Upcoming WordCamps

We’ve said it before, and we’ll probably say it again: attending a WordCamp is one of the most enjoyable ways to meet other WordPress users and learn new tricks that you can use on your site. There are a handful of WordCamps coming up in the next few months all over the world, including Atlanta, Boston, Toronto, Indonesia, Ireland, Greece, and Japan. For more information about these specific events, you can check out the post at WordPress.org or go to the WordCamp hub. Happiness Engineers from WordPress.com and other Automattic employees are often at WordCamps, so maybe we’ll see you there!

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  1. sayulitasojourn

    Hi I’m a newbie to Blogland (1st post 1-2-10) and live in Sayulita, Mexico. As I can’t get to the other WordCamps, I’d like to suggest this area (Puerto Vallarta/Sayulita/San Pancho) as a potential future site-perfect for a long weekend!


  2. Mary

    Sounds interesting!


  3. whsteinlauf

    Hi Jane! Do you anticipate scheduling any WordCamps in N. California / Bay Area / Sacramento?

    Please advise. Have a Great New Year!


  4. blog4hillaryvillagers

    I love WordPress. You guys rock! Thank you for the great job and a Happy New Year. And thanks for the snowflakes, we love them.


  5. Corve DaCosta

    come to Jamaica


  6. Lagunatic

    That would be fun!


  7. VIKAS |vikas-gupta.in

    I am waiting for the next New Delhi meet!


  8. Tom Baker

    Please have one in the Midwest sometime this year. Indianapolis would be a wonderful location! The Colts winning the Super Bowl and a WorldCamp in Indy would make my year!


  9. Alonso

    Thanks for the info.


  10. pymequitacion

    when is the next Wordcamp Buenos Aires??


  11. Andrew

    Hey you got one in my city! 😀


  12. axewielderx

    Me? LOL! Not likely!


  13. muharrikdaie

    What about in malaysia?


  14. Rofi Neron

    when are you coming to NYC?


  15. ileaneb

    I’ll be traveling to Atlanta in the spring, so it would be nice if my trip coincided with WordCamp. Sounds like this would be very beneficial and a lot of fun. Thanks.


  16. Zaeriuraschi 11098 (pronounced zay-ree-ooh-ras-chee)

    Cool… maybe I’ll be able to go to WordCamp Boston! Do you have to be a certain age to go to it?


  17. javcasta

    When one wordcamp in Madrid?
    i have my jet bad in garage. 🙂


  18. bbrannon1

    Well the WordCamp sounds great however nothing near the Seattle area? Being a beginner at all this, is there a program that steps you through setting up your blog, how to manipulate pictures, etc.?
    Currently I have been following timethief and find it helpful however, it is all still very overwhelming. Should I just continue on and be patient? 🙂


  19. Rizwan

    Good opportunity ..


  20. navedz

    sounds great… but unfortunately.. India is not there on the list !!!


  21. birthofablog

    Though they sound like fun, why not hold one of these in a warm climate? Like Florida? =)

    I am going to try to make one of these Camps in the future! Thank you for the heads up!


  22. StockShop

    Just registered for WordCamp Boston as a small business owner. Really excited about attending!


  23. helen98

    Hi, Nice to be here…learning how to use…


  24. the rufus

    Wow – Ireland and Greece is at least the continent 😀


  25. webmistress27

    This is my first time of hearing of this, so I’ll have to have my team check it out some of my team members need some blogging tips badly.



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  27. Jawaad Ahmad Khan

    That looks cool… 🙂


  28. esoneniey

    oh yes thanks muharrikdaie for the q’s.
    I just wanna ask the same too 🙂


  29. sylviahubbard1

    I know I’m coming from far left field and you would rather go visit Lucifer’s home for R&R instead of coming to my city, but here goes…

    I nominate a WordCamp for DETROIT!

    True we’re the US top five murder capital and there is a lot of crime and we’re broke, losing our homes, and no one has a job, plus the literacy and high school drop out rate is the lowest in the country…

    …but look at the potential and the bright side…

    Give me a moment as I come up with the advantages…. this might take a moment…

    Still I nominate Motown! Detroit. The Motor City!

    Come on!!!!

    (PS, plus you can have two WordCamps at one time since there’s easy inter-travel to Canada like five minutes away. Two for the Price of one. How many WordCamps can possible boast that?)

    Just a suggestion…hint …HINT… HINTTTTT!


  30. jannihebbar

    When you guys will be in India?


  31. poleteletravail

    Wordcamp bonne initiative-!


  32. ukaccountants

    Somewhere in the East of England or even London / Birmingham / Cambridge would be nice – heck, I’d even take some time off work to attend.


  33. carolinegorka

    No camps Down Under I see – I shall camp on the beach myself, and take a heap of photos – which I shall then put up here, and you can all see what you’ve missed lol


  34. alhakim

    Welcome to Indonesia WordCamps 🙂


  35. floridashark

    Hi. Date when camp is held in SW Florida (Ft. Myers, Naples area)?


  36. wearestrong

    Anything in Alaska?


  37. phylor

    I wasn’t able to attend the recent WordCamp in NYC. Any plans to come back and do it again? I’d love to be able to attend.


  38. Paolo

    Lástima que nada esté cerca de Argentina!


  39. jennylu

    What about coming to Melbourne, Australia? Lovely weather here right now!


