WP.me — shorten your links


Check out this address:


If you visit it, you’ll end up right back here. The nice thing about it is that it’s a short link, about  70% smaller than the permalink for this post. URL shorteners are nothing new, Tiny URL has been around for 100 years, but WP.me is different in a few ways.

  • WP.me is the only two-letter .me domain in the world.
  • Every blog and post on WordPress.com has a WP.me URL now.
  • These are all exposed in the <head> using rel=shortlink.
  • It doesn’t work for any URL in the world, just WP.com-hosted ones.
  • The links are permanent, they will work as long as WordPress.com is around.
  • WP.me is spam-free, because we are constantly monitoring and removing spam from WP.com.

I think a few of these points are worth following up on. While URL shorteners have had some incredible usage tied to the growth (and constraints) of Twitter, I question their sustainability as a business. This point was underscored a few days ago when a popular one, tr.im, announced they were going to shut down at the end of the year.

Their story had a happy ending in that someone came in and saved them, but it was hard not to think of what would have happened if all their links stopped redirecting one day: part of the web would go dark. I also worry that because shorteners are essentially open proxies of HTTP they’ll be exploited by spammers and malware distributors to the point where businesses, anti-phishing, and anti-virus services will be forced to block them.

WordPress links have the structure they do, which is longer, because they’re meant to be permanent and portable. (And of course friendly to search engines.) Even if you weren’t using WordPress, the links contain no arbitrary IDs or other platform-specific implementation cruft so they should be trivial to serve from any system, even if you don’t use WordPress in the future. But if all the links to you use a shorter version, that sort of defeats the point!

But as Dave Winer articulated, there’s no reason we shouldn’t have a shortener ourselves, and here we are. 🙂 People are already using it.

How can you use it?

There is now a “Get Shortlink” button next to your permalink when you edit or write a post, and when you click it you’ll get a popup with the beautiful link already highlighted for your copy and pasting pleasure.

If you’re logged in you can also get the shortlink for any page on WordPress.com, there’s a link under the “Blog Info” menu in your admin bar.

Our thanks also go out to our friends at GoDaddy and in Montenegro for help with the domain.

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  1. Pingback: WP.me « Wir sprechen Online.
  2. Damon Tucker

    That’s great for twitter!

    Mahalo from Hawaii!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. mkjones

    This utterly rocks! Will it be working its way into the self-hosted version?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. range

    This is really great news for all of us who tweet!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. pochp

    Another GREAT Move Matt!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Exodus

    such a convenient feature! thank you WP for making our abode more pleasure. (:

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: WordPress.com adds a url shortener « Karakui – Okinawan Pop Culture
  8. Scott Rose

    This is so cool and so well implemented on your end! Thank you!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. owbEe


    Liked by 1 person

  10. maguay

    Wow, great! Bit.ly will get less traffic from me now 😉

    So what is WP.com going to be used for now (other than redirecting to WordPress.com)?

    WordPress.com is amazing … you guys add great features all the time (WordPress.org too 😀 ). Thanks a million!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. melaniekiddofsl

    This is so awesome, ty for doing this 😀


  12. wllmhll

    lovely jubbly.


  13. Pingback: WP.me, el acortador de URLs de WordPress.com | Ayuda WordPress
  14. Pingback: All Wordpress.com Blogs Get WP.me Short Urls
  15. Vikas Gupta

    Yeah, I already used it twice yesterday! That this will be permanent makes it more reliable than other services. 😀


  16. Moses

    u guys have saved the best for august eh? “_


  17. Pingback: Shortlink, Fitur Baru WordPress.Com Untuk Memperpendek URL | RISOFTE
  18. Brenda Nepomuceno

    I loooooooove this! Usually, I’d post the url on Twitter, so that I’d get a short one. Now is easier. Thank you so much! 😀


  19. Pingback: WP.me not WP.com - WordPress Tavern Forum
  20. Breezy

    I noticed this while editing some pages. Very useful feature!


  21. showfom

    China has blocked *.wordpress.com also wp.me…..it means we can’t visit wp.me directly


  22. Don Lucho

    I take this as a birthday present. Thank you, guys


  23. Pingback: Ah ha! Shortlinks! « skin all organ, hair harmonica
  24. marathonjohan



  25. peixesloucos

    you make great additions !



