Support Hours and Updates

In the coming week, the Support crew (seen among the lovely faces here) will be meeting in London to brainstorm new ways of providing you with the resources you need. While us Happiness Engineers are putting our heads together to churn out some big ideas, we’ll be closing our email support system.

Support will be unavailable from 10 a.m. EST on Friday, August 28 to 4 a.m. EST on Monday, September 7.

Of course, our team will still be monitoring servers and services while we’re out to keep you blogging smoothly and safely. In the meantime, we encourage you to read through the Support pages and make use of the forums, which are full of helpful users like you.

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Comments are closed.

  1. Yasir Imran

    no problem, my wp blog running very well, not urgent support needed


  2. Vikas Gupta

    OK, no problem! Enjoy the London weather!


  3. creeping

    what does the bear do?


  4. axewielderx

    Have fun!


  5. Jennifer

    Hope you all have a wonderful time in London town (make sure you take in a London Walk!). Hopefully, someone will still be monitoring that special modlook feed, yes?


  6. spocrep

    okay then, good luck! 😉


  7. ian in hamburg

    I predict mass panic among newbs who couldn’t be bothered to use the search button.


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  9. viverumsonho2

    I don’t have problem, I want my wp blog to be knowner.


  10. Narendra

    i never knew there existed an email support system..never felt the need,the forums are helpful and WP is easy to handle 🙂 all the best


  11. InkSplodge!

    Sounds like geek heaven – happy hangovers 😆 Boo-hoo! Missing you already.


  12. lojol

    London is a fabulous city.
    If you have the chance, try to visit St Paul’s Cathedral. The architecture is stunning, you never know it may give you some inspiration.


  13. lida fx15 biber hapı ikibindokuz seo yarışması

    I don’t have problem


  14. peacerunning

    have fun and hope sunshine 2


  15. delaorden

    I really hope for new themes. I would like to see more themes like Silver is the new black, The journalist, I mean wider, big themes, for people like me who likes to post big pictures, you know what I mean. I have seen recently the new theme INove, beautiful, but unhappily to me, too narrow. Please consider my request. Thank you darling.
    Another point to consider is the possibility of using one’s system fonts. I know is not easy but why is possible to do it with external programs like windows live writer ?

    That’s it !


  16. nusantaraku

    Good luck, n perhaps support crew meeting will result fantastic idea.


  17. javcasta

    Only one weekend. What a disaster! 🙂


  18. Ranadipam Basu

    ok, enjoy the programm…wish you good days.


  19. KangBoed

    so nice.. please enjoy that


  20. bundadontworry

    ok, enjoy your stay in London……….:D 😀 😀
    we’ll be okay, our WP running well…………….
    Best Regards.


  21. irisofthewayfarer

    Have a great time. London – one of my favorite spots in the world.


  22. Paul Chong

    Have fun, get on the run!
    It’s refreshing to soak in the sun.


  23. wattsupwiththat

    For the “happiness engineers”

    The single most requested feature I get is the ability to preview comments before committing to them and the option to return to editing them.

    Oh and integrated “email this story”


  24. Pothi



  25. J.J's Dolly Rockers

    Hehe I agree with the first guy all is running well here. Any chance you could incorporate the ‘read more’ tag to work on regular pages? I’ve reached so many new customers with my blog. Stay inspired.

    Muchos Gracias


  26. Moses

    sounds like support is gonna have some fun this weekend… enjoy! 🙂


  27. Yhonny G España O

    Good, pass well, but again with good things for us hehe.



  28. cenya95

    Okay, good luck…


  29. conservative09

    Have fun.


  30. squadlessenger

    Do take time to have some fun after work


  31. techmonster10

    Doesn’t matter to me.


  32. superdupermen

    have fun!!


  33. Shawn

    Enjoy yourselves! Have a spot of tea and some crumpets! You guys and gals ROCK!


  34. trollboy

    hmm now I’ll have to find something else to do this weekend… darn it!


  35. mathusallem

    who can help me with credits pls .. give back quickly ..


  36. Margaret

    Get togethers are always fun and productive. It’s so good to know that your get together is pooling ideas to make WordPress even better. Here’s wishing you the very best in all your endeavors. Thank you for everything.


  37. poetrywizard

    Hey! Cheers and do relax! I am sure we´ll manage somehow! Hehehe! Just kidding!
    Truly, Enjoy your holidays, you guys do an excellent job! You desrve it!
    Warmest Regards


  38. freewareelite

    I’m hoping for some “stunning” new features on WordPress…

    Anyway, enjoy your time in London!


