New Theme: iNove

iNove by mg12 is one of the top themes used for self-hosted WordPress blogs, and a commonly requested addition to our offerings here on We’re always doing what we can to bring you the cool new stuff you want, so now you’ve got it, too! iNove for


Some handy features of this theme:

  • Display pages or categories in the menu below your header.
  • Display your page hierarchy in your menu on hover.
  • Options to show a notice, banner, and special showcase widget to registered users, visitors, or commentators. You control your message.
  • The ability to hide and show authors, categories, and tags on posts.
  • Remove your sidebar with a single click.

You’ll find all of these settings under Appearance > Current Theme Options in your dashboard after you’ve activated iNove.

To do that, go to Appearance > Themes in your dashboard, find iNove (they’re in alpha order), and click Preview to see how it will look on your blog. If you dig it, click Activate and it’s yours.

This one not quite for you? Keep an eye on the news blog for more themes, coming soon 🙂

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  1. Vikas Gupta

    Wow! Looks so beautiful! I am going to test it right away! Thanks a lot. Nothing delights me more than a new theme! Bring more and more themes please! 😀 😀


  2. Zaeriuraschi 11098 (pronounced zay-ree-ooh-ras-chee)

    I don’t really like that theme. I want something like Ocean Mist, just without a Page Navigator covering the header, and possibly a different color… like purple! Or emerald green! 🙂


  3. InkSplodge!

    Oooo! Drooling already – big thank yous.


  4. Vikas Gupta

    I tested it. I recall seeing this theme on some self hosted blogs. I am not switching to it presently but will surely use it for a blog in future! Waiting for more themes {*fingers crossed*}.


  5. Guy

    If that theme had a custom header I’d be all over it. After spending 6 hours on my header I’m not ready to abandon it just year.


  6. konsnos

    Seems nice. Not my style though but its good to see more themes.


  7. Mohammad Elsheimy

    fantastic but what about columns and widgets?


    • Sheri

      You can turn the sidebar on or off for the iNove theme from the Appearance > Theme Options page in your dashboard.


  8. AlexeyBatanov

    compact! I like! But after Albeo theme photos sets lil’ bit sloppy in iNove.. 😦


  9. Rui Manuel Quintino

    Thanks 😀 I bet everyone will use it on blogs about technology and gadgets lol


  10. Dori Doreau

    cool theme, i was waiting for something like this! i’m just a bit puzzled about the notice, banner, and special showcase widgets, i’m not sure what’s their differences. but besides that i really love it, the option to decide if categories and tags are shown or not is top, and the clean minimalistic style looks great.


    • Sheri

      The notice bar will display at the top of posts on homepage, the banner will display at the right of header, and the showcase will display at the top of sidebar. Test them out to see how they work! Make sure to use the checkboxes above each one to control who can see them.


  11. inkcaravan

    Sounds really interesting, I’m off to check it out. Thanks for continuing to supply new themes.


  12. Zubair

    Looks pretty decent, for a clean and subtle blog. But I would rather like black touches over it. Not so sure..


  13. The Curmudgeon

    Very attractive theme. Unfortunately, as with some others, the developer felt the need to include graphic quote marks for blockquoted material. That’s a bit too unprofessional for my taste. Also, my preference is for a font with serifs, so although this new theme is really very good, it’s not for me. But please continue to provide more choices!


  14. canazza

    I’ve found that using the header banner for long bits of text tends to mess up the formatting of the title, I worked around by putting a DIV in it with the style “height:0px;width:400px;” – quite nice for putting a quote in your header. 😀


  15. Brenda Nepomuceno

    It looks great! Maybe I’ll try this one… 😉


  16. Nish

    Nice theme…very good for technical blogs. Not so much for mine. I just moved from Pressrow to Vigilance 🙂


  17. J Besonia

    I love it!
    Thank you so much WP!

    I love you!


  18. nickie wang

    great! will try it right away!


  19. admin [Eds. Note: This account is in no way associated with WordPress]

    nothing to post eh?
    yeah iNove is a nice theme i have used it at one of my wordpress installs but now i am using hybrid there, one of the main reasons that i think made iNove so much popular is its black and white layout, there aren’t many themes with glossy black header and white background…


  20. Moses

    wow wow wow…. don’t stop… more more more!!! 🙂


  21. hanie ariena

    need a soft touch & smart image to make this theme. perfect!


  22. J Besonia

    Does this come with the “random posts” widget?

    I saw it when I newly activated the theme. Then when I added the widgets I like, the “random posts” disappeared.


    • Sheri

      There isn’t a random posts widget, but there are random posts in the default sidebar for iNove. I’ll add a random post widget to the suggestion list, and it might get added later. 🙂


  23. maguay

    Wow, I really wanted a theme that would let me list categories in the top menu, and this looks like it fits the bill. Now I can really utilize my blog to its fullest potential! If only this theme had a customizable header… 😐 (Looks like lots of us want this!)

