A New P2

The New P2

For those of you who haven’t yet tried it, P2 is an awesome micro blogging theme with quick front end posting, live ajax updating, and inline threaded comments. It already packs a big punch.

P2 Options Page

So how can an already great theme be taken to the next level? That was the task of Team 34 at this year’s Automattic retreat.

One of the first areas we thought could be improved was the ease of customization. Most people like to add their own personal touch to a theme, currently P2 is hard to customize beyond the standard design. We’ve added new options to allow you to hide the sidebar and even set a unique header image. All these options allow you to personalize your own P2 to match your tastes.

Post Types

We’ve also introduced post types into P2. Now you can post different types of content and have them formatted and displayed in a way that fits the content beautifully. There are settings for standard posts, single images and galleries, as well as links and quotes. Selecting which post type to use is as simple as clicking the correct tab above the post box.

P2 Single Column View

We also decided to go a step further and rework P2 so that it could easily be used as a parent theme and extended with child themes. This will allow theme designers to create awesome new theme designs without having to duplicate all of the existing P2 features. We’ve streamlined the HTML of the theme so that it is much more flexible for creating new designs using CSS. We’ve also added a large number of template based hooks that will allow plugin developers to hook into the theme and output extended functionality.

The new P2 theme is now live on WordPress.com, and also available for download from the WordPress.org theme repository. However for .org users, P2 requires WordPress 2.9 beta or greater.

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  1. briando

    i think the post types are interesting


  2. Rusman R. Manik

    Realy cools for faster blogging. Good job 😉


  3. Mary

    We all love personal touches! 🙂 Thanks.


  4. TheBrotha

    Sweet. I’d like to be able to customise the iNove theme, but still, I may try this one out for a month.


  5. RandomizeME

    I’ll be sure to check it out!


  6. Lagunatic

    Um, I still haven’t even tried posting pictures yet 😉


  7. CristianG

    Wow! Excelent!
    Very Cool!


  8. VIKAS |vikas-gupta.in

    Great improvement on the existing theme! I will surely test it.

    The need of the hour, however, is a magazine theme that among other things will display the categories link in the nav bar along with the page links.


  9. Jeremy

    It’s stuff like this that makes me want to get a dedicated WordPress.org host, so I can craft my own theme, a combination of Journalist and great themes like this one.


  10. Andrew

    Not my style, but it seems cool!


  11. draabe

    Does this work a bit like a twitter feed then? The latest additions to WordPress are quite impressive!


  12. Kate

    Awesome, built-in template based hooks will make p2 easy to customize. I can’t wait for p2 release for WordPress.org


  13. hulkson

    I love WordPress!


  14. chantingbudha

    Thanks for the positive efforts and spirit. Keep your constructive and productive efforts going! I will like to test this interesting theme in the near future…


  15. fjpoblam

    Thank you very much! I’d check it this very moment if I could; clients call. So breakneck speed, tomorrow AM.


  16. Matt

    Screenshots or it didn’t happen.


  17. thomnel

    how can i use it in my blog?


  18. alaskogg

    Wow…that’s really nerdy.


  19. jd

    Great! I really liked the theme but I like doing posts not status updates. Great update!


  20. javcasta

    One more theme. Thanks.


  21. flowergardengirl

    Oh my gosh!!!! This is just amazing. I am loving this P/2. What a time saver. Thank you!!!!! I will tweak my design tomorrow but the layout is the best ever. Love the readability, style, ease of posting, especially replying—just incredible. Love it—big hugs!!!


  22. masukakal

    hmm? it doesn’t matter, does it?

    the third hehehe


  23. phoxis

    this feature not for me.


  24. suzanne in tuscany

    I will take time to get into this!
    thank you,


  25. Nn

    Thank you very much!


  26. Emma

    I’ll have a look but I’m new to this and am struggling as it is. Takes me abit of time to get the grey matter going.


  27. paulmwatson

    Excellent update, thanks for continuing the development of the best WordPress theme out there. Couple more steps and Twitter has an open, standards based competitor.


  28. Pingback: Useful updates to the Wordpress P2 theme… « Paul M. Watson
  29. ileaneb

    This is a nice touch. I need to take a closer look. Thanks for adding new features!


  30. Cátia Kitahara

    Is it ready for download for us, wordpress.org users?


  31. cliprz

    Thank you very much


  32. Sanchay Kinger

    wordpress is awesome…


  33. RP

    When can we expect a new photoblog theme


  34. PEZ

    Floating image captions are rendered a bit funny in Safari and Chrome (and maybe other browsers too, I haven’t checked).


  35. gbvaz



  36. فتح اسرائيل

    Thank you very much!


  37. 71mm0

    COOOOOOOL!!! I’ve been used this theme at the 1st launch for my microblog 😀


  38. Moses

    woah… awesome!


  39. riversideair

    Nice idea.


  40. johnnyteegmailcom

    Cool, does this use the post types built into 2.9 because I noticed it creates categories as well when you post 🙂
    Very cool and I like that you can create child themes.


  41. Gurindam Jiwa

    Twitter/Facebook competitor?


  42. Rusman R. Manik

    Where is the page? More coolest if the page is below the header. 😉


  43. Thoth

    Themes are OK – but given that it’s content and the ability to organize it that’s important, I’d really like to see something like an easy way to crosslink posts to later related posts without having to edit each one. That would be handy for all those novel-writers too.


  44. The Informer 2009



  45. flowergardengirl

    I can’t get the header to set it’s height without repeating the pic. I’ve inserted no-repeat or solid and neither works. Do I need to try the whole image url in that css too. I was hoping it was just automatically expand the image I had selected from the custom header theme page and do it without repeating the pattern.