  39. Destination Infinity

    The best thing about WP is, we don’t need support! Except maybe very rare cases!! I like WP very much, and if you guys come up with an IPO, please let us know.

    Destination Infinity


  40. sathitharan

    never felt the need to email a query, forums and support pages answered all my questions.

    enjoy london


  41. Exodus

    have a nice time in London! err… with the bear… =)


  42. smpputri

    thanks for supporting us.
    have a good weather.


  43. squintingeyes

    Can you take me to London with you?


  44. Pingback: The .gif Friday Post No.94 – Trouble in WorpDress City: Reanimating Animations « Tacky Raccoons
  45. Rizal

    have fun there 🙂


  46. teresasacriz

    not a problem, being a newbie, I don’t want to cram and have knowledge
    overload, am taking this one step at a time. Enjoy!


  47. Estrella Azul

    It’s okay, no support needed on my end right now 🙂 Let us know what you’ve come up with 🙂


  48. Idun

    Have fun! 🙂


  49. Tony

    Enjoy. Peace and love !!


  50. javcasta

    Now seriously. Thanks for the advisor.


  51. Miriam

    Aaaaand of course the moment you all go on vacation Sandbox breaks. Great.


    • Heather

      Not to worry. We’re still monitoring issues such as this one. We’re looking into this now. Keep an eye on the forums for updates.


  52. vjp

    Bad timing. You guys made some back end changes that screwed up my blog and I can’t fix it. So I’m REALLY upset about this.


  53. Thorn

    Interesting how your brainstorming co-incides with the Notting Hill Carnival. Enjoy 🙂


  54. foxinparliament

    London is a cool city any time of the year, enjoy…


  55. Screenhog67456

    Cool! Have Fun in London!
    I hear it’s a nice location.


  56. Sigge

    Well i aggre with all here who need Support when we got WordPress 🙂 . Very rare situations we need support . WordPress is so good that im just 12 years and i love it and my friends to WordPress beat Any Blogg place at 100% .


  57. Courtney Hunt

    Are you kidding me? How does an online service shut down its customer service for 10 days? And to do it in the name of improving service? That’s beyond ironic.

    I have looked at the site and read the materials, but I need a human being to answer my questions and make sure that I set everything up correctly. I am a new customer who needs to get a web presence established ASAP. I am technologically sophisticated, but having never done before what I need to do, I need guidance to make sure I get the proper upgrades. I guess I need to go find another provider. Wow. I’ll go do that right now.


  58. blog4hillaryvillagers

    Have fun! My question will wait! 🙂


  59. Madelaine

    Hope you’ll all to take time to enjoy GB! Be safe!


  60. aysinah

    You guys are the best! I am new to WordPress, and must say all the support that I have received has been A++. Enjoy London. Well deserved. 🙂


  61. vicisrussian

    Hey people. I am new and I am not panicking already as someone pointed out in one of the first comments. I am just wondering – what do you do, or what can you do if you have come up with a blog name that has been taken apparently, but in fact it is not – By this I mean – the system responds as: Sorry, that blog already exists! but by checking the exact address… system shows:

    The authors have deleted this blog. The content is no longer available.

    You can create your own free blog on 🙂

    Any ideas!? (:


  62. Kate Rawlins

    OMG – that’s week – it’s nine day’s – no – it’s ten days – OMG – I can’t count – I NEED SUPPORT ! Aside from that – yes, more themes, please.


  63. Ilan

    I’m sure whatever updates are coming will be super useful. Thank you!


  64. Spirit

    Email ? where?
    I do not blog or forum
    Just wanted to send a thank you


  65. thewhitesintokyo

    How about refunds for an unnecessary upgrade? I can wait, I just don’t want the time limit to catch me while you’re out…


    • Heather

      We are still periodically monitoring the forums for urgent needs. Please post your issue there with the tag “modlook” to get our attention 🙂


  66. vicisrussian

    Awww… that sucks. ^^ Thanks anyway, and enjoy your time in UK.


  67. auwoo

    Have fun with the meeting 🙂


  68. alxcervantes

    i don’t know, i guess that you can have problems at london (with bear engineer) 🙂


  69. cprocks10

    Hope you guys have a good time!