  26. Sarah

    Tthe best thing about it is the [wp.me] part..Love it <333


  27. irishherault

    Excellent feature. I was toying with using TinyURL for some of my pages but then came across an interesting article in Ireland yesterday about how a lot of these services are going bust – it’s at http://www.amas.ie/blog/tiny-url-problems/


  28. Susan Wright-Boucher

    Awesome new feature! Thanks.


  29. Pingback: WP.me – Shorten Your Links | Online Tips
  30. Mihai

    I noticed this update yesterday ! It’s awsome !


  31. Chittaranjan

    Yay! I posted abt this just yesterday and moments later…this announcement was up 😛

    Thanks for this nifty feature.

    As I understand it, we can use the shortlink for new posts only after they’re posted…or draft saved. Correct?


  32. Milo

    I will continue to use twitterfeed to auto broadcast my latest blog entry to twitter and that’s set up to use bit.ly which still works great for now.

    This is still a nice thing to have on the blog though.


  33. mostafa farghaly

    great , thank you matt


  34. Pingback: WP.me un acortador propio de WP.com | Codigo Geek
  35. eastlakecounty

    I saw it yesterday and nearly fainted. I love WordPress more every day.


  36. creeping

    Can we presume the next feature you are working on is to mimic twitterfeed and automatically feed new posts to sites like twitter, identica, facebook, etc? Or does this feature already exist somehow/somewhere?

    if not – if there is anyone who wants to help me code a plugin leave me a msg – i can write the requirements/specs


  37. Cyndy Otty

    That is indeed pretty darned spiffy. Thanks guys!


  38. વિનય ખત્રી

    interesting and useful.



  39. yongsheng

    now this is what i call innovation!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Mahendra

    With URL shortening services becoming the new currency of the web, this is a great and timely move by you guys! Great stuff.


  41. Rodney Cooley

    Great idea. I am sure I will be using it.


  42. e-hime

    Well, another cool news from you guys, thank you again for your work ^^


  43. zannc

    The smaller the url the better,wordpress is getting better all the time.


  44. littleandromache

    This is awesome! I’d already begun using it before reading this article. It sure helps for folks receiving links on their phones or even remembering. This, among the other features, is great!


  45. missincognegro

    I’m really liking this feature. Mad props!


  46. Ruslan Trad



  47. Alex Calic

    Will you guys be rolling our bit.ly style analytics as well? That would rock. Great stuff team WP.


    • Matt

      All the links go to your blog, which already has analytics. I think stats on the *redirect* level are dumb because they get hugely inflated by bots and such that the redirect service can’t tell the difference from regular people, versus stats on your blog that use Javascript to get the most accurate snapshot of your audience. (I know some people disagree with me here.)


  48. spocrep

    I made a post about it yesterday…
    it’s really great and so useful, and the fact that the links are permanent is a huge help and even biger relief, thanks alot, it came just in time! 🙂


  49. salmanmnoor

    Nice and must try it !!!


  50. কাপালিক

    I just wonder, will that be as SEO friendly as permalink? Personally I do not like tiny url things.


  51. Pingback: The Only Two Letter .ME Domain In The World
  52. Pingback: WordPress.com implementa su propio acortador de URLs | Bitelia
  53. chriskeene

    Out of interest how did you manage to be the first two digit .me domain?


  54. Desi Vanrintel

    will be very usefull


  55. ﺉײַ♫♂Ĉáĥőĉķĕŷ♠۝۞۩

    I even noticed it before you posted it 😀 . That is a very great feature when we tweet (even though I don’t) and when you need to link to something else. Thanks


  56. goosetea



  57. art predator

    I noticed this great new feature yesterday!! Thanks, WP! This will come in handy especially for when I use Twitter!


  58. Aditya Kavoor

    Is it possible for me to have a customized short URL?


  59. ajw93

    Fantastic – I’ve used it twice today already! Thanks, WP!


  60. kansir

    How to let visitor use the shorten URL ?


  61. fracas

    This is a fabulous extra for WordPress users. Thanks, thanks… and more thanks!


  62. Shion

    I love WP. Seriously. And this just makes it better, as does every single new feature implemented.