  40. irisofthewayfarer

    if you could only hold a camp here in north-west Michigan, haha.


  41. happymissy

    hi, i’m in singapore. wish there is a online blogcamp that anyone from all over the world could join in.
    believe it will be fun and interactive! cheers for WordPress!


  42. antibesgym

    wow) it comes in March 27–28: WordCamp Toronto


  43. dream2life

    good news:) that would be fun!


  44. alejna

    Huh. Wordcamp Boston is already sold out. Bummer.


  45. wuodasego

    Hello! Happy 2010 everybody. Kenya is part of the World too great idea. New guy in the list


  46. Pingback: 今後の WordCamps — ブログ — WordPress.com
  47. carretamecanicafc

    How much time could be going from CR to Boston by bus??
    too far away 😦


  48. oldbroadixie

    I went to camp years ago. They made us get on stage with bags over our heads, having painted our stomachs with mouths, so we could “lip-sync” a popular song of the day. It was tortuous.


  49. khbd

    What is WordCamp?


  50. hoh

    >Atlanta, Boston, Toronto, Indonesia, Ireland, Greece, and Japan
    what about cape town south afrika?!
    summer here 30C – whoops – sorry northern hemisphere bloggers!
    arctic conditions with you [global warming connected causes?]


  51. astyages

    On behalf of all the piglets at the best virtual pub online, the Pig’s Arms (Window Dresser’s Arms, Pig and Whistle) may I humbly request a WordCamp in Australia? Preferably South Australia as I live in Adelaide…


  52. longshorttales

    You guys do know that Toronto isn’t the only city inhabited by human beings in Canada right? Maybe Edmonton or Saskatoon or Vancouver could have a WordCamp. Toronto isn’t that close.


  53. draabe

    The Midwest needs one of these. How about Minneapolis-St. Paul?


  54. Moco Scribe

    When will be the next one in the UK and when are you gonna hold one in Second Life : )


  55. kiyowclubpenguin

    Wow! Very cool! If you can, can you schedule them in an also-popular area: Miami/Orlando/Tampa? Thanks!


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  57. Gaurav Agarwal

    Do you guys come to India ?


  58. dr.Abu Hana :: أبو هـنـأ ألفردان ::

    Welcome to Indonesia..
    One of the largest user for wordpress..


  59. Tika We

    I’m waiting for Wordcamp Indonesia, n..
    I’ll be there…


  60. dholowiski

    Exciting… I am hoping to get to Wordcamp San Francisco, Vancouver and Las Vegas this year.
    To anybody who hasn’t been to a Wordcamp, you must go they’re tons of fun!


  61. ukaccountants

    Holding one in Second Life would be cool Moco – might even be able to convince my partner to let us use her sim (mine is almost fully rented at the moment).


  62. exploringentrepreneur

    Come to San Fran!


  63. ilbioss

    welcome to italy 🙂 paese di lasagne mafia e berlusconi


  64. ej0713

    How about Phlippines?


  65. mariebubblyster

    Come to India, we can’t wait to have you here.


  66. Melissa Venable

    Thanks for this information and the links to tutorials. I’d be interesting in attending an event in south Florida.


  67. antopatterson

    Come to Singapore 🙂


  68. DandelionRH

    oh that sounds nice. i wish i could attend… maybe next time there will be one in israel too 🙂


  69. airborne

    Does WordPress sort it’s users based on their geographic location? IF not, it should be done so that people at that location are intimated well in advance. Perhaps you could put up a form somewhere, for us to login and select our geo-location.
    It’s been a great journey with WP, till now.And hopefully, in the future.


  70. Liras

    Sounds great! One of these days, I must attend one.


  71. tacoshoprankings

    How about San Diego, CA


  72. renegadefoodies

    WOW!!! S.F is just a short drive for me, I’m on this like a Rat on a Cheeto!!!


  73. sweetpickle

    Suggested location: Portland, Oregon

    BTW, you guys should trademark that expression “Happiness Engineers”. It is very neat and the WordPress platform shows evidence they are real! I can think of a couple of other platforms that could use a dose of “Happiness Engineers”. 🙂


  74. whtegrl

    How about mississippi u know!


  75. SS

    Atlanta ….okay (nodding contemplatively)


  76. Awesomness

    Is it in seattle??? I hope it is so i can get a Boyfriend. 🙂


  77. John Antonios

    You should throw one of those in the Middle East region – maybe UAE. It would be interesting to connect with others who share the same passion of expression through writing.


  78. blueprintforliving

    glad to hear you are coming to Greece!! Will see u here!


  79. shariandflow

    what about london? i see other places in the UK but not london!


  80. ergliangel45

    I second the motion for PORTLAND, OREGON! Though I live in Latvia I could possibly time a visit to my hometown, family and friends combined with word camp. Waaaaahhhhhooooo!!!!



    thx 4 your attention to Indonesia


  82. Melissa Venable

    Update on my previous comment – I just saw on Twitter reference to upcoming (2/20) WordCamp in Miami! Will investigate further… Thanks 🙂 http://wordcampmia.com/


  83. Santiago del Río

    When to Argentina??


  84. Charles

    that sounds great 🙂 (by the way, is there any possible that we could have one in CHINA )


  85. gadgetz101

    gatherings? but not in my place what a waste!


  86. defotosyalgunaotratonteria

    Maybe in Murcia, Spain ?


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