice theme but not really digging the bold font. P2 is defentily
    a step up from the first Twitter like theme.


  12. trueboy84

    great ^^!


  13. eksith

    …I have a feeling blogs are going to be even more painful to read in the near future 😦


  14. Crane

    Thanks for the reminder about Daylight Savings.


  15. navedz

    looks good. though I would prefer to stick to the current one i am using!


  16. cenya95

    it’s nice ^_^


  17. SR Fahmi

    yes the including good.


  18. hiddenprince

    It seems a good idea, well implemented for what’s intended to do; short messages in a sort of exclusive twitter


  19. Pingback: Alles Twitter « rufus still thinks about his title …
  20. the rufus

    Does the new theme have some difficulties in case I have scheduled posts? after every minute or even shorter I get note of new updates in my blog … 😉


  21. Dev

    im waiting for some killer lookin themes…wherr r they hiding??


  22. Olli

    So does this bridge into Twitter and/or Identi.ca?


  23. ayumilove

    cool, I’ll try it out on a test blog 😀
    Have not tried prologue, or twitter yet


  24. Pingback: The WordPress Prologue theme has a new o … « Paul M. Watson
  25. Bauyrzhan

    Great, you read my mind 🙂


  26. joelemmanuel

    Wow, this one looks cool! Thanks!


  27. medaad

    sound’s great..


  28. seozamani

    very nice !


  29. GeenStaat

    P2? That’s Propaganda Due, a secret society. 😉


  30. Greeno

    I am still waiting for an Orange Theme 😀 But this one is cool!


  31. krysjez

    It’s looking nice! Any chance we can get all these fancy features in the old Prologue layout sometime in the future?


  32. raphnix

    Wow. A new better feature indeed.


  33. James

    Looks like Twitter.

    I KID.


  34. Mel Ancholy

    How does the tag suggestion work? Sounds interesting but I am a little confused. Thanks.


    • Sheri

      When you start typing a tag, any tags that are already saved in the blog will appear in a list below the tags field.


  35. AutoAnything

    Very cool, this would be great for keeping tabs on a projects work flow… college students rejoice!


  36. draabe

    Not a twitter user (yet), but what are the advantages of P2 over twitter?


    • Sheri

      P2 is geared toward working as a group, so it can be more focused. It’s a better view of the conversation with comments inline. You get live updates without doing a thing. No extra apps needed. And, there is no 140 character limit. 🙂


  37. Andrew

    Interesting. I hope more themes will be on the way in the near future. 🙂


  38. Vikas Khera

    Great! keep on doing the good work 🙂


  39. Kjetil

    Would it be possible to make Prologue a part of another theme? With a more standard blog, with prologue as a smaller part; widget-like


  40. albbc


    Liked by 1 person

  41. Ahmad . M . G



  42. nickie wang

    Wow, looks better…Hope to see more upgraded versions of popular themes.


  43. coffdrops



  44. anderson@windows.live

    Cool theme 🙂


  45. enspacedesign

    Twitter is like crack… adding it to a blog would be sweet!


  46. kingslayer

    would it work well with my blog,or can the feature be added to it for me to take advantage of it?


    • Hanni

      It’ll work great with you blog as-is, you can just change over yout theme to P2 by going to Appearance > Themes and choosing it from the list.


  47. Gregory Troncales

    cool…i’m gonna try it out…


  48. spocrep

    It’s really cool… thanks you guys for the hard work you do… you’re really the best… and I’m thinking of using it in my new blog.. thanks a lot 🙂


  49. muhammadfj

    Cool work 🙂 we really need that kind of stuff…..


  50. AudaciousAria

    Goody goody 🙂


  51. Mr M

    More graphic themes needed..why are there so many rehashed themes coming out?..new ones please!


  52. Pingback: OAuth, OpenID, XMPP with WordPress | ../learninglab/joss
  53. atifhidayat

    it’s great… i hope more themes will be on the way in the near future


  54. Faber

    That’s really awesome, many of us were waiting for something like this.


  55. Wacky Flip8

    Cooliiooo! Sweet!


  56. metalpig

    attractive 🙂


  57. Rizal

    nice work.
    but I think there is too “square”, hehe



    THX, I ‘ll try it


  59. darkangelxcigartrevol

    nice info. hmmm.. faster blogging… yeah and fast comments too… your eye wont sore =)


  60. Agus Setiyawan



  61. paspic

    Great stuff, keep up the good work.


  62. andreas

    Is there any non-microblogging theme thats more bloggy but only uses tags in the theme and not categories?