  63. Merv Adrian

    Love this. Nice work!
    How about a “tweet this” button in the editing dialogue? I find that I bump my traffic considerable when I tweet abut new posts. Could save a step….


  64. TelBitConsulting

    Great! This is why I will never leave WP…constant innovation! 🙂


  65. La Vía Feliz



  66. ian in hamburg

    Short links, short comment: Yay!


  67. 5nak3

    That’s nice!!! 🙂


  68. PJ

    Very nice. I’m new to WP and I’m glad I took the advice of friends when I chose this place as home!


  69. Shion

    What Marv said.


  70. Pingback: WordPress lanza WP.me, su propio acortador de URLs « Dosneuronas
  71. Pingback: Wordpress.com got Own URL Shortening service WP.com
  72. ronakorn

    Thats cool, brilliant news, many thanks!


  73. Pingback: Wordpress lança encurtador próprio WP.me « Blog do Rubens Baumgratz
  74. Mel Ancholy

    I put a lot of my links on Twitter when sharing my post but from now on if it is a post I will use this little but helpful tool to shorten my link. I have a feeling that WP will be around longer than twitter.


  75. lethalsheethal

    Really like this! Many of my short links are to my blog announcing new posts. Thanks.

    Is there a way to use different shorteners so I can track where i’m posting to – like campaign tracking in a web analytics program?

    tr.im can’t do this either so I can only track based on when people responded (assuming, not so accurately, that the latest post was what changed the stats)


  76. eatingtheworld

    Do stats from wp.me links show up in the stats for WordPress.com hosted sites?


  77. benjammin1

    great extra!


  78. barbara_y

    Short is sweet


  79. randomgeek1

    This will be very useful, thanks for adding this! This will definitely help me write better Twitter posts!


  80. Pingback: WP.me encurtador de URL embutido no Wordpress. « O Seo Messias
  81. trollboy

    me like


  82. justaminutenow

    Love it! Use it! Thanks WP!


  83. kA aFriE

    Try this at my twitter.
    Oo.. Yeah..


  84. Tom Scott

    Nice, the web is a little bit less broken.

    Did you think about using rev=”canonical” instead of rel=”shortlink” since it defining the reverse relationship i.e. define the relationship of the current document to the linked document.


    • Matt

      Check out the Microformats.org page I linked, it has some pretty good arguments why “rev” isn’t really proper in this situation, as it reverses the assertion relationship in a way that could be exploited.


  85. Pingback: Short Link to Resume « Changing Way
  86. Ken

    Great. Already used it.

    Now what about something like twitterfeed which automatically feeds posts to twitter. or a twitterit automatic link for posts on WordPress.com.


  87. Sssaam

    That’s very helpful when linking people to posts via Twitter. Keep up the good work guys!


  88. Pingback: Brilliant « Chris Thilk
  89. Lazza

    Awesome idea. It would be nice to see twitter shortening our links with wp.me… Maybe you can go for a “partnership”? 😛


  90. optimistic_tour

    Yes! Great for twitter.


  91. PiensoLuegoPiensoLuegoExisto

    Very nice feature! The ‘list all post’ and this shortener are the best news of the year for the WP.com users.

    PS: Can we put the short link at the end of every post, for everyone who wants to use it instead of the large one? Or there is another way to see it if you’re not a WP user?


    Liked by 1 person

  92. Pingback: AWESOME New Tool For Wordpress. Link Shortening! « Story Balloon
  93. hanie ariena

    Its nice. Thanks cause always make a wonderful this web.


  94. Moin Ansari

    I cant find the links

    When will you guys fix the errors while running spell check—the numbers get all jumbled up and spell check turns off by itself

    Also, we need a good google search type of search facility–the current search doesn’t quite cut it

    should be able to generate a table of contents for the entire blog


  95. Pingback: WP.me: URL Shortening Service From WordPress | Weblog Tools Collection
  96. Pingback: WordPress Gets A URL Shortening Service WP.me
  97. DarkoNeko

    That’s nice, and cool. Also for anything else than “twitter”, mind them 🙂


  98. proveed

    What I’m waiting for, thanks


  99. Pingback: Generate Short URLs for your wordpress.com Blog Posts | ROYALMAIL
  100. nickie wang

    this is just great!

    Liked by 2 people

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