Email Geolocation

If you haven’t already tried our post by email feature then it makes blog publishing as simple as sending an email. Configure your blog, write an email, and we’ll do the rest. You can add photos and videos in your email and they’ll all be included, regardless of whether you send them from your home computer, your office, or a cellphone.

Last month we introduced a great geotagging feature that allows you to identify where you’re located when writing a post. This has now been linked in with post by email so you can send a photo, via email, from any GPS-enabled device and we’ll use that information to automatically set the location of your blog post. If you have an iPhone, for example, then take a photo, email it, and you’re all set.

As we roll out more geotagging features you’ll be able to use this information to show friends where you’ve eaten, to show places you’ve visited on vacation, or if you’re forgetful, to remind yourself where you’ve been.

Naturally you may not want your location to be public and the geo information will only be used if your personal profile allows it. Additionally, you can include the [geotag on] and [geotag off] shortcodes in your email to override your profile defaults.

Full details of all post by email shortcodes can be found on the support page. This includes how to include category and tags.

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  1. ileaneb

    This is a great feature. It’s interesting to see where everyone is in the world. Thanks!


  2. Richard Buller

    I’m impressed. Running two blogs karate and Bridge and with a new camera, I feel like I’m spinning plate’s normally. This will help Big Time! Richard


  3. Ted Mann

    This is really exciting. Is this going to be released for .org as a plugin?


  4. Aaron Aiken

    Great addition!


  5. Rookie Photographer

    Nice feature.


  6. javcasta

    I like it.
    I try …


  7. axewielderx

    ummm, still can’t get mine to work.Guess I do not live on planet earth.:(


  8. Jennifer

    Definitely need to use this feature. Thanks again for all the improvements!


  9. saadtz woengkoeltz

    Yeah it`s good
    Thank`s i`ll try it


  10. Mary

    I love this 🙂


  11. vodkabeforenoon

    That is pretty neat. I cannot wait for people to actually be knocking on my door. jk


  12. Giorgio

    great for “travelling bloggers” I think…


  13. VIKAS |

    This is great like all other unique features on WP! 🙂

    I have moved to self-hosting but I feel more at home here! I also feel .com blogs are more pampered! I am happy that I have about 12 active blogs on


  14. dcsmusic

    Big Brother is Watching you, no wait, now the whole world wide web is 😛


  15. Captain Chilli Pepper

    Sweet feature WordPress! I can tell lots of people like this!


  16. Corve DaCosta

    cool idea


  17. Video Dinle İzle

    I love this Thanks.


  18. gbvaz

    This is great! I love this kind of stuff.


  19. sylviahubbard1

    I’m loving it. More more more!!!


  20. RandomizeME

    You guys keep on thinking of even more amazing WP stuff … Merry Christmas!


  21. Roberto

    Hey, You’re also in Christmas! ^o^
    Thanks a lot!


  22. Anthony



  23. miphz

    very nice


  24. 4th Soul

    thanks a lot for such useful improvements!!


  25. Harshad Joshi

    This is a potential privacy bomb….!! Do we really need these features?? As a programmer its awesome to develop such utilities like geo tagging and etc, but it does give a chance for some big brother to watch over..! We have got stalkers running amok on web, it would have been more better if ye guys would have had included a delete comment feature..!!


    • John

      You are in full control over what information is published – you do not have to enable geo location, and you do not have to make any information public.

      There already is a delete comment feature.


  26. dreamsburnred

    Very cool, while I may never have any use for this, I could see it being used by a organization to organize an event.


  27. avantehandsfree

    Great idea! Adds some fun to blogging.


  28. Pingback: Christmas Goodies «
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  30. Taher Al-Khateeb

    neat, liked the idea !


  31. Mkenya Rununu

    Nice feature.


  32. thingirlsrus

    Struggling to find my way around wordpress as it is. Now something new! wow. I must not be from Planet Earth


  33. prasantpatel

    It’s really great…


  34. Chas Underwood III

    I love that you have included the short tag option to turn on and turn off this feature. My readers are constantly trying to find where I am around the world. It is like a where’s waldo of the blogging world. Based on this it would be fun to be able to alert people where I have been but have the option of maintaining my privacy! Well done WordPress!