    BTW: If you could add the categories in top menu feature to all the themes it would be GREAT!


  24. maguay

    Wait, it either allows categories or pages in the top menu, but not both! Oh well, back to Freshy theme for me … at least I get a customizable header still ;-).


  25. joshi daniel

    this looks very cool 🙂 i am gonna try this 🙂
    thanks a lot!


  26. Raul Cloud

    How to hide ‘Feed RSS’ button?


    • Sheri

      The “Feed RSS” link is part of the iNove theme design. It isn’t editable through the blog options, but you could adjust the design and remove it with the paid Custom CSS upgrade if you wanted.


  27. Elena

    Is there a way to disable east, west and south sidebars? I already had widgets in place that were transferred to North side bar and don’t want to change the layout.

    Please, if it is not an option, can you make it an option?

    So far I am enjoying the layout overall.


  28. BlueMist

    Great news. But can we have WP to take out some of the existing themes which are not used and have them replaced by something fresh and new.


  29. Fran

    really nice!


  30. bharatria


    Thanks to WordPress

    Its very nice ….I like it very much. And as a user i hope we are getting more good features from wordpress.

    Bharat Patel


  31. Andrew

    Keep them coming! 🙂


  32. Pingback: No More! No More! I Can’t Take It Any More! « Welltun Cares Presents
  33. spocrep

    I think It’s one of the best theme here! great, loved it!! it’s practical and just perfect!
    thanks a lot! keep’me coming! 🙂


  34. qbit

    A theme with interesting features.


  35. Sssaam

    That’s cool, good job!


  36. Mary

    Very neat, perhaps a new theme? 😛 🙂


  37. ronakorn

    I used theme by mg12 before it present here, I love it.


  38. radith

    hey i use it now…

    but how to remove blogroll, rss, categories, and meta site
    is it permanent from the themes…??



  39. Nikhil

    Can we change the header image in this theme?


  40. Oliver

    Great Theme, but i can’t delete the “Archive” and “Meta”-Widget at the bottom of all my widgets although it’s not active in one of the 4 sidebars. Any reason or explanation? Any help?

    So I switched back to Blix-Theme. If there’s a bug, this will be fixed hopefully…


    • Heather

      To get rid of the default widgets, add a blank text widget under Appearance > Widgets. This will eliminate the ones that are there so you can start fresh 🙂


  41. Chris Luzader

    I would switch to this for sure if there is/was a way to make the feed button at the top of the sidebar redirect to a feedburner feed.

    Thanks for all your work on the themes!


  42. Mihai

    i love it! it’s so great and awsome! Nice theme nice update!


  43. Hetal

    Looks nice… I like it.


  44. Birdwhisperer

    New themes! Great! Can we have more colorful options in the future? This one is really nice though, definitely the best out of the all the black/white/gray themes.
    Thanks for everything, WordPress.


  45. Badguy37

    wow that looks kewl! will there be a video for it?


  46. Chittaranjan

    Yawn! This one is way too common on the self-hosted blogs…almost a done-to-death theme.

    Anyways, thanks for it and keep’em coming.


  47. YhonnyG, EspañaO

    oh, well, always adding serious themes. I have changed the format a bit to recharge themes on

    Heather greetings, good job

    we want more templates, we want more templates


  48. TurboDad

    Nice – I’m one of those people using the theme on my self-host wordpress site, so nice to see it on!


  49. Jacksonian Lawyer

    Very nice and thank you for your continued efforts.


  50. trollboy

    one giant column at last! yay!


  51. Zurairi AR

    I am really loving this theme!

    I don’t really want to bother the forum about this since it’s a trivial matter. However, I didn’t know what I did that causes my menu’s dropdown to drop slightly do the right. If anyone can be so kind as to take a look at my blog and point out what I’m missing here, I’d be really grateful.

    Thank you in advance!


  52. Mia Taylor

    Wow! What a clean and fun theme!


  53. Robin Reagler

    Very Nice! I love getting new themes! More, please?


  54. janicesullivan

    I would like a fresh look like this theme but I have put a lot of time organizing my widgets, links, etc… If I change over, will I lose all the work I’ve done on my current theme?



    • Sheri

      If you change themes, your widgets will still be there. They may get moved to the inactive widgets area though, so you just need to check your widgets page and add back any that went into that section.


  55. savulll

    It looks nice.You should make more of these.There aren’t enough and almost all the blogs look like between them.Thank You


  56. derschreckliche

    One of my favorte ones :D, BIG THX for that!
    Using it for my Blog now and really loved all the configuration options.

    But still waiting for a new, beautiful and configurable dark 3-column theme with a custom header.


  57. flynnsblogs

    Great! I love this one so far. It would have been nice to have a `Show time/date stamp on posts` option.


  58. Breezy

    This is very compact. Great features!


  59. just ME

    Seems pretty but Not really my cup of … But its always good to see more themes


  60. stevewiilliams

    Class! I would use this on my personal blog but there’s no sidebars. I dunno if I need them or not tho. Still making that decision.