  46. propertylabs

    Any word on when it will available on wordpress.org?


  47. fjpoblam

    VERY nice theme! Is there (1) a help file for styling it or (2) a way to get it to handle large images imbedded in a post (my current ones disappear)?


  48. ronakorn

    I like this theme so mush and used it for my blog. Thanks.


  49. deeleb

    Think you folks might release a 3-column version of it? I’m finding that I need a 3-column theme and the options are kind of sparse.


  50. timethief

    This will be a well received theme by micro-bloggers. Well done.


  51. Ocky Tamtelahitu

    I’ll check it out now, must be cool..


  52. Giorgio

    mmmm it’s also possibile to post via mail even using “micro-blogging”?


  53. Don Burk

    Fantastic job of building a very tweeter-like micro-blog theme! I’m definitely testing this one out. Thanks a lot!


  54. The One

    I’m tired of these “twitter” inspired blog templates, I wish someone would create some new ones with more graphical elements or with customisable header images. We have too many of the same template with different versions. Sandbox has 3 for goodness sake!


  55. doroastig

    Thanks for this innovation!


  56. vankhea

    yaahh!! it is a good idea. thanks


  57. PEZ

    The problem with floating images is there regardless if you have image captions or not.


  58. Nina

    PEZ wrote:

    “Floating image captions are rendered a bit funny in Safari and Chrome (and maybe other browsers too, I haven’t checked).”

    I’m using this P2-theme and have the same problem. Something has been tecnical wrong with the texts in my blog since the updates. Hope it can be fixed/adjusted in some how?

    Moreover: Good job!!


  59. prakashsetu


    It So Nice.Cool Designing.


  60. jonassampaio

    very good


  61. Pingback: The New P2 Is Awesome « Weblog Tools Collection
  62. hollygirl25

    I can’t even figure out how to categorize….God, I am way behind.


  63. terryjonesca

    Love the idea! Finally, something new…..


  64. bundadontworry

    the P2 looks like face book, it will make it amazing.
    best regards


  65. nobble

    Yippppiee! music to my ears

    I’ll be refreshing wordpress.org theme depository every second…now when exactly is it being released there?


  66. N. Raymond Frans

    Tabea… Good n thanks,-


  67. cmblake6

    Not my style. I’ll be staying with my older version, thanks but no. Not for me.

    Those who like it, go for it.


  68. Pingback: Can’t wait to try out the newly updated… « micro.blogs.weloveit.info
  69. Ruslan Trad

    Nice theme,i love this theme.But option to answer not clearly visible …


  70. Pingback: Im using the latest coolest theme by Wor… « CyperWin United
  71. Linamaria Palumbo

    wow! nice theme!


  72. intech1

    This is very inserting nice theme


  73. sgrgiselia

    Yes, web 2.0 does not stop evolving in all directions …
    This is a GREAT service that is going to become son a new standard of communication.
    Thanks to all developers


  74. suprederm50

    wow that good.


  75. palguna09

    Nice feature. I’ll try it!


  76. anjanweb

    thanks a lot it is a cool design


  77. bullshiek

    I really like P2. Please bring the new version to wordpress.org users!


  78. murkmutt

    cool! i’m curious bout it.


  79. Facebookinfo

    Nice theme 😀


  80. notsocynical

    This is bloody awesome! So changing my site’s theme now. You guys are ace! Now all my doubts and misgivings about migrating to tumblr have died a quick death. Cannot. Thank. Enough.


  81. Pingback: P2 Wordpress theme now available | Doobybrain.com
  82. mabo

    Where can I download this theme????


  83. alhakim

    Nice theme. But, at this time I’ll stick with my old theme.


  84. Mac Storm

    You guys should make a Vigilance 2.0! Vigilance is my favorite theme, but it needs some upgrades.


  85. audio1motorsports

    I think it will be something to check out.


  86. wahyuliz

    nice gadget.its so cool, so that we can speakin’ free as FB


  87. hansford061209

    Cool I will have to check this one out!


  88. lesitaliens

    Looks cute. But I’m stying with my older version as well.


  89. munadiakrom

    Nice….I like it!!!!


  90. Hamed Shefa

    Not bad!


  91. anima9

    wow, an official “twitter” theme by wordpress. amaaaaazing!


  92. nicole2020

    Good theme. I like that!


  93. wint0r

    Nice thing for sure, but not my style of blogging! 😉


  94. aRuL

    like this, same with microblogging 🙂


  95. Dê Xù

    Cool! I always love a theme which has place for quick comment like that.

    I’ll try it, thanks a lot ^^!


  96. Frederik Van Lierde

    It would be great if it is related to the Twitter Account, then a mix of blogging and tweeting can be brought together. Sometimes we need to say something small, sometimes something needs more text.


  97. stavrosthewonderchicken

    Any ETA on this, Andy? I’m champing at the bit — coincidentally I just launched a tool for a community I run using the previous version of P2 and had to hack in a lot of the things that the new version includes. Sigh.

    I’d love to cut over to the new theme as soon as possible before my users get too accustomed to my clumsy hacks! 😉


    • Andy P

      The theme should be released for WordPress.org users as soon as 2.9 is released, so hopefully not too long now. 🙂


  98. Galing BOY

    cool.P2 like PS2


  99. Rite$h

    looks cool but not my style 😛
    Hope to get some new ones soon for the wp.com themes


  100. Singye Bidha Yetsho

    it really cool….i like it……
    hope more……>_<


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