    • Heather

      I’m not sure what you’re asking. You can use only tags in any theme that you like. You can preview as many as you like to see what works for you under Appearance > Themes.


  63. spinnakerjksc

    Sounds good. Why not just come up with another twitter widget or have that integrated into the system? Oh well. I’m behind anything you guys do!



  64. Pingback: P2: The New Prologue « Nefekto’s Blog
  65. budiwiyono

    Twitter skin/style ! Nice 🙂


  66. Pingback: links for 2009-03-12 « Brent Sordyl’s Blog
  67. TheNutz

    funny one!


  68. gregdeming

    Looks fantastic…can I, and if so how, link a conversational blog to my existing article feature blog?


    • Heather

      There isn’t a way to combine the two, but if you want to promote one on the other, you can create a new blog with that theme by clicking on “register another blog” on WordPress.com when you’re logged in. Then you can add that blog to your blogroll under Links in your first blog’s dashboard.


  69. mattdyer

    You know what would be great!?? If I could use this theme for a separate page on my current blog (using vigilance) so that my staff members could have conversations- similar to a message board. Then create a log-in procedure to make it private. My staff have WP user accounts, but I wouldn’t want just anyone who came to the blog to see it.


  70. cornerstonemortgages

    Nice, Keep it up!


  71. pcvilela

    Wow. Very nice!! It’s gonna be a good trip. Welcome on board!!! 😉


  72. sulandana

    Sound’s great. Even though I’m a new one using WP, but I think it’s can make the blog cooler than before.


  73. gmok

    There is one problem I’ve found with the new P2 fast blogger. It is an excellent concept, but there’s one thing that I think could be implemented :p

    If a user is scrolling through the posts with the ‘J’ or ‘K’ hot keys, and then presses ‘R’ to reply, but then decides not to reply and ‘esc’-apes out of it, P2 doesn’t remember which post you were last viewing when you go back to pressing ‘J’ or ‘K’, it instead starts you from the top or bottom, relative to which key you press. It would be nice to see some memory of last viewed post 🙂

    Very good job on the concept and design though, I am very impressed 🙂


  74. bearbuddyboo

    Very nice! I can’t wait to try it out!


  75. Nate Barrett

    So wait, does that mean that anyone can post a comment on there?
    Because I would love to be able to set up another blog specifically geared toward commenting my blog (real time).


  76. Pingback: Top Posts « WordPress.com
  77. Pingback: Top Posts « WordPress.com
  78. Pingback: New P2 Prologue Theme on WordPress.com « Lorelle on WordPress
  79. darbs

    lets try this out, why not


  80. Niki

    One of the reasons I love WordPress is that you guys have the greatest themes available.


  81. Pingback: WordPress P2 -- whoah, this puppy is kewl
  82. Diabolic Preacher

    this is really an awesome idea and great example of what a theme itself could do to the way of blogging


  83. James

    Holy cow. I didn’t read the full feature list, so when it live updated, I was taken aback. When is this thing going to be available to all us .org users as well? It’s way cool.


  84. Pingback: Theme Playground | WordPress News Sources in my Feedreader
  85. ζÔ§Η

    that’s really cool, good job! however im going to stick with vigilance =]


  86. Pingback: P2 Prologue WordPress Theme | MUIOMUIO.NET
  87. snarla

    Ooh, an orange theme would be nice. Good idea.


  88. Pingback: Decided to … « R2CU.co.nr
  89. DTFDW

    Psst: http://svn.automattic.com/wpcom-themes/p2/ 😉

    If you know what to do you with that you can use P2 now for self-hosted WordPresses!


  90. Salman Latif

    It’s not fun enough. You guys should add things to the top-portion of the pages in themes since users have got less variety there..


  91. Pingback: MadéJunés[dot]nét » Prologue/P2, theme Wordpress a la Twitter
  92. ockto



  93. xlizziex13

    That’s pretty cool! 🙂


  94. freecheese

    Twitter is not enough :), wordpress rocks.
    Expecting H1 title on permalinks pages, on P3.


  95. Imran

    when exactly can we expect to have this theme in wordpress directory for self-hosted and would you provide support for customization?


  96. robertirogers

    No word limit! I can’t wait to see if it will work for our new book-in-progress blog! Would that work?


  97. dokieh

    Very nice, though I like most the other new theme, that one called “Vigilance”.


  98. Vision Raval

    Gerat job..!!


  99. s0mbrerit0

    Look’s cool.Kinda looks like a forum lol.


  100. Zaeriuraschi 11098

    Awesome! I might try it out soon!


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