  35. mitchhaase

    I am going to give this a try when I am out on one of my “missions”.


  36. Lagunatic

    Blogging from my cell phone – I like it.
    Now I’ll be able to post play-by-plays in between red-lights on the way to and from my kids’ pre-school!


  37. redhatbee

    Thank’s – great stuff – if only I could figure everything out – there is so much to learn on how to use all the
    “Buttons & Bows” on this site – I’ll struggle through it !


  38. redhatbee

    Ryan, thank you – I’ll do that, a little bit at a time.
    Wishing you a “very white Christmas”


  39. Christopher

    I love WordPress and all that all of you do and create at WordPress. Unfortunately, I have to echo the comment made by Harshad Joshi. It is a “privacy bomb.” One can easily say, “You are in full control over what information is published…” – but what people may not realize is how/why that info is being used, and the capability it offers for rigorous control. The ability to literally target people, who may protest against issues which have been blacked out in the MSM, will amount to censorship, and possibly worse.

    Geolocation has been implemented across the web. We are facing an extinction as sure as that of the Dodo, and just as clueless. Many people ignore privacy issues, and just say “cool.” Must the naive, irresponsible “I have nothing to hide” – attitude assure that privacy and constitutional rights be obliterated? must face the issue of new tech services and user rights carefully. The issue will not go away. I (currently) have faith in WordPress, that the people of WordPress are much smarter than that. I hope WordPress finds solutions, a path for protecting privacy and related rights, for all its devoted users.


  40. Pingback: Email posting to Wordpress by Geolocation — Brilliant! A li’l analytics to verify response — Brilliant even more! « Zimana Blog
  41. navedz

    Blogging with mobility… whew! Like this.


  42. J.J's Dolly Rockers

    Wow you guys never run out of ideas!
    Merry Christmas WordPress!


  43. otomasyonbilgi

    Very nice project. Thank you for coding.


  44. Yasir Imran

    great feature, love it…


  45. Essex Locky

    Thanks guys, as a newby here I just love all this new material, I know I’m just gonna get on fine with it – life is so good!


  46. Sri Wahyuni



  47. San

    I really like this feature and would gladly use it when writing blog entries while being on vacation somewhere. What I dislike though is the fact that when I tried entering my home town, which I wanted to be displayed, it displayed a radius showing my almost precise address, which I find somewhat creepy..
    Unfortunately there are not only nice people on the internet..
    I will play around with it some more and see if i somehow can change it from showing my direct address to showing my town only.


    • Sheri

      You can certainly change it to show your town only. Just enter the town and State or Country into the address field.


  48. Sir_Night

    Great addition..Thank you very much 🙂


  49. Felix Diamond

    Thanks, WordPress.
    This is a great feature.


  50. Annie

    I think this is a wonderful addition. Neat work!


  51. alisaify

    Great feature. It will make life easy.


  52. La Mia Strada

    Thanks, very nice!


  53. gmaster10

    this is excellent


  54. codeandtag

    Thanks, it is very nice!


  55. swaggtalk100

    It just keeps getting better on WP.


  56. alpenglowpro

    this sounds as good as twitter


  57. rahmansuhari

    Nice feature, tahnks.


  58. Amyth

    WP Rocks!!!


  59. z4nx

    i love wordpress


  60. bala

    Great. Gud to have this feature in WP !!


  61. Catalina



  62. pleasuredelight

    very sweet…


  63. Ali Jalilzadeh

    Perfect! At last a blogger. Cool…


  64. Onion

    That’s quite a cool feature, I’m glad you’ve thought about it


  65. Car

    thanks guys keep up the great work!!


  66. Christopher

    I have to agree with Mr. Joshi’s opinion: “Privacy Bomb.”


  67. syedmuktha

    great features. thank u..


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