  61. Samuel Sousa

    Nice works!

    I like too.


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  63. ShadowWing Tronix

    I also would like a customizable header. I like having a logo instead of text (even though I have to “fix-up” my logo a bit). Otherwise, it sounds like a good theme.


  64. αвsσlutjσíz™ ღ ™zíσɾʇnlσsвα

    I like this! Am using it now. Keep new ones coming in~



    can us download???


  66. kA aFriE

    Awesome,, wp is best of the best..


  67. Exodus

    glad to see more themes. thank you WP! (:


  68. Pingback: Automattic Launches a new theme called iNove and releases a new short code for the sound cloud widget « Teck~Line Lounge
  69. iamryanm

    Really cool! How I wish the header could be customized as well…


  70. Geekcheck

    Is there anyway to remove the default Blogroll and Categories widgets from the sidebar? The amount of info in the blogroll lengthens the overall page way too much.


  71. mandylee4christ

    wordpress desperately needs more themes. Most of the ones available are stark and boring. Eblogger has some great themes I wish wordpress would adopt.


  72. ohiokimono

    Now if only we had a cherry tree themed layout…


  73. ellazuri

    more more more …love this one …….


  74. nowdoucit

    I like it but there is nothing defining the features. What is a banner and what does it mean when you saw html enabled? Need directions, please.


  75. lune

    lovely stuff.x


  76. udom

    Very chic theme. ^__^


  77. Fran

    It’s a good one, but I see you also introduced some other themes apart from this one. I like it, but the sidebar is too wide to me, and I don’t like the theme without it, so let’s try it next time.


  78. Pingback: 新テーマ iNove « ブログ «
  79. art predator

    classy new theme–with lots of great options! I’m tempted to check it out–but I like a custom header.


  80. thedomesticnerdess

    Thanks for the new theme. However, I am still not satisfied. Please give us more themes with better typefaces. Typefaces like: Twentieth Century Gothic, Futura, Gill Sans, something cleaner looking. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With custom headers, custom colors, and heck, custom typefaces would be great too! Please. Thank you.


  81. cenya95

    Waow… i love it …


  82. Rodry

    Some pieces of text in the theme are not translated to Spanish yet.

    For example the “go to comments” link in each post and the “No trackbacks yet” text in each post. Also the “Subscribe to comments feed” in the footer of each post.

    Please, finish translating this things, it would be GREAT!!!


  83. Maria Niña

    That so great.. the Theme looks so neat and very professional


  84. rindler

    Looks “clear” and I like this.


  85. captiveenrapture

    Wow! Wonderful!!! I Like the touch of black in it!!! looks gr8!!!!. Very Professional 🙂


  86. moreblacklace

    Well done WP I love it.


  87. husdal

    Just the theme I’ve been waiting for. Had I known WP was working on this, I might have considered staying on and not moving to, because this exact theme was the main reason for me for moving from to a month ago. I ended up with a different theme after all, but that’s another story. Too late now…but still, kudos on a job well done, and geez, you can even hide the global tags and categories in the theme options (for those of us who hate those things). Wow…I’m utterly impressed. If this theme doesn’t drive more bloggers to, I seriously don’t know which theme that would…


  88. Will Hawkins

    Like this a lot!


  89. petersaints

    I have always loved iNove. Glad that is now available @ (I still prefer the reliability of this service to a Free Webost ;)).

    I have just one request… like many I’d love to be hable to add a custom header to this theme. It would just be perfect.


  90. Denimaniac

    Thanks… but we want more, more,more!!!


  91. white_eagle

    Fantastic!!! Thanks a lot!


  92. Jennifer

    It’s fantastic that is offering more themes with user customization. Options are A Good Thing! Looking forward to seeing more. Thanks again!


  93. Pingback: » વર્ડપ્રેસ તરફથી એક નવો થીમ: iNove
  94. ShadowWing Tronix

    If your looking for more themes to add, how about ComicPress? It would be perfect for anyone with a webcomic, and I see a lot of webcomic sites that use the .org software using the ComicPress theme.


  95. graval

    i dont like it… the header is cool, but the rest sucks. dont take it personal, you did a good job but not my cup o tea ^^


  96. phoxis

    good theme, but i would use it if the content column was a bit wider


  97. corvedacosta

    I now have this. I think its cool!


  98. vee

    that’s nice n simple i think.


  99. Admin

    I’m always after blogs with a custom header. What I REALLY want is something like Prophoto, since I use my blog for my photography business. Just something that allows large format pics and a custom header, maybe with a customisable background down the sides. HINT.


  100. 23

    I passed by weebly last night, it’s also hosts blogs for free. Honestly, wordpress, I was suprised to see how fantastic their themes were…………….somewhere over 150…. something for everyone. I really find wordpress lacking in this area!
    Great to see another new theme! Please, please, keep them coming!


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