  70. mostafaghanbari1

    OK Heather, I do agree with everyone, we are OK. have a little fun. We are looking to see your new achievements. Thank you a lot.


  71. Stephen Langitan

    Enjoy London.. and looking forward for an updates.. 😉


  72. mormonsoprano

    Glad you get to take a little break and brainstorm on our behalf. I have high confidence you will think up even more awesome features for all your little WPers. Say hi to Big Ben from me. 🙂


  73. bcapper

    I seemed to of lost my blog- where did it go? Says account is suspended?


  74. Eduardo J. Sánchez P.

    I really believe that: YES, excellence should always be aimed but I really feel that most of the comments have been a little bit out of line regarding those guys taking a time to think outside their common environments. Remember that at the end of the day, this is a free service if you’re not paying for upgrades or something similar so, yo should be thankful for them to worry as they do without charging.

    Success to all of you guys 😉


  75. Tom

    Have a nice day in London!


  76. GrokSurf

    Your attentive responses to my questions have always been prompt, courteous, and informative. Keep up the good work!


  77. Agus Rudy Yanto

    hallo Heather ,,,my blog has been banned you would please back my blog..i will follow the rule..please


  78. Ali Unlu

    My page was down but nobody to help…..!


  79. katyallgeyer

    U get to go to London? I’m so jealous!


  80. micah solomon

    Is this a joke? support is gone for 10 days?


  81. satansez

    There is a FORUM? <—— I couldn't resist! LOL!


  82. Justin

    Good luck and have fun.


  83. hoh

    Seems like yr running the show on yr own!
    Wickid! Viva girl power!
    If its London take an umbrella and wellies and a jumper or two – bloody cold in august and wet – no snow, that’s in july!
    Cape Town [360 days of sun – gets boring blue blue blue sky day in day out……oh for some grey and rain]


  84. redcocuk

    ok no problem yeah 😀


  85. Cueva

    o ok so i can still keep my blog running if i can it’s a miracle! teehee :mrgreen:


  86. swamije

    Wish you all every success ! Do something special to familiarize The Indian Cosmograph-A Discovery while you are in London! Thanks a lot! Yours, R.SWAMINATHAN FROM INDIA.


  87. ibliz

    good luck !!!


  88. sarvesh11

    no problem, my wp blog running very well, enjoy to in india


  89. hanie ariena

    It’s ok. No problem. I really enjoy. Good luck to all.. 😉


  90. nolpol

    I don’t have any problems, but thanks for your care & support


  91. alamendah

    we’ll be okay


  92. freshgreenimage

    Hi all,
    I’m hearing that you’re out from 8/28 to 9/7 – but this is 8/26, and no way to get support? I’m a brand-new WP user trying to develop a site, and running into some challenges.
    Hoping you have a great time in London…but as my 6th grade grammar teacher used to say at 2:59 p.m., “The bell has not yet rung!”


  93. musicever

    The .gif images of my website have stopped working. They were alright from past 6 months and only in the last week i have this problem. No support staff also.
    so the trouble has just deepened more from few days. its the only source we had to make some motion on wordpress as flash is not allowed. so please i request u to have a look and help me.


  94. monoolho

    More themes, and wider ones, the default themes are, indeed, too narrow.

    Also, never knew you could email support, thought it was possible, but never needed anything, learned it all by myself and the support pages, mostly as reference for the html codes. I hate newbies.


  95. utimura

    I really belive that:Yes, excellence!!!!! Nice !!!!

    Success to you guys !!!!!!!!!


  96. islandprincess15

    My private email is showing up at the bottom of each and every blog entry so everyone can see it. I have tried to change the email and it says email (private) next to it as it is shown for all the PUBLIC to see. Please help me.


    • Nick

      The email address in the comment form is only displayed on your computer because it is auto-filled from a cookie in your web browser. No one else will see your email address in the form.


  97. Mel Ancholy

    Hope you all are enjoying London. Also I hope you are brainstorming for even more great ideas for WordPress. 🙂


  98. maikusasi

    Let the people have a rest! But hey don’t drink too much, we need you the next day here 🙂 London am sure could be tempting with it’s bars !!!


  99. merrykig09

    I think it would be awesome if there was a new theme that was a pretty purple color^.^ it would rock soo much and I bet a lot of people would use it, just a suggestion but its something I wanted to add as my first post on hereas a new WP user^.^


  100. flowergardengirl

    Love ya’ll! How exciting–more stuff!


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